Making a 3D cover artwork in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and Cinema 4D [Livestream]

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dreadlocks like well hello guys welcome to the second stream already from dry laps today we're gonna do some graphic design making making an album cover from scratch and yeah that's it actually actually so let me just see let me just set everything up and then we'll get to it all right so I didn't really have a clear planning on what I wanted to make the last time we did this I actually wanted to reduce on a yugioh card I'll pull it up real quick but yeah this time we're gonna basically wing it I'm not sure if we're gonna end I'm not sure along the stream will be but I will record this and you can watch this back on youtube if you don't have time right now or if you just want to watch that to time speed or will ever say yeah let me see all right so this is the card that we made in Illustrator Photoshop in cinema 4d I think it's over a month ago that we did if we did the first one but um ever since then we kind of grew a bit as dress labs the channel became bigger on YouTube yeah we got this score now with over 100 members and yeah I'm quite happy with it actually anyway we're gonna start out doing this grid so what I do always want to start the project in Illustrator is I put on snap to grid and I put on and I turn off snap to pixel because these to tend the caleche a lot yeah in my experience and for an album artwork with a gritty feel I just always start like one square away from the edge so there's still a bit of headroom and we can use this like measurements I think it's 100 pixels by 100 pixels yeah we can use this as an 2n we can use this to indicate like the space we wanted to be have between different kind of elements within this grid basically so if you want to set this up you go to illustrator preferences and then guides in grid and then I just add grid line every 100 pixels and subdivisions 10 I'm not sure if this actually works I'm not sure if this default settings or not but um yeah these are cells that I work with so yeah I'll just draw out a square and let me type in the coordinates all right so we have this so far let me just pick a song what I wanted to do a artwork off because that's easier than just doing something out of nowhere so I'm gonna pull up one of the dread Labs playlists on my phone right now [Music] let's see oh you know what my friends from psycho boys club they actually have a techno pack coming up I'm not allowed to speak about anything yet but maybe let's just do a fan art for them just for fun so we have something to work with okay so in illustrate Lambie is gonna lock this outside layer and most of the time I just start with picking a font that's seen so to make things easier for myself I usually go with one of these LDR phones I think they are from the same designer I found them on the Fond a while ago I believe it's short that's who sent me the first link so yeah I discovered this through him you should check him out on Instagram that's short debts but I'm gonna filter now on my type gets basically my Adobe phones so I have a smaller selection of phones that I can start using well we can actually start with bebas neue alright so a more condensed phone actually works better even just because psycho boys club is such a long word and it's hard to they have the artist name and break it up because well this is not gonna work very well and this is not gonna work really well either in my opinion so what I usually do to make these things fit in a grid are I'm actually immediately gonna create outlines for them just so we can start aligning things properly within our grid and if I wanted to change the font later I'm just gonna redo it anyway let's see whatever we can do mmm so the last cover I did for them was actually like a rave sticker we can try and keep within that like same theme but I actually also have a cool idea I want to work out in 3d writing like later in the video so for now I'm just gonna use this I have Maddy okay so let's see how big we want this if you guys have any questions for me or what I do just put them in a comment section and twitch and I'll try to read it every once in a while so I can answer your questions [Music] see okay we have this right now I'm gonna go to object compound path and make just so this isn't the group anymore it's just easier to work with because we're gonna use a buff finer filter on it basically okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna turn off my snap to grid for a second and because of my smart guides I'm gonna align and make a rectangle that's the same height as the letter B here and I'm gonna put this rectangle over my whole text I'm going to I'm gonna go into properties make sure my anchor points that and the or the reference point is at the middle top here and I'm gonna make sure that my uniform scaling option is turned off so the actual height of my letter and this rectangle here is this I'm just gonna type slash to which will divide by two so now I have like half this rectangle is now at the top half of my text and I resize it a bit and if we do this right now we're gonna copy the cutting copy both of them actually and we do have a command C command F and this means that we now have duplicates go on so what I want to do for the first one is I'm gonna just punch off the top of F of the text here and for the other one I'm gonna do it the other way around so gonna move this here that punch it off wait there doesn't oh so I up a bit but um if I move this now right now it should be fine still not fine okay I'm stupid it's gonna do this alright so now we have top half and the bottom half i can already kind of see what i'm trying to do here maybe I wanted this to be distorted in one way or another so we can work with this for now I'm gonna group this and I'm gonna make go and turn my snap to grid on again make a rectangle in here make sure it's only like a stroke and I were going to properly align this group within this like par to fill this up a bit I got a I also had a challenge for myself and what I wanted to do was make a cover artwork with like old red laps drugs that we have on the webshop so far and the first one of them I'm going to bring up is as you might have guessed dread shapes all right so this is a vector pack we can just copy some some shapes from here and use them in our artwork and let's see if we can find one that we haven't used so far in any video tutorial and I am pretty sure that we haven't used this one so I'm just gonna copy this and bring it into my other file here turn into black all like the coloring and everything I always just do it in Photoshop afterwards because coloring an illustrator and then correcting that color in Photoshop when you use textures and whatever it just takes a while and it's a necessary time I think at least in my work process that is alright let's do some shapes on the spot as well can I do a cool star if we bring up this star tool if I hold this and then go and press my upper arrow I'm just gonna add more which we call it like points in here and then if I let go my arrows still hold my mouse by the way and then holding command or control bring this out of it and then I'm gonna scale it down a bit let's just rotate this soda bounding box is still straight okay another cool way to make some custom shapes in Illustrator is I'm gonna bring up my star tool again this time do a little bit of a different one and I'm just gonna select the inner points near with my direct selection tool get the rotate tool rotate these just a little bit no need to deselect my square and now I'm gonna go into this list here and select my twirl tool and this is might be a tool that you haven't used before and before I'm gonna use this I'm gonna add a one small Anchor Point in the middle here so the swirl tool I will show you what it does in a minute I'm gonna turn off my snap to grid and once I brush like over this selection here