Making American Food in a Place That is NOT America

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ah america it's certainly a place and that place certainly has food that comes from it hi i'm rambu and i'm in a different country that's not america actually [Music] hey it's uh advertisement rambu here it's totally not just rambo at the end of the recording and guess what i've got look at those bad boys that's right right now actually you can buy yourself one of these four really cool plushies head on over to and select the one that you want these sell out extremely fast so if you're seeing this video then there might still be times so click on the link and then get yourself one of these before they sell out completely they're very high quality as well as just i mean just just look at them just look at them remember these are only available for a limited time so make sure that you get yourself one if you want one or just forever just never have one also make sure that you guys are subscribed because at five million subscribers you guys are gonna get to see what's underneath the little mask that i wear so just double check to make sure that you're subscribed and onto the video now today what we're going to be doing is we're going to be attempting the impossible we're going to make the most american food that you've ever seen while in a country that's just not america because in case you haven't noticed i'm in a different area now i'm in the uk right now now you may be wondering how the heck did you get american food while in the uk wouldn't it technically be uk food and you may be right but the thing is american food isn't necessarily the food itself but it's how you create it and how just absolutely trashy it can get now we're gonna be cooking this food in three phases phase one american i mean it's it can be american but it can also be from other places then we have a phase two american it's definitely american food you can definitely tell that someone that is american made and then there's number three which is american now i also brought the proper attire for today as you can tell i'm dressed like someone in their mid-50s who has completely given up on life except my shirt has corgis on it so let's start off with phase one all right which is american now before we get all the ingredients i do need to say the tools that i am using for this we have a a little spatula of course we have a little chopping board and we also have a oh that was that was not a smart idea i should not have just put my full hand onto the top of the grill that probably wasn't the smartest thing to do that's okay because you see american food doesn't have to be smart in fact it's more encouraged if it's the opposite way now we have the george foreman grill it has this little area which i believe is called a flat boy and then we have the grill part which is what we're going to be using for the main attractions i'm going to break it now it's time to get all of our ingredients shall we it's okay they're individually wrapped in plastic now this is all we need for phase one we have our hot dogs we have slices of cheddar and we have our buns now you may be wondering where is the seasoning and to you i say you want seasoning guess what buddy this is america you know what you're getting ketchup so let's get cooking now the first thing that we're going to need to do is just uh would not be a good time to say that i have literally barely cooked like just at all just in in general most of the things that i get usually just pop them in the oven or should i just keep that to myself i feel like i should just keep that to myself don't leave that in the video no obviously you are going to leave it in the video for comedic purposes why'd you put that in the video that'll be funny so we got to open up the packages so just uh that actually worked just so much better than i thought it would so first we're gonna start off with um obviously the burger so now we just have to wait for this to heat up okay so our um our grill is probably pretty heated by now i would think so i think we have to start with the burger first because i'm pretty sure that takes longer to cook so let's just do that oh wow yeah oh we're oh man i feel right at home this is awesome i am what they refer to in the industry as a [ __ ] no one should ever refer to me as such now you may be wondering are you gonna eat all this yourself no i'm not i'm gonna have to eat some of it because he deserves to feel what pain is in the form of american food see now this is just stage one american food and don't worry it'll get a lot better okay now that the hot dog is almost ready you have to prepare the other parts of the hot dog which are the buns now if you see in america usually the buttons would already be cut but see in here because they just hate people you gotta cut them yourself look at how much time i wasted doing that i believe now the hot dog is done so uh we need to just uh do we just would you look at that one fine american hot dog well i think it's time that we call for a taste tester for the first taste test tommo hello what the [ __ ] is going on ignore that that's for you later this is a normal hut though that's a normal heart how did you cook it you cook it on that yes what do you think see pretty good i really hope this is cooked because if it's not then my friend will die now would you look at that beauty right there i really did i take all the plastic off it still looks like it has plastic on it that's fine now we're gonna get our bun out of here and then we're gonna then we're gonna add it and then we're gonna add we're gonna put it all together you have to cut the bun the buns don't come pre-cut one second hey you know your country yeah it sucks oh just had to write some wrongs and now that that's cheese is all nice and melted we can take it off of this put it on there there we are the stage one american burger for you how is it it tastes like a lot of calories [Music] good so now we're moving on to phase two which is american you can definitely tell that the food is made by an american because it's gonna be weird so now that we're in phase two of american food we just have to basically just cook the burger and uh hot dogs so let's get that bad boy started again we're gonna just grab one of these and then just uh kind of just put it on there i guess it's not sizzling why is it not scissors it would have helped to turn it up there we go oh yeah there we go see that's how you do it that's how you get it nice and you know head say you get the burger nice eyes it's just fun to slap oh wow it's actually doing something to it take a look at that look at those look