Making a Pirate Treasure Chest 💀 DIY Halloween Props

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we're jane jamie and in this video we're challenging ourselves to make one of the most difficult props we've ever made a magical pirate treasure chest can we turn this epic sea of thieves inspired concept art into a real life thing let's find out what makes this so difficult is there are so many parts there's the wood and metal foam work there's 3d printing for the latches hinges and skulls there's special effects there's so many things this concept art is based on the game sea of thieves which is a pirate game that has basically the best art style ever we're huge fans of the game and the art so when we went looking for a piece of concept art we came across this fan made piece by this artist right here incredibly talented illustrator you should definitely check out their instagram to get things started we went into sketchup the concept art had a bunch of different angles of the box that they drew so we were able to bring that into sketchup and figure out what size we wanted it to be from sketchup we were able to take all the dimensions and use those to make a full-size cardboard mock-up which is right here a mock-up is cool because you're actually able to see the dimensions and size and design and see if you really like it or not so now we know we love our design we can cut out our real pieces from the real material which is xps installation foam this is what we use to make our tombstones and the dark portals it's gonna be perfect for like the rigid wood parts for the like metal banding that's gonna go around it we're gonna use eva foam and some other things i don't know we'll use some stuff don't worry about it but we got to start with this we grabbed the dimensions of our sketchup file laid it out on our phone with a marker and then got to cutting the next thing is these have to be angled they're going to go together like this they're not exactly 45 degrees it's like 44.6 to something like that it doesn't matter this pirate treasure chest has been sitting at the bottom of the sea 45 is good enough so to cut our angles we can use a knife we could use like a table saw or a band saw if you have access to those tools go for it we're going to show you a simple way to do it but use whatever tools you have at your disposal and don't worry about being perfect this is the face so it's going to go in like that so we're going to take our square which is shaped like a triangle and i'm going to put it kind of right on the edge there and then we can mark right there so now we connect the two lines on the back side and that's going to give us a reference for where to cut so i can use a knife to cut off most of that and then we'll use a rasp to kind of clean up the edges i want to say that i got a pretty badass angle there that is really good no saw no problem i'm still gonna use a saw and we have a treasure chest we finished cutting the angles and we did a dry assembly it's not glued up yet but this helps us visualize because all these pieces are angled and stuff the bottom is not flat we need to attach this piece to this piece here's what we did see these toothpicks we put them in parallel to the ground as flat as they could be and they align with the bottom edge up here on the inside gives us a reference point to where the inside edge should be if it were to be flat so we'll connect the lines cut it off and then we'll finesse it later with a rasp that totally works but before we assemble we need to do texture we could do this after it's assembled but i think that when we're able to lay it flat it's going to make it much easier so there's two layers of texture we're going to do the first is basically a big line in the middle to make it look like two planks of wood and then next we're going to come in and give it a little bit of wood grain the easiest way we found to do that is with a flathead screwdriver so you're going to want to push into the foam pretty hard with just one corner of the screwdriver we have wood grain that looks amazing hey we've got it it's got texture and we re-dry fit it back together everything's lining up perfectly this looks so cool the other thing we did was the top of this so instead of cutting exact angles what we did was cut what's called a rabbit which is basically like a groove that goes all along the edge it fits right back in the top finally ready for glue to glue the chest together we're going to use clear gorilla glue and it's super easy to use you just spritz a little bit of water on there stick it on tape it together beautiful all right so while the those things dry uh we're gonna move on to the next section which is all the detail and for that we're gonna use eva foam when you see all those cool cosplay armors it's usually made out of this stuff so we're gonna use hd foam which is a product developed by steve from sks props who has a channel that is in our video description awesome artist he makes tons of weapons and costumes and armor and just amazing stuff so why eva foam and not just do the whole thing out of pink foam so the pink foam is too thick and it's kind of a pain in the butt to reduce the thickness this happens to be the perfect thickness and it's flexible so it'll glue like really nicely onto the surface of the chest so the banding is going to cover these flat pieces which is two inches so we want our strips to be a little bit over two inches how do we glue foam to foam but two different kinds of foam we did some tests we tried mod podge wood glue we tried barge which totally ate you know when you spray paint foam it kind of eats the foam barge did the same thing but barge is great if you're just gluing this foam to itself that's what you want to use not if you're mixing foams anyway we did some tests and we're just going to use wood glue because it worked great it's so hard to squeeze you're almost there [Music] yay you need to rest after that test pace all right so that's great we just need to do all the edges now montage time [Music] what do you think of this treasure chest yeah oh it's not done yet though it's not done