Make a satisfying tyre in the sand animation in Blender!

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hey guys in this video we're going to be making this rolling Tire on the beach animation and how would you like three to five times faster Cycles renders without needing to upgrade your graphics card if you would then check out turbo tools version 4 Link in the description below so we start off we'll add shift a we'll go with a plane and we'll scale this up a little bit and then we'll scale it on the y- AIS and then we'll apply the scale and then we'll go into edit mode I'm going to do contrl R to make even size square faces and I'm going to select everything right click subdivide and just press shift r a few times so we got plenty of resolution and I'm going to go into sculp mode I'm just going to make a amound for the tire to roll down so now we'll add shift a a Taurus and just position it in a place where it can fall down from and I think I'll scale up the floor a bit as well and then we're going to add a rigid body to the floor we'll make sure this is passive so that it doesn't fall down and we'll change it to mesh so that the rigid body can see the Contours of the surface and then for surface response I'll set friction to one bounciness to one and sensitivity will change to 01 so that the tire can get closer to it before it reacts and then for this one we'll do rigid body again active this time we'll change it to cylinder friction one we give it a little bit of bounciness and collision margin 01 let's play this back not the result I wanted so I'll just tweak the rigid body World settings a little bit in the seam panel and give it a few more solver iterations maybe 30 we'll give this 30 as well I'll just reset the simulation by turning split impulse on and off and then play it back again that's a bit more stable it's not yet bouncy enough though so let's go back in here and we'll turn the boun of the tire up a bit more let's just turn the simulation off and on on and off rather and I think we'll turn the speed up to two and then I'll just tweak these bound settings a bit more there we go next thing to do is bake that physics simulation so we don't lose it we'll go to the scene Tab and we'll go down to the cache click bake and now we've got that baked in and what I want to do now is convert the bake into key frames because the next bit won't work if we've got physics simulation on it so we're going to object we go into rigid body and I'll say bit to key frames we'll say okay now we can get rid of the rigid body should be gone on that and on this one we can get rid of that as well play it back and now we've got the full animation as key frames so back to the physics tab for the floor we'll click on Dynamic paint and this is going to be a canvas so click add canvas and then we're going to change this to displace and then we're going to choose this Dynamic paint this time we're going to use a brush add brush let's play this back nothing's going to happen at the moment because the tire isn't penetrating the floor so we either need to scale up the tire or raise the floor a little bit so I'll just raise the floor up and now the tube is penetrating sufficiently to leave a track next up we'll set up the camera so go into camera mode press n and we're going to go under view lock camera to view and then I'll just move the camera where I want it right click on this shade smooth and I'll give it a few subdivisions with control 2 that'll add a subdivision modifier and for the floor I want to make sure I CH shade smooth and also I want to add a subdivision surface afterwards set that to two play that back and now we're getting a bit of a smoother result now we can do is start adding materials I'm going to use a sand that I've downloaded from a website called CG bookcase tocom and it's Sandy gravel1 and these are cc0 which means you can use them for whatever you want so let's bring up the Shader editor I'll press home so we can see it all and in the camera settings let's change passer two so I can't see the sides and we're going going to change this to be a shade reditor and go to Cycles choose the floor add a new material and then because I've got the node Wrangler add-on installed I can choose the principal bsdf control shift T I want this one I want the height normal roughness I'll say okay and that's going to automatically set this up for me and I want to be able to see the displacement on here so I'm going to go into the material Options under settings and I'll say instead of bump only we'll have displacement and bump and that will give us a more realistic result come over here I'm going to change the mid level to8 I'll probably turn that scale down to 0.5 maybe 7 and to improve render speed rather than using adaptive subdivision I'm just going to increase the subdivision levels instead so I'm going to set this to three now I can see the text is a little bit stretched on the Y AIS of this plane so I'm just going to scale that up on the mapping nodes y AIS and I'll just use the mapping node location and rotation options just so that I can sort of hide any tiling and then for the subdivision modifier I'm going to set the levels for the viewport to two and the final render up to three so we get a better result when render but I'll leave the modifier turned off for Speed and next up I want to add the background so I'm going to add a plane we'll do shift a I'm going to do uh plane so under the F9 options I'm going to say align it to the view and I'll just position it in place and I want to apply an image to this so I've actually downloaded from this website called pixels I went with this one here by engine or engin accurate no idea how you pronounce that anyway download that and then we'll click a new material for this under emission we're going to drag in this movie file plug that into the emission set the strength to one and we set the base color to Black okay now I want to invert this I'm going to do contrl T I'm going to say invert it on the x- axis so negative one and that's going to rotate it that way now it doesn't matter too much about the placement of this because I'm going to modify this in composition afterwards anyway so this should be reasonably good it doesn't have to be perfect it's just to get the effect of the reflections on on the Taurus so let's play this back and I can see that the ocean isn't playing back properly so I need to make sure that we set this to be at least the length of the animation that we want and we'll turn on auto refresh and sidey click as well so let's just see what frame am I on 59 I'll play it back let's turn around off for now so I want it to go to around about let's say frame 111 so I come in here I'll set this now to 111 for the frame range so I'll set this to 111 as well and that'll make sure that the movie plays all the way through now I don't want that to be renderable I only want this to be used in the reflections and through the transmission that we're about to apply to the Taurus material so what I'm going to do is come under the options in here down to visibility and we'll say I don't want it to be visible to the camera and I also want to change this hdri image because it's not casting a strong enough Shadow into the depressed area of the ground so let's come into the world mode I'm going to change this hdri to one that's got a stronger light probably this one looks quite good that's got a very small