with my twirl tool you'll see what happens I can distort the crap out of this basically so what I want to do is you might have guessed I'm gonna do it just grab the star shape and see what we can do with twirl tool and to make sure that we actually are working from the perfect like middle point here this is why I put the anchor point down there so we can snap to this anchor point so now I'm just gonna hold option and shift so we can resize this tool accordingly and see what happens okay so these the twirl tool works quite intense so if we double click on the tool and then use the intensity or the twirl rate and we lower this to ten you can see that it's kind of starting to rotate a bit slower and once we resize this another time so we have the fool like shaping here and now we're going to loop click and go into negative ten degrees so now it will rotate the other way around yeah this kind of defeats like this twirly thing that we had going on so I might just resize my brush see ya okay let's just leave it there let's just do another one just so I can show you a bit on how to do some dope graphics in Illustrator because we didn't we kind of rushed over illustrator in the last livestream I feel like and I feel like I don't do enough straight tutorials and I were quite some people asking me about how I do my grades and whatever so for now we're just gonna make a quick tribal shape this is also gonna be in a separate tutorial very soon so I got to like ellipses ellipses here and let's see if we can make something out of this so what you want is I kind of see this overlap in here and you want this shape here like the thing that's not overlapping on this side you want it to be like you want the shape here to start decreasing in width so this part here needs to be smaller than this part here basically which I think that makes like a proper tribal shape like this bit so what we can do now is we're going to grow and grab our shape builder tool and we're going to hold alt or option + delete these parts here so now we have this and obviously we're not done yet but I can grab this circle here and basically do the same thing with this circle here and grab the shape builder tool again and once we select both of these shapes we have this shape cone on so once we make this into a film kind of see there's like kind of some tribal stuff going on here where I like to do is maybe like take like half a round chunk out of this part here and here as well maybe even here but I quickly turn on enough extra light in here because it's getting kind of dark anyway so now we have this shape we're gonna merge these like parts together and I'm gonna rotate this just a little bit so we can do now is I'm gonna go to view I know we don't do enough to go to view but um we're gonna grab the rotate tool by pressing R on the keyboard and now we can see this anchor make sure it's not the center but actually the anchor so we're gonna align this shape later we're gonna hold alt or option and click and we want eight different kinds of eight different kinds of parts in here so we're going to type 360 divided by eight and I'm clear copy and for some reason this doesn't right so now if we press command D seven more times you can kind of see as you can get this kind of weird shape going on this tribal shape but now that I can see this I don't like this like how chunky this Partiers isn't here so what I'm gonna do is we're gonna go press command C until we're back here grab this like extra nail or a finger or whatever and let's see I'm gonna make this part of it I'm gonna take a chunk out of here as well and then we're going to get this intersection and make a circle in here I'm gonna duplicate this circle punch it out of here and punch it out of here so this looks a bit more like like a tribal shape maybe so now we're going to unite these and do the same thing in here so we're gonna grab this anchor point with our rotate tool hold option and click 45 degrees copy for some reason it doesn't work the first time what's this problem that I haven't ever mind okay now can we see this kind of clashing so I don't want that so what I might do is we're gonna go and divide it by six so we have a little bit less like shapes and air and there's a bit more room between them basically so like this now we're going to unite these square in here and I think we're gonna punch out a circle in the middle like here but before we do that I actually want to punch this out properly as well so I'm gonna grab a just let me make it wide so we can see what we're actually trying to punch out in here so gonna wrote yeah okay yeah this isn't this looks better and then I'm gonna resize this a bit all right so we're gonna punch these out one by one and then yeah we're gonna grab a larger black circle we're gonna unite them never got a punch-out the smaller circle so we have this and now we have basically within the first twenty minutes we have this so far it's gonna resize it's just a little bit and I might yeah I'm gonna punch this one out of the like the actual shape so I'm gonna duplicate this square make it into a fill make sure that like the like the bottom square isn't selected and we're gonna punch the bottom shape which is like that star which leaves us with this and I'm gonna do the same thing for this one right here so we're gonna make this into a compound path and excuse me we're gonna do the same here so let's just give this a fill first and punch out the bottom layer here like right this okay so now we have this so far and I am gonna fill this one up here with like a longer shape or whatever so I should make sure that this is actually properly aligned and we'll see what we can do in there I thinking like a sound wave bar or something something long along those lines basically and so what I actually wanted to do because I wanted to spice things up it's once the greatest finished I want to make like the actual image like in in Photoshop obviously but I want like the main image hole to be an actual hole and we're gonna make a 3d album cover and within the 3d album cover I want I want to make this like pretty environment with a tweety render in it so we can have a artwork that's actually moving but like it's really hard to explain I'll just I'll just try and do it as I go anyway let's see what we can do in here actually I have a quick way to do a barcode which some people have been asking me about as well there's this font code 128 and if I just type our dread Labs it gives you a bar code immediately basically so we're gonna create it outlines and we're gonna put them at the bottom here if you like words should be doing just gonna snap migrate in your fur at first and then okay this will be like the side better thing basically oops alright so this can be at the bottom there gonna resize it so it just matches up it won't be a real barcode anyway so it doesn't really matter alright so let's see what we can put in here sup psycho boys I don't know if you guys can see what I'm actually doing and it covered artwork for you guys just for fun anyway let's see if we can grab a whatever I have this old like file right when I wasn't really sure what I wanted to do with dread lapse I just made some like cool vector shapes in there I'm just gonna pull it up and see if I can get any inspiration from it from there or is it it's this one and here's these ones and I already saw it like this and I'm really dig thing so let's see we've going on here so the actual I and a rectangle which I'm gonna remove all right so we have this I and here in the properties tab I'm just gonna make sure it's actually properly aligned so it should be just 2100 and this should be just 100 and I'm gonna scale it so the width won't match properly it should be 800 and then I'm going to align it just a little bit more to the center here and now I'm gonna resize the clipping mask I don't really like how that's looking so I'm just going to use this one in the sidebar in here okay we should maybe do a divisor of two blocks like