Make Your Midjourney Images 100% Unique

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99 of all images generated in modernity are not unique that's right literally anyone can reproduce your images as long as they know what your prompt looks like your parameters and your seed sure you could use image references but since even those are public on the mid Journey web app anyone can just take them and create the exact same image well until now that's right we now have the ability to create 100 Unique Images that cannot be reproduced easily and it's all thanks to a tiny little change that hasn't been widely reported yet wait for it you can now assign individual weights to each one of your image references [Applause] [Music] as much as we all love to create stunning images in my journey there's one tiny thing that a lot of people have been worried about and no it's not that the images that they generate are visible to the public if privacy is a concern for you you can simply get a pro subscription and then use stealth mode but what seems to be really important to a lot of creative folks out there is the ability to create 100 unique imagery and I guess in a new Brave world full of AI that kind of makes sense I won't get into the nitty-gritty details as to why this might be important to someone especially since there's a myriad of different reasons but it's definitely a real concern but the ability to apply an individual weight of your choosing to each one of your image references changes everything in the past the only way to assign weights to an image prompt was to use the image weight parameter so let's say your pump looks like this imagine and then it starts off with an image URL another image URL and then some text as a prompt in this example both the images as a whole currently represent 50 of the full prompt the text prompt represents the other 50 you can change this weighting by setting the image weight parameter to 0.5 in this scenario the images are only half as important as the text prompt so they represent roughly one-third or about 33 percent of the entire prompt whereas the text prompt is two-thirds or about 67 percent now that in itself is already quite helpful however there was no way to weight each individual image by itself until now I honestly don't know exactly when this change was introduced however it was definitely not widely reported in fact I actually make a point within my own Journey course where I specifically explained that this type of weighting does not work and when I originally recorded that it didn't but now things have changed quite a bit so in the example I showed you earlier you can now do the following you basically break down your entire prompt into individual multi-prompt segments then you apply a weighting of your choice to each one of them in this example I've applied a weight of one on the first image a weight of two on the second image and a weight of 3 on the text prompt oh and by the way you don't need to have a text prompt it's entirely optional I just have it in here to illustrate what's possible so in this example the first URL represents 1 6 of the entire prompt so roughly 16 to 17 percent the second URL represents 2 6 which is the same as one-third or roughly 33 percent and the text prompt represents 3 6 which is the same as one half or fifty percent notice how these weights work as parts of a sum similar to how you would mix a cocktail they are essentially ratios and not absolute values so technically you could also rewrite the prompt like this I can apply a weight of 17 on the first image URL I can then apply a weight of 33 on the second image URL and a weight of 50 on the text prompt segment both of these problems are more or less identical but enough theory for now let me show you a real life example so in the example I'm about to show you I'm going to try to use a mix of internally generated images from the journey as well as some of my personal photos in order to create an entirely 100 unique scene My Scene will take place on a desert-like planet similar to the Dune franchise it will involve monolithic structures an army of Dune Warriors and also some patchy vegetation now even though I've done this exercise before I'm going to try to do this live without any prepared images so it's entirely possible that not everything will go 100 according to plan for my first image I'll be using the following prompts going to enter imagine and followed by science fiction film still wide angle shot of Monolithic city-like structures in desert landscape I'll be using majority version 5.2 aspect ratio 16 to 9 and I'll be using style raw let's generate these images all right so these already look really good but before I pick any of these four let's first generate my two other sets of images oh and by the way if you're not familiar with this toolbar that you see down here this is my Chrome extension called prompt a lot and you can get it at extension I also have a dedicated video on my channel that explains exactly what all these buttons do alright so here's my prompt for the second set of images science fiction film still Army of Dune Warriors in the style of crowded scenes desert landscape and then again I use the same parameters as before let's generate these all right cool these look really great as well these are even much better than in my previous tests alright so let's generate our last set of images imagine science fiction film still lush tropical vegetation in desert landscape and again