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foreign Boogie and in this video I'm going to teach you all how to make your own blood effects all right starting now you already know go join the Court Link in the description Boogie's world this is where you'll find all the templates uh everything you need all you have to do is subscribe to my YouTube channel drop a comment below this video or any video you watch and I'll give you VIP uh in here you'll have all the blood effects elements from the Stars uh we're in confetti I'm going to teach you step by step the entire process how to do this I'm not going to miss any steps I'm going to go as thorough as I can so make sure y'all pay attention take notes stop the video when you need and let's first thing you want to do is go find any type of blood effects that you like it could be it could be legit anything I found personally the easiest easy to confetti for these Stars these in my opinion uh so we're gonna go with stars so what you're gonna do is download Eddie and like I said any blood effects you want it doesn't matter once you have that blood effect downloaded drag it over to your desktop so you can see you by working on it once you have it on your desktop you're going to want to open openid windows of boys [Music] once open IV is open you can drop down over here you don't need none of this edit mode yes you're going to drag that blood effect you just downloaded over into here and you don't need to worry about blood effects you're going to do the second one you're going to click into here all the way until you get to four once you get to that core you're going to open that file where you just download it where you just swipe that out of the Woodward and you're going to drag core into there this is how you're going to edit your blood effects all right once you're done with that uh you're going to open core you can view or export you could this is just how you see all the stuff but really what you need to do is make a new file and you're going to name it uh files to change and after you're done with that you're gonna open the core export and then you're going to export into that into that folder it's going to take all these files and put it into them you don't need all those files though it's going to look crazy at first you only need two files for the stars of confetti PTX ptfx bullet tracer I'm going to drag that out and you need ptfx multi-sheet 003 degree not four or five three 's the only two you need is only two you're gonna have to edit once you're done with that you can close that you can delete this or if you really want you can control a control D and you can throw these anyway so now you know that these are the two files that you need to change to minimize this because you're just minimize this you're still going to need those uh now we're just going to go into the edit so you already know what it is we don't use a faster effects we don't use Photoshop we're back on the photo feed my favorite [ __ ] site open your files to change this is going to tell you what size you need uh one two eight by two five six for the Tracer so you're gonna do one two eight two five six transparent create drag that over now once you have it dragged over you're gonna hit this little one it's like a magic wand right here it's going to highlight this for you from here you're gonna go to the brush and now you're just gonna pick any color any color Tracy when you can either hit down here or if you see the color you want up here you get it up here but uh let's do a custom color let's do uh like a green and after it's done you click it it's gonna it's gonna come up with this just hit okay and then you just color it in once it's colored in um once it's colored in you can double click this Ctrl C to copy that name because it has to be the exact same name or will not it will not replace file export more DDS this is important it has to be DDS it cannot be PNG it has to be PDS replace it with that exact same name it doesn't need the dot PDS save it's going to go to your downloads it's fine for now uh new and let's move on to the debris for the debris two five six by two five six transparent again throw that over this is now your outlet this is not your overlay from here you can either go find uh let's see we did a Green so let's look at uh green smiley faces PNG if not we can always just go remove the background let's just find one that we think will look good [Music] um I'm kind of like in this one not gonna lie save that image like I said if it doesn't work if it doesn't like it has that background so what we're going to do is just go to remove drag that over download and now we have an image with the background mode take that back over into photo key and then just start replacing the Stars [Music] which have everything duplicated uh same thing double click double click Ctrl C delete that delete that one because you'll just redid so you can just delete that bottom one file export more DDS make sure that it comes out good because sometimes you see how it looks all scrunchy and stuff like that I don't like that so what we're going to do is exports PNG instead keep it the same name doesn't need that save now it's going to be in a PNG form so what we can do is uh come over here we can do PNG to DDS convert to and then just literally drag that same uh drag that picture over and it'll turn it into the what we need [Music] not once you have it all fought and now once you have it all done you can take these drag in here and replace those two so now you have them both in the same folder and now we're on to the next step what you're going to do is going to go into my Discord head down to editing tools and download texture tool this is how you're going to edit dds's whether it be floors walls and arenas this is how you edit all props or all anything that requires more than just a PNG so you're going to go download texture tool once you have a texture tool downloaded you're gonna need to keep winwar open this tool will not run unless you keep this this section of or you can drag all these into another folder um either way just keep that open open your texture tool once you have your texture so open you're going to file load and you're going to go to that x64 pink or whatever whichever one you downloaded you're going to go to that x64 click on core open and see that now this is how we have that original Tracer and original go to edit import go to that same file that we just the one that we just replaced right here the files to change highlight both open let it load for a second and then bam now we should have both to go down to the bottom one hit save I like to save at least like three times I'm just real careful like that I don't I don't like to redo things so I save about three four times uh once I feel like it's confident enough to close you close those close that uh three hopefully start your open IV open you're gonna open that file where you have your blood effects where I told you to drag that core now you're just going to drag that quarter over into open ID to replace that Tracer and that uh multi debris that you just did make sure you're in edit mode and then just drag like I said I'm just safe like that I like to drag it over a few times and to make sure that you did it right or to see if you did it right you can go down view you can see we have our green Tracer and if we scroll down we should have our green happy faces all right now that you're done with that what you're going to do from here is you're going to take this folder uh you can rename it if you want green smiley uh you can rename the one in here too so people so if you send it out or if people use it you know that they know what it is uh add to Green smiley.rar if not you're going to be using the only file you're going to open that and delete the core out of here because you don't need that no more um open five and file location mods and they can file for my month that I had in here currently uh which one am I using I don't remember which one I'm using I think it's the particles though yeah put in the green Smiley into Mods citizens common data effects and then put blood effects into there and then from there you just started for 5m m remember if you like the video drop a like subscribe comment down below what videos
Views: 8,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Vfa47wSy8Gk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 27sec (567 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2023
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