How to turn a 2D picture into a 3D model for a CNC Machine. Basic 3D modeling on Vectric Aspire

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hey what's up everybody so today we're gonna take a look at like a beginners tutorial on how to create your own 3d models now we're using the metric aspire it is the 9.5 version but it works for basically every version the 10 and you know the 9 and all that good stuff but a lot of people what they do is they go out and they try to find what's called a 3d grayscale or a BMP map or a height map or whatever you want to call them and they want to create something like this they want to be able to create their own models now before we get started I'm going to let you know straight out this is for beginners only there's a ton of different ways to create these models very detailed you have a lot of different tools in your vectric but you know even sculpting and and just all kind of stuff but we're not going to go there we're gonna do that in later videos I just want to give you how to turn a to a 2d picture into a 3d model the easiest way possible so that's what we're going to do create something like this now I did this here we're not gonna do this one I want to show you something a little bit easier so let me show you how I do this so we got a brand new vectric right here a new file that we are creating we're gonna click this button right here great file and let's just turn this to a 10 and a 10 and we'll just go to inches just gives us a little bit more working room and we're gonna hit OK so now we have our blank and then what I'm gonna come over here and do is I'm gonna come over and I'm just going to I'm gonna get a drawing actually I'm gonna take this I'm gonna drag it from the top left and I'm gonna drag it down it doesn't need to be perfect because this is just a tutorial on how to do this but what we're gonna do now is we're going to go to modeling and we're just going to hit apply and let me bring out my 3d mode here and what that'll do is it'll show us working on this at the same time in the 3d mode compared to just the 2d mode so once this loads up for some reason taking a little bit longer there you go let me click this again and we don't want that we want to bring this to a flat height and I think we are pretty good there I think that's good let's just leave it at the zero or wherever we were at but okay so now we have our blank bourse not what we need to do is create our model and what I'm going to do is I'm gonna bring in a simple Mickey Mouse and all I did was I went to Google and I typed in Mickey Mouse drawing and I'll show you that here in a second now this right here is our Mickey Mouse head that we we are going to do and it's pretty basic it's just black and white and nothing special right and not a lot of detail again this is a beginners tutorial there's much more advanced videos that we'll do later down the road I just want to try getting getting you started but yep you can see the Mickey Mouse head now you can go in there and you can create your bitmap right on the electric aspire software but we're not going to do that because I just don't like it all that much so I always use Inkscape and that's what I've been using on my 2d files for the car by creating car by motion and it works just fine so all we need to do is we are going to open that up the Inkscape and it is a free download 100% legit a lot of people use it I've been using it I'm gonna left click that I'm gonna drag my Mickey head Mouse right there Mickey Mouse head right in there I'm gonna open that up and now we have our picture so now that we have our Mickey Mouse picture what we need to do is create a bitmap and that is telling the Machine where to go and where to carve and it's basically your codes for the machine so we're gonna left click on the Mickey Mouse head once you click on the Mickey Mouse head you're gonna come up to the path and then you are going to be able to create that bitmap so there you go you can see we clicked on it and then we're gonna hit path or get a trace bitmap we're gonna hit update and then we're gonna hit OK and now what happens we're gonna get out of this here now what happens is you'll have two pictures here and one is your bitmap and one is the original picture the one on top is your map so this is what we're going to keep and we're going to delete this one right here and how do you say that it's basically go to after you delete that last one you get a file and then just hit save as and you can see down here it says Inkscape SVG and you can change it to whatever you want so we'll go Mick SVG carve and then that will save it to our desktop and we'll hit save and that's all you have to do now we need to import this into our vectric alright now that we're back at the metric we're gonna open this in the way you usually open files that you would get to two little birdies right here create component or input can import a component we're not gonna do that we are going to go to import on the file we're gonna go import vectors and we're gonna look for our Mickey so am I see right here is the one we save we're gonna hit that we're gonna hit open and now you can see it brought in our bitmap and now we have to work on this right you still see there's nothing there so we need to turn this into a 3d model now the way it used to be is you could go to what was called art cam and art cam was a really popular product or a software that people would use to make 3d models and you can still buy it on ebay but vetrix or not vetrix but our cam is no longer there you can't buy it off their main website now I think they're called car vecchio and it's like $8,000 for that program so there's other ways of going around and doing that so and this is why I'm showing you here and this might not be the best way to do it but again it is a beginners tutorial and there are more advanced ways of doing this but this is the easiest so far so what we need to do is we need to come over here and we need to start creating certain components right and the way I usually do it is I'll start out with eyes first and well let's just show you so let me let me bring this over here a little bit let me bring this over here let me bring this up here we're gonna hit we're gonna start with the eyes so I'm going to left click that and I'm going to shift and then left click the eyes and look what happens you're gonna come over to modeling and you know I'm not really sure how I want these to be yet I think I want them to be a little bit beveled so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna hit apply and you can see now that I have two little eyeballs but we still