Master FIVEM Modding: Step-by-Step Add-On Clothing Pack Tutorial

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hey there guys welcome back to my channel I am pretty poison a variety gamer from South Africa today I'm going to show you guys how I sort out my 5m clothing into add-on packs so that it does not replace the default GTA clothing but rather adds to it at the back if you guys like this video please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel for more content okay so the things you're going to need for this tutorial is open Ivy Visual Studio code and ymt editor now I will link all these stuff down below in the description for you guys okay so yeah just some stuff I downloaded now and then a bunch of stuff I downloaded a while back and never actually sorted out yet so I'm first going to unzip everything okay after unzipped everything I first want to decide what am I going to name the clothing packs so you have to have separate one for male and female so for example the female you start with mpf mode so a female you start with _ fcor free mode1 it has to have this in the beginning and then underscore and then you can name it whatever you want to name your back so I for example do a so a is the Alphabet letter A it's going to go b c and so on and PP is just for like Pretty Poison so uh a female one that is a once my a pack is full then I'm going to make the same name but put a b instead of a a that's just how I name it but you can do whatever you think and then for the male it's pretty much the same just the m and it can also be a it won't clash because the one is f and the one is um my nose is blocked so I'm sorry if I sound a bit weird but I have a block nose Okay then you're going to open up your folder create a new folder call it stream stream folder then you also need Visual Studio code so you're going to open that up let's just exit that create a new text file so I'm going to copy and paste it I'll put it in the description you can also copy and paste so you're going to put this in there so because we're working in the female folder this will be the F and then you must just make sure the name is the same so a is what I named it so just make sure this folder or this name is the same as your folder name then you can save it as save it as FX manifest or if you drop down here then you can select L I should maybe just make sure I'm working in the correct folder here because I was not there we go and it is saved so it's going to look like this then you're going to open another new text file okay in this file I'm also just going to copy and paste again I will give you this information in the description to copy and paste now you need to make sure everything is the same as to folder name so over here we used AP as our pack name if is for female if you put an M there then it's for male so then we will get to the male pack okay so then once again you can save as so this one we are going to save as mf3 mode1a meta and then sa and then it is going to look like this so you have your L file and you have your meta file and your stream folder right so I'm just going to open up this in the new window okay so we can do the mail so for the mail if you want to you can just copy and paste the female and then just make sure you edit everything so put a m okay so then for the mail you just make sure there's a m and there's a m for the male version and then this file you just rename it also to the male folder name and just replace all the fs with M's including this capital F make it a capital m and then if you have a different pack name just put it in there and there and over there and then save so my mic is like blocking my vision for my keyboard so that's why I kind of like have to look under my mic just make sure I'm pressing the right buttons contrl s to save okay so that is the file format then there is more to the file format but we'll get there now um let me just open this again again I closed my window there we go okay so let's check quickly okay let me open both of them both male and female okay so let's for example check this item I downloaded it is a hairstyle for female so I just make sure I'm in my female pack so I'm going to create a folder in the Stream folder I'm going to call it here so this folder you call it whatever that name is so this one is here there so I'm going to put it in here so now you need to look at the name so the name of your folder I'm just going to copy that you're going to put at the beginning like that and then you put this um little hat icon this up Arrow thingy you put that in the beginning then it says here then every pack needs to start with zero so make sure it Z and this is the texture so the ydd is the 3D model and the YTD is the textures so you're you're going to do that for all the packs it always starts at zero then the next one will be one and two and three and so on and the textures always start by a so it's a then b c and so on okay then let's say that one's done so I delete it then we check out here I'm not going to do everything and show you every folder so this is a JB IB which is actually like the T-shirt the top part so I know there's a section called t-shirt that is accessories like accs is the file name but um let me quickly put on screen the different file names you get this I will also put in the description so you guys can check it out so that is what each file name actually means okay so we're going to do again create a folder because it's not already accessible JB then we put it in then we have to rename it to our name and start by zero because it is the first one this can be very time consuming but it is really it's worth it in the end if you have everything organized into packs you can have up to 126 items in each pack so for example the JB can have 126 items the hair can have 126 items you know for each category then if you have more hair and you