so we can change the dividers later and let's see if we make this 150 I'm just gonna morph it a bit well do sizing so it just fits me better in the grid and then right and then we're going to add another divider in here so these will probably be starting like these stars that you can see all over the place basically we can maybe do the track title in here now that I'm thinking of it I have a phone that I really liked and I wanted to use yeah this is this one wait let me see yeah we're going to use like this but what I actually wanted to do is I wanted more of the text I'm not sure if everyone knows how this strategy I'm gonna show you in a bit works because I don't use it I don't see it getting used quite often basically so [Music] actually uses in the actual in an actual cycle boys club cover artwork for DJ soda and cycle boys club it's gonna distort it so it matches with full like length of this and I'm gonna go to object envelope distort make with mesh if we click on preview you can see an actual mesh in here we should direct selection tool you can grab these points in here and you can basically distort the text however you like I'm just going to show you what I mean so if I grab the top three in here and I'm gonna drag them right you can see that like the text is already distorting crazy like crazy so if I am going to my envelope distal and I'm actually make them mesh a bit different so click on preview and they should be enough I think so 1 2 3 and these ones as well and as you can see like you can this is a nice way to distort it without like having the outer edges go out of the bounding box basically alright so this is what we have so far let's work on this for a bit and then do like a proper edge yeah we're going to do that and then we're gonna drag this into Photoshop so I'm gonna make a square in here that we can use for the main like artwork or object basically I want to leave a space between this I want yeah I want to leave this space like this so oops okay so without our like final rectangle grid thingy we have this right now with a this is what I would thought was talking about it at first like few seconds on the live stream like we have this and we can use this as a space outside of the block so there will always be a space of like one grid fully great square thingy in between these and therefore like the vertical things within these boxes we can use a like distance of two blocks basically all right so what I want to do is I want to make this like really common divider shape that a lot of people use I'm not sure what came from but um so you make these four circles and you make a square top of it now you're gonna grab your shape builder tool and other option while you pick away all of these and you left behind ways with this little star and I'm gonna turn off way I migrated turn on already so what I gonna what I want to do is I want to divide these basically so I'm going to select these I have a rectangle on like the half 50% of the shape here and I'm gonna click these I don't know what it's called the buff aren't divided and we're going to delete this and now these two shapes are separate so I'm gonna ungroup them and now we can make a actual like better with them so we can remove this for now put this one in here this one here and holding other option we can drag these around and actually if we press command-d we're gonna repeat the action that we just did it's like this and I see it like the actual size doesn't add up so we're gonna select all of these and drag them in and now AF is cool little defier that we basically just made under one minute we're gonna grab this group this and place it here as well okay so we have a lot of like room for to do like some cool stuff in here so what I also tend to do is sometimes is getting into these dread shapes and just make up the one of these shapes for example this way let's just take this one for because it's easier to explain what I mean so I have the shape here I'm gonna make it black and let's say you cannot only use these as like putting them in the grid like we did with this shape we can also yeah just grab this bar basically so what I have to do is make an ellipse and make it white so we can see what we're doing actually and place it behind like the part we want to cut out I'm gonna use the same method as we did with the divider shapes just now and we have yeah we can cut this part off now so we're gonna select both shapes click on the divide button double click so we can enter the group delete the excess shape that we don't need and now we have this well and we all we also have some shapes that are don't have a fill or anything so we're just gonna lead these now we have this and I want to see if we can do some cool graphics with him along the lines here mmm what if we mmm let's see okay I just rotated this if I wanted to like make this shape a bit more like if I wanted to reduce the width of the shape I wasn't I couldn't be able to because this so I'm just gonna go to the object and not sure where it actually is again I'm looking forward to like to reset bounding box option when I'm not sure where it is where is it under it's under transform my bad sorry that took so long so yeah now I can actually resize this properly and so we can use it as a so we can just make it fit our our like create a bit better so I'm gonna align this make sure like the outline is the key object here alright so let's see what if we outline this sometimes I don't really like the outlining function in Illustrator just because like for example these are maybe not perfectly done so what I tend to do is click on well I will shortcut command 5 but it's actually offset path and just reduce this so we have like this for example and I'm gonna punch it out like so if they will be looking cool but I don't really like this so mmm I think it's yeah well if we just repeat it and rotate it no really like this well let's just leave it as it is and then we can just put another divider in here I don't want to waste like the whole stream modifying this one shape or whatever so I think I'm gonna reduce the size of this one as well so we can divide these evenly because otherwise they will clash with like the upper bar in here and this grid I actually want to keep the outlines from and yeah I know I feel it would be taking too much space if it was if like a shape in here would clash with this text here so I could also release the reduce the size of this text a bit like this and now I kind of want to resize this to the same height because I feel like these are better aligned like so yeah right and I don't really like this shape so I'm gonna do something differently I'm gonna cut this part off so we left this one this part left and then we can just reduce the size I'm just experimenting here guys like I said in the beginning of the stream I just wanted to wing this one because I didn't really have a plan and I still wanted to do a live stream so it might be hard to come up with certain things to up on the spot but yeah you know that's how life goes actually sometimes you just have to make something up in terms of like design work at least add some clients where I just realized the work or really liked the clients but yeah I didn't really know what to do with them and if you just force yourself something will come out of it and I've had cases where like the feedback that I got was like oh you're right you know and then I once I realized the things that I could do with like the shitty proposal that I sent to my client I realized like oh I could do this like a in a whole different way which resulted in like better designs in the second proposal round if that makes sense I'm just rambling on a bit but so I'm just wanna see if we can do something like this let's see what happens if we like resize this so weirdly that extends all over the place could be cool maybe like this hmm like the better this way actually let's see if we can have some other elements my Instagram's not updating for my illustrator