New GPT Text Approval Feature In Power Automate

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so I just recorded and released this video on how to use the new custom promps functionality for AI Builder and how you can use those prompts inside of power apps and power automate and wouldn't you know it as soon as I released that my good friend Daniel Las to let me know that there's actually a new approval action inside of power automate specifically for approving text generated with GPT I figured why not I record a special video just on how to use that new approval action for improving your GPT generated text so let's see how it works if you haven't watched my video on custom prompts I definitely encourage you to check it out it's a cool new feature and this video walks you through how it all works now in that video I show you how to use these custom prompts inside a power automate and it's just a matter of adding the create text with GPT using a prompt action and pointing it to your custom prompt when you try to save your flow when you're using this action or any action that creates text with GPT is going to ask you to put in an approval process so that you can run run that by human to make sure that the text which is generated isn't malicious or harmful or just simply incorrect or wrong now what I showed in that video is the classic start and wait for an approval action there's nothing wrong with doing it this way and it will work and it will show the text but there's a new approval action specifically for approving generated text with GPT that gives us some additional benefits so let's remove this old start and weight for approval and we'll add the new one in now if we click on the plus button and go to add an action we'll search for approval again and here's our approvals connector we'll expand that out we'll click cm more and this is why I missed it when I was doing the initial video I didn't click that cm more so I wasn't seeing the start in weight for an approval of text and this new approval action is optimized for approving GPT text so if we click on that we'll see that it looks like a traditional start and wait for approval action but it has a specific in in put for suggested text so we'll fill out all the details we'll say approve AI generated text and now in this suggested text field we can use our Dynamic content and map it to the suggested text from our GPT action there and I'll put myself as the approver in the other fields aren't required so I'm going to leave those blank so that's really all there is for using this new action but let's see what it actually gives us over the old start and wait for approval so we'll do a test here and run through the process I'm actually going to do our last flow run as the test because I know that worked and I already have all the inputs in there this particular flow if you didn't watch the previous video is taking a resume context and it's taking job description information and it's comparing the two and providing a GPT generated recommendation on if the person is a good hire based off of the job requirements so it has some inputs in this particular flow where I'm pasting in the resume and the job requirements so if we test this we'll see what this new approval action gives us it looks like it's generated the text there so I'm going to go over to a new tab and look at my approvals history so here's our new approval if I click on that this is the main benefit that we get from using this particular approval action you'll notice that the text that shows is editable so if we compare this I'm going to close out of this to an old one the text that we get in the other action is just in a label so we're not able to edit that information with the new one this is an editable box so if I see a change that I want to make to this generated text I can make this and modify the text directly here in the approval maybe I simply want to put an additional point right at the top that this is a good candidate I'll say four out of five recommend so now I can make that modification before accepting and go down to my response now I can approve it with those changes made put in some additional comments here approved made one change and now that change can be incorporated in the rest of my workflow logic and now if we go back to our flow run history we can see everything ran successfully but in our outputs of this start and wait for an approval action we have an output property for accepted text so we have the original text in there and then we have a new field for what was approved or accepted with my changes modified so now I can go if the rest of the process say was sending an email I can include the accepted text in there with the changes made so this is a really valuable action to use if you are using AI builder in the create text with GPT action to generate AI text so if you are using AI Builder and custom prompts and the create text with GPT action you definitely want to use this approval action here because it gives you that added benefit of being able to modify in real time in your approval the outputed text there if you need to so next time that you're creating any AI generated text use this start and wait for approval of text action to approve and review that text hope you found this video helpful if you did please like And subscribe and I'll see you in the next [Music] [Music] video
Channel: April Dunnam
Views: 2,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: power automate approval workflow, power automate approval flow, Power Automate, GPT, Power Automate GPT Approval, April Dunnam, Power Automate AI Builder, ai builder, generative ai, power automate tutorial, power automate tutorial for beginners, gpt power automate
Id: IeSguuxc95s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 28sec (328 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2023
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