Blender Advanced Car Modeling Master Class (Part 1)

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[Music] okay hello everyone what's up welcome back it's me it's been a really really long time so i am back here with the mclaren 720s tutorial which i promised you guys would come up at 500 subscribers we are there and before we continue i would just you know play the intro i think i'll probably do this in every episode i don't know still thinking about it so anyways let's go [Music] let's just get into it just click uh anywhere outside the background to get rid of the splash splash screen so this is blender this is it's from the beginning i'll try as much as possible in the beginning to uh make it a bit uh beginner friendly but i know i'm going to drift away from that really soon so just select everything by using your left click mouse and drag by the way i'm just going to share with you my settings for navigation i set the three button mouse emulator to be on in preference let's just go there go to edits and then preference now i can actually show it because of the new recorder just go to preference and navigation and i see you can see i turned sorry input i turned on emulate number pad because i'm using the short uh keyboard not the long one and emulate three button mouse so that this i just did this so that when i uh double click double left click it to be able to select uh edges in a row well that's that's just it well after let's just continue delete the whole thing okay after you deleted everything we can just uh you know first crash this one by clicking going to this corner here and uh waiting to the plus sign shows and just click and then drag down then we clear that so now we have an empty space then look over here we can see our tools which we will not be clicking anytime soon but just use this move tool that's what i like to keep on and nothing else to set just perfectly so first things first we want to just use shift a to add in our background images that's one of the first things you want to do to when you want to model a car our blueprints blueprints are really important so let's just go shift a and then you can see the menu come up you have everything you want to add to a scene this is where you add them from and so let's just go down to image and then background so i'll just pick mine where i left it i put in pictures and down to reference images so just look for it here mclaren mclaren okay here it is i'm going to put the file this exact file in the description down below so you can download exactly it so this time i uh got a really well a better blueprint for you guys to use not like the last lamborghini that was really really not not clear at all so as you can see where it's facing the wrong direction that's because we it's set to align itself to where facing so let's just control z that ctrl z to just remove it so let's do that again shift a add an image okay before we do that sorry just press 3 to go to the side view at the side view first so shift a and background image and let's go down and click select this so now we have this so you can just do the same thing for front view which is one press once go to the front view and shift a background image and let's go here now for the back view now shift a image background and uh here okay now the lastly the top view that's what we'll be needing so shift a background and select our blueprint so that is it so it won't show up here because it's really not set to show up until you go to autographic view which is five but that is not needed just don't worry about it so first of first things first we want to be able to align the blueprints well so that uh let's say side mirror something placed on the on this part of the blueprint will be uh let's say a vertex is placed here this exact spot okay so we want it so that when you go to the top view uh that vertex will still be located at the side mirror of the top view i'll show you what i mean in a second so let's just add a cube and just leave that there so we want to go to uh wireframe mode you can do that by clicking up here this button up here you have three four modes but what we need now is a wireframe you can click here by go go there by clicking here or you can just use shift z to go there so now go into edit mode by pressing tab and let's just move this up a bit g and then z move this up yeah i think that's all right let's bring it down a bit so let's turn on the move tool also here in edit mode so let's bring this down gz so now i want to align our blueprint for this side view we're inside you right yeah we are in the side view so we want to align the blue pins so just get out of edit mode by pressing tab again into effect mode so now just move the car and just place the tires the the bottom of the tiles on the green line which is the x-axis just bring place it right there it doesn't matter how weight is on the y-axis just make sure it's perfectly placed on the z-axis so now we can just align this cube to fit in the dimensions of the car so i hope my keyboard sound doesn't enter the mic too much well i think the main thing is that you guys can hear me clearly so i'll just try to be audible enough so let's just move this back and just take this front and then move it here on the y-axis too the reason why we are doing this in wireframe mode so we can select both sides of the mesh so we have that so the next thing we want to do is the front view so go out of edit mode select our blueprint and then move this so for the front back and top view there is one thing you have to keep in mind um you have to look for a marker something like a marker that you can use to send tights on the on the x-axis so let's just move this up yes so now we'll use this uh stuff here as our marker this uh little black um logo here that's our marker so we just try to center it so uh g and x move it on the x axis just move it here make sure it's on center there's a fitted part here so you just use your eyeballs to count it and move it accordingly so gx and let's see i think that's pretty centered if there's any mistake we will definitely spot it later so us adjust the cube so we can you can fit into it so just so press a to select everything and scale with s on the x-axis by pressing x so let's move this yeah like so so i can see a problem with the alignment so we can just go back and move this a bit on the x-axis just tiny a little bit you can get equal sides to it okay that's basically it so now for the back view we basically just taking the blueprints and just dropping the back onto it it's usually around this time that you know you have a crappy if you have a crappy blueprint everything just falls apart but this this is perfect this just goes according to plan so this is centered we can use this this is centered or this anyhow it is but yeah perfectly centered so now for the top view press seven to go to the top oh we haven't uh added an image for that so let's just do it shift a image background and select it so so now this we need to rotate this on the z axis so press r to rotate and press 90 degrees okay it's gone the other way around so we want it to be the opposite direction so just uh right click to cancel that so rotate again and then you press minus 90. so it will you know rotate the other way around so let's just try and fix this in our box okay let's see if it's centered we can use this gx okay let's check the edges okay i think we're good so let's move it on the y-axis a bit and this side let's check it oh yeah this is perfect very very perfect so well i think that's it it is set so this now this cube is basically the dimensions of our car and this is where the car is going to sit so now that we have used this guy we don't need it anymore oops sorry we don't need it anymore so let's just x and delete that so next thing we want to do is just go over the um a little fundamentals for starting to model a part of a car so i don't know if this is a real principle but i just