already have 126 then you just need to make a new pack so then the next pack for example I would make here instead of a p it will be b p and then I'll do the hair or put in the hair and whatever else it can't fit in this back anymore so you're limited to 126 items of each in each pack and you are limited I think if I'm correct it is eight packs in total you can have before it might it might not like work it might stop working or the wrong clothing will show the wrong numbers I've had this problem before when I started with this add-on clothing my first pack I made it more than 126 tops right so it was like 200 and then it wasn't showing the right stuff it was a mess up like I couldn't understand what is going on and then I learned oh but you can only have 126 items in so a lot of lessons were learned okay let's move on to the next item so you see this is now for male so we are going to head on to the mail folder let me just get to that okay so we have the mail folder now this one has JB and lower so we're going to make both folders okay so we putting the JBS and the lowers and now we need to to name it with this folder name because it's for male so it's different to the female folder name uh let me just make this bigger there we go so there we go and then it's already on zero because I think they made it already a stream pack but I mean you don't want to stream a pack that just has one item in it so rather put it in your own pack there we go and then for the lower it should also be zero yep and take note now the lower usually it says U and uncore uni which is for Universal so this one says R andore Whi which means race this is very important you need to make sure that it is the correct one um when you download the clothing it should already have that automatically but when we make the ymt file a bit later on this is going to be very important to take note of this but I will get to that okay so I'm just going to choose another item that is the same as something we already put in so let me go back to the female hair he has now another female hair so I'm going to name it it's going to be number one cuz we have zero so the next number is one so let me just fix that name there we go so this gives you a general idea of how the f is going to look so let me show you quickly how my files looks in my clothing packs oops what happened okay any case so these are all my clothing packs at on clothing and then these ones are replacement textur so it replaces vanilla GTA clothing textures but these are the add-on ones so I have eight packs so I can't have more it's going to stop working but in any case let me just show you for example this is how it looks there's like folders for everything and then if I were to go let's go into this one this is how it looks so if you download a clothing piece and it has a underscore one file you keep it the same number as the first one because they go together so that is fine but yeah you see how many stuff I have just in this one so to be safe I don't like to go to 126 I will just go in the hundreds but not exactly to 126 just to be safe but I'm sure if you go to 126 it won't be an issue but in any case okay let's go back now to these folders so I do put a lot of stuff in here now because I I mean I don't want to make this video too long you guys will get the idea of what to do here so now we're going to open the ymt editor right so we're starting by the I want to start by the female actually okay so I'm going to okay let's go in here okay in your ymt editor say new now you choose the F bed for female and then your name we made it a or you can put it whatever you made your folder name so that is my name then the components you choose all the components you used so this head is not hats it's not PE head this is head like your face that is something else and then yeah is the P head for the hats but for this tutorial I just have hair and JB which is the tops okay so for hair I'm going to go into here and then you'll see by default it gives you one already so the first one has three textures so you're going to add to C that matches up see then you add a new drawable to add one that's one and it already has one texture so that is fine just as is then we head on to the other section JB there zero so we have zero and then it goes to e so we're g to just add textures that go up till e there we go so that's how you create slots so you just keep on creating add new drawables for all the yds you have and for that draw ball you just add textures for the yds but I don't have that and then yes the P head is going to show in this section but I don't have that so I'm not going to to add that so then you're going to say save ymt so just make sure you go to your folder so you're going to save it in the Stream folder with these folders save it exactly as is say okay so that's where it goes and then if you add prop models like ads and stuff or if you add highs then you're going to want to generate creature metad data so then you can also just do the same and there it is so that is how you create this I'm going to do the male one because I want to show you the ray okay that's the male one so we're going to create new it's already on male and then it's a then the components is lower and JB okay so we doing lower first a zero and then textures goes to e e so you see how it says R for race and wh for the skin color Yeah by prop mask if it's Universal you can leave it on one if it says R then it must be 17 otherwise it's not going to show the textures correctly in game so 17 and then you see it change to Whi automatically and then we can just add the JB and it is to e and that is that and then save just make sure you choose the right folder again stream folder save and like I said in this case we don't need the creature meta data if you try and save it it will anyways tell you you don't have feet or pee head so that is the packs