Making a Pavlov VR map with Unreal Engine 4: Map Basics.

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we are back starting my second stream if you missed the first stream or want to watch it it's in my vods for now and in that one we covered the very basics of what you need to get started on a Pavlov level and we tested it and it worked I'm going to find it that is not it that we made and now we're loading it back up and we're going to make it a little bit cooler one of the things that we were missing seeing a lot of things one of the things we were missing is a kill volume under the world which is particularly bad because you could just walk off the world once you did that you fall forever okay when it loads back in its loading it's not showing the right thing come on it's not what I want you to show well killing the OBS okay here's our level again it's not our level where's our stuff go when it loads back in it looks a default level again instead of loading your level but it should still be where you were looking in the content browser so just go back to UGC folder if you're not already there and find your map and load that here's our map now one of the biggest problems is it you fall forever so we want to put in a kill audience that's a Pavlov kill volume here is anything that touches this you think it's like relatively close to it will die and that's important for and even if you think your level is like self-contained and it's not a problem you probably want to put one of these under your level anyway just in case something happens to fall through there's a weird problem you don't want people to be forever it's a irritating so what I do is drag it well under your level like the lowest point of your level and you want to make it pretty fat because you're falling really fast so if it's kind of thin you might just fall through it and it won't actually register that you hit it so make it pretty fat and and we're gonna stretch it sure I'm gonna make it overly big because they were gonna make our level bigger eventually like so you can see over here on the right again if you've never used you before it shows you the scale that you made it so we have it 11 units tall 61 wide 59 this is what I happen to drag it to and that is relevant because of these units all scale it's kind of confusing let's get into that a little bit let's grab that basic we were talking about before this is one meter by one meter by one meter which doesn't mean anything in an abstract sense like you're looking at this cell be like okay what does that mean to me this is a Pavlov spawn actor that's how about how tall your character is which is you know about it looks like two meters tall it's actually not quite that tall it's one things you can do to help you get a sense of scale for things it's kind of hard to use these because they the model goes over there the wireframe goes away but while you're building your level that's not the right arrow you can see those are a little bit more than a person tall you can take like a cube like this and make it one and a half so I'm changing the scale this cube to be one and a half tall I just undo and let's make it like 0.5 so this is about how big a person's gonna be so you need to know this when you're building your level so you don't make your level like ridiculously big which is a common problem or too small I this common but still still a problem like if you're making a doorway or something let's do some cool stuff that's not selecting the edges whatever and you can split that we can't split that turn to something cool real quick the damages yes we just build like this nope that was wrong it's so hard to select the edges there we go you can select this face Street it I know that don't show this again there look we have a doorway wow that's so cool now you don't want to make the doorway too small for your character to go in there because if you're like a really tall dude like we have some really tall deeds in Pavlov this might seem really cramped so I think it's fine for now though so just be careful when you're when you're building things that they're not ridiculously big or way too small I love looks like that now okay so we made our kill volume we have our fake little eyes or you can just leave this in the road while you're building it one of the things you can do if you want to leave it in your world click that and this is the settings for that object go down to cooking and this is like when you stage your level is editor only it will not build it when you build your level so here in the editor so you can use it to get a scale for things with and when you load into the game it won't actually be there that's as opposed to actor hidden in game where it does cook it but you can't actually see it you just don't want it to cook it at all alright let's do some of the other stuff that you probably want to do so we have our light here this is a directional light I believe that it starts within the level looks like that and that applies light in this direction not from this source which is kind of in a general sense this whole world has light coming down from where is it from this way to this way but there's no shadows that's weird you can see shading on the back of it the reason it doesn't have shadows because he didn't build lighting build the lighting or he just hit build and it builds the navigation to this is generally what you want to do before you finish your level and this can take a while if you have a complicated level with a bunch of like complicated light maps which is what he uses to determine how it's gonna light something but ours is very basic what's gonna be done pretty much instantly done and look we have shadows super dark down here though I should have changed the name of my stream hold on I can still do that apparently we're gonna be messing with lighting and some of the other basics started are doing volumes okay fantastic now if you want to change see how even though the light shows it says here it's still lighting stuff behind it cuz it's just in a general sense from that direction you can see the Sun is also over there that's a property of the skybox this guy's here and you can change let's say you want to change where the lights coming from you cannot rotate it that's going that way the shadows aren't gonna update because we've baked them in bacon uses static lighting which this light is which is saying that this lights always here and static objects like these cubes that aren't gonna move and now it knows hey this light's not gonna move these boxes aren't gonna move this shadow is always gonna be here you know until you turn the