Make this amazing Spaghetti Bake for dinner tonight!

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foreign [Music] today I'm going to show you how to make the the best spaghetti bake ever let's get it [Music] as always the full ingredient list will be down in the description box below now with that being said look I'm using my Dutch oven you guys imma tell you to use your Dutch oven why because we gonna go ahead and do our Browning of our you know our beef and this is 80 20 and you know then I got my uh Italian sausage right here right so the reason we're using the Dutch oven after you put all your ingredients in is going to be too probably bigger unless you use like a wok style like a pan or something like that so look I'm gonna just go ahead and start adding my beef you know my ground beef I know I put it in kind of strange you know I mean but don't trip once I get it all in here it all makes sense right look I like this straight edge on these bamboo wooden you know style uh utensils I just want to get this down here like this and we're going to let it start to cook then I'm gonna mix it all together and like I say we're gonna go ahead and just Brown it all up [Music] foreign I switched up the game you know what sometimes I just forget these right here work great you know what I mean especially when you get things off the bottom you know when you got a fine you know when you're putting the veggies in there but I went ahead and got this right here look this right here this is what breaks it up get you that that ground you know meat look that you're looking for right so if you get a chance I'll leave a link down the number one comment you know section for you so you guys can just get yourself one of these these very inexpensive it depends on the fat content of the beef that you use right and don't forget we use that Italian sausage that pork you got a lot of fat so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and drain this fat off of here then we're gonna come back we're gonna bring it back up to Temp and we get ready to start adding you know our tomatoes and all in our sauce inside of it okay so look as you can see we got it all drained right again I'm on a medium like a medium high right now right so I'm gonna go ahead and just start adding all of my sauce the whole entire can folks [Music] but I'm gonna take these like this and I'm gonna put them in like this now you gotta do them the way you want to I like the little bite and the texture of the onion for those of you guys that say you don't want to really taste no onion or not like that you want them to be soft you can they gonna get soft right here because I'm gonna let this simmer for probably about 20 minutes you know but I want this to just simmer cook down that way I don't want to just like you know I guess it would be like just sauteing the onions the normal way you know I mean but this is the way I like to do mine you guys can add them there and you know give them a head start but this right here I like the texture of the onion too so it'll give me a little bit of texture you know what I mean along with the final product and you guys are just seeing that's up to you guys remember you can saute them with the beef or you cannot but this right here is the way I like to have mine now I'm gonna go ahead and load up my press again folks I don't have the camera on me but I do have a smile on my face and because I make this all the time I know just a couple of pinches of salt even before I taste I know it'll just take just that much to get me right as a base now it's about the way everything cooks and shimmers and marries together then I make another taste you know do another taste test and then I'll adjust you know from there are we simmering right now right anywhere from like 15 to 20 minutes right now I'm gonna take my parm and I'm gonna go ahead and start to shred so if you take a look look we already got our parm shredded now I'm gonna go ahead and add my sour cream cottage cheese how many of y'all out there say hey I don't like cottage cheese you hey if I hadn't told you it had cottage cheese in it you wouldn't even know the difference there for our cream cheese remember folks you want it to be you want it to be soft like what you see right here then our parsley this gives it color hey and taste but you gotta see where it's going and then you can't have nothing without really like just a a couple dashes of salt all right so then all you want to do is just start you know you mix it at the end listen I always tell everybody you got a taste when that tastes good you can just imagine how it's going to be on them new you know on your posture and all of that right so look now I have my uh oven it's already preheated to 350 degrees if you haven't already done yours and that would be a great time to start doing your preheat right so I'm gonna be doing it obviously in the casserole dish I started doing it on a clear one so you guys can see but I think I'm gonna go ahead and take some pictures of this and this might be in one of these next cookbooks but check it out so get you a little spray you know what I mean you just want to spray the edges spray the bottom that being said listen I made my spaghetti noodles already Al Dente I did that and listen this was a key right when it was hot right before I shocked it I took about three I'm gonna say yeah three uh tablespoons of butter put it in there and mix it around look see how nothing is sticking some of you guys say uh you could have just used olive oil or something like that trust me butter comes with that unique flavor all right let's check on this right here let me go ahead and turn this off I know that's right and I want you guys to take a look at the inside remember we looked at them onions look after 20 minutes you know I mean you can see they softened up they released their flavor just the same way right yes sir hey then when y'all make this for sure you come back all right so I just like to take a little bit and just put some down here like this always I think everybody just about does that right don't need a whole lot this should be enough I don't care it'll be a little thin but that's okay we got the non-stick we got a little flavor down on the bottom and we just leave it like that okay so once we have that there I'm gonna take some some of my noodles look I keep saying noodles some of my my spaghetti my spaghetti pasta let me just call it what it is you know what I mean right that right there maybe just a little bit over here in this corner but you you see where I'm going with her this is the good part look at that you can see that parsley in there you didn't already tasted it it looked just it tastes just as good as it looked right so notice that I'm spreading it out this way because we're going to try to spread this y'all [Music] okay so we got that down and that was all of that right you want to put all of that in there now I'm going to come with this right over here over the top I know y'all like hey you doing it backwards I can't really see so let me see if I can turn it the other way so you guys can see it just as it flow out in there like there [Music] okay and then after that we put our final little layer over the top right now be careful and make sure your dish is deep enough because we got to come with a little bit more sauce over the top and we got to put our topping on there and that topping gonna be that mozzarella now I'm gonna take my mozzarella and we're just going to put a layer of this right over the top so soft you know what I mean uh and yes I'm still talking about food folks you know what I mean just put it on just like you see [Music] foreign parsley on here once you're done topping it I'm gonna go ahead and put this in the oven probably for about like 30 35 minutes you know what I mean so let me hurry up and get this in here so I don't let all my heat out foreign [Music] right so when you layer it look at that right there I ask what you want to have so I'm gonna go ahead and just set this you know like right here when you serve it and it's hot that becomes like Ooey you know a little bit on the gooey on the cheese sauce but I had to let it just you know settle cheers you know foreign I just went ahead and knocked it off now let's just talk about this remember I mentioned before how you do your onions I got it you can do them I always put my onions in especially when I'm making tacos anything like that when I take the beef you know I cook them sweat them down a little bit so it can you know let this flavor out but what I like about when I the way I did them is I put them in last just let them simmer in the sauce right they give you that texture only thing missing I should have cut some bell peppers and put them in there too that would have been fire Hey listen trust me folks let me know what you guys think about you know about this what would you do to level this up but first I asked try it just like this and all you cottage cheese lovers out there if you ain't allergic to cottage cheese try it this way and tell me if this is nothing special right here hey with that being said listen if you're new to my channel let me take this time to say hey thank you for watching this video don't forget to like smash that subscribe button and tell everybody out there there's a channel out here that's simplifying these recipes and taking a mystery out of cooking and if you really really want to have like a spaghetti bake over the top try this one guess what folks I'm out peace [Music] [Music]
Channel: Smokin' & Grillin with AB
Views: 209,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cookin wit AB, Smokin and Grillin wit AB, Make this amazing Spaghetti Bake for dinner tonight!, spaghetti bake, spaghetti, spaghetti recipe, how to make baked spaghetti, baked spaghetti, baked spaghetti recipe, spaghetti casserole, easy baked spaghetti, the best baked spaghetti recipe, homemade baked spaghetti, baked spaghetti casserole, million dollar spaghetti, homemade baked spaghetti recipe, cheesy baked spaghetti, easy baked spaghetti recipe, baked spaghetti and cheese
Id: LH6HkGUqIbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 15 2023
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