yet but we got all of the pieces on and now we gotta wait what i guess still tomorrow for everything to dry yeah you're all done all done well tapes off and it's it's secure it looks less like a cooler and more like a treasure chest at this point pirate igloo yeah the pirate chest yeah it's full of grog for the long corners of our chest we're going to use eva foam again but this time we're going to use the six millimeter we could use the bigger one but since we have it this will give us a little bit more depth and texture one of the first tough design decisions we had to make was to not include the bones on the corners we really wanted the skull and the effects on the front to be the focus and to keep the rest of it a little bit understated so the metal is going to be on the corner and we want it to look clean so what we're going to do is cut the foam at like an angle and that way when you flip it over you have one piece of foam that cuts into the two and it can come together at an angle like that we also cut some extra pieces of the 10 millimeter foam because these are going to go on the outside corners as like little corner guards to glue the foam together we're going to use bart barge is a contact cement and the way it works is you apply it to both sides of your piece so you'd be like here and a little bit here and you let it dry completely which takes about five minutes stick it together and then it bonds instantly this stuff smells really really bad so make sure you use a respirator when you use it it's been about five minutes pretty sure the glue is dry if you can touch it and it's not tacky you're good to go if for some terrible reason you do mess up if you use a blow dryer and heat it up you can release the glue just like the other pieces we're going to glue them on with glue yeah good glue with good it's a good glue when it is dry we're going to come back and trim the tops we left these a little bit long because i think it's going to be easier to just trim it to fit after the fact than to try to like cut it exactly at this stage [Music] don't break our chest it's so light all right back tomorrow yep all right we had it's the next day we had some problems we had these all nicely glued on and taped and we come in the next morning and nothing stuck so we were like investigating trying to figure out what happened and our best guess is that the wood glue we used was really old and kind of coagulated so we had to pull everything off clean off all the old glue in the past we've used gorilla glue to glue like pink foam together and it sets up a lot faster so that's what we used and it worked great we probably should have used that from the start so lesson learned the other thing we did was we applied the corner guards using the barge and now it looks awesome but we gotta wait a little while again it is time to add the hinges what we did is we used our 3d printer and we made our own hinges so let's go take a look at how we did that we modeled four different parts based on the concept so they're kind of beefy and stylized there are the back hinges the front latch and hasp and the hinge for the latch the latch will get glued into the hinge when they're done printing because it'll be easier to print this in two pieces and easy to put together the hinges are what's known as print in place models which means they print as a single piece but still function normally it's really cool once everything was all prepped it was off to the printer [Music] we did a few rounds of tests to get them just right but the results came out perfect now it is time to cut these mortises normally a hinge mortise is cut sort of halfway between the top and the bottom since our top was overhanging though we decided to put the whole thing into the bottom how about a perfect fit on the first try see we mess up a lot of things we don't mess up some things now i'm just going to cut two more in the front and then we're going to move on to texture before we paint it what we want to do is beat it up this thing has been in pirate battles and through kraken attacks so at least three krakens have attacked this treasure chest it cuts like butter so you just need a light touch you're like little divots in there and round over the edges just add all those fun battle scars just like a scar on your body is a memory and it tells a story you want marks like this to make this piece feel like it's been in the world so we've got a couple on the back and now i'm going to show you how we cut some in the front [Music] so there you go a couple of battle scars kind of nerve-wracking taking a knife to you know this after doing all of this work but it adds a lot of character i think it's a super important element [Music] almost ready to put a coat of sealer on but before we do that we've got one last thing to do and that is but put a little dab of that dab dab of dab dab with that a dab dab so any of these like big gaps like there we can use some of this real quick we're gonna heat seal this gray eva foam which makes it easier to paint we have to be a little careful when we do this because if the heat hits the pink foam it'll sort of melt and deform so we are going to seal the whole thing with dry lock and what dry lock is is basically a masonry sealer but it works really great to seal foam it waterproofs it and it gives us a nice surface to paint now there's a couple type of dry lock there's original dry lock which has a sandy texture the other type of dry lock is dry lock extreme somebody should ride by on a bmx bike just holding this through fire [Music] all right we're gonna wait two three hours for this to dry and then take the next step now we're gonna stick with the concept darts which means we're gonna make the wood kind of a purplish color which is really cool because it gives it kind of a super natural look technically it's called plum num we're painting it plum so it'll be plum with some washes of black over it and maybe some lighter purple highlights and then this would be silver and kind of blackish and metal metal color we almost use the whole bottle of paint there's so much paint the dry lock is so thirsty