How to make fivem chains (2024)

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yo what's good YouTube it's your boy K and today I'm going to show you guys how to make a 5m chain um and yeah so if you don't have Photoshop take your ass to photopia photo whatever it's free just like Photoshop I own Photoshop I just really don't like it for some reason sometimes it kind of [ __ ] up my [ __ ] but I find photo photo really easy so if you don't have Photoshop don't want to pay for it just uh [ __ ] just go to and Photoshop cuz Photoshop I don't [ __ ] know but anyways right to the video I'm not trying to waste no time y'all need to learn how to make these 5m chains bro cuz I'm telling you it's like the funnest [ __ ] to ever do I promise to God but anyways let's get started uh what you're going to need is a font if you don't have a font go to Def I'm going show you guys the link def uh nice Wi-Fi woo round app for my Wi-Fi anyways so look you just look all through here you know they a bunch of things like you know but today I'm going to be using Judith caps uh WD and what you're going to want to do is make a text file and then Korea that's just going to be my uh my thing right there Korea all right anyways once you got the first Korea done uh or not the first create but the first text delete that go to the magnifying or the the the thing right here PNG name it and then uh name text one press press on this on a blank side twice press on stroke make sure you're on the stroke up this says stroke on top change it to 15 once that's changeed to 15 do the export word again PNG but name it text two this time so after you get the two text you want to do it one more time but change the stroke to 30 this time go up here PNG and name it text three now you're done with the photopia process the text that's all you're going to need for right now so if you want to be more organized you go to your files go to your downloads whatever you just downloaded so text one text two text three make sure you copy those just control left click on all of them cut and I put this text folder on all the text I'm going to use for my chains I put it in my documents folder so I just go text and then I and then I paste it so now so now it's pasted so once you're done with that you want to go to oh my God I already had these open what the [ __ ] I'm sorry about that all right you're going to need inkscape by the way inscape is free all the softwares I'm using are free by the way so yeah so once you got that you're going to want to open inkscape press open and go to where you just had your text file so for me it's in my documents and text and I'mma press on my text one once I'm in here I'mma press on anything that's like filled in Black I'mma press path on top Trace bit map and apply once you press apply you're going to want to go to file export and down here where it says PNG you want to change it to an SVG and Export so now after you're done with that you're going to want to do it for all of the text ones that you just did so documents text so now you're going to want to do it for two and three all right so once you're done with that you're going to to close all of this so close without saving close without saving close without saving uh minimize that so once you're done with that you're pretty much done with the text process open up blender you're going to be greeted with this if you just first download it and right here you're going to want to copy all this press your delete key not backspace okay once you're in here make sure you go to edit on top press it go to preference go to input and emulate numpad and turn that on all right so now you're done you can press one you can press seven to look from the top one to look from the first and you know so on so what you're going to want to do is in my Discord I have provided a free chain model link will be in the not in the description but link will be in a comments uh pin comment so yeah just pick up the free chain model in there and you're good so that's what I'm about to do so import obj I have plenty chain models I think it's this one yeah okay so this is a chain model that's going to be free to you all of you guys right here this one it's actually really good is what I first started out with I can't lie so once you got that done you go to file import SVG and wherever you just did your text files that I Just sh showed you guys in inkscape you're going to want to paste them all right there so import SVG text import SVG text so now that those are all um so now that those are all in you're going to press you're going to want to press on the first one and then press on this on the left side on the green one is just to move it up so that's what you're going to want to do the second one move it up and if they're too close just like kind of move them up all right so now press three okay don't press three but like kind of look at it from the side and if you want to kind of like free free look like this you just press down on your mouse your scroll wheel my bad all right anyways so for the first one you're going to want to press it go to the world gra the world gravity thing bro what the world the material my bad delete all the materials for all the all all of these delete them just delete them all once they're all deleted you're going to want to go to modifiers add modifier search and search for oh my God I can't search search for solidify and it's going to just make it stand out more and do that for all of them solidify solidify all right once these all have solidified what you're going want to do is press offset 0.0 negative 0.5 this one just leave it at that all right so now what you're going to do is press this one the second one kind of just like make it look neat and since you know you just basically all you did was just move them up they're already basically going to be well aligned all you have to do is just drag them down you can always make some changes if you want to um doesn't look like I'm going have to okay so sometimes depending on the font you're using and like how thick you make the chain you'll run into this problem right here that I have like right here it's an easy fix but I'm not going to fix it right now cuz I am going to make the chain a little thicker um so you tap on the last one on the bottom and you go to thickness and you just want to make it like really thick I think4 is actually pretty good and decent and then these These are fine just like how they are unless you really want the first one to be thicker you know that's also possible and you could like if it's too thick for you just make it like that um I usually don't do this but I actually actually doesn't even look too bad so I think I'm going keep it actually yeah I'm going keep it so it's actually the right amount of thickness right now like I said about the problem earlier you're going to want to see which layer it's on so as you could tell it's on the third layer press on the third layer go to modeling and it's going to take you like way back so you're going to want to you're going to want to have to zoom in again all right so it's going to be this one you tap on it press delete and dissolve and just like that that problem is now soloft now you don't have any like random things just jumping out and stuff