Can AI Beat Me In Cooking?

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I'm sure we've all heard of chat gbt by now and AI so smart that it passed the bar exam how does that make you feel really sad and scared it takes years of dedication technique experience repetition to ascend in The Culinary world and apparently AI can write a recipe in less than 10 seconds so that's great so they'll be asking AI to write three of its best recipes and we'll go head to head in a classic Battle of Man vs machine I've dedicated my entire life to bringing you the greatest recipes that I possibly can if AI wins then I guess I'm out of a job so let's do this shall we we're all here to see what chat gbt can do let's ask it some questions are you sentient foreign no okay cool I already know what recipes I'm making and I'm not going to change them we're now going to ask chat gbt to make its best version of each of those so first give me your best burger recipe we really went straight from are you sentient to let me have your best burger recipe you know I really was expecting homemade burger buns I said best not your most half-assed let's also get your best bun recipe looks under hydrated guess we'll find out next recipe your best fried chicken recipe um not much I mean it looks like a fried chicken recipe okay last recipe your best chocolate chip cookie recipe the one that I'm doing is for my cookbook so Link in the description for that let's see what Chad gbt has this looks eerily similar to mine but a lot more flour we got our recipes and we have a little bit of the idea that AI wants to consume us but that being said let's make this shall we obviously AI doesn't have arms or legs so we have Willy here to represent the AI but first we need him in a robot costume that's better to judge there will be a panel of three blind taste testers all of which are very cute but there's a catch there is no best two out of three this is sudden death every single round if I lose even a single one it's game over so let's begin round one Burgers we're gonna make homemade buns make your milkies warm damn all of a sudden I feel this attraction you come here often milk and water so to that I'm gonna add my yeast egg yolk whole egg give it a brief mix we're gonna add our flour sugar soaked Our rough dough butter going in intermittently and let her go wow that's just a normal Friday night for me all right nice and smooth grease it up form it into a nice ball cover this with plastic wrap and let it rise the robot buns water yeast sugar we're gonna add this up and then we're gonna add a little bit of salt we're just gonna stream that flour in in my hot little mommy look at you spin the massage while you dance I like the way you dance for me why are you not wearing shoes you never used to wear underwear on the line I still don't that was done ai's finest dough now we let them rise for about an hour and we'll dough is proofed you got a little bit of flour a little bit in there gently press our dough down pop it out on your counter I'm gonna divide it by 80 to 90 gram pieces what does your recipe say divide into four I feel like these pawns are gonna be huge rolling in the balls the AIS rolling his in the gigantic balls how are you feeling right now Willie it's hot and these balls are huge all right see these little Spritz of oil and I'm gonna lightly press them down just so that they get a little bit more rounded oh my God I was wrong it's eight equal portions human error you tried to blame AI God they still look a little too but we'll see now we let these proof all right my buns are done let's see with this dry towel technique has done for me okay so we're gonna brush these guys with a little bit of egg wash you want to coat the whole bunch that's how you get that good brownie now we go into the oven we're gonna make the sauce apparently AI doesn't AI does not have a burger sauce but it does have what Mayo mustard ketchup just not put together in a bowl mine starts with a little bit of onion cut her up the onion in so I can get some color give them a little bit of salt stir those up now I make the sauce I'm gonna add a little bit of mayonnaise creamy ketchup in now we've got our yellow mustard grated garlic a little bit of Worcestershire sauce of course our onion which has been charred nicely salted taste black pepper comedically large whisk perfect now we make the burger buns it's gonna look too bad it's actually not bad it's a little dense but I like it now obviously as usual you brush them with butter or don't up to you so I've got some prime chuck roast here and cut that bad boy into manageable pieces remember my grinder but I got a little secret sure you could put the bacon on the burger but doesn't it make more sense to just put the bacon in the ground beef all right and that's my ground beef done Lily what do you have I'm doing smash patties this here's a Smash It just says to split mine equally into four parts so I don't even know what to do right now did you season it with us yes I did can you tell oh wait no because it's one teaspoon does it not say the toaster buns nope just going all natural all right I'm gonna toast my buns yeah yeah yeah that's a good bun ow spray the bottom of a burger press myself a Patty right in the center got that nice Sizzle mashify it oh my God it's stuck really bad I gotta start over Dude human hair sucks to suck bro there we go salt pep let her get her color got sling burgers for a living this just goes against everything I believe in add a little bit of sauce to my bottom bun and my top bun spread mayonnaise on the top and bottom buns spread mustard and ketchup on the bottom bun lettuce and tomato on the bottom bun a new technique I've never seen before pickles bottom bun Patty one done I cannot get this crab single oh man seems like a medium rare cook to me I'm done I present to you the McNasty if you're watching your salt intake this is the burger for you all right Patty going on and then my top fun and now we taste test I feel tomato am I holding it right a lot of flavors going on you're like a burger I enjoyed it the blend goes hard there's no way we all just have the same Burger there was not a single flavor other than like a tinge of ketchup there was no salt it was nothing really I did not hate it but I also can see how it could be elevated I'm not gonna act like that was the best burger I've ever eaten my husband had a flavor it's pretty good moving on to the next oh that's what flavors yeah that's way better this is which like the other one times ten with flavor yeah because the other one didn't have any the last one was good because I was hungry this one's good because it's good all right yeah I'm a little closer in my mouth even after hours this one Doses and Mimosas I have to party in my mouth that's in the bag moving on to round two fried chicken I feel