have to fix those up and once you're done importing all these or modeling all these you can go back and fine-tune them but we're gonna bring those down just we're gonna bring that up I want the bevel I want to bring the base height down just a little bit too much I don't want to go negative 0.10 way too much way too much you just gotta mess around with it here and we'll go negative 2 0 this goes to 0 let's see here 0 see what happens we'll hit apply yeah a little bit better and again you're going to fiddle around with these here I'm not sure why this is being so fickle when we can apply let me see point 0 1 yeah I still a little bit too much let's just go 0 and we'll mess around with this here once we get them all transported in so there you go right in there alright so now what we want to do is we're gonna click on this outside line here is the outside of the eyeballs and now we're gonna get a modeling here just like we did I think I want these flat the base height we're gonna try point 1 I'll see how that works out and then we're gonna hit apply and okay I think the base heights a little bit too high I don't know we're gonna mess with this let me try 0.0 again I think it's going to bring it right up to the board but yeah so we'll go 0.1 and again we're gonna fine tune these later we'll hit apply okay so that's where we're at with those so not what I want to do is I think I want to do the nose because that's easy let's go ice out side we'll hit apply and then we're gonna hit close in that way and they'll stay there and then we're gonna hit the nose here and I want that to have a little bit of a like a little bit of bump to it so what I'm gonna do there is I'm gonna hit model and I'm gonna hit little nose bump right here and I am going to hit apply so there's your little nose bump but again you can change this up right here you know you can make that like really rounded if you want it's really all depending on what you're going for I don't know if I want that base sight let me see if I can change that base i20 again we'll just fine-tune here in a bit we'll hit apply and you know there you go so let me bring that up a little bit I'm just trying to get a base here okay so now we got the xenos now you have the mouth and the mouth you want that thing to go inwards you do not want that mouth to you know stand out so what we're going to do and did I save this by the way let me see here my nose clothes the clothes oh I didn't save it that's why okay so we're just going to hit this again or hit that and it'll save where we're at we got to hit apply I always forget to hit apply and we're gonna hit nose and I'll stay the same we'll hit apply and we'll hit close now that'll stay so now what I want to do is the mouth so I'm going to left click on that and I'm going to model and what I think I want to do I want that flat we're gonna go inwards here and we're gonna say mouth hit apply and let's see I think we need to adjust this a little bit so there you go bring that down I think it's nope we gotta bring that this way there you go way too deep I think we want that it's like a 10.1 this hit apply and I think that's good 0.1 we'll hit apply and it will hit close and now we need the tongue so I'm gonna left click on that it selects it and we're gonna go modeling and I think I want the tongue to have a little bit contour to it let's see here I want to try okay cool alright so yeah I like that you know I think that looks pretty cool yeah okay so we'll name this tongue we're gonna hit apply we're gonna hit close we're just trying to make the components right now we'll worry about these eyes here because I don't like the way they look but we'll fix I'm gonna strike that over so now what I want to do is I want the outside of the head and I think what we're gonna do we're gonna hit model we're gonna go flat head outside whatever name or whatever you want we'll hit apply and there's the outside of the head I don't think we want that to do this here let's try that maybe maybe we'll mess around with it here we'll see how it looks and bring that down a little bit just too much let's bring that down okay let's just do a flat right now and then we'll all mess around with it we'll hit apply that's why we're naming all these because we want to be able to come back and mess around with them okay and now what we need is the inside of the face right here and what we're going to do is we're gonna hit model and I'm gonna go like this here with the contour and we're gonna hit apply we're just gonna see what happens here okay so there you go it's a little bit crazy but we're gonna fix this up and we're gonna see how that works out we're gonna bring this down just a hair because it's really kind of kind of crazy I think maybe 27 looks pretty good all right so let's mess around with this here and see what we can do all right so now what I think I'm going to do to get these eyeballs down here a little bit I think what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna left click here you know what let's move these two one level so I don't mess with other stuff what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna we're gonna go I think their eyes inside now I want eyes outside we want these to come down a little bit and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna click off these because I want to be able to look into those eyes here when I'm looking to Mickey's eyes I think their eyes outside yeah so let me right click this I'm gonna move this I'm gonna move to a different level new level level - that's fine we'll hit okay and then what I'm going to do here is I'm gonna get rid of that head let me go here to scale size and height and let's try to bring that down to I don't know 50 percent maybe somewhere close forty nine point six I think is fine and I think that's a little bit better so I'm just gonna hit okay I'm gonna hit cancel and then I'm gonna turn all these back on I think that is fine again it's just trying to just a quick way so now what we have is our Mickey head drag this over here and what I'm gonna do first is I'm gonna let left-click the outside here I'm gonna come over here let me scroll this over I'm gonna hit this right here apply smoothing you can see it automatically kind of does something here now you can bring these out into a 45 degree angle if you want but I'm not really concerned about that don't go too much if you got too much it's gonna be a little bit crazy but actually you know what I don't think that looks all that bad I think we're just gonna leave it like this right here that's until it's kind of cool it looks pretty good yeah okay we're gonna hit okay we're not gonna