Benefits of Hydrogen Peroxide on Houseplants! | Hydrogen Peroxide for Root Rot & Pest Management!

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hey guys today we're going to be talking about ways that you can utilize hydrogen peroxide in your houseplants to keep them extra happy healthy and growing as they should I have a little disclaimer so hydrogen peroxide should be treated more as a medicine for your plants medicine for plants and not necessarily as a regular part of your routine I don't use hydrogen peroxide every single time I water it's more of if I notice symptoms of something potentially going wrong with my plant that's what I'll go ahead and introduce hydrogen peroxide so if you're doing this excessively it can harm your plants just be sure that you're doing it with caution for the most part your plants will be okay but excessive use especially repeated over a period of time can harm your plant overall so yeah we wouldn't take like cold medicine to help try to stop us from getting a cold before it even starts before we even have symptoms so kind of treat hydrogen peroxide is the cold medicine for your plants once you start noticing symptoms that's when you'll go ahead and whip it on out the very first way I will use hydrogen peroxide in my plant is when I am potting up plants in fresh soil you can disinfect soil or your growing medium with hydrogen peroxide and it is really straightforward so to disinfect the soil what I'll do is I'll mix a 1 to 1 ratio of hydrogen peroxide and water okay so for disinfecting the soil you're going to need a pot that has drainage holes make sure it has drainage holes whatever container you're using otherwise you're just gonna have a big muddy mess when you add the hydrogen peroxide water mixture I'm not actually going to be using this soil today I don't have anything to repot in the near future so I'm just going to show you an example on a small amount of soil just so you can see the process but basically I'm just going to fill up this pot with the soil mixture that I like I currently am using black gold all-purpose potting soil perlite a little bit of pumice I have some like moss in there just tiny little pieces and then orchid bark so it's really really Airy but to disinfect this all I'm going to do is just I have my one cup of filtered water here I'm going to add my 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide to that thoroughly saturate this I do this outside on my deck so I can just let it drain through the cracks on my tech but you could do it wherever just make sure you have something for it to drain into so I'm just gonna really coat it then basically it would just let this dry until it was completely dry you can kind of toss it around a little bit to help with it drying evenly and you can go ahead and use it and it is disinfected which is really nice you don't have to worry about any pests getting into your house but keep in mind this is something you'll probably have to do like the day or two before you're actually planning to use the soil because you do have to let it dry out so just keep that in mind to plan ahead if you plan to repot a plant it is going to fit a little bit and sound a little bubbly but don't be alarmed by that it's just ridding the soil of bacteria keep in mind this does rid it of both good and bad bacteria the good bacteria will come back over time but that's why we don't want to do this too frequently or too often it because if our pots don't have that good bacteria too much of the time then it's not going to be good for our plant especially I love doing this because a lot of different soil types tend to have like fungus gnats large fungus net eggs or larvae or something in the soil I I'm pretty sure this because how else do they get into our house but it does kill the fungus gnats so that's just a preventative measure while you're disinfecting the soil to ensure that you're not gonna have like a fungus net infestation walking around going like this swatting all the flies all over the place you know what I mean the next great way to use hydrogen peroxide in your plants is get rid of mold or fungus growing at the top of the soil I know this happened to a few of you I get some messages on Instagram sometimes about this but it's happened to me a few times where I don't know what it is especially in ceramic containers like mold or this fuzzy stuff will kind of form on the top of the soil out of nowhere and it's talking on certain plants so I don't really know what's going on there but using the hydrogen peroxide to kill that is really going to help I do also use the one-to-one ratio for this if you haven't watered your plant with hydrogen peroxide in a while then you can go ahead and just water it like you would a normal plant with the hydrogen peroxide and just make sure that the soil is completely saturated but if it hasn't been too long since you already used hydrogen peroxide you can go ahead and put the mixture into a spray bottle and just spray the top layer of that soil and it'll help kill the bacteria that's growing they're kind of on that same line is if you get like powdery mildew growing on the actual foliage of your plants you can also use this to kill that bacteria and fungus and get rid of that problem when I use this to get rid of like powdery mildew on the plants or what I think is powdery mildew am I'm sure if it like completely is they're not I have put it into a spray bottle and I really really dilute it for our spray make sure to take care of the foliage issues will of course need a spray bottle I'm just repurposing one from little barn apothecary that was from like a face mist first go ahead and add oh gosh I'm gonna make a mess with this I don't have a funnel I'm going to go ahead and add one cup of water roughly very very roughly my dog is growling at the neighbor kids just ignore him and then we are going to add one tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide well this one is gonna be even harder to add dang it should have thought this through oh that was excellent Wow I'm telling to screw the cap on and use it as necessary it won't happen in all cases but if you're using a bit more hydrogen peroxide potent of a mixture than you could risk burning the foliage of your plants so just play it safe and dilute it if you also notice pests on your plants so this mixture does also work really well for spider mites and mealy bugs Neely's hate hydrogen peroxide I'm telling ya you can go ahead and spray your plant with some