it like really soaks up a lot but i love this color it's like purple heart wood it's kind of cool totally it totally looks like purple heart after two more coats of plum we use an obsidian metallic paint to do all the metal we also use the same stuff for the 3d printed hinges and all the metal parts [Music] so for the leather straps and the concept art we actually made them and we were this close to putting them on but we actually fell in love with how it looked without them don't worry we'll save these for another project so this is always for me the scariest part because we have this pristinely painted box and now we have to mess it up the nice thing about painting though is if we totally screw up we can just start over again it'll take some time but we can just paint over it for that reason it's worth just going for it just being like hey you just gotta make it dirty just commit and if we totally screw it up it's okay don't worry about it we're gonna start with a wash and what a wash is gonna do is give us some shadows in our dark areas to do that we're just gonna take some black acrylic paint and water it down this chest looks evil now yeah i'm so happy with this now maybe it's a little too dark so we're gonna add some dry brushing in to bring out some highlights now what we're going to do is try and hit these bottom corners here kind of where like if the light was shining down it would bounce off those corners give it just a little bit more depth that's so cool how just that little bit of highlight makes it look like metal i don't even know what to say i mean it was like very bright and purple then it was really dark and now it's just got i don't know there's a lot of contrast i think there's a lot of depth this is just excellent very nice job the next few sections might feel like they're a little bit out of order that's because we were constantly jumping back and forth between you know the skulls and the hinges and the electronics we were constantly waiting on things to dry and it seemed like the video would make a little more sense if we did it this way so if things seem out of order don't worry about it we're still waiting on things to dry so many things we need to dry so many things but we're gonna work on the skull in the meantime this was 3d printed and the model was done by an artist we found online who specializes in sea of thieves style art it was perfect for this we ended up printing the entire thing because at the time we weren't exactly sure how we were going to cut it or attach it to the box but i'm glad we did because it came out awesome so the back of the skull is going to end up getting cut off because this is going to get attached to the box this is the part where i'm explaining how i thought it was a better idea to print the whole thing which in hindsight it wasn't we talk a little bit about this later but what we ultimately should have done is print the skull in exactly the form we wanted to use it we spent a lot of time trying to figure out all this next stuff also it's worth noting that this skull is like the same size as the skulls you can get at the big box store if you don't have a 3d printer and you don't want to 3d print stuff this guy will probably work just as well we used a 3d app to try to figure out exactly where we wanted the skull to go which we could use as a guide we figured out the angle of the box now we're using a laser and hold and my super steady hands yes surgeon's hands over here to mark exactly where we need to cut this is about as close a line i think as we're ever gonna hope for [Music] okay is it going to fit that's pretty good man i'm bad am i centered um not perfect but mostly fits come on yes so we printed two more of these we also printed the jaws and the teeth and we just glued the teeth back on it probably would have been easier to just print them with the teeth in place but whatever we glued them back it's fine other thing we did is we primed everything with just a spray primer to get it ready for painting and painting stuff for the front skull though we are going to draw some cracks and cut the cracks out that way our blue glowing smoke will come out not only the eyes but the cracks as well in hindsight i think we should have tried to print it in this state yes uh like the full state with the cracks and the eyes and the whole back totally the lesson is if we had planned ahead this would have saved a lot of time this is the fun part we get to paint these and to do that we're gonna use an airbrush this is uh new to us this used to belong to my grandfather actually who made really amazing model ships we started off by spraying on sort of a beige colored base coat next we used some light browns and some slightly darker browns just to give it a little variance in the color and then we used some black on the eyes and the nose for the side ones to bring some of the highlights back in we hit the edges with a little bit of dry brushing i mean for not knowing much about airbrushing i'm pretty happy with how this came out now we gotta figure out how to attach these things we have somewhat of a plan we have an idea that's being generous there's there is a an inkling of an idea it worked first try too we only had one idea so if this didn't work i don't know what we're gonna do but it did work and now we're gonna show you how we did it first we centered the skull on the box and then we used a toothpick to mark a little tiny hole where the temple meets the box then we glued our toothpicks into the skull using super glue and then we put hot glue on there for extra extra strength then we applied some gorilla glue to the end of our pokey jammy sticks and we didn't even need to clamp it because it was a beautiful pressure fit once the glue dries we'll fill in any gaps with a little dab of dap and then we'll touch it up with paint to make the fog part we're gonna use the micro fogger it's soft so much so much it's battery powered and small which is great because you can fit it in almost any prop without having to run like big hoses from your giant fog machine it even has a remote so you can power it remotely with the remote