Make the Tastiest Pastry-Wrapped Beef Tenderloin Roast: ChefSteps Beef Wellington

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we are going to walk you through how to master a beef wellington this is level 11 Wellington it's insane what's a beef Wellington's really simply its tenderloin wrapped with chopped mushrooms maybe a little prosciutto and then pastry and the amazing thing about we fine-tune is it's actually this really incredible test of a cook skill here's what our Wellington is though just so we're clear that's a tenderloin uh it's mushroom duxelle this is your pastry not to scale obviously this tenderloin let's just say it's a medium-rare 25 degrees Fahrenheit this pastry on the outside it's gonna be 300 degrees Fahrenheit right on the inside here to make sure the pastries actually cooked and done probably has to get to about 200 Fahrenheit that's not nice starch temperature the steam will souffle it'll puff up a little bit 300 degrees 200 degrees that's getting awfully close to overcooking our tenderloin right so think about it like you've got a cozy house it goes outside elements your little cabin between your cozy interior and the exterior you need to make some insulation right so this pastries your wall it's the siding of the house so the rain hits it the heavy weather hits it right but in between this is our duck so this is our insulation okay this is gonna protect the meat that way we can hammer the pastry get it flaky crispy crumbly dark brown delicious so that's the trick you need the meat you need the mushrooms you need the pastry you need all three here we go you're making your wellington time to get going on duck so super simple we have all the measurements for your own chef so calm but you don't really need to measure this one a little rule of thumb I like to use what I'm making duck so cuz I like the sweetness of the shallots I kind of do a two to one two to one mushroom mushrooms again they're like 95 percent moisture they're gonna shrink down and nothing there's about 800 grams 400 grams shallot so the only thing you have to measure I would say in the Wellington I would measure the pastry every time the pastry crust the rest of the stuff you can just eyeball here it gets fun so he's literally just chopping up the mushrooms again the benefit of this is you're gonna have all these like small bits of mushroom that are gonna sear and caramelize and still have texture without turning into mush you know we call it hash aid slice chop mince down to you know just like a little crumble and as we cook them they're gonna get even smaller so all these are gonna be probably the quarter this size I think you should put more butter than you think it's gonna make your life easier that wasn't enough it's just stuff away that was just my first slice of butter you could do olive oil though you could do any any fat you want here you know again for this sort of thing - I like a big open pan gets rid of the heat as fast as possible bigger the pot the heavier the pot the more energy that goes into the pot instead of the mushrooms it takes longer the longer the mushrooms cook the more likely they'll turn to mush less likely to caramelize and some good smelling butter there let's add a little bit of salt okay so I've got a little bit of color here I'm gonna start adding mushrooms can't add all the mushrooms at once you hear that sizzle change so if you were to like just I'm in a rush I gotta like hurry up and get the duxelle done it's like the one thing I wouldn't rush on the Wellington my mind is like really really really all about technique if the duct cells too wet the tenderloins littering about fall out from the inside the mushrooms are gonna fall out the pastry is gonna be soggy like I'm gonna get rid of this water now get rid of it now and you don't have to deal with it later you're starting to see all these look to fine bubbles is fine bubbles are the fat starting to actually fry here's the big deglazing trick that nobody tells you just put a teeny teeny teeny teeny teeny teeny bit and look it's like brand-new again this is where you should be in the end so you've got really nicely deeply caramelized mushroom with colour they're loose it's not puree you know it's gonna work in your Wellington later because look if I pack that into a little pile see how nice and set they get together one from 13 grams of total volumes of 475 that's 800 grams of water that's not gonna be trying to get through a crust and make our crust on you that's duck so if you want to know how to break down 210 aloin came to the right place there's a lot of advantages to breaking one down yourself it's cheaper you get a lot of cuts out of it you know you buy one steak you can be like forty bucks a pound you buy a whole one it's like 23 bucks a pound first thing is the whole tenderloin there's only like a couple few parts to it you've got like the nose and then you've got this like they call it a chain and again like a lot of good butcher you'll see like you don't really need a knife all the time so this chain pull off that snap crackle pop that's good so I've got a tray I'm gonna make a fat pile [Music] this is whole tenderloins breakdown basic bottom line is you can go to the butcher store this is what you asked for a