is not updating sorry guys I have to crash or I'm gonna have to restart illustrator for a second sorry [Music] I don't know if this is just a bug I've been experiencing or not but it's really annoying and I've experienced it in Photoshop and an illustrator so sorry for the inconvenience anyway like that how I wanted to do like the artwork thing was like let's say this is the we're gonna I'm gonna show you my idea real quick until it's traitors loaded up but um okay let's say that this is the like artwork right and then we have a smaller like square in here let's just say that this is 75 by 75 weight it's a little bit bigger okay let's say this is our actual like treaty subject so what I wanted to do is if you have like the artwork artwork like this right and square is something right like right here I wanted to make like the illusion that you can like see tweedy true like the window in here if that makes sense and then so I'm currently working on a custom artwork that I am trying to do a like 3d render inside of quite experimental and not sure if it's gonna work but yeah we're gonna see where we end up anyway okay so we're worried all right let's just see if we can find like some old stuff in my like spam graphics factor or file it's right here mmm this was made in 2018 I think so some stuff might might be a bit outdated actually like this a lot I just so this matches well with what's it called the like the anime I a bit so what if we turn this around like this so what I'm actually making is a like cover artwork for an upcoming EP / album / single I'm not sure how they're gonna release it for my friends from psycho boys club I've heard some of it and it's really really cool so I'm really excited to see that released okay so we have this mechanical arm and I might want to yeah I'm gonna scale this down just a little bit so we can have some room for something up here also so the like arm here will be a bit more visible I guess and like the sides and stuff actually gonna make a square here I'm gonna resize this one too up until that square so we can have a like proper graphic up in there because I don't want to spend too much time on like actual is fair so this arm I didn't really this is just an image trace thing and I think I just found like an image of a mechanical arm drawing so yeah that's kind of on me for not crediting the original artists of this but yeah like I said this file is from like two years ago now so I don't really recall where I found this but what I usually do is I have some drawings and once I finish these drawings I just put them in Illustrator and forgot to use them in an artwork will real quick I just scan them in or and then go - what's it called the image tracer option in Illustrator for example I'm doing a free work thing of a drawing that I did this morning let's see if we're gonna find it yeah so if you can see in the webcam it's not really finished yet but like that what I I would just put that in illustrator click on image trace real quick and then we can we could use is in inside a grid of an artwork basically all right so resize is down just a little bit I'm gonna have this on the center here and okay so one last icon or thing she really liked how this came out looks like a middle typing is just what I call effects in effects in Illustrator basically so we can use a gas mask okay so either leaning to gas mask or like the nuclear reactor thing or this one this one might be cool actually so this shapes also right easy to make I'll show you how to do it real quick so what you want to do is you're gonna go here and you clicking on the polar grid tool and I'm holding shift to move so I'll haven't I'm having a perfect circle and with my arrow to the right and my arrow up I can add like lines here so let's say okay I have something like this now and if I wanted to make this into like this 3d wormhole thing I'm gonna go to object I have low distort and make with mesh and this is gonna make a mesh that we can use to distort so if you pick the center part here with a direct selection tool can actually bring it in like this I can kind of already see like the distortion happening basically yeah the best way to do this is just pick this one and then like move it wherever but yes you can see it kind of looks odd if you do it like this so I try to make it as subtle as possible and then sorry and I never once you're finished you can just go to object and then expand and now you have a fill or ya naive film and a shave sorry if you guys can hear the rain outside it's quite there's quite a heavy storms going on in the Netherlands right now yesterday we had a flood here in my house which was kind of crazy I had to I had to use buckets under my roof and like the whole like my desk at some cables there was like water coming from under loo from the walls I guess it was crazy anyway okay so now we have some random stuff going on okay so if I would see this and has is this whoo if this would be a client work of mine what I would do is I would try and work with these tribal shapes a bit better because I don't really think that you are fitting inside the rest of the artwork here but I'm almost one hour in right now and I actually want to take this into Photoshop and show you what I mean with my ID and cinema 4d so for the sake of this livestream not being like five hours or whatever I'm just gonna go with this what I have so far hope that's okay so now we're gonna prepare this to go into Photoshop basically and what I do why is I'm gonna grab these lines I'm gonna make sure I'm gonna select same stroke color so all of my like black outlines here are selected and I'm gonna go and make the stroke five points so it's a bit more thicker basically so yeah yeah I said in a livestream a bit earlier I think I wanted to do more illustrator and cinema4d videos but um I don't think I'm experienced enough in cinema 4d yet to actually do this trailer or do actually to do some proper tutorials on them so I might just do videos like basics for some of basics in cinema 4d for graphic designers like show you how to import yak like your logo or whatever yeah illustrator tutorials I should be diving into that soon I actually have another video planned which is a completely different software spark ar and I wanted to show you guys how you can make an Instagram filter with Photoshop and this free software which is cool we have for now okay we're gonna save this yeah for the sake of this being the tutorial I'm just gonna leave it like it it as it is and I'm gonna go to Photoshop where I already have an empty document selected I make the foreground black and yeah we're going just gonna bring this into Photoshop now so let's see all right so I'm just gonna give this a color overlay so you can actually see what we're working with all right so what I wanted to do is let's see what I wanted to do was leave this whole section empty so let's see okay what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna select this rectangle open a new file the same size press command F so okay this will be the shape that we're not gonna use in our hard work so I'm just gonna save this up as cutaway shape and once I'm gonna work in cinema 4d its I hope it starts to make sense what I'm actually doing here yeah let me just bring it in like a media book so it's automatically placed at the right spot basically wait I should do that if I'm actually a full screen so kind of drag it in again media box and I drag in the wrong file sorry okay so if I'm going to give this one a read overlaying this is the bar that we're not gonna use so I'm gonna select this take it out of her background make this one invisible so we can work with yeah whatever we're gonna do here so what I wanted to do is so I recently posted a small like Instagram carousel on how to do Photoshop actions and one of these Photoshop actions that I like to do when I'm working for clients is this one so just want like we achieve this effect and I'm gonna do it for the sake of this being