Making Carrot Wine Complete

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[Applause] in this video we're going to try our hands at making something a little bit different we're going to try and make a carrot wine hi i'm charles and welcome to diy fermentation your site for doing fermentation on a shoestring budget okay since we all know carrots are grown underground that means that no matter how well we've been rinsed they're still they're still pretty dirty so what we need to do is that we need to scrub these carrots down and you can use whatever vegetable scrubber you've got in which case i've got a brand new pad that i'm going to be using and we're going to go ahead and make sure we do a feral job scrubbing these carrots i mean if you really want to peel these carrots i mean that's entirely up to you but a very thorough scrub it's all that's really required all right that's one all right well these carrots made short work of my sponge not too much scouring action left in this bad boy oh well that's done next thing i want to do is we need to slice in these carrots now with our freshly scrubbed carrots we need to slice these bad boys into thin slices now i have three ways in which i can do it one i can use a knife and try and do it that way another way of doing it would be to try and use a box grater and try and slice it that way all right show some promise there a third way if you've got one would be to use one of these [Applause] now there let's see which one of these am i going to use it's got to be an easy way all right now that we've got our carrots in our straining bags we're going to go ahead and add our raisins to the bags too best you can and go ahead and tie those off i think all right following that we want to get our ingredients in a pot and pour in our water we're going to save a little bit and we want to cover this up and turn on the heat and bring our carrot raisin mixture to a simmer all right now that our mixture has come to a simmer turn off the heat we want to now add our sugars and honey and by the way the uh recommended 900 grams of sugar came out to four cups now yeah we could just pour in our sugar and start stirring but it might be a better idea if we kind of remove these bags for a moment to make a little room to stir in our sweeteners let's carefully pull these out careful not to burn yourself i take no responsibility and just put those off to the side for a hot second i mean use tongs if necessary but don't do not burn yourself because that is hot all right you've been warned all right now that having been said let's start out by adding our sugar now i've already set our honey in a container filled with hot water because i don't i want to warm that up so that having been said let's go ahead and add our honey [Applause] [Music] by the way i am going to fill that up with some of this liquid and i am going to rinse this honey out into our mixture we can go ahead and return our carrots to the pot and make sure the heat is off and we're going to let that come down to room temperature all right now that our mixture has come down to room temperature we need to transfer that into our fermenter which has just been freshly sanitized so i think the way i'm going to do it is to take the bags out first and then see if i can pour everything in now my hands are clean because they've been skipping in the sanitizer and let's see that's one two and uh yeah at this point it just uh just smells like carrots okay so making this into wine we shall see and now comes the tricky part how much of this can i actually get in fermenter let's see nope can't do it that way let's do it this way well let's just say i got most of it in there good enough all right what we need to do is we need to add our peptic enzyme but before i do that i am going to clean off the top or clean this off real quick with running water okay i've measured out three quarters of a teaspoon that's two grams for you non-imperial folk of peptic enzyme which again is highly optional just want to cut down some some of that pectin haze that i guess carrots are going to have basically it's going to allow the wine to clear a little bit faster i mean we're not talking anything like bentonite or sparkle or anything like that but there we go now according to my instructions it takes about 12 hours for peptic enzyme to do its thing so it's kind of late so we'll let this sit overnight and we'll come back at it tomorrow morning okay took a hydrometer reading and it looks like it's coming in at 1.092 now then in order to turn our carrot juice into carrot wine we need to add the magic ingredient which is a quarter of a teaspoon of yeast which is we're going to just go ahead and try and sprinkle that around without just dumping it in there if you want to hydrate your yeast go right ahead if you've got some other way that you want to incorporate your yeast go right ahead i'm just simply saying that for the most part this is all i've had to do just sprinkle it on top and let it come to its own on uh and all you do after that is put on a cap uh this this fermenter does have a built-in air lock so i don't need to put in a bubble type air lock although it does come with one and once that's done we just need to label our creation having labeled our creation we now know that we're making carrot wine we started it on this date and our original gravity reading was 1.092 now for the next three days you want to go ahead and give it a vigorous stir with a properly sanitized spoon or utensil and just give it a real good stir if you're not using straining bags just punch down those carrots that are going to be floating on the top but just make sure you get a layer in there and after the third day you can pretty much just leave it alone and let it do its thing for the next week i usually do my first racking with fruit or in this case roots after about seven days to get as much flavor out of it that i possibly can and then i'll rack it into our secondary and begin the process of letting it age every six or seven weeks or so i'll go ahead and rack it into another container to get it off of the accumulated lease that you're going to see developing on the bottom of your uh your your carboy jug demijohn call it what you want until the wine goes clear uh in about minimum of 12 months with this wine although i'm