Making a Coffee Tamper

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so it kind of has an introduction to the project today I'm going in a week or so to visit my very very best friends from all of time in California and they opened not long ago they open a new coffee place which I haven't visited just yet and for that occasion I've decided I will make them as something nice like a present and I want to make them coffee temper that you know temples of places they coffee in they're in a special machine not not something like that but but so yeah I really hope that you would like this gift and I'm so excited to go and visit them and so let's get started with the project and then see what happens so for the actual tempering action I'm gonna use this couple hockey puck which is about 60 millimeters if I remember correctly yeah 60 millimeters and what we need is 59 so we clean it up find the center make a 59 millimeter diameter circle to file into now we need to find the center so thankfully I've watched Reese's like that alright so I want to make a design for the engraving that I'm gonna do this that I'm gonna do on this English thank you and I want to go for a slightly more simple I wouldn't call it primitive but let's say ancient Greek so a little bit more simplified start of engraving the scrollwork that we know today is kind of developed through out the last few centuries so [Applause] [Applause] so I want to put some grapes around here because I want to get like a kind of a vine thing going whatever and they do live in the land of the vine making in California so I want to make some grapes and for that we need the special punch punch tool so let's make that so the patches that I'm going to use is this spring steel I've already kind of ground it flat on the top and gave it a bit of a taper but we need to make this a bit more pronounced but first things first I'm going to make a I want to get some sort of a you know concave nasaan the face side so we can you know punch it down and have a nice dome for the grapes oh looks like it doesn't work but it does actually [Applause] let's start from the top [Applause] [Applause] I want to add another kind of an autumn ornamental ring and instead of just doing a round oval Beavan or whatnot is a file to that okay not too bad not too bad it looks pretty good and I think I'm gonna wash it and then perhaps make another coat and we bring the shine back a little bit it looks pretty good pretty good all right very nice okay so the base is pretty much complete and I have some fimo that I think would be good to make small figures you know I would love to make it out of marble but I've never worked with marble and I think you know I don't think it's time to try that even though it could be cool I never worked with people before I don't know I know you have to meet it somehow that fit it's a bit damp it's already dirty why I have to walk everything dirty doesn't really matter it will be fine you can wash it off [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] okay so yeah I will look for some old files final touching and cleanup and then I will throw it in the oven bake it for few like an hour or so and after that I will be able to do some more polishing and sanding hopefully then we go to the next steps which is like painting it or something like that all right so a the paint job is not it's not there yet and I've decided I went and bought like a spray paint it wouldn't be my first choice but I feel like this with this specific piece and working with fimo this would be the most you know will give the best results so I'm gonna try this out see how this works maybe we need to give it a wash or something like that having said that working the film was really fun but maybe in the future I'll try to work with real Portland but thing is for that I will need a real a you know ceramic oven so we'll see if I can find some workshops around that will do that for me so yeah let's shake it I think I need to shake it for like two minutes [Music] we let it dry I think I would take it outside to dry yeah [Music] all right my friends I hope you enjoyed this video and I hope that they would like this Stamper and we're gonna test it out in the coffee place and speaking of which if you happen to be in the area and you want to visit say hello and check out just in general go check out the coffee I will link their Instagram and Facebook and all of that in the description definitely check them out about the nicest hosts and people ever and I'm obviously biased but but I guarantee that you'll really enjoy this place and they make awesome food so yeah I want to test this out in my coffee machine but it's way too small this is for a commercial espresso machine so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna test it out in their machine and by the time this video is out I will already be there and I'm gonna send some pictures of videos on Instagram of us trying this out and see how this works so aside from that I would also be making essential this year between the 11th and 12th of May in Birmingham and I also crazy enough would have a live demo on stage which is absolutely awesome so if you were to go there and meet and chat and also meet all the amazing creators and youtubers definitely go check this out I will also link this in the description as well and yeah I believe that's it and I will see you later
Channel: Uri Tuchman
Views: 228,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, diy, make, craft, woodworking, metalworking, engraving, carving, art, drawing, sculpting, painting, making, Greece
Id: 9miGbxLNmA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2019
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