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i'm going to show you how to catch all 14 bug snacks and frosted peaks starting with chili nilly and stoodler chili nilly's caught at night so we're going to go ahead and sleep till midnight you can find the bed roll at the top of the mountain all right once you wake up jump behind the tent off the mountain here you'll find the mouth of this cave and the chili nilly and the stoodler right next to each other all you have to do is shoot some chocolate at the stoodler chili nilly will collide with it they'll put each other out and you can capture both bam next up is scooby banoobi we'll get to these three before it later and these are the three pieces of a scooby booty we're gonna catch a whole one first you can see it right here and i already have it scanned to see its patrol route so what you need to do is intercept it with a trip shot that's on fire in order to do this just put a trip shot on top of a campfire or a torch receptacle something like that and then just wait for it to intercept it all right easy next up i'm going to show you how to catch aggro for aggro you need to go into this cave over here where the two torches are along with the daddy keg like statue if you are on pc agro is going to be frozen solid it is this icicle right over here so just like what we did with the scooby baby put a trip shot in the torch stick it to this ice and you will free the aggro once that roll is free you'll notice it has the symbol on it for a for a grapple or apparently you can grab with your bare hands like i just did but you can also grapple it off toss it and then just like with the the pickle you can just net it once you've removed its little shell next up is chippy chippy is going to be on higher ground so we're going to go ahead and head up and find chippy so chippy is super easy to capture you just got to be patient we know it's going to come here so all we have to do is put a launch pad along with a trip shot we're gonna attach it to this icicle right here get it as low as possible this chippy is a pretty small bug snack and then when chippy comes on through he'll be stunned you can run up to the chip if you want to make it run a little bit faster because it does a little dash and grab the chippy there's a pretty generous hitbox on the trip shop but just in case try to get as low as you possibly can next we're going to go ahead and capture mount sodi we'll come back to flutter jam when it's daytime mount sodium swims in a circle right here do not enter the water do not put your traps in it they will freeze but you can put your trap on the edge of the ice right here and sodium will get close enough to capture without having to put your trap in the water next up is insta bug instabug can be found nearby the bushes if you see a shaking bush like this one right here and you take out your camera and you see the bug come out that is the insta bug you have to take out your camera to get it to appear so once you've located you've confirmed that it is near that bush go ahead and put a trap near where you know it's going to go back up pull out your camera again let it come out as much as possible put out your camera close the trap there you have it insta bug next up is flutter jam i intentionally put it off because you can see now it is past 4 am if it's not past 4 a.m for you by the time you get to the floor gym just go to the bed roll at the very top of the mountain and sleep till 4am but the flutter jam will be in the area now so we're going to go up high where we can actually see it as you can see the flutter jam is right here now flutter jam is actually extremely easy to capture all you have to do is shoot it with some sauce shoot it with some peanut butter but don't shoot it right like i could shoot it right now i don't want to shoot it right now because if i do i will launch it off the map you want to launch it in a direction that's either towards the mountain or towards the front of the area we can easily capture it so this is a safer angle so i'm going to shoot it right here you can catch it in that case it fell straight down but sometimes it'll actually get launched by the momentum and fly off the map depending on the angle you shoot it from i'm going to show you how to catch the three other pieces of scooby banoopi i don't think my scoopy has respawned yet it has not so we're gonna go ahead and go into the bed roll up top and sleep if that's not enough leave the area come back in to reload the area and that should cause a scoopy banubi to respawn because there is only one per area okay we came to top to the bed roll we're going to sleep till 5am anytime works whatever you prefer okay my scooby-dooby has respawn i'm just gonna go ahead and drop down now very very important remember we're going to let it split apart this time and this is actually harder so we want to catch the scooby-dooby specifically over here this is the best location to do it and i'm going to explain why so we're going to put the trip shot here just put it out on the ice doesn't matter where at least right now it doesn't matter where and we're just going to wait for the scooby-doo peak to come to us while it's on its way i'm going to explain the strategy okay here's what's going to happen so of course we're going to bait the scoopy banoop here to touch this trap it'll be stunned for 10 seconds after those 10 seconds are over it's going to go ahead and chase me around aggressively and you need to try to first off you need to be close enough to make sure he chases you you don't want him to chase the saudi because if you're not close to him he will chase the sodi and if he chases the soda he's gonna go into the cold water which is gonna give him his cold power back you don't want him so when he's about to not be stunned anymore stand relatively close to him to get him to chase you and you want him to chase you over here these rocks he can't easily get to you on them because he can't jump so just alternate between here and here until the time runs out and then i'll tell you what to do next when that happens but we're gonna go ahead and let it walk into this flame trap and take it from there okay so he's stunned for 10 seconds go ahead and set the trap back but don't actually shoot it out just yet okay so like i said we're going to stand relatively closely because we want him to aggro us we don't want him to target the saudi okay jump up on this rock and he has to go around go back down on the rock back down on the rock back down now he's going to split okay we want to catch the scoopy first which is the ice cream so look where the ice cream is going and go ahead and set the fire trap and then you get the ice cream the ice cream is the hardest one to check to catch the other ones are extremely easy if you don't catch the ice cream before he gets past this location he's going to rotate around that rock and you don't have easy access to fire there you'll have to use a lot of chocolate to lure him somewhere and this area does not have chocolate this area is peanut butter so you're much better off trying to catch him right here before it escapes so that's why we don't set the trap yet i had the trap set in advance so and with the reason why we lure the scoopy banoop here we want him to split here is because the other pieces the banappa and the cherry will go over here cherry goes to the bush but noper goes to