Modern animated Mo-Graph loop in Blender 3.3 (Blender Tutorial)

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how's it going guys so in today's tutorial we're going to be creating this really cool abstract kind of satisfying animation we're going to have fun with modeling this animating this and making this beautiful procedural material so we'll get into that right after this quick shout out welcome to real time materials a collection of customizable procedural materials compatible with Eevee and Cycles with over six years of experience I have created an add-on currently containing 240 materials across 14 surface categories this add-on will speed up your workflow allowing you to stay creative while maximizing your artistic output you might be thinking what about image textures image textures are easy to set up but don't give you any control real-time materials are loaded with custom properties giving you the freedom to change roughness color and all kinds of patterns you can change the shape of wood the direction of cloth weave and the size of scratches among many other parameters even if you already know how to make procedure materials imagine the time you will save if you could apply those materials in one easy click all right so we are going to hop into a blank blender document and we're just going to go ahead and import a cylinder just like that now right over here let's go ahead and give this guy 85 on the vertices and then on the depth just to make it pretty thin like the half of an Oreo something like that this really is not an exact science you can do whatever you want here now we're going to do is we're going to hit r x 90 and then control a and apply rotation that's super important right there so I'm gonna hit the tilde key it's right above the Tab Key and I'm going to hit tab go over here to the move tool and I'm just going to move this out to right about here again with with these kind of Motion Graphics uh it's not an exact science just kind of do what makes you feel good so move it up throughout that area and then what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and get a plane axis just like that and then what I'm going to do now is I'm going to take this guy we're going to go to the modifiers add modifier and we're going to add a array and then instead of relative offset we're going to go with an object offset and use the empty as the object and then I'm going to go back to the tilde key and click on top and then just hit r and rotate it like that and then if you want you can definitely hit tab to go to the edit mode and then um you can go ahead and uh where are we at you can use the scale tool and make him thicker if you'd like now one thing I want to do is kind of model this a little bit so in edit mode we're going to go here to the face select click select this face select this face and hit I and then just bring that in like that and then what we're going to do is just go ahead and loop cut this just to get it nice and subdivided now once you click with the loop cut you can go down here and give it a couple faces we're going to go up here make it pretty dense 12 and then here we're going to click and then right over here let's just type 12. and now we have a nicely subdivided little guy here and then we can subdivide this if you want as well it's okay to get pretty dense we don't need to get you know super exact on like optimizing geometry because this is really the only amount of geometry we're doing we're not making a full crazy seam where we need to get super exact I know a lot of people really get into that but we don't need to get into that today I'm going to add modifier and we're going to go ahead and add a bevel and then once we do that you're going to see this amount go ahead and add whatever amount you want and we can even bring up those segments right click shade smooth and you're going to have a nice guy like this and then all we have to do now is just bring up the count of that array and close off that array and then you can even kind of close it off a little bit more maybe bring it like that bring up that count some more and then I'm going to click on our empty and bring it like that all right cool we have successfully created this portion of the tutorial now let's go ahead and get in a displacement so click on the displace it's going to go crazy we're going to click on new let's go here to the textures tab go from image or movie to clouds bring your depth here and you can bring your scale up as well all the way to 2 for now we're going to go back to the wrench and then what I'm going to do is bring that strength down significantly just so it's affecting it just enough like that what I'm going to do now is go from normal on the direction to the z-axis and what that's going to do is just displace it this direction which gives it a little bit more play and you know without it clipping and going into itself and all that you just can displace it in one axis and then we can bring that size up a little bit more to kind of play with it in this portion is certainly up to your preference now let's go ahead and animate the displacement so this is some OG ducky 3D stuff with animating displacement I haven't done this in a while so we're going to get an empty I'm up here in the outline I'm going to double click it and type in disp just name it whatever you want here we just want to be able to differentiate it from this empty and then we're going to go ahead