Bread Yeast or D47 - which is Better?

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ever wonder the difference between bread yeast and commercial yeast we're going to show you [Music] hi i'm brian i'm darica and you're watching city studying today it's battle of the beasts as bread yeast goes head-to-head with D 47 yeah we chose bread yeast ND 47 because they're probably some of the more common yeast that most of our audience are using at least according to the group and they're what I had and they're about the same for alcohol tolerance and things like that so you know what I was curious - what difference does it really make so we're gonna make a real simple cranberry wine it'll actually probably be really good but it's just a very basic simple wine the only difference will be the yeast that we pitch so what I'm gonna do is make one yell and I must split it into two half gallons and then we pinch our yeast so let's get started first thing you want to do is get your yeast hydrated now some people say you don't need to do this and you know what you don't need to it's not an absolutely necessary step it's just I like to do it it helps to attune the yeast to the environment they're gonna be in it also makes sure that you're not gonna have dead beasts like maybe your yeast just is no good you know so you want to make sure that you know that careful spillage may occur and I'm just pouring a couple of ounces of cranberry juice this is the cranberry juice we're gonna use this just Publix cranberry juice it basically it's just simple cranberry juice no added anything no chemicals no preservatives if you see any ice or eighths in the ingredients list in your juice don't use it because it's not gonna ferment so I'm trying really hard to just have the same amount in both you may notice a little kitty head poke up from time to time that's because we had a really bad storm today we were actually under tornado watch for multiple hours we still are we still are and ticker is a little freaked out it needs some that time stinger is just a little freaked out all the time and she tends to come out whenever we film so okay so first I have half a packet of lava and e47 yeast and I can already hear somebody say why half a packet because well this is this whole packet that I can't seem to get open that's already open is meant for five gallons to me it's wasteful to use a whole packet for one gallon it's even more to use it for half a gallon so I'm actually gonna be using half a packet for half a gallon it seems wasteful but you know what in the interest of science I'm gonna do it all so there is some speculation about when you get to the smaller amounts that if you use too little yeast it won't be able to form a healthy Connie so that's why we're sticking to habit yeah I used to actually who's like a fifth of the packet in a one gallon batch and it scares me a little bit that somebody somebody said it that you know could not be enough to build a colony and they could be right so half a packet if I'm doing anything less than five gallons and all packet if I'm doing five gallons I probably use a whole packet for three gallons as a matter of fact depending on what it was and I just give that a little bit of a stir this is the D 47 bread yeast this is Fleischmann's out to dry no to caution please do not use the fast-acting or whatever it's called um because rapid rise that's what's called yes booze that it's specialized to really work well in breads and we have noticed particularly through our other viewers having some fermentation issues using that particular type of Fleischmann's yeah for brews so just use the act of dry and you should be fine basically it's a it's a super yeast that's made with like extra Energizer's and things like that to produce more co2 not more alcohol and certainly not more flavor it's really just made because people are impatient and can't wait fifteen more minutes alright uh I'm not really gonna measure how much east I'm putting in I'm gonna put in about the same amount as what I put in for the D 47 knowing probably don't eat as much but this is not a test about volume of yeast and obviously the volume of East isn't gonna make any difference as long as I have enough there to start a colony watch so how much did you use I'm just gonna stir this up in myself stirring cup obviously these are not actually mine oh I own them but they're not I didn't make them they're from the Magic Bullet the Magic Bullet yeah I want to see the Ninja I always want to see the Ninja but they're from the Magic Bullet and they just have ribs on the inside so it helps stir it all up before that's the red yeast so we have our two yeasts they're just gonna hydrate now this is not a yeast starter that's something completely different that takes days to weeks depending on how you do it this is literally just to wake the east up a little bit and get them ready to be pitched the next thing we want to do is get the cranberry juice ready now I'm also going to be adding some tea I made 16 ounces might be overkill not really sure it's been sitting for at least 10 or 15 minutes it's pretty warm I don't want to kill the yeast off so what I'm gonna do I got pour that in now why not sounds good right cuz what I need to do pause for pouring sounds the reason why he's putting this isn't in the pitcher is that he is creating a must a single must to be divided equally between the two containers that way we have as equal of a starting point for the two yeast as possible and for those curious that was PG tipps team somebody promised they were gonna send me a bunch of English teas I haven't received them yet it might be shipping they might notice that them I don't want to call them out and be mean and nasty and that's not what I meant but somebody supposed to be sending me a bunch of English teas and we get to try them out you're gonna see a little of it but anyway now we have cranberry juice and like I said this is just basic cranberry juice now it's probably let's let's read the ingredients shall we filtered water cranberry juice from concentrate filter sugar ascorbic acid vegetable concentrate for color probably beet juice probably yeah