DIY Bat Art Doll Tutorial

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this video is sponsored by skillshare hey you welcome back to my channel and in this video i will be going over the general process i go through to make my bets a lot of you guys have been asking me over the years how do you make your bets how do you make your bets and so i'm showing you the process unfortunately that means it's not more of a tutorial type video because for one i've already made the sculpture like years and years ago and so what you're seeing here is me making a cast from a silicone mold that i made a few years ago what that means is i'm just taking a two-part resin and i'm mixing part a and b together and then i'm pouring it into a silicone mold and then it cures and becomes a hard copy of the original sculpture i made a few years back also disclaimer the continuity is going to be a little strange in this video because i was making a bunch of bats uh for a shop update so you might see like why is this one white why is this one now black why this one's blue what is going on so just don't pay much attention to the colors more so just the process of making the sculpture but yeah as mentioned i'm just making a cast and full disclaimer please please wear safety gear when working with resin wear your gloves wear masks this stuff can be toxic it is toxic and you don't want it on your skin or breathing it in and you don't want to have to end up getting a reaction from it to where you can't work with it anymore so just please read the safety instructions be safe guys i want you guys to be safe and have fun so just make sure you're wearing all the safety gear that you need but yeah quick tip for anyone who does do resin casting if you need to make an armature and you're like well how am i going to attach it once it's cured just put the wire in while it's curing and it like locks it in place once it's cured and it doesn't go anywhere it is amazing but yeah i just hold it in place it's kind of boring but i hold it in place until it cures and then um i just remove the the cast from the mold and it's like a perfect copy it's awesome like resin casting is cool it's like a pain sometimes but like it's cool and here i am showing the armature that i'm sticking in to the uh silicone mold uh i normally don't show this simply because it's hard to get an angle because normally i just find a picture of a skeleton of whatever animal i'm trying to make and then i trace it with the wire but i'm usually doing that like on a tv or some kind of screen because i don't want it printed out so it's hard to get an angle for that but since i'm using a pattern um i can just show you guys how i make an armature for that and i use 14 to 16 gauge uh steel wire that is my go-to wire for when i need to make um armatures and so it's pretty versatile for any type size i want to make speaking of pattern i also use it to trace patterns for you know sewing um so this isn't the normal go for it method i have had to streamline this process so i use a sewing machine the the few times i will use a sewing machine because me and sewing just don't get along i don't understand it that's why i have a go for it method but since this was just like a long oval with some tubes for legs like it was it was pretty easy so i'm just using the pattern to trace out and i um make sure i leave space for seam allowance that's very important because if you're going through the sewing machines and your sides don't happen to match up the seam allowance gives you like a little bit of leeway and so that's always pretty important um a quick tip if you're going to be machine sewing faux fur trim your seam allowance like trim all the fur off of your seam allowance that's going to make it so much easier when you go to pin your fabric together and it's going to make it a lot easier on your sewing machine because it won't have to cut through all the faux fur since none of that's going to be seen since it's your seam allowance but it just it just makes it so much easier to work with i like halfway through doing a bunch of bats i learned this and i was just like why have i not been doing this it just makes my life so much easier so just make sure you're doing that and then of course once everything is pinned together it's time to run it through the sewing machine and while i do that i'd like to talk about today's sponsor skillshare skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of classes for curious and creative people being super affordable at less than ten dollars a month with an annual subscription and featuring a wide selection of classes ranging from things like illustration crafts photography business and tons more since skillshare has such a wide variety of classes there is something for everyone regardless of your skill level from beginner to intermediate to advanced there's something for everyone i've always been wanting to try implementing needle felting into my pieces so i've been learning the basics from linda fauci's class which has really helped me like just learn all the basics that i need and just giving me a better jumping off point rather than if i just tried it all by myself so if you're interested the first 1000 people who click the link in my description we'll get a free trial of skillshare premium and thank you once again to skillshare for sponsoring this channel [Music] [Music] once i've machined some of the body i always go back and trim up all the seam allowances it just gives the fabric um more flexibility when posing i know some people um like snip it in certain spots but i just trim it down i don't trim it down so close that it's gonna like break apart from the machine sewing that i've already done but i trim it enough that um everything will still move and pose nicely and then i just difficultly try to insert an armature into that body that i just sewn um it's not graceful but we get there [Music] once the body is finally on the armature i go about stuffing it and for that i'm using polyfill and for people that have watched my previous videos that's pretty much just shredded up quilt batting so if you have quilt batting you can just tear it up into a bunch of little pieces and you can use that as well but i'm just making sure i'm stuffing it nice and evenly throughout the body i don't want any lumps or any spots that are missing fluff and i'm just making sure not to over stuff it because you want to make sure you don't stuff it to the point where the wire won't be able to move now i'm not exactly sure what this tool is called so if anybody knows could they please drop it in the comments so that everybody else knows but i just use it to get poly fill and like really tight spots so especially the legs they're really tightly sewn and there's not a lot of room so those just help to get the stuffing in there and once the stuffing is all how i want i'm going to sew the little opening i have left i left that there so i can turn the fabric right side out again and so now it's just time to sew that nice and closed [Music] also this is now your daily reminder that if you've been um thinking about trying one of these or if you have some kind of project that you've