Satisfying "GLASS ANIMATION" in Blender Cycles (Tutorial)

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delete the default Cube and the light add a Taurus into the viewport add a simple reform modifier and increase its angle value to 360 degree duplicate the modifier and select z-axis error subdivision surface modifier and increase its render value to 4. apply shade smooth press Ctrl alt plus 0 to align the camera change the resolution to 1080 by 1080 pixels adjust the focal length of the camera and after that play with its y-axis value to get a desired look for the scene select the tourists and in the timeline enter the in value to 240. after that enter this same value for the first and the 240 first frame as shown in the video play the animation foreign Ty to the viewport and then duplicate it now select the Taurus then go to modifiers and select each empty for the respective simple deform modifier select the empty and enter the exact rotation values for the first and 241st frame as shown in the video similarly select the other empty and enter the exact values for the first and 241st frame as shown in the video [Music] now play the animation as you can see we have some nice looking abstract style Motion Graphics you can also change the axis of this simple deform modifier to give this animation your kind of look add an area light to the viewport you scale it by 4 and move it upwards in z-axis increase its strength to 1000 Watts change the render engine from ev2 Cycles select CPU or GPU enter viewport and render Max samples to 128 in color management set look to very high contrast and view transform to standard reduce color to all the way dark in World Properties and head over to rendered mode change the shape of the light from Square to disk also increase its size to 3 meters duplicate the area light rotate it and point it from the other side to increase its power to 1500 watts again duplicate and rotate the area light and point it from the opposite side and after that decrease its power to 750 watts select both the area lights and increase their scale value to 8. [Music] for the shading part head over to Shader editor then select the Taurus and press new and in the principle BST of Shader it increases specular value to 1 reduce roughness to zero and increase transmission to 1. add a color ramp node and join it to base color add a gradient texture node and join it to color wrap add multiple colored stops to the color ramp and switch from linear to ease add multiple colors so that colored stops to give some kind of gradient fill to the Taurus select the area lights and make a few changes to their size or power values if necessary otherwise no need to do so increase the exposure value a little bit to give a brighter look to your scene or the background add a plain mesh to the viewport and give it a gradient texture of black and gray foreign go to edit mode press F to fill after that add a solidify modifier and then again use the same black and gray kind of gradient texture for it locate the circle and move it to the other side of the C press Ctrl B and drag to select the render region and that's all for today's video thank you so much to everyone for watching the video hope to see you all in the next video till then stay tuned and keep learning
Channel: GET | Tutorials
Views: 62,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CL77FXl6p8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 42sec (402 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2023
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