so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna fill to somewhere in this neighborhood because I want to leave a little bit of head room and I know I'm gonna be adding some sugar so here we go so since we have a little bit of juice left in this container we will be putting this in a refrigerator last time that was funny where we just used a little bit of the juice and forgot that we did that and just let it sitting out it actually started to ferment we have now have it under airlock and underneath Stallone desk fermentation we sampled it it was delicious so we have a well now it's pretty cool anyway so now I'm gonna take a reading of this every time I do a reading from a picture like this people say why don't you just put your hydrometer right in there did you hear that sound that was hitting that's a hydrometer hitting the bottom meaning there's not enough liquid in there to raise it up so I can actually take a reading on it cuz right now this says it is 1080 something 1085 I don't think so I think it's much lower than that so turkey baster graduated cylinder promised not spilled all over my wife now somebody out there is wondering why are you taking a reading of this before you put all the stuff in here's what I want to know the baseline of the juice and tea combo so that I can add enough sugar to get it to about a 1.100 specific gravity that way I can accurately measure how much alcohol each of these produces if it hits tolerance how much sweetness it has in the end things like that without knowing the baseline that I'm starting from not so much in other words science wow that's interesting 1044 okay so it starts out as a 1044 gravity this can actually just go right there and I want to point something else out many people out there will throw this away we don't do that this has been sanitized this has been sanitized all this has been sanitized my hands have been sanitized I throw it away you paid for it there's no point I mean some people say you should drink it which I'm not against that but there's no alcohol in it yet you know it's just cranberry juice and tea all right anyway so with their starting gravity we know 1042 oh how much sugar we need to put in so 1100 minus 1044 is my handy-dandy calculator also known as my iPhone 56 points is what we need to add to this to get it to my 1.100 target starting gravity and if we know that sugar is 46 points or point zero four six if you don't understand what I mean by points I'm totally gonna knock that over if we know that sugar is point zero four six per pound per gallon now I have to figure out about how much that is so divided by 0.04 six equals one point two one so I could do like one and a quarter pounds of sugar huh makes it easy one and a quarter pounds I'll have to figure out what that is in grams you'll probably see it right there okay so what we're gonna do she likes to do this I like to put turn the scale on and then tear out the weight she likes to put it on the scale and then and and it does it automatically I just don't trust it something about it just bothers me now I'm gonna put this two pounds announces because that's what I know and I'll just switch it over and tell you the grams in so 1.25 so that's a quarter of a pound is gonna be four ounces I might do just shy of four ounces so we really get like 1.2 all right so one and a quarter pounds 1 pound 4 ounces here we go I need one pound 3.6 ounces in the end just a little bit less I didn't want to overshoot the mark and make it too hard free either of these yeasts so one pound three point six ounces comes out to 556 grams for those of you who are not on the imperial system now what I need to do is mix this up which is going to be probably a boring and laborious process so I will spare you the gory details but basically I'm using a metal spoon and mixing this so now this is all mixed up it's homogeneous as I like to say and what I need to do now is get a an original gravity reading now it's gonna be slightly different and I might even take new ones when we put that in there but I would think relatively speaking these are the same amounts of stuff yeah they're roughly the same so the gravity readings should still be pretty equal even after we pitch they just won't be exactly what I'm getting right now if that makes any sense at all so they're relative gravity readings instead of absolute gravity readings hey just you know go with it so if you're wondering why I'm taking another gravity reading right now here's why we added the sugar we added all the stuff together so this is going to be our must if you will and then that way we know where things went instead of just having what the juice was basically we're testing Brian's math yeah that I didn't want to say it like that cuz you know it's all wrong but if it's wrong you might never see him but testing Brian's math has a much higher success rate chance than testing Derrick as math there could use this fuzzy math ah wouldn't you know it 1.100 exactly what I wanted it to start at okay so we're good that is spot-on exactly what I wanted it to be so it's probably gonna drop by like two points or so when we actually do the thing again see this this is good stuff we're not gonna waste it I'm gonna pour it in I hope I'm making somebody cringe out there right amazing stuff people told me just don't make him say dude yeah there's like five people out there that know what that means okay explain it to the rest all right so next we want to pour it into the fermentation vessels now I'm using half gallon fermentation business why am I using half gallon well for this one I know both of these are gonna taste good so I probably could have done a gallon and it would have been okay but we're actually gonna do another one with the yeast that I actually don't like so I didn't want to make gallon of that I figured half gallons good so stay tuned for new videos I'm steady but for now what I'm gonna do is just try to get these approximately the same in the fermenter and I probably don't need the spoon anymore it's gone ahead and done our fancy smancy labeling but you didn't put the gravity's on I did it because I knew you weren't finished finished