same parameters let's create these alright cool these are excellent as well now let's pick a good image from each one of these three sets and then upscale that particular image I'm going to check out the first set and from these I'm going to go with the bottom right one so I'll hit u4 then in the second set I am going to pick ah this is difficult because they're all really great I'm going to take the top left one so I'll hit U1 and then from these here I'm going to pick the bottom left one this time so u3 and let's see let's wait for this one to upscale and now that they're all ready let me quickly demonstrate to you how these new weights for images actually behave all right so I'm going to start off by using these two images first I'm not going to use any text prompts at this stage instead I'm just going to blend them hey sorry to interrupt you right smack in the middle but I just wanted to share something with you YouTube is an absolutely amazing way to discover and learn new skills just like the video that you're watching right here however as you discover these videos and tutorials you're never quite sure when they were recorded whether they're still relevant and how they fit into the bigger picture of learning to use and control maternity so if you're looking to get a comprehensive training in the foundations of prompting in my journey and I highly recommend that you check out my video course at which gives you a comprehensive education in learning how to control my journey and how to prompt with intent here's what a classic image blending prompt would look like so I'd start off with imagine and then I get my first URL which is the vegetation and in then I get my second URL which is this landscape here with the monolithic structures and I'd add that as the second image URL I then add the version parameter my aspect ratio style Raw and I'm actually going to set a seed of one just in order to be able to demonstrate to you that applying weights to these two images will actually make a difference so we'll first generate the set without any particular weights technically they're both now wasted with one and I'll generate that image first and let's have a quick look at the image set and what you can see is that this is now clearly a blend of the two previous images you have the monolithic structures in the landscape as well as some patchy vegetation here and there this is exactly what you would expect from this sort of a prompt but let's say I want to see a little bit more vegetation in the image previously it wouldn't have been easy to do this but now I can do this and here's what the prop would look like I'm just going to quickly copy The Prompt here and by the way this is what the extension is useful for paste it in here and now I can apply my weights to each one of these image links you can see that the prompt is essentially the same the only thing that's different now is that we've applied a weight of one for the first image URL oh by the way sorry this is supposed to be two because that has the vegetation and a image of one on the second URL and the rest is all the same and since we're using a seed we can reasonably expect to get something that looks exactly the same just with minor changes so let me quickly generate these and then afterwards we can compare exactly where the differences are and as you can see there's a lot more vegetation in these images the monolithic structures have also become less obvious in fact this might actually be a problem and we may need to adjust the waves later on but you can basically do this with as many images as you like so let me quickly get my third image here of my Dune Warriors and let's quickly construct a new prompt here because I'm going to need this in order to generate my next image and It's Going to Be Imagined and then it starts off with the first image with a weight of two second image with a weight of one and then my third image with a weight of two as well in fact I'm actually going to change the first one to a weight of 1.5 because it might be too strong and let's generate these okay so what majouni has now done is it's taken all three of these images and it's applied the weighting that I gave it in order to create these images here and this in itself is already considerably more unique than anything that you could have done previously yes the images are from within my journey however the weights make all the difference but if you need to create something that's really really really unique then there's an extra step that you can take so to really drive home the point here I'm going to use some of my personal photos in order to make this 100 unique I'm going to use the following photos that I took while on holiday traveling through Morocco the South African Karu and these sand dunes near Dubai and I'm going to blend them together like this I'm going to start off with imagine and then it starts off with the first segment with the image of the tropical vegetation I've toned down the weighting a little bit to one because it was a little bit too much on the second image which contains the monolithic structure I've increased the weight a little bit from 1 to 1.25 and on the third image of my Dune Warriors I'm going to keep just going to keep that at two now for the first image of my photos which is a photo of Morocco I'm going to use a weighting of 0.5 whereas on the other two enters of the Karu and the dunes by Dubai I'm only going to use 0.2 on each one of them now the reason behind this