been putting off because you think that you're not good enough or it's not worth it i'm here to tell you that i believe in you the plane going over my head right now that is messing up my audio believes in you too and so you can totally go ahead and go do that thing that you've been putting off like it just go for it i believe in you you can totally get this done like we all got you if you need to vent in the comments like we got you it's all good i believe in you you can do it you can do it also i would like to announce that anybody who has used my tutorial or anything i've done as inspiration to make an art doll and you would like to share it please use the kp tutorials because i want to start sharing um your guys's artwork and my videos like like i want to make this a community i want to make this a thing so if you guys been working on stuff and you want to show me please use that hashtag so that i can find it once the body's all stuffed and sewn it's time to trim up the fluffy boy um i am using a pet shimmer pet shimmer pet shaver to shave off all the faux fur and it's a very useful tool to have in your arsenal if you're going to be making mini art dolls because it just gets all the bulk fur off very quickly and very smoothly and it comes with a bunch of different guards so you can trim down the fur in a bunch of different lengths depending on what you want like for in this case like i want the black fur to be really short but i want the orange fur to be a lot more floofy um so it's just it's it's just a really good tool to have and i recommend it but please don't think that you absolutely need it to do any type of trimming because i started out with scissors and i still use scissors from time to time just to make sure everything's perfect to make the little wing thumbs of the bat i just wiggled my finger um i'm going to be using instamorph and instamorph is just these plastic pellets that you put in really hot water and they melt and become moldable and then once they cool off again they become a hard plastic again so it's really um perfect for small things like claws these fingers horns just simple things that need to be really rigid um but please be careful you have to use really really hot water to get this stuff to melt and i don't want you guys burning yourself so just be careful and once that's done it's time to work on the wings and i'm just taking some black fabric and i am cutting out the entire length of the wing you want to make sure you have your wing as far out as you want it to be able to be posed because once you sew the fabric on there that is going to be the farthest that it will be able to pose out so you want to keep that in mind i just trim up the fabric and then i cut it pretty close to the wire because i'm going to end up folding it over the wire and then sewing it together to the wire so i'm just making sure i'm cutting it nice and snug near it and um i just make sure to clean up all the edges so that way it's not like really jagged or anything and then i just sew back and forth all the way down the main finger and then i pinch the fabric together for the second and third fingers to make sure that it's wrapped around the wire and just sew it together like that it's kind of like all over the place explaining it because i'm never good at explaining sewing things but hopefully the video shows it a little bit better on what i [Music] mean [Music] oh [Music] and once all the fingers are sewn i then sew the rest of the fabric to the body using a whip stitch just to make sure that everything um can stretch and pull with the way the fabric is going to be posed [Music] it's kind of hard to see but once everything is sewn nice and tight that's when i go back and i trim the bottom of the fabric to have those nice curves that bat wings have just to make sure that everything is flowing nicely with each each other painting for these guys is pretty easy i'm just doing a base coat of color since i'm going to be furring their faces i use folk art acrylics and i'm just going over in this case with black and just doing a base coat over everything because i will be firing it if you guys are interested in how to fur i have those advanced tutorials on my patreon if anybody is interested there will be a link in the description if you guys would like to check it out [Music] some of the bats did need airbrushing for their designs so i figured i would also include some of that footage i use a gravity feed dual action airbrush and that's just fancy talk for an airbrush you put paint in from the top um but since most of the baths are going to have dark wings but i want them to be some vibrant colors i'm going over all the wings with a base of white that just makes it so that the colors are going to pop a little bit more than if it had just been right on top of the black because then they wouldn't really show and as you can see that purple wouldn't nearly be as bright as it is if i had just painted it over the black you would hardly be able to see it but it just makes it so that it pops a lot more so that's something to keep in mind um as long as you're pretty light with your layers and you're not going like really heavy with the airbrushing it doesn't change the texture of the fur all that much especially if you're brushing after each layer that you do so it's a very i like i airbrush everything i love the airbrush um if you don't have an airbrush and you don't have the money to afford it i totally understand when i started i used watered-down acrylics so that's also an option you just have to make sure you brush like vigorously with those while it's drying if you want to keep it the same softness that the fur is because that has a harder habit of getting textured so you just want to be aware of that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] i [Music] oh they are all done thank you so much for watching this video and sticking around i'm not sure how many will be available at the time of this video but if any of you guys are interested they will be up for sale um i will leave a link in the description to my shop and everything like that i want to give a quick shout out to all my patrons thank you so much for your support it means the world to me i just i can't gush about it enough every video so i will just thank you so much i i really i really do appreciate it um but yeah i think that's about everything thank you again so much for watching i hope you guys have a wonderful day and i'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: KaypeaCreations
Views: 287,319
Rating: 4.9493461 out of 5
Keywords: art doll tutorial, art doll, how to sculpt, diy art doll, poseable art doll, scuplture tutorial, how to make a art doll, diy craft, diy sculpture, poseable sculpture, poseable sculpture tutorial, kaypea creations, sculpting tutorial, how to airbrush, airbrushing fur, making of, timelapse, artisan crafts, bjd, creaturesofnat, bubbly leaf, dollightful, diy, diy how to, sculpture, etsy, fantasy, ball and socket, bjd doll, Skillshare, Fall, Halloween, Bat, Flying fox, Spooky, Bats
Id: rlCrT3zAH8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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