here I want only personally riveting television so which is which now this is Fleischmann's this is D 47 all good splash it everywhere no don't don't do that yeah I'm right on a head room you know what I'm gonna drink that hey it's just a sweet and cranberry juice right so now we have our two jars equal in dignity fills to an approximately equal scary amount of head space because there's just a tiny bit left and I'm going to give the yeast one last swirl and pitch it in this is the g47 let's hope these don't ferment to actively blow off tubes might be in our future this is the bread yeast and it's swirled up just like we did before and we're gonna pour that one in oh boy these are so close to this this could be bad and you know what this could be an example of why you leave more heads but it's okay I'm gonna use my new fancy schmancy yeah I guess I could take another reading at the end just to make sure that they're like the same that's how you think I may have mentioned it at this point I'd like to apologize to those who thought this was going to be a completely scientific test but if you have ever watched our show before you know that we're science ish and proud of it because too much science takes all the fun out of this but we have just enough there to give you an idea what's happening and wow it didn't really change it didn't change its 1.100 that was the baster yeah this one's like 1.09 6 sorry what we're testing here really is how fast they'll ferment which I'm gonna give them a month no matter what because that's what I do pretty much so that's not really an issue but also the flavor at the end because to me that's what this is all about it's not really about which one ferments faster or this or bruises more alcohol it's about which one tastes better because ultimately that's what you want to know right so now I'm putting on lids we're gonna get airlocks out we're put air locks in these alright so we have our air locks now these are s type air locks these are my favorite kind of air locks I'm just gonna put this one in here for the moment I'm gonna talk to you a little bit what you'll notice as you look at this is you have a top and there's holes in the top they're very small but fruit flies and things like that can still actually get in larger bugs not so much you'll notice this part goes into the must it goes up and down into a reservoir here filled with water and then pushes through and another reservoir here filled with water that then pushes out through the top we fill it with sanitized water you can also fill it with the neutral grain spirit like a cheap vodka or if you have a scotch or something that you really hate just put it in there I have a really cheap Scoresby that just sucks I use that sometimes just cuz cuz I don't want to drink it you only need to put it in as far as that it creates a good seal you don't have to go clear down there and you want to be careful not to push it all the way in so that that end touches and makes contact but your average don't do that let's hope I didn't do that No but anyway the way this works is as this starts to ferment the yeast is going to produce co2 and alcohol the co2 carbon dioxide is a gas and it rises up so it goes through the air that's in here hits this and forces its way through because it's going to pressurize like carbonated beverages it pressurizes it pushes the carbon dioxide through that water out the bottom and out the top but here's the best part about this it's a one-way trip nothing can get this way only this way so that's why you use one of these it prevents the build-up of pressure because if we didn't have these on here the potential is they could explode they could totally just blow up because they're gonna produce that much co2 so an airlock is good as a safety measure for that we've seen a lot of people that'll use balloons and other things the problem that I have with that is there are one-time use so they're wasteful these are like two bucks you can use it for years do they break sure I've broken a few here and there we have a dozen of these things laying around somewhere but using the balloon it's not as sanitary it's not as effective it can keep a little bit more pressure into the bottle then you really want it to and if it flies off stuff can get in there all kinds of problems can ensue you can infect your your brew and it's a waste but if you have no way to get an airlock it is certainly better than nothing true absolutely I will go with that we've seen some people that I used up all their Luck's but I made a brew and forgot okay yeah you know what I'm gonna forgive that because it makes sense just know what you're in for don't think that the balloon is a is perfectly fine know that there's some risk involved check on it make sure it doesn't come off that's the big thing it's it stays on it'll probably work just as well as one of these I'll be honest but probably in will are different things anyway these are gonna go under the desk of fermentation or somewhere cuz my desk is starting to get kind of crowded and we'll be back in like a month to rack these and give a taste test and let you know which one we preferred we'll see you then that's all I got for today guys thanks for watching have a great day bye bye and the race is on come on placements go Fishman's make a bubble make a bubble I could swear I saw a bubble when I was looking over here no no no no no I would have heard it pretty sure that one did no yours is going backwards Josh
Channel: City Steading Brews
Views: 98,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bread yeast, bread yeast wine, bread yeast mead, bread yeast alcohol, bread yeast brewing, bread yeast alcohol tolerance, Lalvin D47 wine, cranberry wine, bread yeast vs d47, bread yeast vs wine yeast, is bread yeast any good for brewing, active dry yeast, cranberry wine from juice, cranberry wine recipe from juice, active dry yeast vs instant yeast, use bread yeast or d47, Fleischmanns yeast vs wine yeast, testing bread yeast, bread yeast beer, bread yeast alcohol percent
Id: hUWLvzKXLz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2019
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