is that the photo of Morocco contains some structures in them and I'd like to inject more of that into the image than of the other two which are just desert landscape the image of Morocco contains some structures and I'd like to inject more of that into the image than of the other two of the Karu and the dunes by Dubai simply because most of my other images already contain some elements of desert landscape so I don't need to really duplicate it and simply adding them with this very very low weight already adds more uniqueness into the mix okay so let's have a look at what this generates okay so here's what these images look like and I think they're pretty good the only thing that I'm missing a little bit is I'd like to see a little bit more of the structures to be honest it's I'm missing that piece the rest is pretty good so what I'm going to try to do is I'm going to try to Simply up that a little bit more so I'm going to increase the weighting from 1.25 to 2 and we'll quickly generate another set of images just to have a comparison and see whether that's good enough and let's have a real quick look and it's a little bit better maybe but not perfect either actually in fact I think I may choose to go with the previous one with the top right corner I think we'll have to make this work one thing you'll almost always notice whenever you blend images without any text prompt is that the images tend to look very unrealistic and I don't mean the fact that these locations obviously don't exist I mean yes these are science fiction Concepts after all but what I mean is that they have a very distinct 3D look to them kind of like they were taken from some video game or something like that for example if you pay attention to the terrain you'll notice that it looks weirdly smooth and I guess this might be due to the sand dunes but I see this with many other images as well and another thing is that the images quite often look like they're blurry too this can be incredibly annoying especially when you're going for a more realistic and especially detailed look but luckily there is a really simple way to fix this so this is a neat little trick that usually works pretty well first of all what you'll need to make sure is that you actually have activated remix mode so let me go into the settings and you want to activate remix mode and you'll also want to make sure that you're activated on low variation mode because these settings are crucial for what we're about to do next we'll pick the image that we really like and in this case it's going to be this one here in the top right corner of the previous set that I generated simply because the second one with the other waiting wasn't quite to my liking so I'll hit the v-roll button on number two this will open up a remix prompt and first of all I'll remove the entire prompt and what I'll enter instead is now a text part which encapsulates the text prompts of all of the original Three images that I prompted in my journey so I'm going to basically try to synthesize this into one prompt and this prompt looks like this science fiction film still wide angle shot of army of Dune Warriors in the style of crowd scenes walking toward monolithic city-like structures in a desert landscape covered in patches of lush tropical vegetation and in this particular case simply because I know that the patches of tropical vegetation won't really come through as much as I'd like them to because I tried this earlier I'm going to use the slider method and add an additional segment called patches of lush tropical vegetation and in fact I need to fix this vegetation and simply add a weighting of 0.2 I I will then hit submit and wait for this to generate the images okay cool let's have a look so what exactly did I just do here well by using remix mode in this context with low variation mode I'm basically using the original image as compositional support and I'm then shoving in my new text prompt concept on top of it and that's why you now see four images that roughly all have the same composition as the original one the only difference is that we now have considerably more detail that was added into the textures you have far less smoother Services you also have a lot more details that have been added into the scene and yes sure you can argue whether you prefer this one or the previous one but what we've definitely done here is that we've refined the original image that we had so now that I've successfully refined my images I can actually use them in my project so I'm pretty sure by now you've realized just how many possibilities this opens up for us I hope you found these insights useful and I wish you tons of fun trying to create your very own 100 unique image entry remember to check the video description for my mid-journey course as well as tons of other free stuff that you can download and that's it for today I'll see you next week take care and keep on learning cheers [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Tokenized AI by Christian Heidorn
Views: 21,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney, midjourney v5, midjourney version 5, midjourney tutorial, midjourney prompts, midjourney workflow, midjourney learn, midjourney 5.2, midjourney image prompt, midjourney image reference, midjourney image weight, midjourney weights, midjourney reference image, midjourney blend, midjourney copyrigh
Id: Od11XU98kfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2023
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