FiveM - Chain Tutorial Pt1

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[Music] all right what's going on Brody test one test two look like everything good uh I'm g go ahead and just jump right into it bro the first thing that you need to do when you're making a Change is open up blender this is blender right here you open up this program and this is the step one so when you come in here just hit a delete that's going to delete everything that's in in a way could be in a way you a delete and before I do that let me go ahead and do this first hold on so you can see everything all right hey delete all right next you want to come up here to file import obj and your obj is what your files what your chain models most of your um 3D models and stuff are going to come at as objs so you want to come over here to wherever um you have your um your cubin saved at whatever folder you got your cubin saved at and just pull them in I don't want to use that one I'm going use a different one I'm going just show you how to make a basic wording chain today just straight word words no 3D models or anything I'll come back and show you how to do 3D models those are a little different um to navigate you just use your um your mouse the scroll wheel on the mouse and out um click it down to rotate things like that if you hit one it goes directly in front so first thing you're going to do to start on your wording hit shift a text come over here to edit mode and delete just do something fat Nick boom switch back to object Mode come over here to a font you can change your font what I get my font is from Def and you'll be able to just go and download fonts experiment see what you like what you don't like um let me just do something just for the tutorial uh you can do character space bacing this will make it smaller bigger whatever however your eye fits for the for the chain um next thing you want to do is come up here to Geometry right here under death play with this a little bit up this and you see how like if you up it too much it starts extruding you don't want that there's a way to fix that um I'll show you how to fix it as well um if you if you do need to know how to fix it just hit me up and I'll show you uh but just for the second of the tutorial uh what I do when it does things like that um I just what was I I just either go back down and find something easier or I'll find a new fonts some fonts are too messed up and it'll just do that regardless it'll just do that so you found the uh dep that you want you want to hit contrl c contrl v that's just going to copy and paste it and you want to come over here to the second layer drop this back down leave it a little bit and then you want to up the extrude on it you see what that does on a second later it extrudes it and brings it up a little bit more so boom and what I did I just clicked that model hit the arrows and brought it up on this access a little bit blue access uh if you want to flip it just just to you know see what it's going to look like you hit the Rotator wheel right here boom and just play with it a little bit hit s to you know highlight or to change the size at any point in time you can hit a and that highlights everything but we just want the fat neck so we're going to do s go back over here to the selector and then move it on the on this wheel you know to line it up just GNA play with this a little bit just to get how we want it it's just a rough draft right here because we gonna fix it again when we put the uh the model behind it the person so we G goom and again you can get close to what you what you like about it what you don't like whatever you need to do to change one you see if you hit one put you in friend you could tell that like it's kind of messed up so you want to screwed it over a little bit that look boom all right and I can tell that like this might be a little too big for that cubing so we're gonna change it a little bit more and again you might change it again when you get the um the model behind it but so we GNA rock with this next thing that you need to do is come over here once all of this looks like how it looks how you want to you just want to click these two right here convert to right click on your mouse convert to mesh mesh it together boom good to [Music] go
Channel: Steady Shots Productions
Views: 12,835
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 53sec (353 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2023
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