Baked Spaghetti | Easy Recipe | So Tasty!

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hey everybody y'all welcome back to my kitchen what i'm doing wiping off this whole nasty can y'all better wipe off the nest again oh y'all open them like open them i keep telling you that hey y'all look today we are making some spaghetti okay so i have already started cutting up my onion a medium to large onion and i've already cut up uh one bell pepper where i did the green and the red bell pepper and i'm gonna go on and put it on down here in my pot so that can start sauteing a little bit and i'll bring out over here in just a minute i'm let's thank you through talking to y'all i already have my water boiling for my spaghetti noodles [Music] and i've already salted my water now you guys i salt when i salt my water i make sure i can taste the salt in my water okay because i feel like it defeats the purpose if i can't taste the salt all right need to taste the salt so i know that my noodles will be salted just a little i'm gonna take a couple of these couple handfuls of these noodles and yes i've already thoroughly washed my hands y'all don't be in the kitchen with nasty hands it's that's just nasty y'all don't do it wash your hands okay don't be in the kitchen wash your hands and not just stay in the kitchen stay out simple as that okay so my noodles gonna get the going while i have my onions and red and green bell peppers saute in a little bit and i'll be using some for my base i'm going to use this hunt's pasta sauce it's a garlic and herb and to that i'm also going to add these two cans of tomato paste and they are basil garlic and oregano and i'm also going to be seasoning my meat with seasoning salt and some black pepper i'm going to use some onion powder and italian seasoning i have the garlic powder here but i don't need that because i'm getting ready to put some garlic powder some minced garlic not garlic powder minced garlic in here with these um onions and bell peppers so i won't need to use the garlic powder okay let's see um i also want to add some pepperoni to my spaghetti because we're going to put this in the oven and bake it just for and it's not really baking we're just going to melt the cheese so i do number one one of some some baked spaghetti so we're going to add some pepperoni and let's see i have some the bottle sausage here that has already been cooked that i need to get rid of so we're gonna throw that in there we're going to use hamburger and i'm going to use some italian sausage and for my cheeses i'm going to do mozzarella sharp cheddar and i also have some parmesan you guys if you uh if you're following my channel then you know as if you're tasting my cheeses i like to use um the fresh cheese that i have to grate i do not buy the cheese in the packages that's already pre-shredded don't buy that stuff okay they have to put some something on it to preserve it i'm back when i grate my own cheese and buy the fresh cheese it's so much better and it's creamier you guys it just tastes so much better okay so also when i mix up the sauce i'm gonna add a little sugar too i think i forgot to mention that so i think that's it so what we're going to do is get our italian sausage and hamburger in here and get that get it browned and cooked up and brown okay i have about i have about two pounds of ground beef and then i have about a pound of italian sausage i'm going to let my noodles boil for maybe about 10 minutes or so so they'll be ready in just about about five five or six minutes so we're going to let this continue to cook and brown and in the meantime i'm going to start grating my cheese so that was a sharp cheddar this is the mozzarella and you guys it really doesn't take long to grate your own cheese it is so worth it in my opinion and this is the parmesan the ground beef and the sausage has almost browned just enough there's still a few little pieces that need to brown and once it's totally done i'm going to drain and rinse it just a little bit you guys i like to drain and rinse if that's not your preference then you don't have to do that step but that's just what i like to do and that's why i don't put any seasonings on my meat while i'm cooking it because i know i'm gonna rinse it so other than just cooking with the onions and peppers and garlic i don't add any seasoning until i drain rinse and then add it back to my pan and in the meantime i have drained and also rinsed my noodles and you guys i like to add just a dab of butter because i also season my noodles even more i boil them in the salt water and then i just added some italian seasoning and some parsley and just a little bit of butter and they're already salted so i don't need to add any more salt but that just gives my noodles it seasons my noodles even more just something i like to do all right i've rinsed and drained my meat and if you notice that i did leave or added just a little water in there because i have these two cans of tomato paste that i'm going to use so we're gonna add both cans of this tomato paste we like our spaghetti sauce to have a lot of flavor i forgot to open up my pasta sauce okay so now we're gonna add the pasta sauce so and this will thicken up even more as it cooks i like to let it simmer for at least about 30 minutes before we serve it okay i'm going to add a little seasoning salt and i changed my mind i am going to add some garlic powder in here i can change my mind y'all some onion powder italian seasoning and a little sugar oh this smells so good we need smell-o-vision or smell of youtube so i'm just gonna stir this up really good and we're gonna let it simmer for about 30 minutes and you guys when i was talking about the noodles and me adding just that little bit of butter when i boiled my noodles i didn't add any oil i know some people add oil when they boil their noodles i didn't i just added the salt to season the water so that's why when i drained and rinsed them i just added just a little bit of that butter and that helps the seasoning stick to stick to the noodles you guys i just realized i didn't add the black pepper so let's add that and now we will cover and let it simmer look at that yummy sauce okay so we've been simmering for about 25 30 minutes throw this kebabs sausage in there and i've already sprayed my casserole dish that we're just gonna layer this in next one [Music] [Music] please don't sing it's anointed on this thing though young people don't understand that that might be your opinion honey but everybody here you sing they gonna say who do number one what they gonna say you know let them do a concert for us uh negatives i promise you that's not what they think that's what they ask people let me tell you something anointing is so powerful i won't give them nothing i'll let them be all of them the spirit and i'm not going to put all of this in here just do a couple of layers just a couple of layers pepperoni there she goes i guess i need to take that offer and you just put it in the oven long enough just to melt the cheese [Music] all right this is the last layer not too brave so we're in our last layer of pepperoni and then we'll put it in the oven like i say just fill it the cheese melt for about about 15-20 minutes yeah we got some greedy monsters here just already dug into the spaghetti i don't know what for this soap look [Music] y'all look so good especially when you do it and use italian sausage oh it's slime it is so cute look at the slide i greased my casserole dish and sprayed it so it wouldn't stick [Music] all right you guys so thank you guys so much for watching push the nosey [Music] we already look forward to you joining us again next time we got another greedy monster over here that's trying to be quiet say bye oh you too sure [Music]
Channel: BeautifulTooCreationsWithDonna
Views: 175,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spaghetti recipe, beautifultoocreationswithdonna, how to make spaghetti, how to make spaghetti sauce, how to make baked spaghetti, baked spaghetti and cheese, spaghetti with pepperoni, spaghetti with Italian sausage and ground beef, sweet Italian Sausage, cooking spaghetti, spaghetti noodles, easy spaghetti recipe, quick and easy, cheesy spaghetti, homemade baked spaghetti recipe, spaghetti bake, old school baked spaghetti, soul food, the best baked spaghetti recipe, couple
Id: JSsT39HhQRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 32sec (1292 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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