at those grill lines it probably would honestly be better to use this side now that i think about it i might just use that side honestly i'm just going to use this side so all we got to do is just move this little guy over here and then soon we will have a burger oh you can start to hear it let's see how's it doing i think it's doing all right now i'm gonna have to just try the hot dog on this one because apparently he doesn't like cheese on his cheeseburgers which just doesn't make any sense so instead i'm gonna try the cheeseburger and i'm gonna have him try the hot dog god help me so let's let's get the hot dog going shall we now you see the green light just came on which means that i probably shouldn't put the burger in until the green light came on but i don't wait for things to tell me that it's safe or okay to do because i'm american all right this is an american cooking show i slap my weenie on the grill like every other red blood i have blood that's for sure it's moving on its own it's did you all see that it's it was moving on itself i might have to fight you would you take a look at this wiener huh would you would you take a look at this hot dog this is now this is oh my gosh i love america that's doing well okay cool i think that's cooked enough let's grab our our second hot dog bun so we're gonna put that here and now that this is done we can put it in the hot dog bun get in there there we go perfect and then and then let's see if tubble will notice that instead of using ketchup i'm using cheetos ketchup flavor we're just going to place them right about here look at that look at that there we go there we go dumbo i have another hot dog for you to eat what the why do you put like chips in it how is it this is great what do you mean this is grim that's fine oh he loves it he loves it see phase two is going well i can already feel my cholesterol rising yeah that's good that's the number that you want up the burger part is almost done actually yeah that looks nice and burnt okay so let's add the cheese so you may be wondering this is just a normal burger watch this there we are oh just kidding i'm placing it on the bun as well that's right two times the cheese two times the disease whoo that that looks burnt that's okay though sometimes things look burnt and you know what i say cook it more baby look at that oh my goodness this is gonna taste just so incredibly interesting would you take a look at how that looks doesn't that just look spectacular but we're not done yet because now we're adding the tangy cheese tang tangy i don't know how to pronounce that word but that's okay i'm a chef i don't know i don't have to know how to pronounce what i'm what i'm cooking and then we're going to add the ketchup of course go oh look at that look at that kind of just crunch it down just there we go there we go and now we have the phase two burger it's got oh it's got stuff in it that's for sure let's eat this one oh hi you thought they were gonna get something watch this actually not actually help you back the good news is that it's not raw bad news is that there is no bad news i just cooked the perfect burger i'm actually just gonna straight up have this burger now um i'll see you guys at phase three and now it's time for phase three so now you may be wondering ramu you already kind of went overboard with literally everything how are you going to make something more american than what you've already made you see the problem this whole time is that i've been making two separate things making one hot dog and one burger you can already tell where this is going we're gonna take one of these bad boys we're gonna wrap it around the hot dog make sure that you guys subscribe if you want to see more content like this because i already know that this is just incredible content it's perfect so now we just slap this bad boy on the grill am i breaking any laws by doing this maybe god's laws honestly i'm gonna put it in here i'm gonna just put it in here slide it on over to here and then just pray and then we're going to leave it up to uh we're just gonna leave it up to god like uh like most things in america these days so there we go now we have to prep the other things as well i may be wondering what things do you have to prep we have to prep the buttons all right because it's not a truly american thing unless the buns are toasted i mean have you seen the beaches because tanning all right how's it how's it doing yep no we're keeping that closed for a little bit jesus christ now the buns are nice and toasted okay we gotta get we gotta get the cheese slices we're gonna put so much cheese on this bad boy oh my goodness it's gonna be like the first time i'm playing a horror game you know oh geez here we go we gotta see so we got a piece of cheese on there now how is this looking oh okay there we go i think we're ready to add the cheese i'm so incredibly concerned oh i almost forgot now you may also be wondering well there's something else that people put on burgers and you're absolutely right durkis we're just we're just gonna just this is gonna be awesome let's put that let's put the cheese on this bad boy god help me feel like i should just burn this like not like not like burn it like cooking wise but i mean just like ritually ah and there we go we're approaching uh max american right now and i'm worried that if we go overboard i may just start just doing some oh what i don't we don't want to go max american okay we're gonna put some ketchup on this bad boy there we go oh look at that look at that okay perfect we gotta crunch it down and there you have it the most american thing that you can get while in the uk isn't it just terrible i'm not i'm so happy that i'm eating this oh [Music] i feel like i'm gonna be ill just fight you haven't even eaten it yet oh just the look of it no no no you can't do it put that back put that back make me mad get out of my kitchen out this is stage three this is the most american that i'm gonna get for the next months while i'm in the uk oh boy so uh thank you guys for watching this video make sure that you subscribe i'm trying to hit 3 million subscribers and flex on my parents because they have a low sub count so if you guys enjoyed the video then make sure you check out my other videos as well as subscribe again thank you guys so much for watching i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Ranboo
Views: 3,345,234
Rating: 4.979259 out of 5
Keywords: Ranboo, Ranboo burger, Tubbo, Ranboo Tubbo, Ranboolive, Ranboo funny moments, Comedy, Commentary
Id: hs0jo0n1OYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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