you can also hook it up to like an arduino and power it that way a lot of cool options so this is gonna go inside the skull and we took an led strip that has a rubber waterproof coating around it soldered some wires on it and we've got to fit all this stuff inside this little skull the led strip got hot glued into the skull and angled so the wires could come out the bottom and be hidden we have to drill a hole in this box for this hose drilling pink foam is pretty horrible but if you go really really slow we can make a pretty clean hole there it is so we 3d printed our own little piece to go on the end of the hose so it fits in the same way and it has three prongs one will go up and kind of come out of the cracks of the skull and these two will hopefully come out the eyes okay that works pretty well but not exactly right it's coming out the eyes but not quite enough up so we're going to do one more tweak we'll 3d print another piece we'll check out what that looks like after now the side ones are permanently attached but this one needs to be able to come off and on in case we need to replace the lights or just mess with it at all so we're going to use magnets we cut some pieces of the 10 millimeter foam and then we glued a magnet inside and then this other magnet will be glued to the box and now we just need to attach these to the inside of the skull like that boom perfect fit before we attach the hinges to the top of the box we're going to install our arduino and our battery pack which control the lights and the micro fogger these are all components that we're going to want to take off again someday and possibly replace or repair so we don't want them permanently attached hot glue is perfect for this this thing needs to get charged and we need to refill the fluid periodically so we need to attach this in a way where it's easy to get back in and out we glued these down and now we're just going to use some zip ties there we go that's really all we need here's the inside of the box once we got everything plugged in it looks super clean we routed the hose around so it's out of the way and you can't actually see any of this stuff unless you open the box all the way up so it's nice and hidden it's time to attach the back hinges and to do that we're using drywall screws these are nice because they're actually got this cool blackish like gunmetal color and they have nice big threads which are going to help with the pink foam these aren't meant for some sort of super strong strength but it will be enough with a little bit of glue to hold them in place and to have the box open and close normally so all i'm really going to do is put it in place i'll take a little bit of glue i'm just going to gently screw it in okay finally with the latches in place we can put the bottom parts in and those just got lightly screwed into the foam next it's on to the handles we're going to make our final handles out of eva foam because it's a little flexible though we're going to sandwich in some wire between two layers that way it gives us a little bit more rigidity after that we use the rotary tool to shape the outsides and give them that rough metal look we hit it with a few coats of plastidip to seal it next we use a little barge to attach the small metal hinges and finally painted it with the same obsidian metallic paint to attach the handles we put a little bit of gorilla glue on the back of the hinges and gently screw them into the foam perfect for the jaws on the side we used the same trick with the toothpicks we marked the location glued them into place the only tricky part was fitting them around the handles so it looked like it was biting down on them this front one should go in a little bit easier because we don't have to like have a thing in its mouth can that be our next project we animate the chest one of the finishing touches we're going to add to this pirate chest are rivets we are using little pearls that we hit with some spray paint we just got these at the craft store i've also heard you can use googly eyes and those work really well too so we pre-measured where we want these to go and the cool thing about these is they're sticky so all we got to do is take it off and stick it on i'm going to go ahead and get the recipes on and then we're going to touch them up a little bit with some paint even though we weren't perfectly faithful to the concept art i think this thing is amazing so hopefully we did it some justice maybe in a future video we can find out what secrets are locked inside the thing about a project like this is it took us an incredibly long time and it's not something we could really sell or anything like that so the reason we can do projects like this is because of your support if you do want to help out there's a few ways you can do that the first is to subscribe to the channel and leave a comment which helps us out with things like sponsors second is we do have a patreon where you can support us directly and get cool stuff like 3d printed files and plans stuff like that and lastly just share the video if you know anybody who likes pirate stuff send it their way thanks for watching y'all until next time stay wicked and today we're going to mail we're going to mild we're going to meld it mill it remilled it does that matter what do i want to say since these are going to be one word when it is well we went for while we weren't doing it oh okay
Channel: Wicked Makers
Views: 312,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY Halloween, Halloween DIY, DIY Halloween Props, Halloween Props DIY, DIY Halloween decorations, DIY halloween decor, halloween decor, halloween decorations, halloween props, best halloween decorations, jay and jaimie, halloween diy, wicked makers, diy skeleton, pirates of the caribbean, sea of thieves, pirate treasure chest, treasure chest, diy pirate, diy pirate treasure chest, diy pirate prop, pirate props, DIY pirate chest, pirate treasure chest diy, pirate diy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 4sec (1564 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 22 2022
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