like that I do have some right here so I might have to just fix that yeah I actually have a couple wow all right so I think this is the first one modeling all right bro I have to zoom out cuz this is actually acting so slow it's this one dis off this one dis off is it not that one uh okay so look sometimes sometimes they're going to be like like like sometimes you really can't do nothing about it um you won't really notice in game this kind of like just like a little blender type of issue like see right here you can't really notice it and you won't really notice it in game but yeah that actually looks really good and yeah all right so once you got that done you want to tape on the first one press one by the way and zoom out go to this object see rotation where it says 0 0 0 on the top one just type in 70 second one do the same thing 70 third one do the same thing 70 and then sometimes it kind of like messes up the the angle you had to mess you might have to fix it that might not be the case here actually looks great so what you want want to do is highlight it all you're already at one so just get aligned with a chain here remember all right think that's not good at all that's not even on the Buckle all right this is this we have to be a little higher this have to be more to the right press press one move it make sure it looks centered right now it's actually so big so in order if it looks too big which this one right here is actually way too big you highlight it all hit s just tone it down a little bit you know sometimes you might just have to just like kind of ignore that like yeah see that looks good that's perfect right there all right so once y'all got that done um you need to add textures to this so in order to add textures to this I will leave uh the textures you need in my Discord also in the description so so yeah so um once you get those you're want to open in place or not open in place uh go to open it's in my desktop it's a textures this one file you're going to get this one and then you're also going to get this one make sure this one's the smallest one so just do that for instance I want my chain to be purple so I will double tap on this one right here and I will go to color overlay change it from normal not to linear light to color and change it to the color you want I want purple so I'm leave it like that and just name this whatever texture whatever you want to name it so create texture create texture all right so once you're done with that you have your creat texture also you're going to want to move it by the way uh you always want to do this type of stuff so it's like easier to find and it's like right now I don't have that many uh stuff in but once I get more it's actually going to be really so before you add the texture make sure you convert it to a mesh so highlight it all convert to mesh and then boom you shouldn't see any more solidify logos or nothing like that once this converted to mesh you want to single handed add them add the texture to every single one of them one by one so press the first one go materials base color image texture open go to where you added the texture so create texture and just do that for the for all the third one all all three of them too so desktop textures create textures and just do that for the last one base image texture oh open textures create texture for the chain two you don't have to make it a mesh but just go to the material delete it add a new base color image texture open Desktop textures create texture all right once you add everything you're not going to be able to see it's not going to be visible but easy fix on top on the top right SE on the second one it's going to give you this weird look but uh easy fix so once it's that go to path one UV editing press one zoom in with your scroll wheel all right once it's here you want to go to press on materials press on select then press U and then Cube uh cylinder you're going to want highlight all of it dim it down and and and then put it on the diamonds on top right here this chain is going to let's say like this chain is for glow you're going to do the same thing select u q projection and dim it down into this one into a purple one you kind of want it to fit perfectly no mess ups then UV editing again select this is for the final one in the back all the last one and this one's going to be and then this is going to be the pure diamonds also as well so this is how the layout should look yeah that's how the layout should look and the chain I don't want the chain to have this purple stuff like on it I want the chain to be fully iced out so I'm going go to UV editing select and literally grab all of these make them really small and then just move them on to the White and voila you have made your first 5m chain congratulations um now the next step all you're going to want to do is highlight them all and press join yeah all right now once you press join are you going to do are you going to want to do when you press join is you're just going to want to file export file export obj go to wherever you want to say let's say I wanted to go to logos Untitled and then just Korea and then just export wave obj blah blah blah blah blah and then yeah but that's how you make a chain um if you do really if you want to learn how to make a chain like how to import it make it Glow because I will be making this chain glow from the back the reason I told you guys to make the Diamonds the purple diamonds in the back is because this is all going to glow and it'll look really good but um in order to learn that I do sell my tutorial my classes um actually really cheap uh better prices than anybody out there that's really trying to teach you um it comes with everything I'm telling you when it comes with everything you trust me bro it comes with some bro most tutorials will not tell you that you need the teeth skeleton blah they don't tell you how to get it but I will in that tutorial I show you how to get it I show you from ground up um I even give uh the free version of all the softwares that I that you're going to need um and yeah so if you really want to learn and learn how to import it in game be sure to for sure get that tutorial because it is going to be very much needed um it's actually be it's actually the best tutorial out there I can't lie to you it's actually one of the greatest tutorials but yeah um that's just going to be it that's going to be wrap I'm wrap up the video there um um next one is going to be how to make chains with pngs and stuff and make them like still Iced Out make them you know thick but yeah I will teach you guys that next video but I did hope you guys did enjoy and please like And subscribe uh and I will see you guys next video when I post that PNG [ __ ] because I'm telling you br that PNG [ __ ] is comp but join the Discord in the in the join the Discord I'm going leave a pin in the comment section just join it if you need to help make a support ticket uh I will bro I answer my support tickets and so fast just it's not even a joke yeah enough of me yapping hope you guys a good day and peace
Channel: Kria :)
Views: 20,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MIh8Bj3bn-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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