How To Make Complex Materials Easily in Blender!

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if you've been trying to learn procedural materials I know that it can be extremely difficult and making really cool procedural materials might look insanely difficult but today I want to show you that making useful interesting procedural materials is not that difficult and it's actually very very approachable so in today's video I'm going to show you how I make really cool materials very easily with a minimal amount of notes and of course a minimal amount of work and the whole goal of this video is to show you a process that works in a broad use case so you can take this instead of just making a distressed paint material you can go ahead and make a different material with the same concept so it's useful in a lot of different Avenues so I love this video I hope you get something out of it so let's go and do this now today's material is going to very closely resemble one material from the real-time materials add-on which is in the paint section right here it's going to be the chipped paint material which is one of my favorites and we're going to create a duplicate here so this material right here has a very cool concept the whole concept is within one node have one surface reveal another surface which is this one paint surface revealing this metallic surface beneath it and it tells a story of some distress so what we're going to be creating is this whole concept so we're going to almost recreate this material here there's a lot more to it but we can take the concept kind of bring it down and show you how approachable this is now if you don't know about the real-time materials add-on it is a pack of 290 materials that I'm updating all the time you know we have materials like these cool Terrazzo materials here we even have these insane carbon fiber materials right here and see we'll give it a scale of 200 500 now we have carbon fiber that we can make it look like that and some of my favorites which is things like the cloth materials we can apply that and then we can bring the scale up of course to make it look more like a believable cloth material we have exterior surfaces like this dirty asphalt so all these things in this add-on so if you're interested in procedural materials um you and you don't want to do all that work all the time this pack is meant to save you a lot of time so with that being said let's go ahead and learn how to do this so what we're going to do is go over here to the shading window and again get your sphere you can even go into add some lighting just kind of get it to where and what you can do here is we're going to be using Cycles so if you click on the Cycles button and it's dark just go ahead and hit these buttons here and you're going to get some default hdris which is really nice so we're going to build this in EV as well so what we're going to do is I'm going to click new and we're going to get two materials here in fact I'm gonna kill this window and I'm gonna bring this over here and open up the Shader editor so we can kind of see a bit better you can hear my cat jingling in the background but I won't stop her all right so so here we go let's learn this concept here let's make two surfaces first let's go ahead and make our metallic surface which is the one beneath it and all you have to do is I'm going to go ahead and exit out click on your model click new and uh again let's make our two surfaces so bring over metallic and then bring your roughness down if you want but that's surface number one and what we're going to do now is hit shift a search PRI in principled bsdf let's make our surface number two make it all the way white in fact actually we can go ahead and make it orange like in the original thing I showed you bring your roughness up a little bit this is surface number one and surface number two now shift a and search and get in a mix Shader we're going to be dealing with these two guys but let's just go ahead and get this concept um understood first so what I'm going to do is I'm going to bring this and plug this here and this is going this guy is going to allow you to have these two speak to each other with this Factor slider so if you bring factor to one you only see the metallic surface you only see the metallic surface you bring it over you only see your paint surface and let's get them to speak to each other with this magic little guy right here and so that is really the the mindset here is let's make some surfaces within the node editor and then let's use some nodes to get them to speak to each other to go okay I need to open up to allow make it look like there's chips in all that fun stuff and so what I'm going to do is use this Factor slider and manipulate it so we need to go ahead and get a color ramp and if you don't know what that is you'll see how it works in a minute I'm a visual learner so I'm just going to apply that now we need to get in the texture that's going to allow these two to speak to each other because essentially this is our current texture it's just kind of a gradient between the two of each other so what we're going to do is get a voronoi and then we're going to go from euclidean to minkowski and then we're going to plug the distance into the color ramp and you're like well what's the distance what's that well there's color and distance and I never touch a position I've that's for crazy stuff so distance allows this notice that there's kind of a gradient between the two now color allows this where it's just solid hard Edge so that's the difference distance allows a gradient which is what we're going to need for later all right so now we're going to do is we're going to kind of play with this exponent and kind of bring this down to something like this and then we can bring that scale up and then play with that exponent until we just kind of have this and then bring your color ramp in to bring in the size you might say well where's the mapping and the texture coordinate we'll get into that later I just want to keep this as simple as possible and so what this texture allowed was now you're revealing the metallic material in the paint material on top of each other and you have a gradient which is going to allow us to make it look like it's actually beneath which is a really fun process so here we go so I'm kind of happy with where this is now and you can bring in your color amp to kind of solidify that edge but that will be more visual with what we're going to do now but again you can play with the scale of them so what we're going to do now is get a bump node to make them look like they're actually ones beneath the other so what I'm going to do is shift a b u m bump and be cut and we need to figure out hey what node what surface metallic surface principle surface which one needs to have the bump well it's the one on top so let's go ahead and put the normal here and then we can plug this color ramp into the height and now look at that now it actually looks like one is beneath the other we're already making a relatively complex idea with just one two three four five six notes that's it and here we go so let's just kind of break this down before we go any farther surface we have our metallic surface and we have our paint surface and they're plugged into this guy which allows them to to speak to each other and then we need the factor to say all right well let's let's use a texture to reveal them kind of like a curtain and so this vorno texture is the curtain essentially that's revealing the paint and the the metallic where I want them to be shown and then this color ramp manipulates the shape of that so if we bring this color amp over you notice how that looks and you can say we have