bright Sun so that should cast a decent Shadow okay and you can see now we're getting a nice a really nice shadow on the ground there okay so I don't want to see this in the render so in the render settings and under film I'm going to say transparent so now we're only getting this bit that's going to be rendered and the tire we'll choose the Taurus and we'll give it a material I'm going to make this transmissive going to make it a reddish color and I'll turn the roughness down a bit maybe a to about here and then to give it a bit more of a reflection we're going to turn weight up on the coat and I'll turn roughness right down to zero so we're getting a nice CLE coat reflection on there as well I'm going to change the I coat to 1.6 so that those Reflections are a bit more visible on the faces that are pointing towards the camera the only thing left to do now is come into the camera settings and then we'll come down here I want to turn on a bit of depth of field to hide the fact I'm a bit of a cheap skate only using a 2K texture some people say I'm tighter than a shark's ass at 50 Fathoms so depth of field we'll turn that on I'm going to focus on the end part over there and I'll turn that down a bit until my miserly nature has been camouflaged now com to the render settings I'm going to set this to render out as an FFM peg in the same folder as the blend file using the two forward slashes and then a new folder I'll call this tutorial render forward slash and then we'll call the file itself final MP4 and I'm going to change the encoding from atosa to EG 4 but if you're not using turbo tools choose an image sequence that has got a alpha Channel like open exr then you can use that in the compositor later on we'll go to the render settings we'll turn on motion blur leave it at the default settings and extremely importantly so that we don't get any strange behavior on the texture when we render we need to go into the scene panel and just make sure we delete the bake because when we made the physics simulation the plane was a bit lower so delete the bake let's go to the compositor now contrl s I'm using turbo tools so I'm going to use draft for the denoising mode and crap for the sample preset so that's 12 samples and I'm going to use enhanced textur so I get more realism on the sand I'll turn off prevent fireflies and I've got transmission so I'm going to turn that on as well we've also got pretty heavy depth of field so I'll probably turn that on I'll press render making sure we've got the image editor open render animation oh and actually before we do that will turn on under performance in the render settings persistent data and that should save a little bit of time each frame because it won't have to recalculate that subdivision each time render animation all right so now we've got the render completed what I'm going to do is bring in that backdrop video into the compositor if you're not using turbo tools then bring in your image sequence in replacement for this turbo tools cache node that I've got here and then delete or mute the render layers node and we're going to add shift a alpha over we'll drop this in here and we're going to put the foreground into the bottom socket and now we need to get the video and put that into the top socket we plug that into the top socket and now you can see we've got it in the background and if we add a viewer we can actually see just make it a little bit smaller the movie file resolution is actually much bigger than the render so all I'm going to do to fix that is shift a I'm going to put down a scale mode I'm going to set this to be the render size and now it's going to fit in now it's the wrong way around I want the waves to be coming this way we'll just duplicate this one I'm going to change this one to relative and on the X I'm going to change it to Nega - one so that's going to flip it around the other way and now I'm going to tweak the position of that backdrop so we'll add shift a s this time a transform I'm going to move it up on the Y AIS a little bit I'm going to make sure I changed this to be 111 frames as well so it matches and I'm going to turn on CY click and under the turbo tool settings I'm going to change performance to frame dropping and now we can actually play this back right in the compositor backdrop so let's just modify this sand color so that it matches up better with this one so I'm going to do shift a RGB curb node drop this in here I'll just modify this now until it gets more of a match with the sand on here all right and the last thing I'm going to do is add some audio so let's go over here to the video editor and I'll turn off few seconds because it always confuses me I'm going to drag in the audio file which I've downloaded from and the one I've searched for is this one ocean waves download that and now we can drag that in to the video editor and I'll just say strip transform snap strips to current frame so I've got my timeline on frame one and I'll turn on the display wave form so that I can actually see just zoom in a bit where those waves crash and I'm going to bring in the video file as well into here I'll do the same again strip transform strip to current frame and now we can align the audio with the video so let's play that and it's actually aligned pretty well already let's go into the volume for this one maybe turn it up a tad and I suspect my microphone's not picking that up at all but it is actually lined perfectly I want to scale it up a little bit so I'm going to go into strip retiming and we'll say rtime strip and now we're going to get these little dots at the end I'll just scale that up a little bit bring it this way so that second wave crash doesn't happen during the animation and very importantly we must delete this now the video otherwise the 3D scene won't render so just select that one and I'll press X to delete it and then we'll go back to the compositor under the output I'm going to modify this now so that we also enable audio change that to AAC I don't want to overwrite my original render so I'm going to change this to final with audio and graded we'll zoom in a bit and have one last Quick Check see if there's anything that could be improved seems all right and you can see because we've used turbo tools as enhanced texture feature even though we've been using a denoiser we've retained all that fine detail in the textures to improve realism so now I'm going to do is come down to the publishing section click publish and now we can watch in the viewer the animation being published out to that new mp4 file including all the changes we've made in the compositor and once that's finished we can then view the animation and we should have audio so that's the tutorial complete I hope you've enjoyed it and I will catch you in the next one I wish should put a few seagulls in there now
Channel: 3d illusions
Views: 19,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender tutorial, 3d, satisfying 3d render, satisfying video, satisfying animation, satisfying blender animation, turbo tools, turbo render, blender turbo tools, blender turbo render, blender physics, blender tyre in the sand, blender footprints, blender footprints in the snow, blender tyre tracks, blender tyre track tutorial, blender ocean animation, blender beach animation, blender beach render
Id: WeS_Ev-pfDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2023
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