in the curve settings I mean the curve menu and go to cycle let me know to a circle here alright so super cool what we're going to do now is click on disp go to our constraints and add a follow path and add the bezier circle so we want the path to be able to go in a circle like that that's super important that'll give us more interesting displacement movements let's click back on this object go to our wrench our modifiers here and then go to object instead of local object pick on disp and then click on disp and then if you play with your y-axis you'll notice this animates now so we have this animation currently so let's go ahead and just keyframe that now go to your edit your preferences and in the animation tab make sure your default interpolation is on linear and keep it there by default for me because I almost only do linear animations and then for me we're going to go with 500 on this guy here so on disp let's go and animate that so put your cursor right over here and hit the back button to go to frame 0 which is very important for looping animations and then I'm going to click on this keyframe go to the very end and type in 360. and that's going to give you a perfect Loop if you notice right up here that's saying 11 frames a second which means this scene is getting a little heavy now I mentioned we don't have to worry about density here and that's because we can kind of so what you can do is bring that bevel turn the bevel off by clicking that and now we are back at 25 frames a second so that bevel is definitely making it heavier and that's because we already have enough density here but that bevel just kind of tips it over the edge so what we do is we can just turn that off for now but notice right here that means it's going to be on for our render so with that being said let's go ahead and animate the disp one more time and we're going to animate it here in our constraints so we'll go to the very end go back to frame zero make this offset zero click here go to the variant and type in one zero zero 100 and that's going to give you a 360 degree motion so now this di this displacement is going to go in a circle giving you a really nice amount of variety and variation in this without it being kind of offset different places so this really makes it look nice makes it look cool and clean and now we can move on to rendering and shading so what I'm going to do is I'm hit the tilde key and go to the front click on shift a and go to a camera control all 0 snap that to view then I'm going to hit G and middle click to move it around and then I'm just going to highlight everything here hit zero I'm gonna hit r twice and just kind of rotate this to be how you like it and then I'm going to bring it out a little bit again and then bring it down all right cool let's go ahead and hit shift a we're going to go get a plane hit RX 90. we're going to bring this back over here and then just scale it up till it goes past your camera view here and then that's going to be it for that right about now is a good time to save so we're going to go ahead and we're going to call this save yeast save that all right now let's go ahead and render this guy now this part you can definitely do in Cycles or EV I understand if you have a less powerful laptop you definitely want to render an EV and you definitely can here now we're going to go into shading now one cool thing is if you are going to use say an image text or something this is very easy to unwrap you just hit U and then smart UV project and it will pretty much be done I've tested it already with a couple materials and it unwraps really well just with this so if you want to use like a stone or a wood you certainly can alright so with that being said let's go ahead and design our material now before we do that I do want to go in like a 10 second tangent for those of you real-time materials users the cloth materials look awesome on this so say you click on the like the basic knitter you can add that and it already looks awesome goes to that edge looks really nice and clean and you can do kind of anything you want with that so for those of you doing that the cloth is great for this but let's go ahead and make that shading so we're gonna hit zero and then we're gonna go click on a new right here in the shading Tab and we're gonna have some fun here so let's go ahead and get a color ramp and then we'll plug that into the base color we'll get a gradient node so shift a search gradient texture we're going to hit that Ctrl t with the node Wrangler add-on enabled and then we're going to plug this right here and then there we have it so we can just go ahead and rotate it I'm going to rotate it to be something like this so we can have some fun with color so I rotated it on the y-axis and then let's give it some pretty cool colors so let's go with a nice blue gradient we're going to go with a good teal and then we're going to go with more of a deep blue over here so that's going to look nice and then what I want to do now is shift a and search RGB and then we're going to go ahead and we're going to make this all the way vibrant and make it nice and purple we're going to get a mix RGB so we're going to mix these two colors together put the color here and then we're going to use a layer weight to mix them together so we're going to go here and use the facing and then now they're going to be able to mix together really nicely so this is it pretty much not there and then add some