Make a Japanese Pull Plane From a Cheap Spoke Shave

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as about my friends so in this video we're going to take this spoke shape very cheap $10 box shape and we're gonna convert it to a japanese-style a pool plain and so yeah so I hope you enjoy this one yeah all right so this is the spokes ship you're gonna use to take the parts form and so you know they're just disassemble it [Music] [Music] [Applause] okay so for some reason I'm at the angle for which the the item will go in at 30 degrees and I don't know why I did that I just had 30 degrees in mind so he marked it at 45 and yeah just will continue from that [Laughter] [Music] okay so now we're at at this point where I cleaned up the surfaces lightly there's a little bit more like things to do but just for the fitter I think it looks pretty awesome very tight I think it might be a bit too tight but at this point I want to move on the mechanism itself and since I'm converting this spokeshave so I want to also keep those adjustment wheels which I think will be nice and handy convenient not very traditional but whatever and the Pope the only problem is is that they don't go all the way down so I need to make a slot for them so they can lower the blade all the way to the bottom and there so I'm just gonna make yeah just a slot here just a square one I think [Music] [Music] okay so this point I have most of the plane ready to go and what I will do I don't think for this school I don't think I need to glue it you know anything it's very secure and screwing action here just make it even title I think maybe I need to I need to make the calculation all day and yeah and I think after that it will be somewhat of a plane and just need to finish it up and I also want to make some decorations on it not that it needs any but as you all know the coronation makes all tools will follow better anyway let's do that then [Applause] okay so I've got my finish here and as you can see the the pigeon in the middle is slightly different from the rest of the wood obviously since it came out from a different piece of wood and I hope that the shellac will kind of blend everything together a little bit better but I don't think it's super important I think actually it might even add some stuff and so I'm gonna put a lock on most of everything except the place except the sole and the places where the blade is gonna go I might just put in some areas like these and maybe here but I'm not sure yet I will do this later because I need to adjust it some more when I do the whole setup and everything like that so let's let's do it I guess so while I was there getting ready to finish and set up that plane I was watching some videos from David ball where he shows how to to make a Japanese woodblock prints and I just saw the the incredible craftsmanship that they they have and and the abilities of the precision and accuracy that they use for the carving and I looked at my design and I was like okay that this it's not I don't expect to be in the same ballpark even as those craftsmen and I don't expect to be skillful at carving overnight but I was just taking no I gotta do better and so I've decided that I'm gonna sketch the the complete design and start all over with the carving and so therefore I've decided that I'm going to chisel away all the hard work the hours in the days but but I was quite motivated to do even better and to try to make it up to a higher standard so I won't bore you with showing the whole process all over again but I will just do a quick a goes through the process of the new design the new carvings so as you can clearly see I took a lot of inspiration from the artists their oxide that designed the print the Great Wave and so I hope I don't do too much injustice for is a great legacy and walk so once again it will do a first coat of shellac and and see how way how the grain looks after that so I have the shellac seen down slightly and I'm trying to go slowly but also pretty quickly if it makes makes no sense by whatever we'll see I really didn't know when to wait to finish this project and I decided that that would make another cartouche I see I think it's critical I know I'm a bi it's just the world at her I had in my mind I think the signature or something like that I've decided to it in lay a small plate where I wouldn't leave my logo which is the pigeon now I've got to admit after hours and hours and hours and days even of trying to carve in wood and try to struggle against like trying to figure out how to carve how to use the knife what angles or whatever going back to the engraving was such in the way living experience because all of a sudden I felt like I had some muscle memory and I could just do it almost blindly not the time had not not to say that I'm a super engrave or anything like that I make I make mistakes all the time and my lines are not accurate or annoying sketching the surface or what not but but the contest for me was just crazy but that for us is to set up the plane and I'm going to do that with some sandpaper and a flat surface and just initialize and see how flat it is to begin with not very much I guess so as far as I understand it a Japanese plane needs to have a hollow in some areas and so the places that need to actually touch the wood is the area okay so everything is just about down and I'm going to assemble all the parts together a dozen one part that you see in this picture where I didn't show how I made it which is the chip laker I didn't think it was very interesting to show it's a simple piece of metal that I cut into the shape put the hole in the middle and that's about that I slightly beveled it and and yeah that's that's all there is to it all right so I will try to do a nice thin shavings but I don't think I will do super crazy you know a few microns thin as the competitions ago I suppose but yeah that's just tried out some loosing loosening the cap a little bit and advance the blade yeah I can kind of see it baby yeah that's nice one it's not amazing [Applause] yeah I think I'm satisfied with this thickness I don't think I can make make it look all silky smooth and in that but I don't know it's pretty good work sir throat's pretty well like my friends thank you very much for watching this video I had a lot of fun doing this and I was quite terrified to challenge myself and try to make such a thing since if he doesn't make semi good shavings I don't think I could have shown it on the internet but it does produce some pretty decent one I think yeah I mean tennis you know they don't look like those you know silky ones that they like just like flow and I think it does a pretty good job I will try probably spend maybe many more hours trying to set up this thing really really nice the other thing I really need to get some poeple sharpening stones because I work with these diamond plates here as but as you can see they're super thin so I think I thought like in the beginning I would just glue them to a block of wood but they were just so cheap that there it really shows and so I either would get what a stone or we I think more expensive diamond plate and do photo sharpening with this I managed to get two somewhat okay sharpening but not not something to to really talk about em other than that the carving was way more difficult than I thought and that's why I felt like I had to start all over and do this again unfortunately I'm not as I know if it comes as a surprise or not but I'm not very good delicate with with small stuff so um so this was very very difficult for me I don't I really don't understand how they do it like super nicely and all that and then it's just yes it's not very clean but but it looks nice it's I think for my first type of carving it looks pretty decent and nice and so yeah but it really taught me a lot of to put extra patience and to try to be to do things more perfectly and more like accurately the first time and so yeah again I hope you like it and one other thing is that I want to say and it might be a little bit late now but doing the last video that I will call it the one with when I made the best buckle that channel hit 1000 subscribers and which is incredible it's really really awesome and so I thought it would be nice to say just to quickly thank you very much for like super great support really like what I wanted to say is that I didn't expect such a great support and it really is fantastic and the comments are great the tips the questions just very well welcoming an environment and so I'm very happy and pleasing and I couldn't be happier happier waking up and starting to work on these projects and yeah so thanks again and thank you for staying this long in the video and yeah I will see you in the next product and then yeah and like if you liked it and share it if you feel like it and we'll see you again real soon look at this it's also fluffy I would do it there's a pencil I want to sleep on it be nice all right
Channel: Uri Tuchman
Views: 153,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: woodworking, japanese, kanna, handplane, carving, knife, shaving, tradional, pigeon, engraving, cherry, brass, wave, great, craft, metalworking, tools, toolmaking, spokeshave, plane, wood, craftmen, handmade, diy, how to, make
Id: 65wS0mSzfYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 6sec (1266 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 18 2018
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