a video I'm gonna show you how to do a real quick but if you interested in seeing how this works you can go to Instagram to our Instagram and I'll show you how to set it up it's not there really hard basically but we're gonna go to filter clouds filter liquify distort this a bit so we have a random like marble ish liquid like pattern like so size it up a bit so the edges won't be visible then I'm gonna blur it a bit and go to yeah let's give it a twirl like so and clip it onto like our work file here and then I'm gonna go and apply a gradient map also into a clipping mask and for now we're just gonna keep this simple okay so we have our neon green in here and I feel like we should also get another fluorescent color see what we can achieve with this what if we make this a deep purple like a dark and if we bring these in a bit more hey Dixie man what's up nari not too late I'm one hour in I feel like I'm gonna do another hour hour a half maybe so I don't know where you got the notification wrong if it was twitch I'm not sure out which word like I'm completely new to that so yeah I might have up with something like that on there and I'm sorry if you wanted to be on like the excuse actual schedule you can see on I think accurately accurately set the time on Instagram but I'm not sure okay so we have this right now what I feel like this could be a bit darker so I'm gonna also add a black in there so yes so you're adding this black you can just see a bit more dimension in there no what will happen if we add this color and actually see it somewhere all right so I feel like this is so far so good I'm gonna turn these into a smart object so I can edit the colors later but I wanted to apply some filters on them so I go to filter blur Gaussian blur so you can I don't want I don't want any details in there because it's still a background you know so new layer clip it on and we're gonna do a quick thing yet so I'm gonna make this into a radial gradient and reverse it so the edges will be dark I'm gonna scale it up a bit so it's actually starting to darken up so you can actually make out what is the same and I wonder is to be reflective as well like we did in the last tutorial which I'm gonna do in cinema 4d or I might want to global I'm yeah that's I'm gonna do that in cinema 4d like I said so we're gonna remove the background for now and this one as well okay so this will be on our like actually actual artwork basically so I'm gonna just save this up as background or whatever I'm gonna open up cinema 4d is gonna delete this alright so I'm gonna grab this cue right now I'm gonna just gonna grab a the Algrim cube whatever just make it one centimeters wide so we still have a little bit of dimension in there going to create new material turnoff reflectance and as the texture we're gonna load in our Photoshop file I'm not sure if we can actually do that or not I think so yeah all right so okay now that this is here I just want to go and grab a cube that's a bit thicker if we view it from the side I just want it to be go true like yeah okay so this is going to there now I'm gonna go into illustrator and see like the coordinates for this so it's 24 hundred pixels by 2500 and I want this cube to be three thousand by three thousand and this one then to be 2400 by 2500 right so now we're gonna just align this so it's properly aligned with like the texture there's probably like an easier way to do this but like I said I'm kind of new to cinema 40 in that way so I'm gonna drag in a bull object and drag these guys in there and if I put this one I'll just put this name this one artwork cut out so now we actually like cut out that a hole in our artwork so for now it's just gonna I'm gonna also make this texture into a like a full texture basically so what I wanted to do right now is grab another cube and let's see it should be 2,400 by 2500 and let's see what he coordinates are 190 by minus 116 yeah all right so now we're gonna make sure in our side view that this cube is placed right behind my artwork like this and I want to make it a little bit deeper actually so let's just make a 1000 mm mm and then I'm gonna go and drag this like into the back of our our artwork basically and now we're going to just edit this one and take out the front like Pollock on the air as you can see right now we just go and grab the camera and if we just group this and let's just make this 120 frames but on thirty frame mark then we just make this let it rotate so it will be okay kind last Sarah wait all right so if we rotate it here like this and then here to zero again and then we're gonna make it just eighty nine frames as you can see we have the artwork and it's actually like moving now actually don't really like the wiggle but um I'm gonna change it up later [Music] so I want the cut out to be just a bit bigger so we think like this we take like this bite out of the art of the actual art work basically so I just want to size this up just a little bit [Music] and I'm gonna add another texture with like the full background of Photoshop in here and if we put this into the queue you know I've like this 3d we have this 3d artwork basically so I'm gonna add a recent sky object that I have so we can light the place up just a little bit and I'm not too sure on why this is actually acting a bit weird so I'm just gonna reset my camera for a sec I'm gonna get out of them out of the camera so yeah we are now have this artwork basically okay so what I want to do now is I'm going to go into illustrator and I'm gonna go and grab my create and migrate right now okay I'm gonna make a copy of it and you name it in the grid c14 so I'm gonna grab all my strokes so I'm selecting one of my strokes and I'm gonna just gonna go to select same and then stroke color or stroke weight basically anything and then I'm gonna go the object above outline stroke so all of my objects objects have a feel right now so if I save this as a Illustrator file before I actually go and click here I'm gonna go into this window and I'm gonna click illustrator 8 I'm sorry so yeah now we have this illustrator file that's basically the same as our grid but it's an illustrator a file and you might be wondering what do I do with an illustrator 8 file well an illustrator a file you can drag in the cinema 4d and it will recognize it as like splines so this isn't it sort of following dragging they're right here and as you can see this insanely large file is by the serta file so I'm gonna select all of these splines in here and go to extrude and hold all our options while doing it and it might take a while because it's super slow yeah if you as you can see that's not good so let's see what's going on here okay I think I know what's what the problem is I think it doesn't recognize the clipping masks so what I'm gonna do is go into my clipping mask and the latest thing these things manually so if you're not too sure on what's happening these files are into in clipping mosques which means like there's a rectangle around them which allows this to be only be shown within that rectangle and that's that this rectangle so if I remove this I need to like actually cut off some parts of this myself if that makes sense here so I'm removing this part and the top here sir yeah and this this one's as well in the clipping mask as well as you can see here so I'm gonna double click and if I double click multiple times you can actually see that this is the full image and I'm gonna make this into a no and select all of it and make it into compound path so I can actually punch out like parts of the shape in here this is kind of an inconvenience to to our little project but doesn't matter so by the way if you guys have any suggestions for tutorials or other work in the future just let me know because I am note taking note of all of the ideas that you guys have for dread lapse video wise content wise and I want to do something with it so so yeah alright so there still so there's still like a clipping mosque or something here I'm