pretty confident about this we're using my Jollibee recipe that's on the line what's your recipe say in a separate Bowl combined flour paprika garlic powder onion powder time and mix well it doesn't say anything about a whisk what am I supposed to mix with my robot hands is that what I'm supposed to mix with so marinade first buttermilk in MSG which is an unfair Advantage the AI could have picked MSG and it didn't yeah it chose to pick buttermilk and hot sauce that was it all the seasoning is in the dredge oh boy you can just consider it all those spices burnt AF AI more like a why did you do that all right I got soy sauce white pepper and coriander Robo whisk mix my dip flour in and then I got onion powder garlic powder dried thyme that's gonna burn really nice what else are we gonna burn here oh paprika oh perfect a little bit of salty oh Cayenne so in a mix the flour dredge and that's done I've got chicken thighs and legs you've got a whole chicken cut up I'm putting mine in the marinade mix it up nice get all them juices in there now we dredge our chicken so you see my technique before I flick a little bit of wet flour in there kind of mix it around and get those clumps plump does yours have a clumping technique or no it just says to dredge it and shake the excess what if I didn't know what dredging meant I'm dredging ever doing this again I can't lose the AI I just can't all right it's fry time we got our fry station 350 degrees let's go touch the oil good Lord hey I didn't tell me to do that mine smells like oil yours smells like Flavor we're gonna fry this for like anywhere between three to six minutes mine says 12 to 15. I usually just do it by eye I honestly have no idea how long it takes to fry chicken yeah I just do it by AI chicken done chicken done I wanna have some cool whispy my chicken's done just to finish I'm adding just a tiny bit of salt on the outside and I'm gonna add a little bit of fresh pepper see I'm not allowed to season no salt no nothing now we taste and decide our winter two plates of chicken please take one piece of chicken per person per plate wow oh my God definitely has a flavor I don't know what the seasoning is my God damn it's good how about number two number two easy here's my thing this is good chicken I know this is Josh's I think the first one was cooked well but like that's technique that's not even recipe you know so that can't go too yeah but I don't know if I want to vote for Josh I'll be fair I'll be unbiased I'm voting for two let's go purely because of salt that's it nothing else okay we're safe now the next recipe is a very special one it's my famous chocolate chip cookie recipe from The cookbook a lot of people love it I love it we lose this one first off it's a total loss and second off it's an extremely sad day for me because people paid for for that recipe we did accidentally use salted butter when we prepped it so we'll see how this goes because I'm worried about it being too salty already been at a disadvantage but I still feel good so mine has rough chopped chocolate you can do a mix of dark and milk so I'm gonna be creaming over here and by that I mean I'm gonna be mixing my sugar and my butter sugar why do these not stay in all right so I mixed my sugar together I had my melted butter in you're losing Willy to my butter sugar mixture I'm adding my egg one whole egg that gets beaten in yeah it's going really well for you looking nice and emulsified oh yeah see that I'm gonna add some salt vanilla extract that goes in add in my flour now I'm gonna take one egg and one whole egg yolk pop that in there vanilla extract it looks awful yours looks like baby diarrhea shut up chocolates and then just fold that together it's gonna look pretty loose because of the immense amount of butter that's exactly why I have to chill mine overnight we already have a swap which really put salted butter in which probably ruined it but who knows fixing flour in there why did you only put a tiny bit of the chocolate chip I was gonna put the chocolate chips in after it I accidentally put some in before we're just gonna pretend like I didn't do that oh my God I'm gonna add this did you add yourself there's no salt in that I don't think you're supposed to be representing AI they're gonna come kill you in your sleep what is that face I just realized that I forgot to put baking powder in mine now we're gonna let this chill my cookie dough is rested scoop it out look at these little guys yet again the AI is winning in speed but not in quality into the oven they go cookies are done so here's my cookies oh yeah and then um hey guys looking good AI oh my God all right time for the taste test wait uh where's Pono wow I guess pikram's gonna do it big problem because he doesn't like dark chocolate I don't know why they're doing this to me you got the salted butter you got the dark chocolate why are you doing this to me please it all comes down to this and my ego's on the line and also all of humanity what's up guys what's up okay you're blindfolded because they look very different great shoe I hate like super crunchy too chewy this is a good in the middle very chocolatey I can go to sleep now good I'm ready too crunchy for me okay the cookie that I got isn't that dry I can't tell if I'm eating a cookie or a chicken mine was kind of like crusty around the edges it's not like fully baked through it tastes a little bit of chocolate it's not a bad cookie no I'm gonna go with the first one I'm gonna be honest I think I prefer this cookie over the other one the one that I have is like really really soft in the middle it kind of feels like I'm chewing through the cloud it's all down to Ulysses it's not a good cookie so the first one the first one for sure yes let's go I knew it there's an important lesson here though although we won it wasn't exactly a unanimous win there was a little bit of thought a little bit of hesitation which means that AI is on its way it's scary but you know what for now Humanity wins don't forget to like don't forget to subscribe and that cookbooks down in that link gong it is it you got dang New York Times bestseller it's lit [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Joshua Weissman
Views: 3,725,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sat bawl pro, joshua weissman, ChatGpt, how to use chat GPT, AI, how to use AI, AI cooking, AI chef, cooking challenge, cooking challenge video, burger recipe, smash burger recipe, fried chicken recipe, easy fried chicken recipe, Chat GPT recipe, AI recipe, chocolate chip cookie recipe, homemade cookies, homemade fried chicken, AI challenge, best cookie recipe, hamburger bun recipe, cheeseburger recipe, burger bun recipe, ai prompts, Chatgpt, Artificial intelligence
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 22 2023
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