make cloth easy and fast in blender using geometry nodes using the free 3D stitcher #cloth#tutorial

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hi everyone and welcome to CG buildup and whoever is new new subscriber and welcome to CG build up so today I'm going to talk about a geometry that I made last time when I was talking about making clothes procedurally I just saw me talking about making one single kind of a club which was a simple vest or some people can call it a simple basic bodice um yeah and every call that you're seeing right now was made using one geometry node it's not like it's a simple it's not like you chooses a simple concept that makes one single kind of dresses but it's just a certain note that can help in making some kind of all this a little bit faster especially making the base of the clothes and this knot that is called 3D it's I named it 3D Stitcher it's a node that simply makes call this procedure this is like the first step in making the geometry node up making clothes using a procedural approach in making clothes okay and this is called 3D Stitcher 1.0 I'll make uh I'll make higher versions later because this geometry node was actually based on a concept that I had a effort that I had actually and that concept was um I thought that what if we could make clothes procedure using blenders geometry notes okay something that has been on my head for quite some time and I thought it wasn't cut out for it in the beginning because I didn't know much about geometry notes but I took a step and tried to think about it how I'm going to do it to actually have that approach in making a cloth using geometry notes and I did it and if you want this you can grab the Google drive folder via the description and after that you can be off to go it's cool you can use it and this video is just simply the instructions on how to use it I'm not actually going to make any of these dresses that you're seeing on this screen I'm just going to instruct you on how to use the geometry node itself uh before we start a great shout out to a Taylor's approach to call swing because its series is what gave me the idea on making all these clothes that you have right now okay and this blender file that you have will have two three notes geometry notes actually one is the bodice maker the measurements and the 3D Stitcher itself the main geometry node itself you can jump into tutorial okay let's do this so This geometry that I made the 3D Stitcher has this setting that you're seeing right now over here in the properties and it has this thing called States these things that here you're saying right now so the state is just this the um the forms of the cloth when that this geometry node is going to give the first one is the preparation state which is inert by one which has symbols for each setting that you use when using this because um if I just mute this this geometry node you can see that originally this geometry was just made out of lines and how it was guided to make a piece of cloth is through this [Music] um these Vortex groups here that you're seeing right now that I made at I assigned you can actually delete and make your own and rename you know do stuff like that like these ones are the ones that I made the handle RSU everything that you're seeing here has its purpose when making a cloth right and the preparation stage is the first state has seems that each vertex given is given a symbol like a Taurus icosphere some sort of a star or an X in some cases or yeah simply like that just for telling you that this if you have assigned the proper vertices and if it works correctly so and these states it's controlled by these two settings only which is the radius and the height faces the radius is these symbols their sizes you know you can make them bigger smaller or you can leave them as they were before then these hide faces this hiding faces meaning that the faces that you'll be seeing here are the ones that will be converted to fabric or piece of cloth in other states because it has four states the first one is the preparation state which I'm currently talking about right now hide faces if you it's a Boolean if you ticked it on you can see some faces are gone and the faces which are gone are going to be the final Fabrics themselves okay and another state is the suing state which is this one here as you can see in this state is where you can see um if it was properly sealed correctly and there is no some sort of inverse going on something uh I would show you but this worked out well surprisingly and yeah this is just the stereo you will be seeing this sewing State and this is the sit where you cannot see the materials and you cannot fold okay then the other one is the UV state which is this one here as you can see these these two pieces of fabric which can do something like a viewport 3D uh yeah viewport 3D render I think then you can take that image that you get from here in Photoshop maybe or any software of your liking in making textures then you can decide the material that you want for the cloth and it will be stored in in an attribute here that is called the UV name to the materials and make your clothes look good by your designs by this 3D viewport render image then the other one is the fourth stage which is the final cloth in here there are things like rotation materials setting stops to be smooth I guess so in this state is where you will see the everything that the final closet all the