Make SHOCKING Electric Text in Davinci Resolve 18!

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so a while back I made a tutorial showing how to make this electric text effect in D Vinci resolve but that was in resolve 16 a whole 2.6 versions ago so a lot of people have been asking me to update it for resolve 18 now one common complaint I got from that video is that I went too fast for beginners to follow along so in this video I'm going to go nice and slow explain everything I'm doing and I won't be using any plugins so just as an overview of what we're going to be doing we're going to take our text isolate just the edges roughen that up and distort it then we'll add some GL glow and color and finally We'll add that over our text again and as a bonus I'll show you how to add that over any footage let's begin so here in the edit tab under effects I can search for a fusion composition drag that onto the timeline I want to make sure my play head is over that then I can press this little magic wand icon and go into the fusion tab because this is where the magic happens so now you're in fusion and this is where most people start to get confused if you already know the basics of fusion then there are time stamps where you can skip ahead to the effect so unlike the edit tab or other programs like after effects Fusion doesn't use layers it uses these things called nodes everything that we do is going to be with a node it may seem confusing at first but once you get the hang of it it's actually a really efficient way to work and you can do more with it than you can with layers so right now we only have one node which is our media out this is basically our final output whatever is plugged into the media out is what we're going to see on the edit tab so to start I can bring down a text node now you can see nothing's happened so so we can drag out from this square and plug that into the yellow triangle of the media out now Something's Happened in the text controls we can type out something and may bring up the size a little bit and you can choose any font that you so desire now you might notice that the left side of the screen is still blank so Fusion has two viewers and under each node if you hover over it you can see two dots these correspond to the viewers the left one is the left viewer and the right one is the right viewer right now our media out is checked out for the right viewer if we want to see it in the left viewer we can select that node and press one so with any node we can press one to see it in the left viewer and two to see it in the right viewer you can press this button here to only show one screen and press it again to get both screens back finally just some controls you should know to move around you hold down the middle Mouse button which is also the scroll wheel and move around and to zoom you hold control and then scroll with the mouse wheel and then finally to add tools you can hit shift space and that'll bring up the select tool menu all right now with those Basics out of the way let's get to the actual effects so we've got our text here and we want to get the outline from it so with our text selected I can hit shift space and search for an edged Tex can hit enter to add that and as the name implies this effect detects the edges of our text all I'm going to do here is change the mode to Grays scale edges just to make sure it's all in black and white and I'm going to bring down the edge width a bit now I'm going to break it up some more so I'm going to click on the fast noise and that'll automatically add a merge node so I can bring that over here nice to keep keep things organized so in this merged node I'm going to change the apply mode to multiply that make things a little bit darker I'm going to bring my fast noise to the left viewer now right now we have parts that are white and parts that are transparent but we want it to be black and white so in this color tab here I can change the type to gradient so back in the noise tab if I bring up the contrast you can see that everything that's black is black on our text but everything that's white we can see our text through that's what the multiply apply mode is doing if I change it to screen you can see it's doing the opposite what's white is white on our text and what's black is see-through but I want to change that to multiply for what we're doing so in our fast noise I want to bring down the brightness bring up the scale and maybe bring up the detail a bit now this is going to determine where the lightning is on our text and the brightness determines how much lightning there's going to be you can bring it up if you want more and bring it down if you want less Now by default it only goes to ne1 but if you want to go further you can manually type in a number another thing you can do is if you want to build up you can animate this number so I can take this little red line here which is our playhead bring that to the beginning of the timeline and then I'm going to press this little Diamond by the brightness this creates a key frame then I can go a bit further and bring up the number and that automatically adds another key frame so if I scrub between these frames you can see it's automatically animating between those two values now right now it's looking a bit static so I'm going to bring up the see rate that gives it more of an organic electric look now let's make it actually look like lightning with our merge selected I'm going to add a displace node bring that to the right viewer now this node moves parts of the image around based on the color values of another input in this case we're going to use another fast noise so I'm going to drag that down and plug that into the little green triangle here bring that to the left Vier now right now you can see