Make Zero Waste Plant Fertilizer with Everyday Items!

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I boil my pasta and vegetables with salt so I doubt that water is good for the plants but the eggs and banana peel seem like great ideas. Thanks for sharing.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Reisefuedli 📅︎︎ Mar 14 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] welcome back you guys my name is Amanda from Plant arena and I wanted to bring up something today that I thought was relevant I want to talk about using things we have in our homes to make plant food to make fertilizer like zero waste fertilizer for our plants because it's getting harder right now to get to the store to find the things you need to get the plant food and even like deliveries are taking a lot longer so if your plants need to be fed they're a couple of things that you can do that you probably do everyday that will give your plants some nutrients so um yeah it's just it's a really good topic because we tossed so much good stuff away that our plants can use so let's talk about the first thing the first thing I use like the most evident thing or eggs so one of the first things that you can do is just use the water that you boiled the eggs in obviously you want to let it cool and then when it's room temperature you can pour it in your plants it has a calcium has all sorts of micronutrients in that water that your plants will benefit from so just don't toss it down the drain use it to water your plants with the other thing you can do too is you can kind of reboil the shells that you used or actually you can boil the shells that you use to crack open to make cakes or bread do you use the eggs with bread out of obviously I don't cook or scrambled eggs you can use those egg shells boil them first so you want to just really extract the nutrients from the shell even leave the organic matter in there cuz that's good too and boil that for like ten minutes or so to like I don't know like a gallon of water like maybe ten eggs to a gallon of water if you want a higher concentration you can have twenty eggs I don't know how many eggs you eat you might eat a lot of eggs I eat a lot of eggs a lot of eggs so boil that water let it sit for like 24 hours covered and then to rain the water away from the shells and use that water to water your plants then your and you end up with a bunch of shells what can you do with those shells you can crush them you can pulverize those shells she's nut shells shells and then you can put them in your potting soil you can put them in your compost pile so pretty much every part of that egg can be utilized which is why I love eggs plus you get little baby birds from them if you don't you know if they get fertilized so eggs are great and I think a lot of us do eat eggs and if you don't you might eat rice right so you can buy rice in big bags little bags we however size bag you get it in you still gotta have a bunch of rice and a lot of people clean their rice they like to just rinse it off and a lot of that kind of waste water has a lot of nutrients in it so instead of tossing that into the sink use it you're getting like my whole point is that a lot of this waste water that we sometimes toss away can be used to water our plants in addition to other fertilizers too I'll get to that in a minute so rice is also another great food product that has waste water that we can use and another one you're probably gonna guess what I'm gonna say pasta pasta has a lot of starch too so pasta water works as well yes I've been asked it can you over fertilize using these types of waste water products you probably can so you'll probably want to dilute it if you see it's really really murky and light dilute it with some more water the other thing is like a lot of this stuff does not have a long shelf life so you'll want to use it as you make it especially the eggs they can start smelling that water can start stinking a little bit so use it while you have it okay I know I know you guys eat vegetables and I really hope you do I mean what is I can't even imagine not having fresh vegetables so yes eating fresh raw vegetables is the best a lot of people also will boil them and cook them maybe with making soup well you drink the soup but people who boiled vegetables definitely please don't throw that water out use that on your plants too because that has many many many ranges of nutrients that your plants will benefit from because you think about it when you boil a vegetable you're boiling out a lot of its nutrition that's why you should eat fresh vegetables nothing wrong with boiled vegetables but you know we need we also need those nutrients too so another thing that you might have in your home I don't anymore but I did is an aquarium and aquarium water is high in nutrients from the fish poop you know I like fish poop you know I like Warren poop but all that good stuff should definitely be used as water for your plant and it's a really really high in nutrition so you can just fertilize with fish water if you can't get fertilizer I don't know if you have a fish tank or not but if you do and you haven't been using it for your plants you can consider doing that okay so let's talk about some fruits or just one fruit the banana that been and of the banana I like bananas I like I don't like overly ripe bananas I like just when they're just from green to yellow that's my favorite time to eat a banana but the peel let's think about the peel bananas are super high in potassium and if you have plants that are blooming flowering plants you can use the water like the banana tea to help promote more blooms so what you do is this you take your banana you eat your banana you take the banana peel and you put it in a jar with water and you can just squeeze them all in there or you can put them in a bowl if you don't have a jar and just let that goodness seep out into the water and then you've got this great banana tea I will I don't really recommend doing it with oranges and and lemons because maybe he's a little too acidic but the banana is going to work so that is a great fertilizer for plants that are blooming or even plants that aren't because plants don't like potassium it's one of the main elements there another dog there's another dog hold on so the other thing you can do too if you have a fireplace or a fire pit or you have access to fireplace ashes ashes are really good too it can lower the pH of your soil and it also has it has some nutrients in there too I forgot what they were I'll put them over here there goes my brain is like a sieve I don't remember anything anymore but I know that fireplace acid ash is good what I was gonna say I was gonna say this to you could and you probably should test your soil you can order like a soil testing kit which is helpful so you'll know if you're using one of these homemade of recipes for a fertilizer you and especially if it's like high in potassium or high in calcium you'll kind of know what you need and what you don't need so before you start doing all this stuff definitely test your soil okay that's very very helpful okay the other thing that you can use which kind of really isn't a fertilizer but it's more of a soil aerator is hydrogen peroxide and we probably all have that at this moment and if not then it's pretty easy to get and what that does it just adds more oxygen into your soil and it just tends to kind of aerate it and it also helps prevent pests because it's used a lot as uh as a wash like a rinse to get bad bugs out of your soil so hydrogen peroxide is good it's just more it's a in it helps the uptake of nutrients and oxygen into the roots of your plants okay so if you're interested in using a hydrogen peroxide you can put a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide in a gallon of water if you want to use it as a foliar spray or you can use a tablespoon of hide peroxide for a gallon of water if you're going to put it directly into the soil so I don't know if these tips were helpful or not I know that it is time to fertilize our plants I know that sometimes we're not able to get the fertilizer and especially now it's becoming much more challenging to get to the store or to get things ordered potentially so if you have eggs if you have rice if you have pasta you know everything I just listed think about using the waste from that to help your plants flourish and thrive because they kind of need it right now they're hungry they're thirsty they're growing they're growing things that need they need nutrition so anyway that's it I hope that I hope that was helpful for you and it's also a fun thing to do and it just kind of keeps you moving and it keeps you really kind of close to your plants and that's it you guys listen I hope you're doing okay thinking about everybody you know I know it's a hard time right now and some of us are going through ups and downs and losing our jobs and not being able to see our family I know it's really hard but just stay connected that's the most important thing reach out to your groups reach out to your friends retouch to reach out to your family and to stay connected is that kind of what it's the only thing that's keeping me sane right now that's kind of it and working but yeah I just need we need social contacts so make sure you get that at least you know a couple of times a day ok I know you know what to do I don't need to tell you what to do I'm just worried about people that's it you guys thank you again thanks for everything I'll see you guys soon have a great week I'll see you guys on Friday okay I hope these tips helped bye bye
Views: 449,490
Rating: 4.9290109 out of 5
Keywords: indoor plants, houseplants, plant fertilizer, DIY Plant fertilizer, how to make fertilizer, egg shell fertilizer, banana peel fertilizer, homemade plant food, homemade plant fertilizer, rice water, pasta water, hydrogen peroxide for plants, ash fertilizer, plant care, houseplant care, easy care houseplants, things to do at home, plants
Id: dnNJwQ86c4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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