the tree but the scoopy will go here so it splits them apart so you don't have to worry about the other bug snacks tripping your trap instead but just in case we don't put the trap just yet we wait and then the scoopy will walk along here because the scoopy wants to go to that rock so then you intercept it with the trap that's exactly what we did that's exactly what you need to do okay so now we want to catch the other two pieces they are much easier so we can see the cherry is all the way over here now nothing too special about the cherry it just likes to hide in the bush if you get too close so it's got its own little patrol route just put a trap in its patrol route it is very tiny so make sure you don't lose track of it like if you weren't watching it for a while it might be easy to forget about it and not be sure where it is but here's a possible location it can be in also keep an eye on nearby bushes if it's not an insta bug it has to be a cherry okay so as for the banappa is just going to be bouncing back and forth between the trees so all you have to do just like the red bin opera in my previous video put a launch pod trip shot it's in fact it's even easier just put it at the top of the tree and they'll have to intercept it eventually [Music] next up is melty snack pot i'm going to show you all five spawn locations the first one is in this room with the double torch and the daddy cake like statue if you're on pc of course and you can see that the melty snack quad is up here on the ceiling you'll have to grapple it location number two go ahead and exit and go up the path on the right side all the way over here and then right when you start to see the curved path up here with a little rope there go ahead and look up here and you can see the next melty snack pod is right there all right the next location is much higher so follow the path for a little while and then we're going to pass through the cave where we found stoodler and chilly nilly and then turn right over here to face the front and you see this frozen waterfall here with the jam if you look up at the frozen waterfall one of the little icicles here you can grapple that that's another melty snack pod melty snack pod location number four is going to be very close to the bedroom look outside the tent right here you can just grab this one and melty snack pod location number five is very close to the stone door that leads to the end of the game so you just jump all the way down and then on this tooth right here is a melted snack on the far right with the the door behind me next up is baby cake legs if you've already defeated the daddy cake legs they're extremely easy to capture they're just waddling around in this cave all i gotta do is put a trap right next to them and then make them not stop walking away from me you're so cute stop with the wattles yeah you just catch them why are you mean to him he's already trapped you don't need to bully him in the trap lastly daddy cake legs if you are on pc then you should hopefully have this summon statue right here we're gonna go ahead and summon the legendary bugs next to take him out alrighty so we're going to start by putting a trip shot on one of these torches you can see the little candle right there we're going to aim the trap at the right so what you need to do is predict where his wings are going to go with the candles and you need to aim it at the just the right level so when he walks into the fire trap it lights into the way so it lights that one now it gets a little bit harder once you've already lit one because he can walk in really weird directions you need to try to predict where the second quick is gonna end up okay so i can't really do it right now because he's walking this way with the wick but right there should we yep there we go so that's phase one he starts here you can wait for the little cake legs it's really cute they will actually go to the location where the daddy cake legs is but it's the same location every single time we know exactly where it's going to be so we're gonna go over here jump down the next daddy cake legs location is right here next to the big stone door so we only have one fire source this time put the trip shot here aim at the wick this location is a little bit trickier he has very very bizarre movement in this location i personally struggle with this one the most we're going to put the trap here that was incorrect put the trap back this time he went backwards that way no this one i usually refer to either this icicle or that one the middle or the left ones are the best ones to go for the baby cake legs are here no that's facing the wrong way ah but that one would have worked so that was a direct hit i don't advise doing that it's best to set the traps this location is just a little bit trickier especially once you've let one of the wicks all right once again the baby cake legs are gonna go to the location of the daddy cake legs you can either just follow them if you forget where daddy cake legs is or you could just go there yourself we already know where it's gonna be it's the same location every time this time it's on the far right side so we're going to go ahead and head in that direction this one is extremely easy you would think that the final location is the hardest it's actually the easiest it's very very predictable so we're going to ignite the wick okay so you don't even need to look at it this one's very easy set your trap put it in between the third and fourth leaf of this tree like the leaf section and just wait and that will complete the fight [Music] i just walk up to it and if you want to know what a daddy cake legs looks like in the petting zoo let me go ahead and show you here we got the daddy cake oh my gosh she looks so sad look at those eyes he looks so depressed oh no daddy cake legs let me pet you i'll make you feel better daddy daddy okay i think that's daddy cake legs for please and my misery get me out of here help does gramble feed you enough are you treating him well he doesn't look happy what do you feed him you're not answering me come on he does not look happy the poor thing at any rate there you have it i've shown you how to catch every single bug snack in this game and all the major areas if you found these videos helpful including this one of course make sure you don't forget to like and comment i do upload a new video every single day so make sure you subscribe to the notification bell so you never miss out i also stream bailey on twitch starting at 12 p.m central landing at 4pm central so make sure you follow me there to catch your name live link is in the description but that's going to be it for tonight thank you for tuning in hope you had fun and i'll catch you next time
Channel: GaroShadowscale
Views: 77,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BUGSNAX FROSTED PEAK and DADDY CAKELEGS CATCHING GUIDE, Bugsnax Frosted Peak, Bugsnax Frosted Peak Guide, Bugsnax Daddy Cakelegs, Bugsnax daddy cakelegs guide, all frosted peak bugsnax, bugsnax gameplay, bugsnax guide, banopper, scoopy, cheery, scoopy banoopy, aggroll, chippie, mt sodie, stewdler, melty snakpod, instabug, baby cakelegs, daddy cakelegs, flutterjam, chillynilly, Frosted Peak bugsnax, Frosted peak bugsnax guide, bugsnax gameplay guide, garoshadowscale
Id: l8FG9pecpwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2021
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