not sure where or at least like okay so I'm gonna select something with a black fill normal it goes through select same fill color so all of my shapes and everything is now selected alright so same thing the same thing I'm gonna go to select same fill color and this is another problem I think I need to expand this as well and we still don't have everything damn so select fill color there should be some stuff that's not selected right now I know what this is yes okay finally so we're gonna save it again replace it make sure it's saved as an illustrator eight file I'm gonna go back into cinema 14 delete or close this for now I reopen it alright so yeah I feel like this is a lot quicker than the last one mmm surfer my voice is by the way guys okay yeah there's some sketchy stuff going on here [Music] all right I'm gonna go and select all of these see what happens if we punch them all together delete like unseen like invisible objects gonna go make it into one big compound path and then I'm gonna save it again see if this solves the issue and for some reason not paying enough attention to this or is a screen up popping up alright okay so we're gonna try this one more time if not we're gonna go and try to make some cool Photoshop art with it no problem okay let's see we zoom in okay yeah there shouldn't be any like duplicate lines or whatever so let's just hope let this will work all right okay so I'm gonna get all these extrudes and I'm gonna go and make this five centimetres copy and add this to our project here for some reason if you export this like your illustrator files into cinema 4d it always misplaces them so you just go into coordinates and press zero zero and now that I see it is not sure why this isn't centered this is going to this view and see what's happening aha all right so it seems that we made our like box the other way around so it should be like this okay so let's see now once we rotate this make sure we'll pop out of the text in here all right and now we're gonna go loading a chrome texture and we're gonna go add a compositing tag to our sky make it invisible for our camera and now we're gonna see okay will this work all right so it's visible now I want to do yeah I'm gonna grab a skull like a 3d render of a Scully I will find most of my 3d models on turbosquid some like more common things or like skulls are free so that's really nice to work with if you're not really like into 3d modeling so my computer is starting to get kind of lagging I'm sorry for that right so that's way too big so let's see who plays this one in here all right so another 3d model that I made myself is a 3d chain so I thought it would might be cool if we get these chains and put them in this like box in here so we have like a moving cover artwork if that makes sense okay let's see if I can find it because it was in a psycho Boys Club project all right so we have this like chain in here I'm not sure on the material yet so we're just gonna keep it like this for now and we're gonna rotate it like this maybe scale up just a bit and I want to go let it go come through like the box but I don't want it to be visible from the camera oh wait the camera is still in the wrong place so I'm gonna add the camera right here just gonna move it manually for now and all right so I'm gonna create a material and I want this where are my pop-up screens I think it's something to do with my dual monitor or something but yeah all right now my bad anyway I wanted to do a glow basically so let's just do the inner strength like this okay so let's make the color like a neon green and put it into our grid so in our render I'm gonna add a glow let's see what this looks like it's way too much alright this could be cool what if we put this to a chain and then leave the banging like holographic stuff I know what I want to do I'm gonna make a new material I'm gonna give it like this neon green color as well and under reflectance I'm gonna add a reflection legacy but I'm gonna go and reduce the reflection strength so we have this like reflective neon green thing going on let's see what this looks like on the text hey I need to reduce the glow thanks guys sorry I'm not really paying a lot of attention to the chat right now it's my fault yeah I'm just this live streaming thing is kind of new to me anyway okay so I starting to look kind of dope I just wanna remove the background texture of the cube and I just I think I want to make it reflective or whatever let's see how that works out yeah okay I'm gonna make a reflective of black so I'm gonna add a reflection legacy I'm just gonna reduce the reflection strength and make this black like I said this is all very experimental and I'm kind of new to cinema 4d so I'm not not an expert on this whatsoever so this is all like trial and error for me as well mmm yeah I kind of like where this is going I do however see the live stream grid should be or like this cool cute thing basically it's been going up a little bit and then to this side and then the cutout needs to be a bit smaller just like I would just make it true to size so yeah okay only the Y position needs to be changed a bit so guys in the chat I'm actually wondering do you guys discover me on YouTube or Instagram or or are you from discord or how did you find the livestream or how did you find red laps yeah I'm eager to know okay so I'm gonna go and add another chain gonna rotate this so let's see I'm gonna go and scale this down a bit I don't want it to clash with the skull is the clashing no it's not all right so okay I'm gonna make the skull emit light and then I'm gonna make the chains reflective let's see what that looks like I feel like I should change the color of this luminance around know if this looks good or not well it looks a bit more fitting to the whole situation I guess I don't know about this box it's just - oh yeah did you so you discovered me like my personal design account it's crazy man like that you have been following me for quite a long time because I've worked for wrong family a yellow claw for like yeah and yeah I started working for them like two years ago so yeah there's been a way like it's crazy doesn't even feel like that long ago yeah it's really cool that you find me through my like my personal work I'm not so keen on this okay I would just want to see if we can do something with this background like what if we yell I only take the back panel here and I would just put the graffiti in there like this alright alright then turn off the reflectance because I just just wanted to be I it looks better all right oh we can actually do a mirror background maybe yeah well I think yeah I think it's the problem is that we like I'm not sure I think it might with your vision with the whole like chains because I wanted to make them like move like later in the video but I actually wanted up this reflection string now from the sides here so these are like kind of a mirror mirroring them as you can see right here yeah this looks cool okay so now I just wanted to add a blame where is it right and I want this to be the same size as I cut out so twenty four five twenty five five and then the same position as the cut as well so 190 minus 116 and it's not true right oh wait [Music] okay I believe I just completely up my file what's happening do what to dis turn around at some point yeah alright dude I'm just gonna go and delete all these animations for now because yeah this will be on YouTube later so you can watch it back the problem is I don't really know how to record on twitch so if anyone would be able to help me with that please join us on this cord and private message me because like I said I'm completely new to to twitch basically I used to do some streams when I was a music producer but yeah that's been like four or five years ago and I didn't I only had like an overlay and made some music so I didn't don't know anything about like the stream lab stuff it's all new to me gonna reduce the flow on our object for our skull I'm actually wanting