what I just learned about CAST IRON cookware!?!

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[Music] nice hot tea on an 18 degree Fahrenheit North American Midwest winters windy windy windy yesterday was so windy 50 degree 50 mile an hour winds and worked out great because it did dry up a lot of the rain that we have in the moisture that we have everywhere so it's been a little bit easier with the 18 degrees of profound up so you're able to walk around a little better today so so we're inviting you today into the cabin you guys always say you'd like to have coffee or tea in the morning and watch us so we're gonna have our tea with you too yeah so bring it on warm my bones he's got a little maple syrup in here today not that good Canadian maple syrup you like that Canadian make that I don't know good stuff I love these little cast-iron pans little ones and I put some butter in there and I melted it to get hot because this morning Doug is having a sprouted wheat pancake that I've been soaking for a few hours and some yogurt and I went ahead and this mixed everything in there and my yogurt and my honey my salt and some baking powder and I'm putting it in the pan I'm gonna cook it and it turns out amazing I'm just gonna put this in the oven about 350 for about 15-20 minutes or so without check on it should be nice and golden brown and flushes well that's in the oven I wanted to talk to you guys a little bit about cookware Doug and I want to live the most organic life as we can so one of the first things that we did was is we ditched all of our nonstick cookware because basically nonstick cookware or Teflon type pans are made with a plastic type polymer and then when it's heated up I mean it turns totally toxic your breathing the fumes as well as ingesting them it's just not good so that was one of the first things we did we got rid of any of that nonstick coating we also got rid of all of our aluminum pans any type of luminol PIMs I had pans you know passed down from my great grandmother my grandmother big huge pants mob hands all different pans to find out that aluminum it can accumulate into your brain into your lungs into your bones and over time it could cause memory problems it can cause muscular problems as well as if you look at the pans I know a lot of you guys aren't going to like to hear this but there's aluminum cans and aluminum foil so if you use that all the time you could have that possible toxicity so we don't want to risk that here so we don't do anything aluminum now a third pan that got on my hit list that we did have was a ceramic coated pan and they always say these ceramic coated pans were better than the Teflon type pans that they were safer than the nonstick cookware well over time maybe after a few months or a year those things can start the coating could start chipping off in getting into your foods so I don't want to risk any of that so we just got rid of everything and we just started fresh these are Stacy's go-to cooking things I really really love glass I use glass for everything I store my things in glass these are just good old-fashioned Pyrex any of these glass containers I mean the great thing about a lot of these cook wares that we're going to talk about today you could go to resale shops and find them and it's so simple to do so if you do have a lot of this cookware and you do want to start getting rid of it because it is expensive and gets pricey just go to resale shops you can find so much of this and get it so very cheap but I really love it here's the firm like a bread pan I mean I could cook and different things I mean I love the glass you're not going to get any leaching from glass so glass is a great alternative to cook with now another cookware that I love is the stainless steel I used to stay in steel pans I use them the cookie trays and I like to use those too it's just another safer alternative than the nonstick cookware or the ceramic or the aluminum and you guys all know what this is this is a good old fashioned Corning ware grandma always had it you can find corning ewer everywhere everyone wants to get rid of their Corning ware but it's a very safe way to cook so go to the resale shops and get your Corning ware because it cooks very efficiently and it's very safe everyone loves cast-iron we don't use it all the time and here is why so my little pancake thing is ready to go check it out now this is one time I do like to bake in my cast-iron look at my little fluffy de lightness over the past few years I've been kind of concerned about using cast-iron pans because I am a menopausal woman and you're not supposed to have that much iron so I started doing some more research on it come to find out basically that you know you're gonna get iron from their cast iron pants that's great if you're a child and you're growing and you need your iron or if you're a woman who is a menstruating age that's great but however for like adult men and for women who are menopausal having too much iron could be a problem because iron builds up in your blood and you can't get rid of it and the only way you can get rid of it is basically by giving blood so I mean too much could cause fatigue it could cause muscle aches and pains and it can contribute to a lot of problems and no toxicity so what I've done is basically make sure that I don't use cast iron as much as I used to so I'm trying to be intentional with our health sometimes it might take a little bit more effort but in the long run it's gonna help done being an adult man and I'm a menopausal woman we just wanna make sure I don't want to get too much iron into our bodies so I'm gonna make my egg for him he's gonna get two eggs with his little pancake and another thing I just kind of want to go over with if some of you guys don't know if you are using your cast iron make sure that you don't do a lot of acidic things like the tomato products spaghetti sauces tomato sauces things like that especially after it cooks over a half-hour or so it really does leach a lot of the iron in there it could change the taste of it and you know get a lot more iron into your body so applesauce things like that that are more acidic or if you're gonna cook with wine or if you're gonna cook with vinegar so just be aware of that you don't want to let it long-term cook in the red sauce maybe use a different type pan for that Wow all this nice breakfast and who would have thought you got this much information and you haven't even left the house yet now big thing that I talk about is try to eat a live food with every meal something that has not been cooked right you know if you're gonna have ferment with your meal or if you're gonna have a salad with your meal or if you're gonna have dueling basically we don't have a live food on our meal right now because before we eat we're doing it we do I try to do fruit because a lot of times if you eat fruit with a meal it kind of might hinder your digestion because fruit has a lot of water and moisture and it doesn't take much to break down and then if you put a fat or something with it it just kind of stops it in its track and messes up with digestion so we do fruit especially in the morning we'll have our fruit before and while I'm cooking so Doug and I already get our fruit for our morning time and then we're having our meal so we usually wait you know anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour we have that kind of like a little appetizer and then we have our breakfast so that's like the first thing we do in the morning yeah so moral the story is eat your fruit way before you eat your regular food yeah sometimes they trick you and they bring you that fruit right with it and you eat it during the meal and that's probably the worst thing you can do for your digestion yeah and then we're also here you're getting all these nuggets today where I love blackstrap molasses it's my favorite favorite thing to do and to use when I'm putting it on toast and it's helped me a lot of people are like it are you coloring your hair again are you coloring your hair again and the blackstrap molasses does help I really think it's helped me tremendously and my hair isn't graying like it used to so Glen it's so mineral rich it's very good for you has a lot of minerals in it and here's another nugget we're just loaded and nuggets aren't we loaded pepper so use your pepper after it's done cooking because if you heat it up it can also cause stomach problems so if you cook with a lot of pepper and you're cooking it and you're having stomach problems maybe just use your pepper like I'm putting it on after it's been cooked or your salad or have it or put it on there and not cook it so you got a couple little nuggets today so you guys have a great day thanks for stopping by the homestead breakfast with us yeah I think that's the first on our channel ever hopefully the guys have a productive day and we'll see on the next video see you guys later [Music] you
Channel: OFF GRID with DOUG & STACY
Views: 270,328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Off Grid with Doug and Stacy, Doug and Stacy, Doug, Stacy, Off Grid, off the grid, off the grid living, off the grid homes, off grid living, off grid cabin, off grid with Doug and Stacy, off grid solar power system, off grid house, off grid homestead, off grid solar, homestead, homesteading, homesteading for beginners, homesteading off the grid, natural food recipes, holistic health, holistic living
Id: p2MtgQAtOzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 26 2019
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