settings that you kept will be finer in this state that you're seeing right now so let's talk about each of these settings right in here and I'll go one by one and so that you can understand how all this works okay so I'm just going to go into the edit mode I'm going to the preparation stage which is the first one here where you're seeing some spheres and yeah whatever Marks here I'm just going to select everything and just delete and I'm going to start a new one I'm going to add in a plane and if I go out of edit mode right now you'll see nothing because these 3D stitches uses lines it does it chooses faces in some cases but it mainly uses lines in order to make a fabric okay and how you guy use these lines and you guide the cloth in order to make the fabric that you want okay using vertex groups okay and this is like the first stage which I that's why I call it three TDC 1.0 it's just an idea they had a long time when I wanted to add a thought of making clothes procedure in blender because I can realize that sometimes making clothes blender is hot so this is just an idea okay this is the first stage maybe in the future of using meshes but currently we're just using lines in order to make a piece of fabric Okay so we have this plane so I'm going to scale it along the X bit and scale it again along the Y now I'm going to delete only faces and you'll see if I tablet there is an actual face here which means that it's going to be a fabric if I go to other stages other states and maybe check on the wireframe you can see that that face that that plane that we had has been converted to a fabric it has its UVS okay this is the UV State and so forth okay stuff like that so another thing that we have here is the handle recognizer so I'm just going to duplicate this okay shift d along the X okay okay for some reason I just want to scale this down okay I'll grab it just yeah something like that then we have the hand recognizer because for example when you're trying to make a cloth and another way of making clothes um is to imitate the real world okay you made C address walk around the streets maybe and you wanted to buy a certain dress for whoever you want to buy for all yourself and you wanted to make it okay trying to see if you can do it in blender or yeah simple like that and among the thing that is most commonly in most in making dresses are the dress buttons themselves and if you have not noticed that they have some shapes that are curvy um I thought in the beginning that I should use Curves in making the this uh 3D Stitch I procedurally system that of making clothes but I found that curves you have not enough control like uh they have no Vortex groups and even when you're applying the geometry you have to convert it to a mesh and most of the vertex Group which are very I think good I can use to yeah I can use for making for carving control okay in making the clothes itself so I'm just going to grab this um I'm going to actually add in a Vertex here I'm just going to extrude okay somewhere there so I want to make this vertex not participate in the cloth but instead I wanted to be participating in deforming this portion here so that it can look sort of curvy okay and the simple way to do that is just go to the I mean here there is a handle recognizer and it has an attribute of handle which is a voltage group in this mesh which is I just named it handle and you ask if you assign right now like one nothing happens or even your sign 0.5 nothing happened because there are two type of Handles in a curve the left and the right and how I instead of the system is that 0.1 0.1 anything like 0.1523 whatever number is it as well it's not to 0.1 it will be a left handle okay like this if I do this and you can clearly see it does deformed in this shape but you might want to extrude and make another make instead of this to be for the left handle you want it to be for the right one you go to 0.2 anything you know 0.2 0.237 0.263 you know there's there's no changes as long as I do 0.2 but 0.0 nothing will happen but 0.1 the other way I think yeah yeah you get the point here and you know I can extrude this one and you it can be two like if I say if I assign this is not working okay because there's already a handle that is the right but if I go to the left side you can see if I extrude another vertex like this it won't participate in the cloth making and in fact you assign something to it it won't work because they can only be two handles for making a disc golf portion so I'm just going to delete and that was the shaping you can say of the 3D Stitcher which uses Handle by just this attribute here another part is the steering part which I'll talk later and this rotation this degree divisions and these this Boolean through um this one here which is Boolean through because I came to notice especially in clothes especially women that you might find a piece of fabric it's okay everything is fine but you can have a piece of a hole a certain hole through the mesh and you want to Boolean across it okay so the way to do that is giving uh connected lines that can Boolean through that thing so what I'm going to do I'm just going to add in a circle and scale it down something like there here okay so I'm just going to give it an attribute of Boolean through okay which is similar in this part of Boolean to recognizer I just called the the vertex group Boolean through and assign any number above zero it's okay and what I'm going to