cannon what do we want to do with the Tenderloin we want to get some flavor built into the tenderloin so what I'm gonna do is sear it that's gonna get rid of some moisture but it's also gonna add a lot of flavor and I'm gonna put it in oven some I'm gonna do our low temperature oven technique you know probably take 30 minutes an hour but it'll be perfectly cooked edge to edge it's just like dry sous-vide you know the only hang-up is you got to have your oven at the right temperature you can skip this step if you have like real dry tenderloin I've actually never seen anybody pre cook a tenderloin let's see RIT oil on the meat is this searing for flavor here so I've got a hot pan tenderloin goes in mom I want the whole thing to look like this all that crackle and pop moisture leaving that's moisture that's going now that will go later through your crust [Music] I got my tenderloin a little spicy Dijon I like to have my Wellington with Dijon later too so I just like you know just get that Dijon everywhere a little bit of salt again I don't go too crazy on the salt on this one that's good so this is probably gonna take 30 to 40 minutes again if you don't want to skip it you can totally skip it but again you're just like increasing the chance that you're not gonna have a really flaky crust when I cut it man I want to hear it like otherwise don't even call it crust that's cannon chapter you could buy pastries some places if you live by a good shop like a good base pastry shop they'll sell you dough you know which isn't a bad isn't a bad option this is the chef steps peppers a so here's the thing you got to know keep it cold roll it out try to work quick this is our double batch that we made from this double batch we're gonna have our main wrap and we're also gonna have our lattice this is about the maximum length you need say I probably need about this much for my lattice if I'm gonna be real diligent about it I'm gonna keep this in the fridge for now and my lattice piece I'm gonna roll out I'm actually just gonna go as wide as the cutter because as soon as you cut it you're gonna pull it apart and I just want to make sure I have enough length to cover the Wellington and have a little bit of extra wiggle room on it I'm gonna just grab this final little edge of the pastry and they're just gonna cut cut cut cut cut your dough's made well and it's homogeneous enough that you can just pull them apart but usually what you want to do is just put it back in the fridge just for a minute and then cut it with a knife it's amazing how fast dough warms up you know and just be aware of other projects you have in your house like you've got a turkey in the oven your ovens been on 40 degrees all day your kitchens probably hot and this dough's probably getting really warm you know are you got a small kitchen I'm just kind of looking for and making sure this lattice like opens up we're looking pretty good over here put it back in the fridge for 5 10 minutes the freezer is even better we've got all of our components ready to go and now we're gonna assemble I roll out plastic I roll out prosciutto I roll out the duck cell I roll up the Tenderloin so your only goal here is just to get this prosciutto a good ham spinach whatever you got laid out on a nice fine layer so you don't have any big gaps between the meat and the mushroom this is what's gonna make Wellington later on just like snug and perfect these perfect slices that look beautiful next up ducks out remember we made it with butter saturated fat it gets firm in the fridge so you don't want to like to start spreading hard stuff it's gonna rip up your prosciutto but what I like to do is just like put a little bit if you like a light chop don't have to freak out about making it perfectly even just yet camera switched you a little palette knife push push push push push push push push I don't want a bunch of air bubbles cuz I don't want it steaming into flame and puffing up on me I want it dense but let's just grab our tenderloin line it up make sure we got enough width here that's kind of cutting it close but pretty good you know and then the other thing is like do we have enough width this way so I'll start on that corner and just like you don't have to do this but like that's pushing it so I'm gonna spread it up just a little bit more so you can wrap this whole thing up and put in the fridge for a couple days you know not a big deal but bottom line is like you know it cooked i seared you know don't know this could actually be still a little steam a little worm it's not gonna hurt but what you don't want to have is a hot tenderloin and then you're wrapping the pastry the pastry gets warmed up it starts slacking all over you rip it then it becomes a big pain in the ass so what I do here is just like a this first one nice and tight and I think people grab these sides too early and then you end up with like a big ball you don't want to do that when you're dealing with pastry or any of the strike Udrih stuff where you're making a roulade or something I just want to make sure I catch up to any of these like loose ends of prosciutto this is where this like plastic wrap is just awesome it's your best friend grab it from the middle and tuck it in if you use the back your knife too sometimes