bake that yet let's go I just want the inside here we're gonna hit smooth you know and I think I think that looks kind of cool you know you can make this more rounded if you wanted to again if you got to smooth you're gonna end up with this you're gonna lose a lot of the detail but we're gonna bring this down here yeah I think I think this looks good let's go let's go right there I'd say that looks pretty cool I think the base is up a little bit too high but yeah I'm just trying to give you the general point of this so let's hit I think it looks fine actually you know what I want those ears we got to make one more component here and what we're gonna do here is we're gonna go watch this I don't like those ears right there so check this out we're gonna go drawing we're gonna make a circle here where you go and you can you can make that bigger if you wanted to scale like this here and then we're just going to hit right click and hit copy we're gonna paste do that right there and they're gonna shift that and then we're gonna go modeling here the ears weren't looking right so we're gonna go with the concave here and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna bring them down like that we're gonna help why does too much okay I think you just got a mess with it here we're just gonna bring this down a little bit more we're like 36% 27% and I think that's good and you can get a base height set the base height at zero and you can make these bigger they would probably actually look better bigger it's just trying to give you a general idea that you know you could do this so you know it's not perfect the the ears you know they're not gonna be perfect but again it is just you know to show you you can do this so we're gonna hit apply we'll just call them ears apply we're gonna close it all right now you can see on here your your 2d picture is now basically a height map right it's telling you that you have contours and you know grooves and all kind of stuff that that machine needs to follow and that's basically what you're looking for that 3d grayscale BMP height map whatever you want to call there's a million different things but that's how you do it so let's close out of here and I think we're good with everything what I want to do now is if I wanted to create a tool path I mean I could make this bigger if I wanted to I'm not going to it's just for demonstration purposes you can go to tool path and let me scroll this out of here tool ties and then you can go to roughing and if you want to only scroll that down here you know we could go like this move my face over here total path we'll hit okay and yep calculate blah blah I'm gonna bring this over a little bit more and that blocks way too big we can we can change that again it is just for demonstration purposes on how to model not know how to set up your your size of wood or whatever you're working on so we'll hit free select ok select the tool path and you can see this is what it would do I don't wasn't going that slow but long story short that's you're roughing so once you're roughing is done you're gonna go into your fine-tuning your ball nose bit you're gonna clean it up your finish path and right here we'll hit close and then you can go into your finishing by clicking this right here and whatever we'll hit calculate I'm not worried about the ball nose I'm not worried about the size we're just like again what I said we're just trying to show you the basics of 3d modeling on here and once that's finished up it's calculating calculating calculating I have a feeling it's gonna go again sometimes it takes a little bit longer if you have some detail but okay I think we're done now okay and then we'll hit calculate we'll run and this is what it would look like after you're done so basically that's about it you know very basic very very basic 3d modeling but you can't do it so taking your 2d images turning them into a 3d image pretty simple you know and this is just a way for you to get into that 3d modeling if you wanted to taking those two DS and turn them into 3ds and now you can create what you want and again you know there's so much more advancement on here if you wanted to you could go into sculpting and you know just do all kinds of stuff here you know you can remove you can smudge you know there's just so much here we'll just go like to pause it we'll go strangle let me see if I can zoom that up so you can you can do all kind of different stuff in here right a lot of people make birds and trees and and whatever if I wanted to smudge it I could go like this and smudge and smudge and some abstract art right there you know if I wanted to I could smooth it out let me click that you know those are your tools you get to remove if you wanted to you could adjust your strengths you know you can go show grayscale background and all that good stuff but there's just so much to do you can toggle here actually to tell you truth some people in New York would probably buy this $700 is years I'm printing out for you so and that's it guys and basically again this is your most basic type 3d modeling right and we'll just hit this card because that's not very nice right it is basic 3d modeling and now you have your you know height map and you can do this with so many different things you know your cartoons and all that so pretty cool you know and again you could have you could have done in like a 45 degree or a 35 degree where this comes a little bit more it's more smooth it's not so prominent you know you can do a lot of different stuff with this and now you don't get to go out spend $8,000 on your art camp even though it's probably gonna work better for you you can do it in metric aspire so hope you like this video and if you do please switch that like button get subscriber because we're gonna come up with a lot more soon on this channel and we'll just keep learning together so appreciate you stopping by will be back soon guys
Channel: Makers Tube
Views: 108,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vectric aspire, how to creat a 3d model in vectric aspire, how to make a 3d greyscale, how to make a 3d height map for cnc machne, cnc milling machine 3d model, 3d clipart, 3d carving, how to make 3d clip art, how to make 3d clipart for cnc, making a 3d height map, 3d clipart vectric aspire, 3d clipart for vcarve, how to make your own 3d clip art, how to make a 2d picture into 3d object, cnc woodworking, cnc machine tutorials, what to make on a cnc machine, wood working
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 26sec (1346 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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