prefer right now is just to hide faces the parts that are going to be Fabric and right now because I'm looking right on the top you don't see anything but if I look from the bottom you can see that it has sort of done this and if I just grab it along the Z it's still the same but grab it down to the thing but if I move it up it shows this now if you see a thickness of such kind okay like when you look through a fabric this thickness that happens like this occurs then that's a good thing because that means that your Boolean will be successful successful in the end so for example if I go to the string state which is Step number two you can see that the Boolean that we applied that that piece of mesh that we had for Boolean has done this sort of sort of stuff to cut through the Fabric and mostly it's best that you just use it for cutting through you can also do like cutting um this way to the very end but I don't really suggest that because I that was that was not actually the aim of this but that's something you can do but um it doesn't work well always so yesterday is something so I'm just going to delete this because I don't want to do a certain Boolean through so that was the Boolean part so another part is these grids okay something that is very visible out in the object mode so there are two things there is the grid redactor and the grid different centimeter these grid divisions and this for this mod by distance and also this one resolution is just simply this curved form that you're seeing right now how smooth it's going to be it's controlled by this smart spline resolution if I just set it to one you can see it's just you know straight down but if I increase keep increasing it to higher values you can clearly see start smoothing out the spot so yeah simply that that is the uh spelling solution seem like that so another part is this grids which is the grid I mean I'm back to the grid reductor grid sentimental Division and this much by distance but this is the past that I want to talk about right now so in making a cloth something they came to realize is that if a fabric contains faces or eight edges actually which are relatively similar to each other in most cases and faces their area is generally um the same throughout it's it's going to produce a code that is very believable that looks more realistic compared to a club that has faces that are very different different in terms of area and sizes of the edges that makes up the face so I decided to make it uniform throughout okay and in this grid divisions the longer you go okay the lower you go from the for example I was in negative two at first and it forms this and if I go lower okay go to like negative four negative it becomes blocky and the faces generally increase in size of their area and the edges also increase as well relatively and how you go for example if I set it to um one okay it becomes like this distance you higher numbers like 10 20 whatever just depending on your PC and this capability it became it makes the growth very different with so many vertices and things like that there you go the more the vertices okay the law the law the number of faces and edges and becomes more blocky and maybe less accurate and sometimes it may ignore the shape because this is some some sort of block retopo certain kind of way that make sure everything is a quad but if it fails it will make triangles which are not actually a much of a problem when it comes to making clothes um mostly just make sure they're not merged together yeah in most cases that's the case so another thing I get is the grid redactor so I'm just going to set this to negative three okay very blocky and what I want is that despite they have negative 3 is I want this one to be more dense okay the grid reductor meaning that instead of negative three it makes this grids grids that this face that we're having here to be small okay relatively to the other let me show you if I just click this one here only single vertex okay you only need a single vertex to make this work and click on the grid reductor and guess maybe type in 0.5 and something like that and just assign if I top it out you can clearly see that this one is more dense compared to this one here okay simple like that you can see that this is very dense okay the faces are very small while this one here the faces are simple and another thing is that you can't keep it zero if you keep it at zero and just assign it won't agree we can't make the faces that's more your PC might crash okay I'm really sure about that I'm not sure uh uh yeah I'm very sure that a PC can crash because of keeping it at zero if I just make sure that the grids are very tiny to that level for any kind of face it will be crushing if the faces are very small and say okay another thing is the much by distance okay which is this one over here which is right now set to five which is based based on the fact that this mesh that you're having right now it's like has a certain ingredient that leads to edges which are very small which you might not need at all okay I feel like I'm seeing one here oh actually not so in order to minimize that possibility of those edges happen is this this much by distance the higher the value the more the less number of edges the less number of edges in terms of sizes are merged but the lesser the more the norm the more number of edges that are much something like that it's based on relative size okay just that's all that you