How to make ground explosion in Blender with the particles only Tutorial

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hello in this tutorial i will show you how to make dust ground explosion from my last video i will show you quickly but you can always press pause or return to problematic moment let's make a sphere switch to front view and press tab to make the sphere editable also switch the wireframe mode to see the back faces select the bottom part of the sphere and delete it return to object mode go to the modifier list and choose a sub surf modifier for viewport set it value to 3. also let's add a displacement modifier in displacement texture settings choose cloud texture switch from soft to hard now we can apply both modifiers our emitter is almost done the last what we need in this part is scale a bit our mesh along different axis to make it narrow and higher like that good we have prepared our emitter but before we create a particle system for it we need to animate its scale we select the mesh choose the scale channel and set a keyframe in the first frame then move the slider to the fifth frame and scale up the mesh after that set keyframe in the fifth frame let's create a new particle system to this mesh the number of the particles set to 30000 stopping emission set to 5. lifetime make 350 frames let's play animation particles is falling down but before fix it want to decrease particle size so i go to viewport section in the particle setting and make it much smaller good now open velocity bar and set object velocity to 3. as you see now particles react to increasing of our mesh but its behavior still doesn't perfect let's set object aligned on z-axis to 2.5 after that particles got a little pushing up but as you see explosion still doesn't look like explosion of the video at the beginning there is no explosion burst to make the burst let's try set normal velocity to zero yes now we got the burst and the only thing that i don't like in its behavior it is particle speed it is too slow so let's go in physics section open integration panel and increase time step value to 0.07 and now we got what we wanted now we need a floor for that i create a plane go to the physics section and activate collision increase stickness to 10 and set friction to 1. with this settings our particles won't slide on the plane good now our particles rendered like point while we need render it like dust particles and ground pieces so let's create an icosphere make it smaller it will be our dust particles for creating ground pieces i will use rock generator rock generator is a simple generator of rocks and you couldn't see it before you activated extra mesh add-on in your preferences good now i create a new collection and call it particles move rock and icosphere into this collection then select your emitter and go to particles render settings choose render like in collection and choose particles collection now our rock particles is too small so i scale it up a little bit also let's make particles less uniform for that i increase randomness parameter now i want to make number of rock particles less than dust particles for that i will use count option set icosphere value to 30 and rock value leave without changes increase icosphere scale a little bit good now we can disable emitter visibility in viewport and render also let's move rock and icosphere far from view good our work is done play with the different parameter of these setup and you will get even more interesting results that's all thank you for watching please subscribe on my channel or leave the comment in the end of my experiments with the particle settings i set particles number to 5 million after that i got a fantastic explosion my pc blew up so that was my last tutorial on this channel goodbye you
Channel: Mister 3D
Views: 50,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender explosion, particles blender, vfx, tutorial
Id: Lt2RorFtUcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 43sec (283 seconds)
Published: Wed May 04 2022
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