light that's it's not relevant in the game it's not gonna move and so it builds the shadows first so that it doesn't have to do it in a game and that makes it run better which is why we're using static lighting but in the editor you can move stuff and let the other things want to remember how dark the shadows were we're gonna change that is the intensity is how bright the light parts are which honestly is probably a little bit right and then the indirect lighting intensity is how much it lights the dark areas basically it's like off bounces or something like it actually calculates how the light bounces are out of different service it's like if you have shiny surfaces it'll reflect more but that's that's for later we're gonna increase that if it's like an outdoor map you probably want it around like four to six and that's on the wiki tail and so if the light pointing that way it doesn't make sense for the Sun to be over there but if you click on the skybox directional light actor this will you can except for refresh it cuz it's not selected and then choose it again and now it's like oh yeah okay the light is coming from over there you can change a bunch of cool stuff with the sky sphere like the colors you can change whether or not the color is determined by the height of the Sun like if the Sun we're down here if the angle is lower it would be like that colors let's build lighting again real quick this is just the very basics of lighting and setting up your skybox and stuff okay the lighting again it's really dark not quite as dark though probably crank that up to six but that's good for now again we're done sorry have my coffee it really makes me cough okay we're going to do some of the other basic stuff that we should probably have let's do navigation so the bots weren't moving right there's something called a nav mesh nav mesh bounds volume so a volume is just in area like our kill volume that we put under the level just says in this area do a thing the kill volume kills you didn't finish I'm flying says let BOTS move here and you can see by putting it here it doesn't do anything yet but it actually is you just can't see it we're gonna hit P and that shows you the navmesh and this is where bots can move right now if a bot spawns here you can walk around in this little area super useful not really and let's actually increase the height so that's on top of those two now we can make sure that our little dudes are in the green area so if they spawn there they'll be able to move not very far but we're gonna fix that there's also the ones that are in here you can see it said bad size you don't need it to be like too terribly big you don't want it to overlap too many areas that you're not actually going to be using because the more stuff that you have it do it isn't necessary the slower the game's gonna run which is minor in that case but it adds up so this is a general rule don't have addy stuff that doesn't need to be doing it should be a guy in here - is that him yeah there it is there's gonna be a bad-sized - you'll see why I'm making sure these are in a nephesh in a second the other thing cool that you want or that you have as a tool for the navmesh are these link proxies so let's say for example we had another box right there let's put it like this there we go you can actually fit through here probably you could easily fit through here in the game but the navmesh is playing it safe and not trying to get people stuck anywhere and so it won't play navmesh in areas that I think might be too small that's adjustable but we can't actually change that because it's really determined by the server which you don't have access to so if you try to mess with the navmesh settings it might actually cause your box you just not move at all because it doesn't match what the server is doing so instead we can do stuff like these link proxy so you grab the navmesh or nav link proxy and it gives you these two points and now we can rotate it and you can move it either as a whole like I'm doing now by selecting the center part and you can stretch it sideways or you can move each individual part like a right-click on just this blue bit on the inside this one over and look you see that how there's a green arrow it's actually just barely clipping here so by having it touch on both sides now it knows oh there's actually a connection here to between these two spots but only these two spots and not in between so like if you spawned a dude in between he wouldn't move but if a guy's standing here he'll touch this and if his AI for some reason wants to be on the other side he'll say okay I'm gonna follow this link proxy and we'll just walk between them I'm not sure if they can shoot and stuff while they're doing that but just keep in mind it's just a straight path from here to here and it kind of bypasses the rest of it what about these guys are stuck up here well do the same thing one on top I'd say he can jump off on the left side so we're gonna click this one we should get that arrow that shows that it's connected as long as it's touching it's good although you can sometimes run into trouble like if you're having them run up a steep hill or something to get on top of something the light clip against the edge and stop walking but generally it's pretty automatic rape you said something a little work the problem with this of course is they can't get from the bottom to the top they can't get from the left to right they can only go from right to the left but you can tell them that that's right now it has an arrow we're looking at the dark green arrow on the bottom and the top it's kind of hard to see there's an arrow there too you can't go up so what we do is we have that selected a blue proxy and we go to a simple link smart link is not what we're using it uses simple link so you open up the point links there is one set of two point links a left and right and there is a direction and it says both ways we want to be only right to left so the arrow disappeared off this awesome now that tell us that it can only jump down so now we can take that that little proxy copy paste it if I wrote it's gonna rotate around this center point where you see the arrows and stuff that's the center point and that can be kind of annoying sometimes how life because I'm drug dragged drug this left link away from the center point you get into trouble sometimes Len moving stuff too far from the center point some meshes that you download might have the center point in a weird place it's something to keep in mind here and we just check for the dark green arrow to make sure it's working copy pasting with keyboard commands to change