need to know other thing that down here is basically basically a material and one is just forces and geometry that I made for making sure this suit part of the clothing uh the vertices are not actually merged another thing is the sewing system okay this swing system is built on a boundary of a fabric suing to another boundary of a fabric let me simply explain okay we want to sew this portion here okay to this portion here what you're going to do is we're going to add two vertices okay these ones that I added already I'm going to press F like that and this Edge right now is going to to act as a link of this boundary a certain boundary from here to a certain boundary to here but now it's actually messy right now and it will be clearly seen if I drop this one here and grab it along the Z somewhere there and tap out and it has become like this okay very very messy because it's actually string the whole of this to the whole of this but we actually want this segment let me go to this segment here to actually see you to this segment here okay so what's how this system works is very simple is that this Edge that you're seeing here will act as a link between these two Fabrics acting as a link of boundaries of either side from this side to a boundary to this side right now so but it doesn't know from where to where on from either side so we want it to see from here to this vertex then to assume from this vertex to this vertex meaning that I intersect this vertex this vertices okay and assign something called the cut cue Point setting vertex group here and any number of zero simply that and then later select this vertices and this vertex and assign that means that this portion here is going to run from this portion okay and sort of Imagine like uh there is a cut here like this Edge is Rip this vertex is ripped and this vertex is ripped okay then it then making it possible that this segment is going to be treated alone and this segment here that I'm having right now is going to be cut cut is going to be treated along okay then this Edge having here is going to act as a connect as a connection of creating like string lines going in this direction okay simply like that based on this cut to cut Cuts you points that's here and yeah same like that if I Tab out and maybe uh rub these annotations I mean remove these annotations okay simple like that you can see that these lines have been saved from this portion to this portion simply like that okay but I'm wondering why it's perfect but it's not supposed to be perfect I wanted it to be in rivers something that instead of seeing what you're seeing that goes in this direction okay because I haven't discovered the right calculations for it uh it can sometimes go in a reverse Direction simply it can go something like this instead of starting from here to here then continuing down till here it starts showing in the reverse Direction meaning that it starts from here then goes here then from there it goes here and the rest is simple like that something that can happen and if you get the situation that means that you we need to add a Vertex here and that vertex instead of acting as a portion to make a cloth it's going to act as something to reverse the sewing of this Edge that is having that that will have here like an edge link of assuming that to repeat to sort of reverse you the process something like that that right now it's okay okay if I just assign they RSU to reverse as the one that's the way that you're seeing right now so just simply like that this situation can be at default the moment you actually seal the cloth but this but in our case it was perfect so we don't really need this vertex at all so like that same like that and that's how the sewing works it's based on Boundary for fabric to a boundary of another fabric another thing is this so I already talked about the real soup reverse View and the cuts you points okay it cuts here it cuts here and cuts here cut and cut depending on both vertices and let's use this segment to another segment okay simple like that it's just based on Boundary to boundary okay another system that I have in this 3D Stitcher is the mesh link seal and the cutsy mesh okay simple like that so what does it do is simply the same in the swing process of this mesh but instead of using lines it uses actual faces okay so I'm going to add in a plane and I'm just going to rotate it along the Y along the X I mean by 90 okay now it's this huge and I'm just going to scale it down grab it in the middle and I'm just going to scale it along the X so that it's it intersects these two um Fabrics line so these two edges that are having over here between two boundaries okay then I'm going to duplicate it and move it to somewhere here and I'm going to first talk about the cut cue mesh okay simple like that now instead of adding these cut points cut Cuts your points okay some these boundaries of what we are linking that are going to be like determination points of one far big to the other is simply the we are not going to audit them manually by using it as a part of a fabric we're going to actually form them by using these edges and you can see for around just you to see for yourselves and go to the vertex group and cut seal points like that and add in the weights like that cut not Cuts you points actually it's cut s you link mesh yeah very confusing and I'm realizing it right now so if you can see these Stars actually are meaningful they cut seal points