Plant this once and have FOOD for 30 YEARS!

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that you was good case you guys were wondering I know we didn't tell you last night after we got done eating how tasted three year old you and she tasted just like a lamb except the meat was a little denser okay now some of you guys Stacey was talking about earlier you might have had lamb before but you didn't like it because it wasn't cooked properly you don't want to overcook your lamb and the other reason why is because somebody slipped you some mutton and they didn't season it and cook it properly so I left that gamy taste in your mouth you were like oh I don't like that and so now you won't eat lamb it hadn't actually tasted really good mrs. chicken said I think she wants to lay an egg but it tasted fantastic it was just a little denser me and Stacey were like commenting on it and we really wanted to see like you know what was the difference so the Katahdin sheep or the sheep that we raised and they're called hair sheep okay another reason why older than a year sheep normally called mutton doesn't taste well is because their wool sheep and wool sheep produce a lot of oils in their skin and that also taints the meat especially if you get a hold of a ram whew okay so what we're going to be doing today is we have to get a couple of projects done this one is Stacey's a little sweetheart project I'm going to knock that out for today and then we're actually I'm going to take you guys along right now and show you what's up but first I have to kind of prep these filters that I got here so a video that's going to be coming up pretty soon which is going to be hilarious but I think you guys are gonna love it has to do with what I'm unboxing right here and they're just some filters and I just want to kind of get them ready so I know what I'm dealing with they just showed up and I'm gonna get them ready check them out make sure they're all good extra special connector pieces are here which they are and now we'll go tackle Stacey's project outside it's a little windy out there but this is going to be pretty fun so come on let's go case you're wondering that's the woodlot office I've been showing you guys so guys little lock door on there now and all that stuff so right around the corner here and start this project so I'm really excited about the woodlot project that'll be going in full swing here in a second but I'm also pretty excited about this project as well this project is really cool because once we're done with it it's going to produce food for the next 30 years now let me show you exactly what I have here as far as materials go and I'll give you an idea what we'll be doing 40 posts you could use six and one cattle panel and that I believe is a hold on yep 16 feet and 1/2 post driver now you can pick up you can pick up one of these tea post drivers in any farmers home store and it's going to be a good investment you don't want to be out here drive a tea post with a sledgehammer somebody's going to get hurt and when you use these tea post drivers be very careful in here you go up to high I want this cheap post in there pretty good because there's gonna be quite a bit of weight on it whatever that cattle Pantalone I'm gonna show you guys let's go to be off the ground some I just want to make sure and the higher up it is the higher up you can make your arch so you can walk on our mica that's what that cattle panel is gonna be I just let the cat out of the bag W trellis [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and Stacy's short so you live around short people making sure we're the same number down one two three four five and then we just want to make sure visually or you could bring the level out it's not that important visually if it's level level secure it onto the wire I'll show you guys how I do that I like to go around the t-post and I like to give myself a little extra slack I like to bring that around like that then I like to go underneath like a saddle kind of like a going underneath that popping back up and then I like to come down tie the two together and what that will do is just give me a little extra strength keeping this tight against the post so it rest on this nipple here and then I just cut this off grab my little Klein pliers here what you guys should have on the homestead if you be careful don't twist that too much if you do it'll end up breaking on you and you have to start all over again rabbit ears out of the way so no one gets snagged on them right now she's talking about what we're plans but before I get her over here I'll be a nice husband go ahead and drop these holes in therefore it's all she has to do you don't even know what they are yet but she's gonna tell you she's gonna tell you but they'll produce food for 30 years and she's excited about the food they produce nice look at all those worms everything's waking up spring is in the air look how green the grass already turned you guys probably watched some of those other videos we had brown grass everywhere it'd look really bad and boring everything's waking up now why wasn't that nice of Doug to already pre dig my holes for me so that's great this is my favorite part too sticking in the dirt but I'm so excited because it's been a very long time from the moment we moved out here ten years ago I always wanted a grape arbor and today today so very very happy because I always wanted grapes and the funny thing is is I'm more