this and I want to bring this in so that it's not so big of an edge right here and then right over here you can see the bump node you can play with the strength or like how deep that's going to look and you can even do like 0.1 on the distance so it's a little bit more accurate then you can play with that strength so it's not so strong it doesn't look like a rock hit it so hard all right this is pretty much what I wanted to show you now that kind of concept is out of the way let's make this look like a real you know actually useful material and the problem here is this doesn't happen in real life this crazy thing so what we need to do is use a texture to add um detail to this Edge because the term is it's planar there's no detail it's just one solid thing so what we need to do is now go to your preferences if you haven't already done it and get the node Wrangler so you go to the add-ons you type in node node Wrangler right here and what that's going to allow is if you click on the floor now I hit Ctrl T that gives you a mapping node and a texture coordinate node here's why we want to use that I know we're now we're just adding a bunch of materials that don't make any nodes that don't make any sense but essentially the mapping node it allows you to move the texture around your object and then use the object coordinate if you're planning to put this material in other things it'll be able to scale it properly and then maybe we can bring this to like five that looks nice um and so this just simply allows you to move the texture around your model it's mapping it to the model this guy we don't even need to worry about it just use the object coordinate on most things and then UV coordinate if your model needs to be unwrapped which I believe this model is unwrapped if I'm not mistaken yeah it is and so now it's actually going to react properly but I honestly don't want to deal with UVS we'll just go with object all right but forget about that just worry about the mapping that's what's going to basically move this thing around when you need variation so back to what we were talking about we have this whole thing but of course the these guys need to have more detail so what does that mean let's get our noise texture okay noise texture and apply it right here and then just let that load EV takes a while to load procedural materials um there we go all right so now we have them all wonky and bring our detail to 12. that's really all we're going to need and if you hear this weird noise my cat's playing with a rat I'm gonna go move it all right I'm back she was playing with a noise a noise toy all right so here we have this what I'm going to do so we have the detailed 12 now here's what I mean by detail see all this organic looking mess that's what we wanted but now we've ruined the idea of these big holes in the whole section so we only want to use a little bit of it so we're going to go ahead and get a mix node and this is the note I was talking about that they changed it used to be called a mix RGB well that's because they called it mix and you have to go to Color now we have access to that so let's just flop plop it right there and plug this Vector from the mapping node into B all right so now it's pretty much just like this mix Shader conceptually where now you have two things dealing you have one factor factor of one which is essentially this vorno texture not being affected by the noise texture at all and if you bring the factor to zero now the noise texture is completely affecting the voronoi texture and what that allows us to do is just to introduce the noise just a tiny bit to utilize that that uh detail but not completely destroy what we wanted which is these Circles of denting and Distortion so you bring that factor over a little bit till you are satisfied with the Distortion that it brings to your object right there I think I'm happy with that and then what I want to do is make these these scratches and dents smaller so bring that in bring this in bring that in there we go now they're smaller all right now we have all of this now I did a lot of explaining but still it's not that Insanity I mean it's not that crazy um when it comes to like one surface revealing another surface beneath it which happens all the time in real life even if you have like a flat surface and you had a roughness on top now that's dust you have fun with that um here we go this is it or say you have one surface and then you use an image texture to reveal another surface on top of it you can do that with one Shader it doesn't need to be crazy so that's kind of why this is pretty useful in real life now we just need to go ahead and make this surface look a little more believable by adding some roughness to it so let's go ahead and get another one of my favorite color ramps noise texture right here and you can add that mapping here if you'd like to it's not really going to change the way it looks but compatibility and then we'll plug the color ramp into the roughness here so now what I'm going to do we can kind of see the light affecting it already here in this noise texture bring it to 12 bring your roughness all the way up and then if you bring these in you'll notice now we can kind of play with how that surface looks see how it's extremely glossy that's because this is black the white equals extremely rough so extremely rough means white and then majority black means very glossy so you can just bring that up a little bit until it's like this and then you can just kind of have them relate to each other a little bit all right there we go so if we go into my Cycles View this is my material we'll go to scene World scene lights this is the material that I had in the beginning of course it's a little too glossy still so we can bring that black portion up so farther up there we have it and that is our material of course it's not exactly like the original material I was able to go in and add a lot more detail with other stuff it went insane but you can kind of build off of that with this concept of making really really complex materials relatively approachable with this so let's go ahead and just explain everything we did let's do another breakdown so what is everything this is your paint surface this is your metallic surface they're both plugged into your mix Shader which allows them to speak to each other and then we used a voronoi texture so this right here the factor line it's the dedicated the the whole Factor line is dedicated to showing and how it shows one material on another this whole line of of nodes allows it to look cool and look interesting and believable and then of course we have some simple roughness and we can actually plug that into the roughness of the metal too and we have a bump node making that Grady look awesome all right there it is that's how you do it that's how you make these crazy materials now if you hated all of that you can just use real-time materials uh you can head you can check it out in the description we have um let's see let's go to the paint materials let's apply a different paint material here boom it's that easy so if you don't like doing all that but you want the power procedural materials I have a add-on for you if you want to check that out but with that being said thank you guys for watching um I love procedure materials not everybody does but if I can help you make them seem more approachable I'm happy to do it thank you guys for watching and I'll see you in the next tutorial
Channel: Ducky 3D
Views: 63,834
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Id: 8Tp8gomkRjg
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Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 17 2023
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