are the ones that are made are not actually made by a Vortex itself meaning that I don't have to actually grab this and actually add in the cuts you points manually to be part of this mesh because sometimes especially in sleeves I get that occasion a lot why you don't actually you want it to maintain that form but you don't want the trouble of adding a Vertex to make sure everything is flowing in the correct order okay so when I'm going to just return that one to its state of zero and I'm going to add in another one okay and I'm just going to grab along this I'm going to duplicate and grab it along the Y and you can see the points are made but I don't want it to act it as a certain way of these boundaries of the fabric but I want it to act as a way of linking okay later link to make an age that will link this boundary here to see you to this boundary here so first thing that you must do and you must know is that one mesh has one function okay if it's a mesh that you're intending to change the normal don't give it any vertex group if it's a mesh that you are intending to be at as a boundary creator of a certain boundary mark of these Cuts you points do not you can give it that cuts you points mesh you know stuff stuff like that it's this one here okay Cuts you mesh and mesh links you to measuring switch for making the edges does instead of manually making that edge okay because you want to maintain the form same like that so what you have to do is just add just make sure it just has only that single information not not to information like it has the mesh links you and the katsu mesh don't don't do that okay so it's this one here just going to set it to zero and I'm going to assign it I'm going to do this mesh links you and I'm assigning it to the value greater than zero and so on you'll see a line and a Taurus okay simply meaning that you have succeeded to make this stitching process I know it sounds intuitive and just needs a little bit of getting used to that's all it's not really that complicated and if you move to the other one and it still worked perfectly I was really hoping that it doesn't work perfectly good because I think I can try to make it sure it doesn't work perfectly okay manually and rotate it or reacts bye like this and yeah this is what I was expecting this can happen and as the initial of this reverse view process how to reverse this from ever happening is simply the same okay it can also act as a reverse U and you can assign that and everything is now correct okay I've not really really figured out how to make sure that it's correct and it's not twisted I have not yet figured that out so maybe in another one that I will make in the future and that is the system of sewing now I think I'm done with that part and other part is this rotation the second rotation and the first rotation okay for example you're making sleeves you want to make it some sort of Bend so that in the end of the day it's sort of has a certain shape that can look like a sleeve so there are two rotation and this rotation are based on these grids these lines the the direction of these grids okay and for the meantime they can be a little bit complicated meaning that um they are not very they are they can be predictable in the but they might not go in the direction that you sometimes expect okay if I just rotate this maybe along this Z case rotate along the Z something like this it looks fine but even the grids yeah the grids went in this direction which is not the direction that you might be expecting on how it is supposed to be when it's when yeah there's no such thing of the grid rotation at this point at this time when I was making this node so for the meantime just get used to the system this grid system that just make sure it's facing a predictable Direction like when it's it fits facing only the Z Direction the x or the Y Direction with a positive or negative everything will be okay and in most cases that is the case okay but if you rotate it just in an angle it's in some cases it will still give correct values but in some cases it may not so I just touched the disadvantage but for the current time it's okay now going back to the rotation is that the rotation are based on this grid direction that you're having right now so simply is that we are going to rotate it in a direction such that it curves and everything goes up sometimes okay or it comes and some things go sometimes it goes in the other direction I mean I will show I would simply show just let me and I'm just going to give one vertex just a single vertex is required to control the entire rotation I'm going to give the first rotation and assign now in this current state you want to see it okay you want to see in this state of 2 which is the which is the sewing State you want to see the rotation at all now that will you see it in the state of the UV State and a but you will see it in the final State okay you can see this thing it has bended in that manner and if I go into this if I press n and see my items it has this vertex here has final rotation and if I keep increasing it you can clearly see it starts to bend start to sort of fold I guess you can call it that way okay it goes up and you go higher values like maybe 0.8 yeah it goes to it rotates to that form depending on the grid Direction and you can but if you give it also another one a second rotation and just assign you can clearly see it doesn't work because one fabric can only have a