now what you're going to do is me just close here okay so now I'm going to open up my server folder just put it that side so in my resource folder I usually create a folder clothes and then in this folder you going to put your two add-on folders so it looks like that so then when you go in you should have these files should have a meta file a lure file and the stream folder with all these stuff in then I'm going to go to my ser. CFG and just create a new section Coler clothing and then ensure then you need to ensure the folder name so you can if you want just go and copy the names to make sure it is insured alternatively instead of insuring the individual names you can also do insure clothes which is that folder this folder name if you want to you can do it either way should work um I know sometimes with scripts it doesn't always work like that but most of the time it will but some scripts just want you to ensure them separately but in any case and then if you start up your surve you will find your clothing after all the default GTA vanilla clothing that will be right at the back but before we finish I want to just go through a few things that was not mentioned in this tutorial that could be helpful to you guys so I'm just going to open my ymt editor again and then I'm going to go to one of my clothing folders okay let's take this female one so I'm going to open the the ymt file which is in yo so let me just find that this is now if you want to go and edit a add-on file so you're going to open this file the mpf fre mode ymt file you're going to open that one so then all the slots and stuff easier so just to go over a few things if you put in okay the skin you don't do add-on that is automatic but the upper for example which is the arm section all of these will be erased because it works with the skin colors so you will see here I did put 17 which is for race and then the one is for Universal so like for example here is one because it's Universal it doesn't matter on the race then by the feet which is also very important for every type of shoe you're going to need to put a sound for it I will also put them in the description for you to copy and paste but now what makes this a bit more like more work you have to do for examp example let me just open open Ivy okay so in open Ivy just don't forget to say edit mode and then I have set up a place where I test all my stuff so with the shoes you're going to have to put them in so for example let's say we're doing 0 to six and then I'm just going to move over this side so I need to see okay what is this okay it's not like a h or anything so then I just gave it the shoe trainer's sound effect so this top bar is going to be for the sound effect that the shoe gives when your character walks with the shoe if you do not put a sound effect in here then it's going to be silent and it might be weird to see your character walking but no sound is coming out so let's see yes some boots I gave it Sho trainers generally there's just like two maybe three different variations I use I mean there is more but I use shoe Trainers for normal shoes and then there is flip-flops and highs so I just want to see if there isn't any High also another thing to note with the shoes is some are Universal and some depend on Race So also make sure you put one for Universal and 17 for race okay so yeah we have flip flops let me just see if I put in the sound for that 91 okay the uper Sho train as well but I know some of them I did with flipflops okay so yeah we have these highers and you see it's R for race that is 85 so 85 you see there I have 17 for rice and then I have shoe high now another thing with high is this very last one you need to make it 1.0 otherwise the heal of the high yel is going to be in the ground so that's very important to put the 1.0 for which is also another reason you must always check in open Ivy what shoe is it like this shoe I don't have to do that um 86 just put shoe trainer put nothing there because it is a flat what they consider a flat shoe and I must say these boots I love these boots they are really beautiful okay any case so yeah that is it guys if you have any questions please do ask in the comments I will help you guys as much as I can and if you would like me to make a tutorial on something else also just let me know then I can do that again I know I sound a bit weird my nose is blocked I do apologize for that yeah so let me know if there's anything else you guys want to learn I can make you guys a tutorial and hopefully it will help you guys I really do hope it helps but please give this video a like And subscribe to my channel for more videos I make gaming videos on my other channels which is also linked in the description Again YouTube made it that you can't click on links in the description anymore so if you want to check out this stuff you're going to have to copy and paste the link into your dress bar which is a bit annoying but I also understand why YouTube did the change because of all the spam you get and harmful links and stuff but yeah any case you guys must have a lovely day further and I will see you again poison out
Channel: PrettyPoison Tutorials
Views: 11,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: prettypoison, prettypoison gaming, south africa, tutorials, south african tutorials, how to, fivem, fivem gta 5, fivem rp, fivem tutorial, fivem tutorial 2023, fivem add on clothing, FIVEM modding, Add-On Clothing pack, Modding Tutorial, Step-by-step tutorial, clothing pack tutorial, FIVEM scripting, Modding guide, FIVEM development, Game modding, FIVEM server setup, FIVEM modding tools, FIVEM modding tutorial, FIVEM modding for beginners, Modding tips and tricks
Id: P0zmF_doaJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 43sec (1423 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2023
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