Make a Handmade Wooden Plane - Scrapwood Challenge ep34

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Scrapwood Challenge Scrapwood Challenge it's scrap it's crap it's firewood but some of the wood is good today I'm going to make a wooden plane I've spent some time playing around with the design I keep tweaking and reprinting it but I think I've just got to get started as I won't know for sure how it'll turn out until I actually make it I've made a full-size template just to see how it's going to look and I can cut the side templates out of that as well I've also made templates for the infill pieces and for the handle I'll start with the handle I've picked out a piece that should look really nice and I think it'll just about fit in there the pith does run through it and there's a couple of cracks there but I think you'll be okay there's a fair amount to remove so I'll carve some of it away first and then I'll refine it with a file that's the handle finished now I need to make the next piece that the handle fits into and that shaped like this I've picked these pieces out because I think the grain should match the handle while I'm preparing this piece I'll also prepare a second piece and that's for the front pad of the plane I've made a mistake when I glue the two boards together I should have offset them slightly to fit the piece on there and because I haven't done that it's not long enough so I'm going to have to take a new board and start again I've got that to a pretty close fit it still needs a bit more fine-tuning I could have done this a lot easier and continued the handle on and just done it in three separate pieces but this way it continues the grain and it should look really nice if I can get this fine-tuned and so fits perfectly the only thing I've done wrong is I'd put the chamfer on the handle here and it goes below I've got to take a little bit more off but it still goes below so I'm going to lift that up slightly I'm using the offcut from the base piece to make a sanding block it's got a good fit and I'm using 120 grit sandpaper they're ready to glue together but there's something I'm going to do first the grain on the handle runs in this direction and there's a chance that could snap it may not but there's chance so I'm going to drill a hole through the handle from underneath and I'm going to glue a dowel in there and I think that should help I'm carving a groove down the dowel for the glue to escape it doesn't need to be neat it just needs to run the whole length of the dowel while the glue setting on that I'll start the front pad the glue on the handle has set so now I can make the cut for the bed the plane the camphor laurel which is what I used on the handle and what I usually use in all the Scrapwood Challenges won't be suitable for the sides or the sole of the plane because it just isn't hard enough I've got quite a bit of this old weatherboard stored in a couple of different places I don't know what it is but it's extremely hard making it perfect for the sole of the plane it's very difficult to work with but it looks good and it'll be a nice contrast with the camphor Laurel it looks a bit like Jarrah but I'm sure it isn't because when I've used that in the past it can be difficult to work with but this stuff is a whole different level of difficult and it's close to impossible it really is extremely dense I've tried researching the wood in the past and the best thing I came up with was spear wattle it looks a lot like it and that is extremely dense too but I'm not a hundred percent though I didn't want to blunt the blades on my jointer and I'm not sure it would have even coped anyway so I'm managing with a struggle using a hand plane the plane I'm making will have a high bed angle of 55 degrees and one of the reasons for that is to deal with difficult wood like this I'm trying it out on my thicknesser just because it will be much easier than trying to plane it to thickness by hand I was a bit concerned with how dense the wood is to put that through my thicknesser but it worked well taking very light passes there the pieces for the sides the pieces for the sole I ended up making a bit too thin so I prepped another one off-camera I can shape the front section now but the back part will need to be done after the plane is glued together before I go any further I need to think about fitting the plane blade because this is a Scrapwood Challenge I want to keep it mainly to woodworking I do plan on making a blade for it in the future but for now I'll use a plane iron out of a stanley four and a half I do though need to make a lever cap and for that I've got this piece of stainless steel that's the first time I've used a cork belt for polishing and it worked amazingly well it was a 220 grit belt and I think that will do for now but I may still take it to a higher grit yet now the lever caps done I'll start fitting the blade the first thing I need to do is fit this barrel nut I just made it off-camera and I made it out of this old bar I made a bit of a mess of that the drill bit wandered off I should have drilled a pilot hole first I'm going to plug it up have another go at it but this time I'm going to do it on the drill press I need to drill out to recess that's for the screw that holds the chip breaker and the blade together to hold the blade in place along with the lever cap I need a coupla screws and I made those from standard stainless steel bolts that's a small dome screw finished now I need to make a thumb screw and that's to apply pressure onto the blade to knurl the thumbscrew I use my homemade knurling jig if you haven't seen the video how I made that then I'll put a link above I'm using some epoxy just to keep the barrel nut in the correct position now I'm doing the final sanding going through the grits and finishing with 800 I'm giving it a couple of coats of varnish, linseed oil and turps mix and then sanding between coats then a couple of applications of beeswax polish I reckon it looks great but let's see for that to works with that high bed angle the plane is aimed at being used with hardwood but I'll try it out with it of pine first anyway it did a really nice job of that now I'll try it with a piece of silky oak it did a great job of that too now I'm going to try it with a piece of spotted gum and spotted gum is very dense so this will be a good test it did a fantastic job of that and that's the main reason why I made the plane to use timbers like this so it looks good well I think it looks good anyway and it works fantastic too so I'm very very happy with it I'm not sure that anyone would want to make exactly the same plane but if you do I'll put a link to the templates in the description hopefully you enjoyed the video if you did please like and subscribe thanks for watching and I'll see you on the next one
Channel: Pask Makes
Views: 948,159
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Keywords: paskmakes, pask, pask makes, how to make a hand plane, how to build a hand plane, diy hand plane, how to make a wooden hand plane, how to build a wooden hand plane, diy wooden hand plane, making a hand plane, hand plane, hand planes, wooden hand plane, wooden hand planes, making a hand planer, building a hand planer, diy hand planer, Handmade Wooden Plane, Hand made wooden hand plane, handmade wood planer, diy handmade wooden hand plane, build a handmade plane
Id: v2L5SeghqxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 8sec (1568 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 10 2019
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