and be careful but like push in like that you get a nice tight even you want to keep it looking like a cannon easy to turn the cannon into a football so that's feeling pretty good that's feeling nice and tight we will start closing this end up here if you end up rolling one of these and it's like a big dome the ends are gonna cook away faster than the middle you're adding like doubling the insulation in the middle so if you get a nice cylinder you're gonna like already ahead of the curve there you know this guy fridge/freezer whatever we're gonna come right back to it pretty damn fast we are so close we've got our cannon wrapped in duct cell wrapped in prosciutto now we're gonna wrap it in pastry one more little tip parchment paper wax paper all that stuff is just awesome if you can get if you have it or if you can get sheets of it I'm just gonna flip this over leave it on that's okay if it's bigger it's gonna come in handy watch so just like steel that that's gonna be the bottom so I can like land that half right here there we go egg wash I don't know what other chefs Trix are for egg wash but I like to really work it in because it gets it goes from just an egg wash which is just like you can see it to being a glue because when you're brushing back and forth you're mixing in starch not really letting it get sticky and work in you know when you get super glue in there wait two minutes then stick it together you know waiting for that little tackiness that's what we got going on here so I'm just like right in the middle there just one pinch pinch pinch pinch pinch pinch pinch pinch pinch pinch this is a lot obviously like a lot of pastry that's okay big pinch and then I do this one two three get rid of those this guy up get my hand under there this guy's gonna fold nice and neat wait this is our base again like this is most well easy like boom done pop it in the oven egg wash it pop in the oven you're golden what you can do we're gonna do one last little beauty at the end I just think it looks a thousand times better like you've come this far I like the little lattice in the end but you want it to be square that way it's gonna cook pretty much even like at least from here to here to here to here to here the more you squeeze the end gets all thick here if it's thick here it's gonna be very hard to get it actually cooked all the way through so one thing I am gonna do is let this kind of chill out when I say chill out I actually mean chill out relax get cold sit in the fridge see if you're in the fridge long enough and you're nice and firm you should be able to like just got a little more top a little more durable want to make sure I have like a nice sticky egg wash base so it really glues to it but at the same time now I want to have just a little bit runway so I can still fly it around if I wait too long this will dry up and then you lay the lattice down and it's like glued you know what I mean okay so cut that cut that thing always gets in the way I think get rid of any stuff that's gonna basically be noise during the process [Music] if you're not happy with the position you don't want to like pick it back up you just want to like slowly start to work each little diamond is where the wet egg wash is really forgiving so each little diamond they'll get like I'll literally push a little bit I get a quarter inch quarter inch quarter inch squared ad that's like whole inch down below I don't worry about these ends too much I just make sure they're firm and glued on get a love heavy so shiny you wanna egg wash it while it's nice and cold I think it's the first time I made the full Wellington without like a half a bottle of Pinot yeah it was still fun okay you can put these anywhere I like to get them placed and then I come back with the tweezers and sort them out and move them around or whatever holy smokes I'm ready to bake this guy's going in the oven death to death uh just see it's on the very bottom rack that's actually a good thing it's gonna sear it so we have a nice brown crust there we go [Music] whoo [Music] I think we got a winner you want a bread knife for this for sure nice small strokes I think if you overcook the meat that protein tightens up and it's gonna push juice into the crust too so there's a fine line you can overcook it as a meat gets to that medium well it squeezes and it starts putting that juice out there it's just gonna get better from here guys feel so good that it's not wrecked see I'm just like you at home when it turns out I'm excited that's pretty beautiful guys you here it's working - man this light just not it's like much time so dark haven't you seen the anthony bourdain episode what's up with all the serial killers right here this is this is insane I think Robuchon would be proud one of the cool things about the squash 1 or veggie 1 - you're never gonna overcook it so you can just bake it bake it bake it bake it it's kind of got like a little spiral in one I like it the meat and the carbs and umami and all that stuff in one bite mmm okay you guys come on I don't like eating by myself [Music]
Channel: ChefSteps
Views: 455,060
Rating: 4.8306608 out of 5
Id: Phtn7C62G0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 10 2019
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