excited to have grapes not for the actual grape itself but for the leaves because I'm using the leaf but in the meantime I'm going to go ahead and get started with these I got concord grapes and these are gonna be really good for me because I'm gonna be able to make juice with them and then we can eat them fresh off the vine I can do different things with jellies so I'm really excited it's a very versatile grape and I'm gonna go ahead and plant them and when I'm planting them in the holes I want to make sure that the holes give the plant enough elbow room that it can move around so duh guard you did a good job dig in the hole just gonna make sure and when you're planning your grades hey you want to make sure when you're planting that where you're putting them is very important it's kind of a strategic thing you want to make sure that it's parallel to your prevailing winds so for us our prevailing winds are north of house here so this is where we place our you want to make the plants to be parallel to the prevailing winds and you want to make sure that you have it on a lot of times on hills or slopes where you have good drainage and good fertile soil so right here range reading strategy five people in your family you can be planning about now we're getting ready for plan number two so they call grapes the queen of all the fruits and it's been cultivated from like thousand BC so it's been around a very long time and I chose the Purple Cow for grapes because they have something called anthocyanins dad are extra like heavy any accident so you guys might have heard about you know red wine and the health benefits from it and it's from something called from the skins of the red grapes called resveratrol and resveratrol is really good it's like a super antioxidant it's good for your cognition for your brain for your nervous system for immune system for your health running disease all these wonderful things and so that's one of the main reasons I wanted to get the darker grapes and since Doug and I are getting older the concord grape is really known especially the juice to help with anti aging and your memory and your cognitive ability and all that good stuff it'll help with our skin and we'll look like we're 20 years old next year so that's another great reason why I'm going to be growing the corn all right [Music] now I wanted to talk a little bit about the leaves of the plant because they are out there no one takes leave I'm Armenian I grew up eating the leaves create something called dolmas which are the grape leaves and you roll them either in Rice's vegetables or you could do beets and you use them and you eat them and growing up that's all we had we had a little grape vineyard in the backyard and my grandmother would come over and pick the leaves and all of our relatives we go and give them to them and especially in September September was a time of year that the leaves would be more potent and more powerful like medicinally and health wise so they would like them for those kind of leaves and fresh leaves around September but the leaves are amazing they are full of fiber they have calcium and magnesium which is great for your bone health and your nervous system and the cool thing about these is they are a source and this is one so if you guys are not eating your grape leaves you definitely should and they're also great like in place just break them up and put them in a salad so it's an amazing way to use these leave now you guys are in the greenhouse with me and I'm going to show you a little trick how to recycle your pots that you get we got from start brother because we have pesky chickens here and they can wreak havoc on our plants so I'm going to show you a little trick okay all my bottoms are cut off so let's get going I'll show you how to do it so here's a little trick all I'm gonna do is put this over my plant because those chickens after you plant something they want to come and get all the bugs in the worms so they're gonna scratch and a lot of times we'll go ahead and scratch and all the way to the roots so at least this will kind of protect it a little bit well there goes another successful project I love the trellis don't you guys I think it's so cool it'll be neat later on this summer to look out the window in the front there and look at the greenery growing up the side but in the meantime Doug's over there working on our outdoor shower so I can't wait for him to get that done so that we can use it and I hope you guys got a nugget or two from this today especially about eating the Greens of the grapes because they are so helpful other than that I hope you guys are having a great day getting out in the Sun getting in the dirt growing something because growing is awesome and making our health better and you know food is life and get growing and I'll see you guys later [Music]
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Views: 1,121,005
Rating: 4.8669014 out of 5
Keywords: Off Grid with Doug and Stacy, Doug and Stacy, Doug, Stacy, Off Grid, off the grid, off the grid living, off the grid homes, off grid living, off grid cabin, off grid with Doug and Stacy, off grid solar power system, off grid house, off grid homestead, off grid solar, homestead, homesteading, homesteading for beginners, homesteading off the grid, natural food recipes, holistic health, holistic living
Id: CHAySkpbjgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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