to dive into like doing a stream huge event which simultaneously but that needs like a third-party plugin so I might just go and yeah I need to find out and take a day and how that works but um I haven't really had a lot of time lately because that's a lot a lot of freelance work basically but believe me I will be there once it I'll be doing it once I at the time yeah I come on see it way too much I feel like alright so now that we have this we can actually start making an artwork out of it or so what I wanted to do with the whole plane thing we just bring it in here I wanted to make like this plexiglass like overlay on top of it so it looks like the chains in the skull are like any in a box like they're sealed in one of the ladies as well guess these have been screwing with me alright so now we're just gonna go and yeah it's kind of like I don't know if it feels like something that will happen in the zeros like you know like you will buy like I don't know like a UVO or a Pokemon toy or whatever and it would be like sealing and like this plexiglass like cover or whatever and I'm gonna make sure it's a little bit to the back like this increase his size just a little bit all right and now I can see my first chain is coming true okay so I'm gonna create a new material and go to transparency click on Plexiglas and then to reflectance and I'm gonna add a reflection legacy and see if we can what it will look like that's cool but I want to change this I don't like luma I don't like this blend thing so let's see what happens if we do this okay actually I'm gonna go back into my old like UVO thing and see how I did it there my voice is really up but I don't feel like going down and get some water midstream let's see right so he adds this material here I feel I feel like it's almost the same it might be reacting different because of because the way like three dimension stuff works so let's see our two chains also like go to the skull now which is the whole thing let's see okay need to organize my treaty files better okay so what happens if we preview this I just want to make it move a bit more to the front so it's not too yeah okay so the reason why it's not reflected it's like kind of bluish is because of the sky like the sky object as you can see it's blue now so I might go and create a normal HDRI real quick so I just find these HRI presets online and just low download them and let's see if we can so this is like a map of Shanghai alright I call it HRI map so this completely changes up the scene but it might be cool around and out I feel like this looks a bit better right it's cool that you can kind of see like the night the skyline but I'm not sure wait let me clear that out no no that makes it better worse let's see if we go like this yeah that's a bit too too much let's see if we can grab another one I have this other one of a quarry it looks really cool on like chrome alright this is better because now you can see that it's actually glass even though it's like yeah you can see okay this is cool you can see that it's glass but it doesn't like reflect the whole environment in it if you know what I mean so I'm gonna push it back a little bit because it was yeah mmm let's see if we can see this from the right and they're from the front okay I'm gonna go and turn off my chains for a second and turn off this Chris for a second because I want to make sure that my yeah this is what I thought like should be scaled up a bit better and bit more to the right and then all right so now this should be working yeah cool so another thing that I like to do I'm just gonna group this except for the sky and group all the materials and everything together our work our toy box or whatever we want to call it and then instead of doing a sky I'm gonna take a sphere make this sphere like incredibly big like like this just make sure that like our whole work is within this sphere which is true and then I'm gonna go and give this texture of the like the hgri to the sky instead of the thing and the reason why I wanted to do this is I'm not sure if we can do this in with a sky but we can rotate the sphere now and I why I want to rotate this sphere I'm gonna show you real quick just gonna make sure that this won't be seen by the camera so if we're gonna make 240 frames and I rotated one 360 degrees and I'm not sure if this works with actual like yeah it works so I'm gonna make sure this animation sphere rotating is not a Bezier curve like this no it's just a uniform like twist and let's see because the chains were rotate rotating what I'm not sure contract these here same goes for this chain and make this rotation a double rotation just so the change will be rotating a bit faster all right then the skull we can make it hover around a bit so on here and now we're going to like have to have the what's it called I have to line to the animation and go to copy the first position place it into the last frame so now this is happening and go turn this on not sure if the artists works if a material can be glowing and reflective in this yackin not sure if you can actually see that I'm just experimenting here but we're almost finished yeah okay now we're gonna go and take up camera I have no idea what I just did I feel like this hat has happened to me before as well okay anyway so now that we have the artwork I'm gonna go and grab my camera and put it like this just gonna grab a smaller preset for now it's fine now we're gonna rotate it so like this so now this is animating alright so I'm gonna do a quick test render for frame skip so we don't have to render like 240 frames I'm not gonna do anything like super crazy with the render settings let's see what what we did today basically again sorry guys for my extremely horrible voice right now next time I'm bringing a bigger water bottle to my stream actually really like the reflection of that light go on if we had more time I would probably like to do like a custom what you call it a custom like light setup basically so without any HDRI sky maps whatever okay so that reflection in the sun's really intense I'm not sure if I like that yeah I'm gonna do something different here so I'm gonna go inside here hello because that's like the Sun which is in that yeah I'm just gonna change the HRI nothing too weird see if we can have one it's like a bit normal let's see if we can do this this doesn't have like the super bright Sun in there but it is really white let's see I'm gonna just test this one out I feel like we should be working so yeah guys I'm sorry but I'm not gonna render this final piece I would on livestream because obviously it would be just me sitting here waiting for this render to finish and yeah there's I think there's no really no reason for that so on the YouTube editing to show you the end result at the front of in the beginning of the stream and for now I'm just gonna show you like the final result on this one like the smaller one with the frame skip yeah and yeah once again I just wanted to thank everyone for coming out tonight this was a bit odd for me because this was the first time that I actually had to design on the spot myself like I I this is not the first live scene I did but this was is the first one where I didn't have no clue like well yeah what I what should i what I should do in this livestream so we're really cool to like come up with some concepts like on the go basically if you guys aren't under this court's server already I highly suggest you go on there because we have some a lot of great designers on there you can ask them for feedback there are some musicians you can share their your music with everyone if you make music there's like this inspo chat there's a networking chat basically it's a ton of fun and before dreadlocks in the future I have a lot of stuff going coming up which I also shared the discord a bit earlier on Instagram so if you're a member of the discord you can have some exclusive access access to that yeah basically so some stuff that I have been planning