Making Bronze Muscadine Grape Wine with tasting

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foreign muscadine grape wine we will be using the following I have three pounds of bronze muscadine grapes I have four cups of white granulated sugar this time around I'm going to be using a red star Premier coot this block wine yeast of course if you don't have it use whatever you have also this time around I'm going to be using regular bread yeast that's going to act as our yeast nutrient gonna need several straining bags to hold our grapes I'm going to need up to one gallon of clean filtered water I'll need a wide mouth fermenter something that we can get our streaming bags into I'll need a one gallon or four liter jug Carboy Demi John take your pick so that we can start secondary fermentation in about a week after we start transfer here from here it will be helpful anything necessary to have an airlock with bun I should also point out that the primary fermenter has its own built-in air lock if it doesn't you'll need one of these for this if not you will definitely need one for your secondary fermenter it might also be helpful to have a hydrometer with testing tube it will help us determine not only what our starting gravity is going to be at the beginning and hopefully what our ending gravity is going to be at the end so that we can determine how much alcohol is in our wine also if any problems occur having a hydrometer will help us with some of those also last but certainly not least everything has got to be cleaned and properly sanitized so make sure you have available your food food grade sanitizer of choice whether it's one step star sand or if you're doing it some other method just make sure that it needs to be done if you can keep it clean you can keep it sanitized at the beginning you'll have fewer problems at the end and that my friends is what I'm going to be using to make this wine okay because these muscadine grapes have seeds in them and we really don't want to put these in a blender or food processor because it might chop up the seeds which might cause a little bit of bitterness later on we wanted to match these Berry we want to mash these grapes up so that we can extract a little bit more of the juice so couldn't find my potato masher but I did have one of these so I'm going to give this a shot and let's see what kind of kind of job it does working small batches at a time probably do more than that but working small batches at a time I'm just going to go in and Crush these bad boys up get out of there Buffet pastry thing and my hands have been properly cleaned and sanitized as my straining bags have been we're going to go ahead and mash up a number enough of these so that we can get those into our streaming bag now I should point out that I am going to mash up more than this before I start putting them into the straining bag but that is going to be my process okay now that we're over the stove we're going to go ahead and start bringing some of our water up to a boil so I'll put a pour in a little roughly half of the water roughly half to start I'm going to cover that up and let's bring that up to a boil okay now that our water has come up to a boil and drop in off our grapes [Music] yep all right and the second one now that I've tied it off [Music] go ahead and pour in the rest of our grape juice now the reason why we're doing this is simply because we want to kill off any of the wild yeast that was sticking to the skins of the grapes and if you are trying to do this as a natural ferment you can omit this step and move on to the next step but we've got enough water to cover and we still got half a gallon left so we're just going to go ahead and put our cover on and we can just go ahead at this point and turn off the heat now on a small saucepan you can pour in a little bit of that remaining water well I don't know anywhere from here half a cup three quarters of a cup really don't need to be precise and we're going to go ahead and add in a quarter of a teaspoon of our bread yeast and for some of you this might be counterintuitive but we then want to turn on the heat and we want to let that come to a simmer and the reason for that is that the bread yeast is going to be acting as our yeast nutrient and in order for it to do that the bread yeast has to be dead and this is how we do it we simply kill it The Heat all right now that we've got a simmer here we can go ahead and turn off the heat because it has done its job and you can actually go ahead and add in all right now yeast nutrient to be to our grapes put our lid back on and let that come down in the near room temperature or at least where it's warm enough where we can still add in and easily mix our sugar and then let it come down to room temperature where we can then proceed to add in our regular yeast taking the opportunity to add in our four cups of sugar this time with the record button on record and we're going to go ahead and incorporate it off and it's still warm it could have been done hot or warm it's entirely up to you and we're just going to go ahead and get it all in there mix that yep [Music] and that is done now both the spoon and the measuring and the measuring coupling currently using the whole my my grapes were sanitized beforehand which is something I said prior to be hitting the record button so we had the fruit back in and the rest of the juice and now we can let it come down to room temperature it's now time to take that initial hydrometer reading and it looks like we are coming in at 1.094 on our hydrometer reading okay for this part of the operation it's now time to transfer our liquid from our pot to our primary fermenter and having both just sanitized both leaves the fermenter and measuring cup it's now time to get this from here starting with the straining bags to here you know I would strongly suggest that if you have the sink available to you that this be done over the kitchen sink because sometimes it can be a little bit messy and let's see if I can do this without spilling it all over the place all right that's not bad and looking at the measuring measurement on the inside looks like we're just over actually we're a little bit over a gallon but that's with the straining bags included remember we still had some of that water left over so when we are ready to transfer this from primary to secondary and we've had an opportunity to remove the straining bags we can then use the remaining water to bring our level back up to at least one gallon but that having been said what we still have now is just grape juice sweetened grape juice but in order to turn this into wine we have to do the next step all right to begin the process of turning our juice into wine we need to add our yeast and as with most of my Brews I usually use a quarter of a teaspoon of yeast