Impress Your Clients with a Photorealistic Peel Off Effect in Blender

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hey everyone and welcome to today's tutorial where we are going to be creating a peel off effect um we're going to be creating a gold peel off effect for a cosmetic bottle so I think this is a really nice and really practical Sim simulation to do and yeah I wanted to show you guys how to do it um also a massive thank you to all of you who saw and supported my last video um kind of exploded a little bit so it was really nice to see and helps keep me motivated also a huge thank you to the four of you who are now part of my patreon um it really helps me out and of course you will have access to the all of these blend files as well as being able to just write me if you have any questions about being a 3D artist or a about a blender in general so thank you very much but yeah let's just dive straight into this tutorial today so today we are going to be creating this peel off effect as I mentioned earlier and what we're going to do is let me just go into this mode here first and you can see this is the effect that we are going to be creating so how we're going to do this so first of all I'm actually going to be deleting this one here this object here because I'm just going to do it with here from spreads with you guys so I'm just going to be tabling this one away and then with my initial bottle I'm going to be duplicating this one so I'm making a duplicate and just adding right click to snap it back into its place so let me just go out of this so it goes more quickly so right now as you can see we have the other button in here and what we want to do is that we want it to be kind of displayed a bit outwards so it's actually quite easy to do what we're going to do is that we are going to be adding that let me just delete this one it's because the original bottle needs to have a correlation so that the peel off effect is kind of yeah the face appealing off of the bottle and not into it all yeah you know what I mean so and I'll just move this one up to the Sim up here so the first thing that we need to do is to be adding a modifier called displace modifier and as you can see it goes all crazy and we just need to be turning the mid level down to zero and the strength down to zero point let's just try here okay there's kind of cured it's still way too big so let me just do one mole and now if I go into the x-ray mode here you can see that we just it just sort of go out of the on top of the the other bottle here so let me just go back here so the next thing that we're going to be doing is we can just this is all we need to do with this one we can just add a particle system because we're going to be affecting particles with falses and with proximity uh we need to have these particles behave in interesting ways so we need to add a particle system and first of all I want to say that there are other tutorials on YouTube showing you how to do these P love effects in in blender and but I just wanted to give my take on it and I just want to show you how it's also really practical for like for example a commercial where you want to reveal a cosmetic product for example so I know there's other tutorials that do similar stuff like me but um yeah just wanted to to make that clear but under the particle system under the mission I'll just turn it down to 100 let's say and you can see here the button is also nicely um no quad and there's a nicely geometry in this bottle here and it needs to have kind of a lot of subdivisions because um the flakes I I easier calculated and we will get more detail into our final animation this way so I'll just delete this one because you'll need them and then under the lifetime it just needs to be higher than the frame timeline itself and then we can under the physics I'm going to chain this one off and also under the render turn this one off and the way reason I'm doing this is because we don't want the particles to have any effects before we are applying effects ourselves and under the viewport display I'm going to be adding it's a set it to point and just click serum button zero one something like this maybe we just need to turn this one on off again so you can see we have these small particles on our object and Under The Fill weights we just need to change the gravity all the way down so they don't fall when we hit the play but yeah this is all we need for the particle system and then we're going to do a cool effect where we are going to explode the geometry based on our particle systems so we're going to be breaking up the bottle but not manually we're going to use the explode modifier and you can see already something that is happening here to our object and we can check check cut edges and now you can see over here that it kind of creates sort of flakes this is exactly what we want so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to just convert all of this into a mesh boom and as you can see I'm going to Target on and off we have our original object our original bottle and then we can just on top of it have our newly displaced broken up object so what we're going to do now is that we are going to be creating a cloth modifier because we need these to act like cloth and you can see it went crazy like because I'm on frame 90. let me just go back to find one here three one and then under the class settings I actually made a preset when I tested it and so I want to spell you for all of the testing you need to do with testing yourself uh depending on the object that you have and also the scale of your scene and yeah you know a lot of experimentation needs to be done but the quality steps I chose was 20 and these people Supply actually went with 0.1 because I wanted to just have the simulation go way slower when when uh when it's affecting and then yeah these are the other settings the turn this one all the way down depending to 0.1 and then um I hit self-collision I think I turn this one all the way up to 10 or something I don't think you're needing and Under The Fearless ways we turn all the way down so now we actually have our class simulation set up but what happens where if I play play now is that all of the clouds is just going to explode right out of a Harold the gate so to speak and this is something that you might want to do but I want to have just like the last video I did I want to effect when and where the effect is going to happen and how much it's going to affect give in a given time so the way we're going to do this is we're going to use the versic proximity again it's really a nice tool so um first of all we need to assign all of the vertices so I'm going into the edit mode selecting all of my objects here and then I'm going into the vertex here this is for the old one I'm just going to create a new one here and click assign and this is all we need to do and then under the craft simulation here we just need to pin it to this group here and this is all we need to do to the cloth so the next thing that we need to do is I'll just check this one off is that I added this proximity here this empty object here and as you can see here the way that it's working is that it's just you know keyframe to go a bit above from the top here and then go down um to the middle here affecting all of the bone and just in like in the last tutorial we're going to be adding the vertex rate proximity the target object should be our empty and the vertex group can be our new vertex group and then proximity mode is set to geometry and then we need to pick this one here also the fall off needs to be smooth and then we need to repeat Peak the lowest and highest value and the highest value needs to be the same size as this mg here but you need to experiment with these values I know from the other one at 4.7 and 5 meter works for my scene so I'm just going to be dialing 4.75 and then under the highest I'm going to be guiding in five and when I now go into the weight paint you should be able to see how our empty sphere here is affecting the proximity of our object driving the effect that we are looking after so this is really nice so and we need to be adding this before the growth of course um so the cloud is affecting afterwards and then you can add a subdivision service modifier here maybe set it to symbol experiment whatever you want afterwards to create a more nice flakes maybe you like the way they are so this is all you need to do basically and then we're just going out of the object mode and then you're actually just going down here and yeah you're just going to bake this one and let me just save it just in case and then if I play a bacon you can see that now we have baked our objects here so this is actually all all we need to do in order to get this one um you know yeah Sim and you know have the appeal of effect and um yeah I think this is all you need to do of course you need to remember to ggle on The View polls and you know I have sometimes I forget and then you pay it out and you don't know what's happening but of course you need to tutorial this one on so after this I'm just going to delete this one and if I turn this one off again you can see we also have the vertex group here from our original gold foil and the class settings is also here and it's baked out so you can see we have this effect here so this is a really cool effect and just what I want to mention here in the in the end is I just went with there any a wind Force filled here and I set it to a lot you need to experiment also just to have a sort of direction to this effect here also but they are of course also um affected by the proximity itself here so yeah the shading is just a gold material I found online and I did some fingerprints and scratches on on this bottle and made into sort of like a plastic material the background light is a go box texture so yeah I I bought that package and uh yeah just put an area light here just to the to do the front here just to add a bit more light and yeah and I also did some compositing I think yeah I added some some blurs I'm you know going in across the scene and did a bit of glare also um I used an hdri also and you know but that's all for another tutorial and texturing and but of course it's just as important as the Sim itself but um but yeah so this is all I got for today and the happy to be doing more of these tutorials and interacting with all of you guys so um thank you very much for your support and see you next tired
Channel: J_Roenn
Views: 26,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, peel-off effect, motion graphics, houdini, simulation, tutorial, cloth physics
Id: BiwuoTpXxA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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