single rotation it can only rotate it in One Direction so if but if I set this to zero you can clearly see that it rotated in the other direction so simply that okay there is the first rotation second rotation in this uh the vertex groups and they are here here in this phosphorus agent second rotation in this geometry node so simply that and we're done with the rotation and the other thing that is Left Behind now is simply the materials okay and I have currently given it a material already before even I started this tutorial and these materials can only be seen in the final state so if you go back to two where you can see the string and so forth but you won't see the materials the materials are only present in the final State because material is like the final State okay but we do have some control over them but I think also in this yeah also you can see them in the UV state but in this final state which is the state four you will see the materials and as you can see right now this fabric has some flowers and this fabric can't be seen clearly if I remove the wireframe it has this pattern like for I think it is I forgot that I'm not sure that's that's that is for it that it has two these two Fabrics have materials depending on who they on what they are okay they look like have different materials different color Okay depending on which fabric they are but they have actually one single material which they color on them is dependent on this to this attribute which is the fabric identity which can make you for example in some clothes especially shots t-shirts okay which I guess I have it in another benefit which I showed in the beginning it's like this this cloth over here this t-shirt okay in the middle we have flowers in the other side here on the sleeves we have a tiger I don't know which animal is it but I just found it cool and I kept like that so the sleeves have a different color in the middle have a different color and this was controlled by the same same f i d same to this one here whereby in the front we have two stripes we have these zebra stripes these tiger stripes and on the very uh the the portion behind is a texture that I found in Google I guess or if not Shutterstock is this tiger and this zebra combined I thought it would look good and this one here for Taro scales and this bug I thought it was really nice looking at this okay so I made them like this and there is the materials were based on the FID the fabric identity giving you the ability to control the materials the look on each fabric depending on the their on their FID like which fabric is this and which material are we giving it how is it supposed to look simply like that and yeah that's all uh let me check if there's something else I have to stay the UV name material UV name is I think it's very clear UV named attribute stuff like that and I think if you are not that new to Geometry notes you can guess where you can use the that attribute the attribute node in in the shaders which is this one here uh yes name BT and the geometry node and I can access it in the shaders by using GR which is something that I think blender should Advance is that instead of accessing all the attributes in geometry in the shaders in other parts we should also be able to access them in other parts like pinning pin groups in print groups not only based on vertex groups it should also be based on attributes because I wanted to make that I wanted to make pin groups in this geometry node possible but they just came to realize is that when you duplicate a face the attribute of uh the vertex groups disappears just that and that was the only thing that I required in order to make pin groups and duplicating a face makes a Vertex group disappear you can test it out for yourself and that made me a little bit down when I came to realize that and I just stopped I guess it was single vortices I guess I could try to do it but for the meantime I guess we can't do it so I really wish that was possible that we could make attributes affect other patterns but not only Vortex groups which are everywhere actually and that was all for 3D Stitcher so if you found it helpful subscribe like the video grab it I hope you have fun with it and I hope you will get to make cool clothes than the ones that I made mine here because I just wanted to make dresses that's all uh and that was the actually the main cause of making this geometry and I know this geometric node is not that perfect it can't make pockets and some other stuffs but this is just the beginning okay this is just a trial that an idea that I had of making colors procedurally in blender something to make uh making call this faster easier than the way that we actually have that we manually take a single vertex and merge it to the other like that just a way that when I could calculate for us it might not be accurate and sometimes and it does produce some shapes that are not good in some cases but in most cases it's okay I find it okay I mean I'll look at this all these choices and I find it just fine on my case so like subscribe share comment and I hope I improve in next time maybe you can make a call together in this channel thank you for your time
Channel: CG build up
Views: 970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wxqjpCYrcjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 4sec (2764 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2023
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