of that mixture and wipe the leaves keep a good watch on it and it'll kill the bugs wait I think that most people will find themselves using the hydrogen peroxide water mixture is disinfect the soil when your plant is in the soil and you notice signs of pests so mostly I would say people will end up using this for thrips and then also fungus gnats if you're having a war with fungus gnats I definitely number-one recommend trying mosquito bits mosquito bits are excellent at getting rid of fungus gnats they do a really good job it does take about a week or two for them to completely get rid of an issue definitely try doing this before going to the hydrogen peroxide mixture if it is a fungus gnat infestation you're trying to fight if it's thrips then go ahead and do the hydrogen peroxide it because threats are some of the hardest to get rid of in my opinion let me know what you think is the hardest pest to get rid of but for me it's threats for sure oh and I will link this in the description if you haven't tried these out definitely recommend them before resorting to the hydrogen peroxide for fungus gnats but if you have an outbreak and all of a sudden your plants are just crawling an extra move in pets extra pest that has kind of gone out of your control then you can go ahead and water with the one to one ratio and it'll kill whatever is in that soil way to use hydrogen peroxide as medicine for plants is to prevent root rot in your plants so if you're noticing signs of over watering / root rot you can go ahead and use this hydrogen peroxide mixture to save your plans and bring them back from the brink of death some signs you're going to look for before doing this is yellowing of the leaves drooping or wilting of the plant if you notice the soil is what Forex Senate amount of time I would say first go ahead and aerate the soil a bit with like an orange wood stick or something like that if that doesn't solve the problem then go ahead and go to the hydrogen peroxide mixture and it will definitely help so this is my philodendron Burle Marx she's a little cutie we kind of had a disagreement in the amount of water and I overwatered her I'm going to show you how to use the hydrogen peroxide thing to heal this you can see she is having some yellowing discoloration that is a sign of over watering it can also be a sign of under watering but in this case I definitely know it's over watering because I have remember watering her repeatedly before necessary I'm going to go ahead and give her a hydrogen peroxide bath and show you how I do it for the sake of the video I'm just going to be doing the measuring and all of that in this glass in this base just because it's see-through and you'll be able to see the mixture a little bit better normally it would just do this in my regular watering can especially if I'm treating multiple plants and then I already added in one cup of just filtered water out of my fridge and now I am going to going to add in another cup of hydrogen peroxide to my measuring cup here is the mixture 1 cup water 1 cup hydrogen peroxide like you saw yeah you can see it's kind of bubbly and fizzy in there that's what we want I should also note that even before I had at this over watering dilemma this planet has been a little bit stunted in growth it has grown a little bit but just very very slowly and a lot more slowly and the new growth is smaller than the older growth so combined with the over watering factor I do think that the hydrogen peroxide mixture is going to change the game for this baby is so yeah and definitely if you have any care tips for this plant please leave it down below we would both thank you basically I'm just going to I know I just did a video about bottom watering a but now I'm going on that because when I'm doing this treatment to my plants I do top water so if you're a bottom water or to go ahead and not bottom water in this case I just moved my plant into a container that I will be able to wash after this all I am going to do is just lately saturate the soil give it a good dose let it drain all the way through to the drainage pot I wouldn't recommend doing this in the saucer that the plant sits on but that's just me because we are going to overwater it just to make sure that we thoroughly saturate all of the soil I don't know if you can hear that but it's bubbling that's a good thing it's doing its job now that we've saturated the soil you can see the soil kind of raises that's a good sign it's bubbling it's moving the soil around it's getting that extra oxygen to the roots now we are going to go ahead and put it back on its original saucer and definitely you do not want to reuse this hydrogen peroxide mixture especially if you're treating the soil because of pests or mold or fungus or something like that so just go ahead and dispose of this wash and disinfect your container and then you're good to go and use it on more healthy plants again is kind of another use for it like a side effect of using it is if you notice your plants are stunted in growth or just very weak looking you can use the hydrogen peroxide to help give the roots that boost of energy they need to absorb adequate nutrients in the long run it will help your plant grow but again be careful don't do this too frequently or you will harm your plant so those are all the ways you can utilize hydrogen peroxide to help keep you plants doing their best and look in their best do you have any other uses for hydrogen peroxide in keeping house plants please let everyone know in the comments down below that is very helpful to have tips from multiple different sources yeah let me know what you thought of this video overall if you plan to try hydrogen peroxide and what you're going to be trying it for that is it for this video thank you so much for watching and I will see my next one bye you like ya know she hated it
Channel: Harli G
Views: 854,935
Rating: 4.8803787 out of 5
Keywords: hydrogen peroxide for plants, hydrogen peroxide plant uses, houseplants, house plants, indoor plant, root rot, discoloration, stunted growth, heal houseplants, pest management, thrips, mosquito bits, spider mites, fungus gnats, simple solution to fungus gnats, powdery mildew, grow stronger indoor plants, plant medicine, large indoor plants, watering houseplants, houseplant care, hanging houseplants, hydrogen peroxide plant bath, disinfect soil, potting soil disinfect
Id: d_O1reRXVvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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