Updated 2023! Fastest Way! How To Make Custom Clothing For FiveM In GTA Easily

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yo what's good boys welcome back to another video um honestly I've been barely playing uh GTA actually this is the I don't usually use my voice in videos but it just makes it easier today so I am I don't really care um I'm going to be honest normal GTA online's been kind of dead I don't know if Ione seeing but I've got some 5m but I'm I'm not I'm not trying to Waffle on too much basically today's just a an easy tutorial on how to make custom clone for 5m cuz I tried to make some myself recently and I've been learning and I noticed there was barely any good tutorials so I just want to make one quick now I don't want to keep talking um let's just make it easy so basically first thing you want to do you're going to want to search up open IV this what we going to be using to uh basically make the clothing you just want to download it it's a pretty simple process to download it once you download it it should come up with something that says the game just choose GTA you know what let me open up it myself I'll show you no point me trying to explain it look it will come up with this once you've installed it you might have to open it you want to go to Grand Theft Auto 5 press windows and boom it will start and that's what you need to do for now so then what you want to do is you want to think about what it is you want to make so this place here called Toby dospace toby. space however the you want to say it right here this is where you want to go this is basically all your assets for everything you can do so like you can do male female choose what you want to do I'm just going to do male because why not and then here this is basically everything so it's it kind of makes sense so there's like accessories like beard which is basically mask decal feet hair you know all the simple stuff um today I'm just going to for the example of uh the tutorial I'm just going to make a uh an easy t-shirt um you basically just want to just basically look and try find what ever you want um I mean it's got everything you don't have to worry about the color you just really want to focus on the shape and the style of how it looks like this is a button up with like two pockets but I literally just want to do a plain T-shirt so obviously I don't want this astronaut so what you want to do is you want to copy it up to where it says basically before the underscore before JB and you just want to copy that's it just copy that and that's it then you want to come to open IV and what you're going to want to do is make sure as soon as you go press edit mode okay it doesn't mean that you can actually edit it and there's a mods folder up here this is where you have all your stuff and what you're going to want to do is just go to your desktop new no new short desktop new folder and you going to call it whatever the you want to call it it doesn't matter so once you've done that you want to open up open our view again go to the search and paste this right here okay it'll come of nothing and then just press search okay it'll do a little search sometimes it takes longer um and just wait honestly wait for it to come up usually it doesn't take too long but it does take a while sometimes depending on uh what it is something take longer than others but there you go see comes up the folder now what you want to do is you want to click on it click on the folder again and look oh too much stuff this is going to confuse you no it's not you want to go to where it says jbb okay says jbb here should say ydd you want to go back to this uh the asset place and you can see it says JB 023 so what I want to do is I want to go down here find JB 020 023 or whatever the number is for you and you can just check by click on it and look I can see it's the same thing I was just looking at so you want to do is drag this and make sure it's the ydd the you drag after that you want to scroll down it should say texture dictionary you want to keep going down it'll say all the stuff usually a bit more this time and you want to find jbb 23 again okay and here oh but there's so many make it easy for yourself just do the one that says a jbb a because these all the different textures so like different ones will mean different things you see this is some camels and bears but it it doesn't matter really most of the time but I'm just going to use this to make it easier for myself so I drag this the YTD with the jbb 23 and that is what I should have you can close this don't need that anymore right you should have this now okay now what you want to do is go and open IV and scroll up or just press mods okay now here you want to find where it says on your desktop the thing and you just want to easily drag it okay done now the idiot that I am I've got already two I've already got one called JB one idiot let me rename the t-shirt to there we go done drag it and there you go t-shirt too now that's that's exactly what I've just done you want to go to where it says the YTD right here and do export selected okay so this is the texture nothing too hard and you want to go to desktop and where it says t-shirt 2 okay the exact folder you made before and you want to change it from a DDS file to a PNG all right and now it's still here and you just want to save it boom you can press save here and you're done for that now also what you're going to need is Photoshop so if you don't have Photoshop there's other three things you can use you just want to go if you have Photoshop there's ways to get it cracked pretty easily you just want to do open and it should if you go to your desktop and t-shirt to it'll come out this double click on your PNG file and boom okay now we've got this open right here okay now usually this isn't going to make it the best quality so straight away you want to click on your image press image image size and then make the resolution 300 this is going to make it the best quality when you actually open it on Open IV oops right there you go done now you can zoom out so it's easier now to make it easier sometimes you might want to have a uh a reference so just cuz it's easy I'm just going to use the Supreme box uh box logo T nothing too crazy but obviously you can make your own custom or you can just make stuff that already exists by just finding a reference if you find that easier just anything honestly it can literally be anything it just depends on how skills you photoshop basically um but just cuz it's easy I'm going to do this so I can see it's just a white te with the supreme logo so basically I just want to search up a uh PNG easy cheeky thing right here copy it paste boom it's pretty big so it's obviously not going to be as big but the background isn't white so what you want to do is go to this Square tool and you just want to make a square doesn't have to be exact same size but it's pink here we go make it white off stroke no stroke we don't need a stroke okay now the supreme logo is going of waste you just want to Dr drag the layer below now all you want to do is position this where you want it on the thing so imagine this is your T-shirt but it's just been flat like it's been all the edges have been carp or whatever and it's just a flat version if you want to see your original thing you can just press the I here on the rectangle and it close it now this is a little bit confusing but if you can see this is basically the back so you can kind of see the outline here it's the back of a t-shirt it's it's kind of hard to see with this one some are easier than others and look I can see right here that this is probably the front but I don't always know I also don't know how big that's going to be so when I'm it's basically just trial and error so put the eye back on and if I want to see what it looks like you want to go to file export quick export is PNG okay now you want to go back to where your T-shirt too is on desktop and you just want to save it okay you'll say replace and yes you want to replace open back up open IV you want to go go here press replace and then boom where your thing is replace it and look you got it open now this is basically your textures this is where you add your new textures of what you want it to look like and this is like a plan so look boom obviously it's not in the right place it's a bit big but you can already see I found where the front is the whole t-shirt's white don't worry about this a black this is basically just shading to show you uh what the shading would like um obviously in the game it will depend on wherever you are but look I can see I've done it on the front and look maybe it's a bit too big I don't like where it is go back to photoshop make it a bit smaller look once again I can go here to look make sure it's in line with this maybe you never know I knew it was a bit too high so we'll go down a bit do it I like it what it's like let's see what it looks like quick export again replace it boom replace again and now you can see it changes here that's how you know if it's actually working and boom I've made it smaller and I've made it a bit lower down so I think it's pretty good where it is obviously if I wanted to do more complex stuff I could do whatever and literally anything you do here will work so even if I wanted to just do don't know what this font is off here we go we'll just do my name this fun we'll just do some random font here we go Jackson and then the export quick export p replace and you can do this as much as you want literally as much as you want it doesn't matter because you're just doing trial and error to see how you'd like it and what's up so look I added text and now it says Jackson and that is simple as easy done if you uh if you need to um let's say you've you need to get the clothing brought in on 5m all you do is you go to your file again copy this you probably don't need the PNG just the YTD because this is what the actual texture is but obviously you want it to be um you know this you need to make sure that it's actually this and all you do is you send it to them and they should be good with that but if you want to make anything else all you have to do is come here and do the exact same thing that I said maybe if you want to make trousers same thing but make a cheeky skirt who knows but that is basically how you do it um if you guys have any questions you can drop a comment and hopefully this was an easy tutorial uh thank you guys for watching and yeah I'll see you in the next video peace
Channel: JacksonGivens
Views: 13,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2023
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