it's already started to do something so I'm going to change the type to X and Y and now we're back where we started but if I bring up the refraction sliders you can see it's moving our text and it corresponds to the fast noise you can see it's moving a lot here at this point in the middle which corresponds to this kind of dot in our fast noise so the X refraction controls left and right movement and the Y refraction controls up and down movement now you might also notice that it's moving it side to side but we want it to stay in the same place so what I can do is bring down the offset all the way down and we can do this on both the X and the Y now if we move the sliders it stays in the same place just stretching it out so what I'm going to do is I'm going to bring the X and Y fraction to somewhere in the middle here then go to the fast noise now this is where we can really control the look at it first off I want to bring up the SE rate again and play around with the scale the scale determines how much movement there's going to be this will control how big the warping is if it's small then there's going to be really big motion but if I bring up the scale a lot then there's a lot of tiny motion I think I want it to be somewhere between maybe five and six now contrast is going to control how strong it is I think I'm going to bring it up just a tad now you can spend a lot of time just tweaking these settings there's not really a right or wrong value put here just play around until you're happy now to give it that electric crackle what I'm going to do is I'm going to copy and paste this display just crl c contrl v just like copy and pasting text and again I'm going to bring down a fast noise plug that into it then I'll bring the displays to the right viewer and the fast noise to the left viewer now this time in the fast noise I'm going to bring up the scale all the way and bring up the detail all the way now it's giving it that lightning shape but it's a bit too intense for me so what I'm going to do is bring down the contrast a bit until it looks more suitable for what I want I will also bring up the see rate on that so right now our lightning is over a black background but we want it to be transparent so we can put it over our text again so to remove that background I'm going to search for a Luma key Effect bring that and by default it automatically got rid of the background so now let's add some glows and color to it so I'm going to add a soft glow effect to it now you might be tempted to just leave this as it is but I'm going to show you the secret to getting a really realistic glow we're going to stack multiple glows on top of each other to get a realistic falloff so with this first glow I'm going to bring down the glow size until it's barely visible something like around two I think I'm going to copy and paste this and this one I'm going to bring the glow size to default I'm just double clicking on this value and that'll bring it to its default value and I'm going to bring down the gain a bit on this one now finally I'm going to crl c contrl v paste this one more time now this one I'm going to bring up the glow size quite a bit maybe somewhere around 50 and again bring down the gain now if I just add a soft glow off to the side and put that into the left viewer you can see the difference between these two I think the one on the right looks a lot more realistic now I can delete that that was just for demonstrative purposes now let's add some color so what I'm going to do is I'm going to hit CC and add a color corrector now with this little slider here I can choose any color I want it to be I think I want it to be a kind of cool golden look that looks pretty snazzy so now we have our lightning but how do we see it over our text here's where the beauty of nodes coming right now our text is going into the edge detect which is going into all these notes to make the lightning now if we were using layers anytime we wanted to use that text again we'd have to duplicate it each time we want to use it but nodes are actually able to do multiple things at once so what we can do with nothing selected I can search for a merge node then I can drag out from our text and plug this into the yellow arrow of the merge that's the background then I can drag out from the color corrector and plug that into the Green Arrow which is the foreground if I bring this to the screen now our lightning is over our text and it looks a little bit weird so we can change the apply mode to screen so now we have our electrified text now the really nice thing is since our lightning is being driven by the text we can change our text to anything I misspelled that we can change our text to anything and the lightning will match it automatically now since our text is white the lightning is kind of getting lost in it so one easy easy so one easy thing you can do to fix that is go to the shading tab in the text and and just change the type to gradient now you can play around to these arrows to choose how bright you want it to be that'll just make the lightning pop a little bit more and finally to see this on the edit tab we can drag out from this merge and plug this into the media out now we can see it on the edit Tab and since we had a transparent background infusion in the edit tab I can just drag this up bring down some footage under that and it's automatically on top of it now if you want more text effects then you can check out this video right here where I show you how to make cinematic bevel text which is a video I should also probably up day one of these days
Channel: Nomad R Productions
Views: 3,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4DfGad3fMUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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