you want to add more feel free when I find a quarter of a teaspoon Works quite well and go ahead and spread it around don't just dump it in one spot and that's all that's required which cap back on and once again I should point out that this particular airlock does have I'm sorry this particular fermenter does have its own built-in airlock so I don't need to use a bubbler style hair lock like one of these until it's time to use my secondary fermenter which has a small smaller opening where this is going to do some good and that takes care of this now one more very important thing we need to do is that we need to label our creation just so that we don't get it confused later on with some of the other stuff that we might be making now then what we are doing is making we're making a bronze muscadine wine we started it on this date and our original gravity reading started in at 1.094 now then for the next three days we want to go in with a freshly sanitized spoon and give our mixture a good stir incorporate a little bit more oxygen into the mix and squeezing down on some of the straining bags to squeeze out a little bit more of the muscadine grape juice after that we don't want to do that anymore we just want to leave it alone for a total of five to seven days at which point in time you can go ahead and remove your straining bags and begin the process of transferring your must from the primary fermenter into the secondary fermenter to begin the long secondary fermentation process now again all of these follow-on steps you can find in my playlist winemaking operations which has separate videos on racking primary versus secondary degassing back sweetening the whole the whole nine yards in the process that will lead up to the final tasting video which will be added to or appended to this video 12 months hence all right it's now been 12 months it's now time to see if our bronze muscadine wine was worth the effort of making want to find out a couple of things one does it smell good want to pop the cork does it taste good when I pour that glass and pour it down the throat those are the questions we need to answer all right a couple of other things let's see born 9 19 20 22. AVB came in at 13.56 percent and it was back Sweden and pasteurized about a month ago I think um without further Ado Let's uh let's find out where we got here for those of you who are checking Clarity I mean it's as clear as it's going to get a tiny amount of haze but then again good enough oh it's one of those quarks really in there I actually had to use a little bit of effort to get that down there all right Quirk has been popped smells okay all right I don't know why it is that what with some lines I mean yeah this one did come in at 13 and a half percent but there are some wines when you just take that sniff that's pretty much what you smell right off the bat all right uh okay so this wine will be one if I decide to keep it that uh I'll say for those occasions or something a little stronger is required but that having been said let's see if it was worth the effort upbeat profile shot so you guys can see that I'm actually drinking the stuff you know the first thing that crossed my mind it's been it was backswing pretty well it's actually getting kind of creeping up to that dessert wine status I'm gonna toned it down a little bit first thing that crossed my mind is that I don't know why but the the taste of grape Kool-Aid you came to mind I don't know it was just because I just got home and I'm tired or whatever but let's just find out for sure I'll be damned that's what it tastes like grape Kool-Aid very interesting I don't think when I did the regular muscadine grape wine the dark ones that I got that same reaction um it's very sweet face it it's drinkable okay this is one of those bottles of wine that I'm I'm gonna have to save one for my for my son and his family uh for sure um uh is this something that uh I'll make again probably will if I can get my hands on some brown muscadine grapes but for this one two things well well I already talked about the sweetness I already talked about the fact that it's reminiscent of a Kool-Aid um uh the other thing is that when you inhale it prior to taking your steps you are definitely inhaling that alcohol because it's it's prominent you don't really taste the alcohol and you don't taste it at all uh but you can certainly smell it that's for sure all right I want to try to keep my my videos short even though I know some of you fast forwarded just to get to the taste testing portion of it um yeah uh definitely it was worthwhile if I had to make any changes at all to the recipe I would probably say none as far as back sweetening it I probably would have brought it down a notch uh to find uh Define that sweet spot uh but apart from that yeah uh both the regular muscadine grapes and the bronze muscular and grapes I think I will try the bronze again uh next time I get my hands on some bronze mustard and grapes which I've said before but it's worth repeating uh yeah this one turned out pretty well I like wines that have that they give you uh full-bodied full flavor that tastes like wine instead of something that's kind of vague maybe reminisces of wine uh those I like a lot and this is one of those that definitely fall in a category yep tone down the sweetness and this is definitely a winner well that being said uh if you like what you see here please click on that subscribe button notify button member button patreon help support this channel out and I will continue to do this more often if I can put that in there temporarily I have a little plastic vacuum type Stoppers that I usually use after I open up a bottle of wine you know kind of just put in the stopper and get suck out the oxygen you know to the point until it starts clicking I've got one of those and that's what I usually end up using but yeah definitely I'll be using that saving again at least one bottle for my son October next month yeah for my grandson's first uh one year birthday party I have to go to the fly up to Detroit for that um but yeah there we go bronze muscadine wine I'll see you in the next video
Channel: DIY Fermentation
Views: 3,008
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Keywords: Wines, homemade wine, how to make wine, fermentation, diy fermentation, african-american, wine making, homemade wine making, make wine at home, winemaking, alcohol, bronze muscadine wine, muscadine grapes, home winemaking, make your own wine, wine making for beginners, homemade wine from grapes, wine easy homemade wine, making fruit wine, make my own wine, make own wine fruit, easy wine making, making home made wine fruit, wine fermentation, simple wine making
Id: 1s9-9VaLPrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2023
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