like in for the future yeah I'm currently like waiting on samples of the first like red labs clothing drop which will be yeah some some cool yeah basically I've been working on making red lamps called red labs clothing line it will just be like a small drop of some tees and some hoodies so currently waiting on those samples for rest I'm also talking of a label a music label I'm gonna release some music with musical artists that are interested in releasing on Dredd labs as well as some DJ live sets with some cool visuals obviously and yeah which is just like behind the scenes me and the people that I work with on these things are just [Music] we're just making sure that we have a like a proper like good quality before we wanted to go live with these things so yeah I don't want to like jinx anything if if something doesn't work out the way we wanted to we're not gonna do it so this is not me guaranteeing that there will be a dreadlocks label in the near future but yet there these are like some of the things that I I like to work on and like to work with on with a lot of different people and all belong to this vision that I had for dry labs basically yeah at this point I'm kind of like just rambling on because the render isn't like doing like super well in terms of speed yeah we're almost halfway there let's see what we have so far and as you can already see here is that that's why I like the sphere with the HDI reflection to rotate so the reflection also like rotates with are you called so you can just see the reflection changed a bit better which is cool that's also like the effect that I really liked on this holographic cards and I'm actually like planning on giving the discord gang a sneak peek of the merchandise once I get it but um duty covet and everything it's just taking a really long time for them to ship it to me yeah so that's that's why I haven't been able to share it yet because I don't want to share the mock-up so I just wanted to share the actual garments yeah mmm so yeah if you guys have any suggestions or tips for me on how to improve Dredd labs or things that you want to see more off like giveaways products tutorials videos whatever please let me know I am actually also working on doing some more fashion related videos because that's something that I am yeah I'm I'm not I'm kind of big on fashion as well as my girlfriend and we like to do a lot of like vintage shopping sprees so it will be we were thinking of like it would be cool if we would do videos on like our vintage holes where we shop what we shop and what we also like to do is like do customized clothing so like just buy a bunch of vintage stuff and start editing it maybe in the future we'll even start selling it on the webshop but like I said these are all plans for the future and we're not sure if these will actually happen or not do you mean like custom typing because I am actually I'm also not like the best typeface designer out there but I want to do some videos maybe time-lapse based if they take like way too long on how to do custom typefaces there is one that I did I can show you right now I guess I worked on earth actually for the grad labs clothing line so you can guys can kind of see sneak peek on the graphics for them let's see oh yeah that's the actual actual first like custom typing or not the first one with one of the first ones that I did see where is it okay so here it is if you can properly see we had this one the dried lipstick in my text in my Adobe Illustrator all right let me pull that up I I think you mean like there the whole big graphic or is it like this this for do you mean this file because I also have a lot of I mean maybe you might mean this I don't know I'm not sure at all let me know I actually don't live in in in Amsterdam anymore all right I used to live close to Amsterdam when I was working for yellow claw but I'm I would recommend going to zipper which is in the Navy stashes I don't know if you're Dutch or not but um yeah that's that's actually a cool vintage store the prices are relatively on the higher side but I find like most of that that's there is pretty dope and they have like episode and which is a bit lower in like the pricing still kind of high but it's there's some cool stuff so okay I said while we wait for the while we wait for the render to finish up I'm just gonna show you how I did this text because it's quite easy to do I did it two years ago so I might not remember it completely but um let's see okay ok let's say we have this file here right so what wouldn't do first is create outlines add red left circle that's also quite fun to make I will show you in a minute because most of these are actually done in the effect thing in Illustrator so I'll show you how to do this one first so you make them into stroke first and then I'm gonna go to effect let me see where it was I think it was just transform and then let's see if I have copies you can get kind of get these rotating things going on are I am so if you would select this anchor and just go like this but I think you can also like scale them up yeah so this will get some pretty interesting results as well as if you go to effect and then roughen and kind of get this effect what's going on here let me increase it and I think let me see an appearance here how I did this yeah okay I just add an arc with effect warp and [Music] yeah you can get like this horror typeface thing going on fairly quickly actually which is kind of fun to do work in a lot of different situations I think let me see our finished okay so I'm gonna load this into oestrus real quick and then we're gonna end the stream because two hours and ten minutes is quite long but we're also like kind of finished anyway so it will make sense of me continuing the strain tomorrow with only 10 mins there if you know what I mean yeah if you actually like are just designing random stuff I would recommend like going into one file and make the background black or whatever and then take like one color like I did with the neon green and just make a whole bunch of graphics that you can see that you have find like inspire if you can find them on Pinterest or something make something and you and it's inspired by that just put them in this file and then you have this one big file and what if you're making a grid or whatever you can just go and yeah once once once you have to actually need one of these graphics you can just pick them up if you can't know what I mean like you don't have to come up with all of your graphics on the spot this way and it's kind of fun to work on as well like I haven't worked on that file in two years but yeah like I said so comes in handy in situations like this oh I didn't even save it yet so massive it up real quick all right so now we're gonna import it and animation might be a bit bumpy because we skipped like all of the what you call it we skipped every other frame I actually really like how this could turn out so I'm gonna render this out in like full quality and put it on Instagram so people can see what we made today oh you can actually see the reflection in the text as well which is really nice only thing I would add it maybe is the rotation of the chains it's still a bit too fast sure I shouldn't have done the double rotation and I might change the material there yeah those are the only things anyway yeah this was today's live stream this will go up on YouTube as soon as possible I think somewhere next week because we have still one video planned in the schedule yeah I want to thank all of you for coming out and I hope to see you in the next livestream I had tons of fun we could learn something or at least feel inspired and let you see you guys in the next video or in the next livestream thank you
Channel: Dreadlabs
Views: 5,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: edQpbAREs7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 0sec (8100 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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