Blender to Unreal Engine 4 - Full Tutorial

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hey guys my name is freedom today i'm going to show you how to use the blender to export the 3d models from blender with multiple meshes and import into your unreal engine game project you can see now this is my blender i have this model and it is a multiple mesh model the first step i have to export it out before we import into the unreal engine 4. just click file export as fbx file as demo i will export on my desktop and i will put this as building 0 1 and remember the path mode have to choose copy and also activate this one to make sure here is the blue color copy next click export fbx it will export it in desktop just wait for a while all right now this is on my desktop the building fbx next as demo i will open an unreal engine new project i will launch first now as demo i will create a game project here next i will create a third person game game project next and i will name it as blender blender to unreal to android engine 4 0 1 i will create a project start from beginning then i will give you a demo step by step how to import this building this is a 3d model it can be very amazing right now this is the unreal engine 4 a new project a game project so as demo i will create a new level a new map and i will press i will click the the parent and press r drag it become to make it become bigger in x y plane all right now if you play this is an empty terrance i press escape so now at here click the contents i i will open a new folder and i will name it building zero one now building underscore zero one i double click in and i import this fbx file drag in to here and import we only want the static mesh so click import all right now it already finished importing you can see so many meshes just because of in your blender actually these 3d models are separated by different 3d meshes here so if you import into your android engine 4 is still separated as different static meshes static meshes so what can you do you just need to right click right click the folder sorry drag to the bottom at some empty area you right click create a blueprint class as actor and here i will name it building underscore01 now this is the blueprint next you open the blueprint and what you need to do is you want to drag in all the static measure so drag in one by one in this way sorry you can delete it as well okay select one by one you can hold the control hold the control in your in your keyboard or you can hold the shift and jump to select many of them look at this color all of this aesthetic mesh the silent color light blue color select all of the static mesh in the folder and then drag into your blueprint here now you can see everything is there ready you can compile and you can close the blueprint now this is the build the blueprint of building01 if you want to use it you can just drag in then it will go into your game your game project if you play now it is here already this is the 3d mesh the 3d building the forbidden city all right that's all for today about how to export the 3d mesh from blender and import into your unreal engine 4. that's all for today thank you for watching if you love my video tutorial if you feel all this tutorial are very helpful to your 3d animation and game developing you can subscribe to my youtube channel and also turn on the mimi bell to select all to activate the notification so that when next time i publish a new video tutorial you receive a notification immediately see you in my next video enjoy and happy animation and game developing see you
Channel: Freedom Arts - 3D Animation & Game Developer
Views: 17,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D animation, iclone, blender, vroid, 3d, 3d modelling, maya, character creator, 3DXchange, 3dxchange, tutorial, Tutorial, game dev, Game developer, 3d animator, 3ds, 3ds max, reallusion, Reallusion, Blender, Unreal Engine, import, export, collision, Game Dev, game developing, Blender to Unreal Engine 4 - Full Tutorial
Id: utrYg47InEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 50sec (470 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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