ChefSteps Twenty-Four-Layer Lasagna

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I know it doesn't look like a normal as Anya but then you taste it and it doesn't taste like anomalous Anya tastes like heaven I don't know why people put so many like vegetables and wetness in the lasagna to me lasagna still a pasta dish it it should be a lot of delicious pasta so when I make lasagna I play for keeps I'm gonna do a veg one today I just want to like focus on two kind of theme principles I'm gonna go find sheets but lots of layers and drier than you think pasta bechamel cheese tons of spinach basil we'll do a little tomato too and then repeat super yummy and there's gonna be a bonus tip and trick in the end cuz you've been eating lasagna wrong and you didn't know that so I'm gonna start with a joke we've got pasta recipes on chefsteps so do you really want to see me make dough again right here Sean is saying yes okay I will put this dough aside for now should we do the the mixer or the old-school we've barely do anything old-school chef's up so let's do old-school real quick I'm gonna pull back whoop one egg there's a good reason to do the old-school kind of counter top method and you get like really smooth smooth dough this way right now is whole eggs I know there's probably a lot of pasta chefs you're like I got to do all egg yolks and then water and that's it after that but when I'm at home necessary always like to have like a bunch of egg whites wasted or sitting around is where it all starts with flour and eggs once it's like a pretty homogeneous ball I'll just start rolling it and you roll it and fold it and roll it and fold it and that's developing all the gluten - looks really dry huh it starts to come together there's all these like big lumps in here that are just really really wet stuff if I didn't have a roller I wouldn't be doing this I'd make sure I get it nice and smooth and a ball first so this will just break apart a couple times that's okay it just starts to knead and squeeze that moisture in there and starts to get a little more even it's a good workout I guess you got to choose your battles though like if you had wrested dough four or five passes and it's done but again this is starting from a fresh dough we're developing gluten and we're needing at the same time there's definitely some you know visual cues that I think are helpful like the actual texture on the dough making sure it's not like rough if the glutens rested it should be pretty smooth like the rougher the dough looks probably just needs more time I mentioned this when I'm making like pie but pie dough or something like that make a little more than you need like even when you're doing a quiche or something because having that little bit extra dough it's just so nice to have that little extra forgiveness around the edges and that sort of thing you know it's home stretch for pasta sheets once I slice into it oh man these fine pasta layers oh my god that'd be so good this is gonna be our full-size lasagna sheets Wow the dough goods have been forgiving it's almost like phyllo it's like just see-through enough I've got a good shadow cuz I got the light on this side but I don't know if you guys can see that you see that okay not the sexiest pasta sheets I ever made but for this they're gonna be perfect I want to try to get 12 ish okay got 12 sheets in they don't have to be the perfect size because you can actually if they're a little short to go like a little bit with this one a little bit that way with this one and they're gonna get bigger these will get bigger right now they're just like cuz all that glutens tensed up but they'll relax up you boil em and they're gonna slack out and get a little bit longer I love it we've got greens too what I usually do it home is yeah I mean I'll just dunk it in my little secret little ice and then I just go back to any trailer or bowl with a little oil or something you put any something here let's do it so let's see here one see we boil like three at a time too so because these are so thin they don't need a lot of time to boil literally 60 seconds or something like that this pastas like so on the edge of dry that it's like thank God put in that water you can see it changing it's starting to like happy the only other thing I'll do over here because I have the water going is I'm gonna blanch all the greens will go from like all this spinach to like one little fistful so rather than having like sitting here a long time take the heat off of it [Music] melon you can just throw this in the lasagna as is but if you do it's just gonna go black on you well you blanch all sorts of things for different reasons well I'm blanching this basil to basically destroy or kill all these enzymes that are natural and alive that want to basically eat up all the good stuff all these good aroma compounds in here say you have like an apple and you drop it and then it goes Brown but if you blanch the apple or cook it I can't breathe it'll never do that because when you drop it you're breaking open these cells that get exposed to all these enzymes that start to naturally decompose really quickly people say eat your greens I'm like we're gonna put all this into one lasagna we're compressing it to so I can get more spinach into lasagna but I'm also doing the same thing getting killing those enzymes so it stays like nice and right and spinach II the whole time that's a lot of it whoa dude it's Lu's agna party bechamel it's one of the like the classic French mother sauces that I like actually agree with it's so useful every time you've had like a good mac and cheese bechamel butter flour this is classic but that fat kind of it's a shortener remember we've talked about shorteners before it's a shortener so it shortens the gluten so every little flour granule is now coated in fat and that's gonna help it disperse in the milk you only need to go this far though can