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my [Music] was [Laughter] now yes gal yes [Music] [Music] oh [Music] um [Music] o foreign oh [Music] hallelujah foreign [Music] that is going to be spoken today over her life in the mighty name of jesus father we invite your presence we give you all the glory and all of the honor father we pray and we thank you for all of the sponsors father enlarge their territories you deserve all the glory you deserve all the honor in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus is keep a be [Music] beat [Applause] someone [Applause] foreign [Applause] boy [Applause] it be [Applause] is sunderland [Applause] okay lisa [Music] foreign [Music] be no foreign [Music] my foreign m house [Applause] be is born um and you'll never understand anything if i was in bozo with suga engineering oh my christmas sheila and it's called i've been drawing um s i in 1616 which explains why umakosi at age 23 says a stand at six i imagine being a great aid learner having to live that life having to face those decisions m so as a child she's had to deal with things that some of us will never experience in our lifetimes so masculine grouping we must also remember what we've never walked a mile in her shoes so we cannot judge her journey what we can do though with her hand lift her up and make sure that she carries on toss is you have plenty of time i've seen people start afresh at 50 so 23 is nothing so i'll start by tossing the mic [Music] um and i also shared nayoguchi the day in columbus on the same day we started the program at the scenario with the mental health because not really abandonment accounting mental health also says foreign for about two to three weeks sometimes a month and then she said what did you watch the show figuring out in fact us especially in south africa when there is in the name of culture i think what is important about the show element and i mean and i think in cambodia negotia it come out strong is to educate especially about the best lisa on how to practice the culture correctly so that singer totally situation where you are finding my parties especially those who call themselves am a feminist like us esote culture simply because situation where a culture it's an opportunity to correct what we saw was wrong in terms of practicing but what we know about society is that before inga funda is called any californic values especially if you are 23 years old you still fall and i gotta say relationships because i'm a relationship yes okay now that we've gotten that out of the way is there's one thing that you must know we respect it and we respect the choice of women who choose to be a engine cool [Applause] omc foreign is [Music] pretty i will not cause pain without allowing something new to to be born says the lord i think is the proof of that verse is again [Music] um oh okay i think the topic of another day enjoys him okay a again is um my um foreign foreign foreign be is [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] you know which is another challenge finally spriggan and iosa bazaar you say that enough times emptiness okay for a spa is she had five years old welcome my manga what's you see see angers and towards the gang billion and i'm slandy macos nominate [Laughter] foreign man foreign [Music] um [Music] [Music] um [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] promotion [Music] wow age home [Music] is i am [Music] by you in everything that i have made for you from the muslim national legislature anc female chairperson communities [Applause] [Music] facebook oh that is so cute okay okay okay okay it will be impossible go to swafunder one by one what the salah [Music] [Music] oh that is so cute is it a chip is it a kisser chiefs baby that looks like a case of chiefs jersey hello little cozy so my i have to announce this is about to oh yeah i got hundreds disclosing my pen passes for six months [Applause] wow yes mama yes that's a sweet that is nice i think my creature and alloy syllabus designer foreign how thoughtful is this woman though how thoughtful it is baby [Music] is foreign is [Applause] uh my she's a member of my groups but now to me fundamentals in the spirit of celebrating abanyabhan biswazan i've been having an in king sometimes willing pumping us again that's not the part i want to celebrate although we must celebrate toguti in a culture that is making us consumers we have a woman who is showing us that it's possible to be a producer i can say economics manja buffers production consumption consumption losing money production making money on pagaway to song this last week i'm a product talent gun let it sink in let it sink in take a lot look the other day he gets nominated for an award but she's not invited to the award ceremony i'm jealous of dj's nobody's economic awards so she wins this award and she's guys if you've never seen it you've never smelt it you've never touched it i was withheld but once you see it once you feel it once you touch it we're khaled look at her no i'm julia dylan you have a long delay but she produces her own hairline cleaning ogram is a very successful natural hair salon a hamburger product she uses her own enzo yen you understand what that means tell us a message from the political production and consumption challenge you um foreign okay you may think that this day is about you but this day is about all women but because guys we need to move from consumption to production in my luggage production um question um we also career around essay so we second instagram as pop fits underscore sa now go facebook's corner foods i think once again is but because she's a woman a girlfriend england she's going to share with another woman as women i'm like you're already doing nails for free you're still buying flowers okay boo i'm not gonna stand in your way but that's how we should be as women not this other thing you know essential oil i hope for a very different reason oh good see when we decided to do what we're doing for you something else came up but you let me stop before i start crying thank you so much everyone i think cesaro a [Music] should i keep the secret osha okay i'm not a secret person um from idols as australis i don't even know who did that but it wasn't me i don't know who did that it wasn't me but it's just like the story of this cake i didn't know it was coming until last night you know and this is the life that we should be living as women foreign so make me point at you don't make me point no zippo now okay mr classic whether is in taking decisions to get married or taking decisions in business [Music] my is [Music] can you believe that okay i've seen her on video but she's a member of one of my groups and one of the issues that kept coming up was abandoned getting into bad contracts when it comes to marriage so i asked for her professional opinion and she graciously wrote to us about the different contracts and how to get out of them and how not to get into them in the first place and things like that and she did it for free so with about four hundred thousand people in my group they got free legal advice and hasn't been local but she did that as women go tagging we must normalize extending a hand this is talk my kids are going oh [Music] foreign m but if you don't appreciate specialists and start pointing fingers um angelina foreign foreign okay [Music] on facebook it's a positive pull me next next next next next guys in pretty iphone 8 hamburger next next next once again right when foreign [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] okay that's how you play hello this and the rest of the cake will go over oh [Applause] wow [Music] my friends africa hello hello i everything i mean is foreign he's a man [Music] you [Music] so [Music] snazzy was a girl canada now you tall tall 12 months young october october 19th a is uh is tank there my [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] se [Music] zulu [Music] [Music] [Music] my so [Music] [Music] [Music] okay wow [Applause] [Music] [Music] my [Music] somewhere see [Music] [Music] where we are [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] my was a oh okay [Music] um hey see not because i'm tired but because i'm happy you know that kind of thing why you're so happy you can't sleep it's that kind of feeling come back let me leave next ilianganes delusion you're up for the challenge you're up for the challenge operations handle operation phagocytom come in available okay so arrangement it's okay hey is is okay is is bye leg [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] today one minute thank you [Music] i'm very happy about how the day turned out it was beyond my wildest imagination but more importantly i'm just happy for my course to see the smile on her face over and over again and to see her tears of joy today really touched my heart and i think that's what today was about [Music] is is foreign my it's [Music]
Channel: Gcinumlando tv
Views: 4,078
Rating: 4.884892 out of 5
Id: H_hgo0bGj-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 137min 25sec (8245 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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