blend and you get a beautiful material now we're going to be rendering this in cycle so if we want to check it out in Cycles this is how it's looking let's go ahead and further this material so I'm going to give it a nice view here with some nice lights I do want to get an hdri I do want to get an hdri that has a good amount of light so we can kind of see what's going on and let's go ahead and turn that bevel back on so it looks good here all right so let's go ahead and goof with our roughness and our bump and I'll just hit G and bring this up and hit G and bring these guys down so let's go ahead and shift a and get a bump node and then we're going to get a a color ramp and a voronoi texture so plug the vector into the vector we're going to plug the distance into the color ramp and plug the color into the height that's going to do this madness we're going to do the distance of 0.1 and then bring our color ramp in I guess the white portion so we just get dots that's all we want and then you can bring that scale up and you get more dots and so that's going to give you this nice subtle um effect that you can like the viewer can notice me like oh cool there's a little texture going on and the next thing we can do is um we can add in a little bit of roughness fun so let's get another color ramp and then get a noise texture plug that Vector into the vector plug the color of the color and the color here into roughness and then what I'm going to do is the standard crunch end you can kind of see it working right there bring that detail to 12 bring that roughness pretty high and then I'll bring my scale to say 2 and that's going to give you something pretty cool notice how reflective it is here we'll take this black portion bring it up so that it's not quite so reflective but it is enough reflective enough to give you something really interesting looking so this is what we have here last thing we need to do is go ahead and light it though this back wall needs a color so I'm going to click on it click new and give it a nice light blue color to complement the rest of the scene so let's go back to layout here we have it I'm going to click here and just give it back to the regular lights so first thing I'm going to do I'm going to go to a light and get a spotlight I'm hit s and kind of scale it down and then I'm going to hit G and then hit R let me move it over here more and then hit r twice to kind of point it back to that and then I'm going to give it a power of say 30 000. I don't know why these things need to be so drastically bright but they do um then we bring that radius up to smooth out that and then what I'm going to do is just hit shift d and then get this guy to be behind to get to be some sort of like a key light and then hit r twice and point it here there we go we have kind of this really cool looking thing and now let's go ahead and get an hdri I'm going to get my hdri from you can go ahead and browse hdris and I want to use an interior so let's go here to um indoor and then I'm just going to go ahead and pick a random one which uh let's go ahead and just go with this one here it really doesn't matter the goal is to just get one that doesn't have a lot of crazy color in it I'm going to go ahead and throw this on my desktop all right so now that that hdri is on my desktop I'm going to go to my render view here and then we're going to go click on this world icon go from color to environment texture and then open and let's go ahead and add that right there and then it's far too bright we want to use it as kind of supporting Lang so we're going to do 0.3 on the strength and now we have and now we have our animation we can press play on it of course it's going to be slow because bevel is on let's go ahead and just render it out and see what one frame looks like all right so this is what our frame looks like let's go ahead and add a little bit of denoising in our compositor so click on compositing click use nodes shift a and get a viewer to go here oops sizing it so I'm going to hit shift right click to join those two and let's get a denoise let's hit shift a search and get a d noise plug that there and then that's really going to be at we're not going to use the extra stuff because it's already super bright so what I'm going to do now is go to my camera icon definitely want to give myself maybe 400 samples on that and that's pretty much it now let me show you how to export this and we'll be done so go to this little printer icon pick your resolution I'm going to stick with 1080P and then right here I'm going to go here go to desktop create a new folder and call it um it's called spin just the first word to come to mind and then accept that and that's going to throw all your PNG sequences in there your PG images and then hit render render animation and it's going to render through all of your images um there you go that is the tutorial I hope you learned some stuff I love making stuff like this if you want to see more tutorials like this just kind of abstract stuff I have a whole playlist dedicated to that and this right here is another one that I really love so if you want to check that out you certainly can with that being said thank you guys for watching and I'll see you in the next tutorial
Channel: Ducky 3D
Views: 94,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nsqeZV9mKTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 15 2022
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