you see that so classic bechamel is all milk sometimes like to pepper nutmeg salt I don't care about that so much but what I do too is I cut the milk with cream and it makes a really good bechamel it's like fat so bechamel I love it so all you do is you basically bring this to a boil and that flour is gonna hydrate the starch in the flour is gonna hydrate it gets nice and thick and you have this velvety smooth i'mjust sauce and that's gonna go in some of the layers pasta Peas pasta cheese pasta cheese bechamel tomato okay so I've got the spinach and basil chop chop chop chop chop rough chop that's all I need to do still smells like nice and vibrant you know did you guys rock one can yesterday with that lasagna one came to me oh you cooked it down by half this hole is on you you know is like it's like finesse so silky layer silky layers silky layer and if I've got a whole tomato in there not very silky this is like tomato fresca I'm not gonna cook it down til the garlic in fennel seeds salt chilies let's just go our sauce is ready we are cruising [Music] okay let's see here I feel like we're missing something geez geez geez one of the things that I learned early on working in like when I was a kid working in these tie-in restaurants was like they didn't I really didn't see any restaurants grating cheese you know sometimes the servers with great cheese like at the table but in the back we were grinding it you just get a different texture I really really like the texture you get so I've got mozzarella I've got parmesan it's gonna run it through like the little KitchenAid grinder let's see I don't even know if this thing can actually do parmesan but with a find out Oh easy look at that got that grind on that muscle ooh mmm you know you can buy a bag of grated cheese already I mean for this sort of thing where I wanted to be like creamy and like stretchy I don't do it because they code it and all these different starches and caking agents which is like fine but those things Brown weird and they get hard and gummy in a weird way [Music] doesn't look like Cheetos it's time to actually make lasagna [Music] okay you ready Rock now we're gonna make lasagna check out my pan I like to hit it with a little oil we'll do a little bit of pasta sauce here a little tomato sauce I don't go crazy on any of these layers you know we got 12 of them you're just like a little bit of flavor look it's not even like enough to really go everywhere but this first sheets gonna go down so one tip here take one of your nice big cheat so you get total coverage on the bottom the other ones you can kind of skimp a little bit more again I'll just do tomato because we got to meet on the bottom that's it that's one layer not a lot of stuff starts to add up this is why it's so good somebody bechamel I used to think it was crazy but I saw people putting bechamel in lasagna when I first learned how to make it then I had years and years of lasagna with no bechamel I'm like why does all this lasagna just kind of man then I went back to the bechamel GameChanger so I've got red white green so I'm gonna take about a third I'm gonna do three layers of this 1/3 of the green layer green stuff I'm just gonna go straight to the next layer so just FYI this thing is gonna be like up here and we're done but when it cooks it'll slowly sink down a bit so don't fret that's starting to get a little bit crazy okay I've got all the layers and now you just rinse and repeat I know this is exactly how they make them at Costco they just put so much love into the Rose Anya so all I'm doing here again is just like if you've ever made ravioli you want to get the air out because then you can puff up and to play while you're boiling it and pop that can happen with your lasagna you guys are gonna go nuts for this last one that's 12 layers you know if I count the filling we're at like 24 layers kind of cheese goes on top this is gonna go in the oven just like this seems crazy it's gonna spill a little bit it's gonna drip butters give me so many fine layers and when you cut into it you gonna be like this is the same it's so good that's the lasagna let's make it I got to get a total weight on this bad boy that's heavy whoo dude this is why I like those fine layers like this these guys like it even some of our puppies who played that's so good so this lasagnas done it's got all the layers it's nice and roasty you could dig into it right now cause it's ready but we're not going to do that what I'm gonna do is pop it in the fridge let it chill out slice it and sear it for maximum flavor we took a stab at one yesterday just to drive home the point Baba holy smokes that's pretty nice-looking this is what you get the reason why I like it like this is because from here she's gonna go to pan see your crispy crunchy see what I mean Wow baby so good look at that you see all those like crispy crunchy seeds all embedded in there - that's not look so good already [Music] [Laughter] [Music] it's gonna have like one dark crunchy side and you're just gonna cut right into three gooey on the inside it's [Music] whoa gooey man is it's gonna drip and it's gonna bubble and it's gonna be squirting out the edges you can buy sauce in a jar you can buy already made pasta you can get browned cheese you can get chopped blanch spinach in the freezer it comes in those bricks you think I'll eat spinach I'm not making that up well he's buttinsky to me now I'm tripped can't get that at Costco okay now we've arrived to the point where you just can't get this Acosta [Music]
Channel: ChefSteps
Views: 184,828
Rating: 4.8666439 out of 5
Keywords: chefsteps, lasagna, grilled lasagna, best lasagna, lasagne, cooking, recipe, modern cooking, how to make lasagna noodles, fresh pasta, pasta machine, cheese grinder, how to grind cheese, fennel
Id: VAtdH9XueaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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