Making a Gouge with a Hamon

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I think one of my good friends is so lately I want to go into some more wood carving and things like that and I've done some before but I want to kind of pick it up and do some bigger things or what have you and so for this video I want to make you a gouge that I can use and I don't have many blacksmithing tools but I think for it's gonna be quite shell of God right so I think it should work and besides that I also want to differentially harden the blade which has no practical value I suppose but you know we gonna have some fun with it and so I have some men or one still which I think will be really good for that and yes so let's get to work okay I think we have it I think that's pretty good let's sharpen it I think yeah let's sharpen it okay so it's time to establish the bevel so before I do all the heat treatment I just smooth out all the surfaces slightly it got rid of most of the dents so I don't have a lot of work afterwards now I'm probably gonna do something kind of stupid but I want to differentially hardened a chisel blade can you call it a blade here I think and call it a blade and so yeah I want to create a harmone for this which I don't know if it's good for chisels but we all about having some fun with it so yeah I've got some thermos cement which I will I hope this would work I've done this only once and I've failed only once so I have a good record of doing this um yeah so let's go ahead and try it out okay so we're outside and and this is a one-state which means it needs to be quenched in oil but I'm gonna try to maybe help the jamon with that it will be more visible to quench it to do an interrupted quench no do it mix well first important then oil I don't know how it's called aim so yeah let's [Music] might have been a bit too shot on the water but I panicked a little bit so yeah I think I think we have a successful quench but I mean I still need to temper it okay so we got everything set up to start the hand sanding and I fancy so we're yeah I'm gonna start with 120 and move up all the way to 1200 and then to polishing and we'll see if we get any sort of activity or harm on something like that cuffs fingers yeah okay so the time has come to try and see if we got any sort of a come on like pattern and I have some ferric chloride hey first I'm gonna clean it with some that's a tone to get rid of all the oils so let's say let's put it in and see if we have anything and it's pretty dramatic yeah cloves it do I need to close it yeah let's wait five minutes and check if we have anything of value okay so almost five minutes have passed I cannot wait any longer yes I cannot wait five minutes because I have to see if it's a complete failure or if it's a semi failure so it is yellow hey it's definitely different I don't know if it's Armand I know it's just like a different color okay so it's time to do some polishing I have some metal polish let's see if we got anything I feel like the surface it might be a bit too aged or something I don't know let's see what we got well I we didn't get the zigzaggy effect but I expected that it wouldn't probably work for such a small thing and with my expertise I think we have some sort of success I think we got ourself a ham on line it's like dark and darker and brighter a little bit also ok let's let's do the other side so I went over to a friend of mine and I've used his late and to start the handle for the chisel and I'm turning here as some a walnut it's a nice dark rich wood that I like and yeah turned out pretty nice okay we're back in the shop and we got the handle material ready to go I'm so not ready to go yet actually I need to cut the both ends off map it I don't know if I like this house edge probably not a good idea if I miss it with the hammer everything flies away let's see how this looks yeah definitely needs to be loaded over mmm-mmm-mmm yeah we'll see what we do about this maybe perhaps with the chisel here we go nice and pretty now we'll wait till the shellac dries and we'll send it and give it a few more coats so now I'm moving on to making the ferals for the for the chisel and I've decided to go with brass I initially intended to use some copper pipes for that but I just think the brass would be more appealing so I've decided to take they're slightly more difficult out of trying to do them myself from from a birth plate and it looks pretty nice already [Music] okay I think that looks pretty good I'm quite happy with it gives it a nice cover and I don't think it will go anywhere and it would probably get slightly better over time now because I cannot help myself I want to put another breast plate somewhere on the top area to put some initials and to make it nice and they're pretty so yeah before I put in the chisel and go to sharpening I will do just that so yeah let's say get to the engraving so I apologize I just know this that the camera stopped recording because the memory card was was full and so I've got that fixed up so yeah let's just finish this I just have one more line to go which is the t-one and now that I look at it it looks a little bit of site so now about the sea lion again I don't know the rules you know I don't know the rules okay the tea looks pretty weird I think I got a little bit confused on which direction I need to go with the graver and it does like kind of a heel it's not very natural cursive a calligraphy type of shape but it I like it it's still pretty funny and it's a little bit the walk I think [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so there we have it my friends this is the final gouge and I'm quite happy pleased with how it turned out it really does work like a nice couch and as you can see I decided to give it a few more runs that the ferric chloride the acid to give it a little bit darker edge so they come online would be a little bit more permanent and visible which means that I went for more of a matte kind of finish and but I really really liked it and I think it looks pretty pretty good for my first and differentially hardened were successful differentially hardened blade so yeah I think that mom turned out really nicely even though I have the feeling that because I heat it with the torch and the heat distribution was more radiant or something like that and so the clay really acted as a heat sink but also in the exposed area so I think the Harmon was it came out much more and yes but let out and not very sharp and solid but it still looks pretty cool to me and yeah let me know if if I did something wrong or you have better suggestions of how to get it nice and pretty in the future but besides that I think it looks pretty good so and yeah other than that I really enjoyed walking on the lathe at my friend's place and I will definitely go back and do some more lathe would be really fun and the only thing that I can say that is a little bit of a disadvantage in this chisel is that I've used this a two-millimeter or one still which is a little bit on the thin side I like that it's writing on the edge area but it does flex just a little bit not so much but enough to to kind of distribute the false impact of the hot chisel and you kind of lose a little bit of energy on the way but it still does work very very nicely and yeah I suppose that's the advantages of forging a chisel because you can make a nice bolster in the beginning of something like that but I don't that it turned out really really very good and I'm really glad we made it yeah so thank you very much for watching this and I will see you again in the next video I was gonna do some chiseling now
Channel: Uri Tuchman
Views: 219,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, diy, make, craft, woodworking, metalworking, engraving, carving, art, drawing, sculpting, painting, making, gouge, japanese, hamon, brass
Id: l3huoxNpm8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 29 2018
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