seeing that it's taking a little bit longer than 12 months your wine will be ready but that's the basic process of making carrot wine uh looking forward to taking that first taste test in about six to eight months and uh seeing how it goes from there if you like what you see here click on the subscribe button uh you'll find the ingredients in the description section below if there are any changes at the six month tasting i'll make those changes to the original ingredients in the original video and i think what i'm going to do is probably put together a a a winemaking kit that you can take a look at possibly if you're just starting out using the least expensive pieces of equipment that i can find or certainly the stuff that i've been buying which is has been the least expensive equipment i can find and help you get a start there so again i'll see you in the next video okay it's now been 14 months later since we started this basket carrot wine which surprisingly was the very first time that i tried to make wine out of kind of a vegetable carrots huh anyway it's now time to do that taste test uh i was advised to let it go about 16 months before doing a tasting but you know what if it's not going to taste good at 14 it's not going to taste any better 16 not by much a couple of observations one the wine is i would call it clear i mean it's got like a tiny bit of haze but it's basically clear it's like no real sediment on the bottom so i let it back up so i let it uh bolt gauge in the cardboard long enough uh let's see one day five twenty twenty one a b b alcohol by volume came in at one three percent so and that's with all my lines these days this one's been pasteurized okay now let's just go right down to it this time it's always a satisfying little pot now it has been back sweetened but that was like several months ago so quite honestly i have no idea what this wine actually tastes like in fact do i even keep it what effect i do when i do when i do back sweetening i use a three ounce little little dixie style cup but i don't fill it up to the top i keep waiting down here just barely covering the bottom just to see if there's just enough sugar to make it sweet because you only get five bottles per gallon and if you're filling these cup full just to see if it's got sugar enough sugar or not yeah you're not gonna have enough finish filling up that final bottle it's a very very tiny tasting amounts that's a normal process uh we're going to get right into this one carrot wine uh another strains of some of the ones that i've done after this one but here why not on the nose right actually smell the alcohol [Music] very first thing you get pretty much that's all you get it's just the smell of the alcohol you don't get small carrots or anything like that if you inhale deeply enough long enough nope you don't get the smell of carrots you know what this is going to taste like if you're wondering what that edited pause was about i've got a pendulum clock on the wall here and uh it just started to chime nine o'clock it's nine o'clock in the morning i'm still drinking coffee okay uh so i'll probably edit that out we'll put that in the uh outtakes reel anyway as i was saying what does it taste like classic profile shots so that you'll know that i'm actually drinking this stuff you know surprisingly it's not bad uh it still has this uh i won't say a fair amount kind of like a low-level amount of harshness uh still here than one which is probably why i was advised by my partner over there at happy homestead to go ahead and give it a 16 month aging as being more of a sweet spot for this wine i think he's correcting that uh for wine made for carrots though i mean it surprisingly said all that bad bring me on the alcohol a bit but other than that uh what adjustments can i make the acidity is just a tad bit high which uh at that time i think i was using something like a half a lemon uh as my acid blend substitute uh finally got that down to a quarter of a lemon now it's more of a quarter a squeeze of a quarter of a lemon so i'm not like trying to scrape off every little drop i can get that juice out of that lemon but uh yeah bring down the acidity event i'll go ahead and make that change in the original recipe uh to use a quarter of a lemon and uh that basically is that i mean all in all this is not bad yeah i think i will let the remaining four bottles go ahead and finish aging out the remaining two months at least before i crack open another one but this is not going to be one of those wines that uh let's just say end up down the kitchen sink after i do the excuse me after i do the image from tasting this one i'll hang on to these um surprising it's actually okay um i can't believe i can't really compare it to anything uh i mean it is basically just a white line so you've got those characteristics so yeah again keeping this as far as i can uh tone down the acidity the back sweeping was done uh again at a good level it's nice and it's not i mean it's got good sweetness to it to my liking it's not dry ish uh it's not overly sweet photograph sure um yeah uh for my first time trying something completely different i think it was worth the effort you got a bunch of carrots you want to give it a shot go ahead give it a shot you might be kind of surprised so again if you like what you see here please click on that subscribe notify button become a member become a patreon uh would also be helpful to help keep this channel running it's still too early in the morning but to help keep this channel ready uh until then i'll see you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: DIY Fermentation
Views: 9,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wines, homemade wine, how to make wine, fermentation, diy fermentation, african-american, fruit wines, wine making, homemade wine recipe, homemade wine making, make wine at home, carrot wine recipe, winemaking, carrots, home winemaking, make your own wine, wine making for beginners, wine easy homemade wine, making fruit wine, make my own wine, make own wine fruit, easy wine making, making home made wine fruit, wine fermentation, simple wine making
Id: P73G0k5lgYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 6sec (1206 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 23 2022
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