this moving stuff around and scaling it to have kind of becomes second-nature it's really easy convenient like looking around and doing basic moving stuff in ue4 really like it for that alright so that should be I mean you can do or these like if this guy wants to be able to jump off the other side to the ground and he'll like if you see a guy over here he'll jump off this site if these guys over here is that and these again are all team deathmatch spawns what next we were talking about reflections let's do light mass we were doing the lighting earlier one of the things you want to have in your hole it's a light mass importance volume and the reason for that is because when you build lighting it builds everything based off of sets which I believe you can change but you shouldn't really need to to too much of an extent because if you use a light mass importance volume it'll light everything in the volume with high quality and everything outside the volume with a lower quality to save you like rendering power and build times and stuff like that so if you have a big level but only part of it is playable you want to put this important volume around your level and only your level and that'll make sure that you're getting the best quality that you need without wasting processing and you want to make sure it's actually high enough well there's nothing up there I don't think it's actually lighting it don't be stingy with it cool now if I had like a landscape for example which we'll get into later then yeah it would light the playable area nicely and you probably haven't blocked off and then the outside area you can even have like trees or buildings over there and they'll look nice from a distance you don't really notice it but if you were to walk up on them the lighting wouldn't be as nice and that is good because you don't need that okay so that's our light mass and one of the last things I think we need is a reflection volume you may have noticed if you watch the previous video when I load it into the game the guns looked kind of dull because there was no reflections and a reflection if you're in an outside map like this you can just use a sphere reflection if you're building like building with square rooms you can use box reflections and try to fill each room or like each big area with the box reflection and you don't just want to do like if you do have a room the reason you may not want to put a leave them both yeah oh it's just not showing selected the reason you don't want to cover everything with one big reflection volume and I love this they actually had done that because it was easier but if you have a lot of reflections and a lot of light sources or stuff like that things that might reflect let's say you have a red wall in one room with a light shining on it so it's like bright red light bouncing around that room and then you're in a completely different room if you have wine the reflection volume covering the whole area and you're standing in the other room and you look at your gun or like a reflective surface you'll see the red glow from the other room because it's reflecting off of not the actual walls but I think the reflection volume like this but if you're using a big open outdoor air you can just cover the whole thing and it's not that big of a deal like you won't really notice minor things like oh if I mean here I shouldn't be able to see the reflection of the Sun like it just it looks natural and it feels good feels real good man okay auto-saving for me so that's our reflection our lighting we need to build by Nino I can turn off the that's P to turn off the navigation we don't need to see that all the time okay what else a glance at the wiki real quick make sure I'm not forgetting anything lights puns navigation and reflection bomb spots walking volumes that's a good one volumes game logic we did that there's ladders that's a good idea and bullet penetration this is a bunch of basic steps that you probably want to have let's get back to walking volumes okay there's a couple of ways you can climb around under levels let's go back to geometry and there's some really cool skater things built-in go where I tell you thing that was ends to make it go down this is way too big I really shoot that one as cool as it looks about curve stairs perfect look at that it's the perfect size actually that's gonna be annoying let me show you something easier first do linear stairs okay let's slip it around and made it so they can jump off besides those the time to go shoot I can go with you to one more thing real quick took that time and I'm gonna put a blocking volume over these stairs walking up stairs it didn't have a blocking volume in the game your view goes to chicken it's really annoying because your character doesn't actually smoothly step up the model just moves if the stairs are going to moves from this one to this one to this one so your view is doing like a stepping thing just really annoying you can skip that with another volume that's called a blocking volume so you put the blocking volume there I'm not actually gonna do this because I got to go but you can angle it stretch it out a little bit it's just a basic idea just like that for example I'm just gonna show you how that looks if you look at player collision so instead of it being stuttering stairs perfect so now if you're to walk up this ramp people just smoothly walk up it and get to the top but in the game it looks like there's I recommend doing the blocking volumes for your stairs and there's also ladders and they've added these instead of doing like a ramp like say you're copying a game you're supposed to be able to jump up on something but you can't jump in VR you can either do like a ramp or stairs with a blocking volume to do that instead or you can put a pavlov ladder like this and that's basically like an invisible climbing wall that you can press up against it I haven't actually tested this myself but I've seen another map it works really well so you can put like a texture here that looks like a ladder or you can just put it on like a ledge they you know make sense for you to be able to climb up onto like a small ledge or something and that works that's a couple of the basic things will test that later I'm gonna save this and I'm going to close my stream and hopefully this was helpful there's someone thank you very much
Channel: David Pascucci
Views: 9,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games
Id: D1wIkOehUbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 27sec (1467 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2017
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