noticed that it's very very important if you want to start modeling a car hold on let me get some images here let's just split this part and set this to image editor and then open let me choose one of those files something in this files i think i'll use this one because we're going to uh make the bonnet first on this episode one so let's just split this place again and select a new image and just see something that highlights the bonnet really really well so by the way i put some of my actual renders in this um file just in case you know it might be useful okay let's just take this one looks like the lighting really shows it very well okay this is nice so um there are some things i call the defining lines of uh a car which for this one we have force to make the bonnet we have three defining lines which is this line right here hold on okay we have this line as one of the main defining lines which you can see here on this uh car on this picture so the next one is actually here but is the angle of uh decrease is very high so it won't show as sharp and therefore won't show in the blueprint as a line that you need it will show in the blueprint as a defining line because the blueprint only highlights the defining lines of the car but this won't show but it's very necessary i need it you need it and you also need a an edge to pass through there so the reason why i'm saying this is because there is no this part is lower than this part right here on the car like this this line here where this comes through is lower than this so therefore it doesn't show on the blueprints as that part right i hope you guys get this so for us to begin we're just going to use our vertices to align up so outline these parts and here which is our third defining line that we need from here to here and this line just you know just follow up so we'll go to the top view first of all i want to add a new material so shift sorry add a new object so shift a and then go to mesh then add in a plane i like to start with planes so this is going to edit mode and press x then go down to uh collapse edges and faces so we're left with one uh vertex right here so let's just move it up a bit somewhere around here where you can see it hope you can see it it's right here this uh stuff is letting us see very well so i'll just put it around here let's start with this defining line right here so and we are going to start extruding and just bring it down to here and while you're extruding your vertices you want to always keep in mind the details of the car and complement them with the position of the vertices i don't know if that makes sense so let's just extrude so extrude this one again and just bring it somewhere chapter two here no let's just go simple first and put another one here as you can see i use these two vertices to um complement this detail that's right here so we can actually do something with it later without any complications so let's just continue so we're gonna just gonna add one here and one here let's just stop this right there so this now ha it's supposed to have a curve on the side so it's just straight so you can go to the side view and actually align it okay we're supposed to use a side view but there is no side view to use it's a bit lower so hopefully this the front view can help us arrange that so let's just move this down g z and bring it down deselect this first one g z bring it down just try to place it on the line that is there the final line if your blueprint is well placed this shouldn't be a problem so gz and bring this down now g z brings down and then the last one just bring this down so this if you go to the side view this should be well aligned you know the height isn't even very different the difference isn't much so i don't know we could have used it but you know just leave it as it is it's quite straight and perfect so the next one we're going to use do the outline of the bonnet so let's just take this so this is a curve on one side curve on the z-axis but it also has a down curve right here let's use this one to look at it okay it's curved on top but still has a down curve on this side like here and here so that's what we need to uh fix so anyways let's just get the first one uh so we're just gonna extrude we're just gonna extrude this once hold on one two and then three let's try to arrange this a little bit more we need three vertices there so now let's continue by complementing the ones on the other side so here here here here just follow that as it is and let's put a few here the vertices on this part i'm about to curve will definitely change in the future so don't think about it too much definitely change let's put one here so as we're crossing to the other side that's when you know it's time to add your mirror modifier so let's just click the modifier tab and add modifier then let's go to the mirror modifier so as you can see it's on it has a copy to the other side okay still a mess so it's copied to the other side now we have to turn on the clipping so it won't uh pass through the other side anymore so let's just move this and cross this this one might supposed to be two probably i just hold ctrl shift and then b to bevel the vertex yeah that should be good a lot of people really complain about not knowing the amount of vertices to use sometimes so uh i think it's just something you learn with time so let's just select everything from here to here and go to the front view let's just align it i think i'll start from the front so g z hope this doesn't take too long and then just put it right there right here let's move this up a bit deselect this by the way i'm for me to deselect i'm holding ctrl and then left click and drag that's just it so g z let's move this up g see i don't think i have to say everything every time hopefully the screen costs is showing i'm actually using the one from the recorder which i might change soon so gz bring this up deselect by the way if you want to get a perfect car or perfect model you will be doing a whole lot of vertical vertex arrangements so let's just move this up okay from here i can't really tell who is who so let's just select it separately just move this up and this is the next one let's move this up gz okay i think that's all of them hopefully this is good i don't really know let's move this up a little bit yeah that should be good anyways so now we have our basic shape of the bonnet is taking shape so let's just con complete the remaining outline of the bonus so let's just take this one from here extrude once sorry extrude once bring it here and what i like to do is just extrude and take it all the way to the end just bring it here so on average we might only need three vertices to sit here so let's just ctrl r here and add three vertices ctrl r and then roll your mouse wheel up so you can add more let's just move this these in g move this in like so so we're going to use our front view to align that too so gz and let's just bring this down a bit then g z so arrange that okay so the shape is getting more and more uh defined so we're just going to continue with this so the next one we're going to use create our third defining line which is this one that crosses all the way through to here so we are going to use this vertex here yeah we're going to use this one here and just cross it all uh all the way through here and to the other side so let's just start with it like from here to here this is all we're going to do next i really like using this method of arranging vertices because then once you're done it's all left for adding faces that's all so let's just get into it so from here we can just like extrude and by the and don't forget to complement the vertices on the other side so you won't have problems later on so let's put this in and extrude okay extrude it will it will need a lot of adjustment after we're done so let's just continue and here and here and here so for this one i think i'd like to connect it or do i this whole area is usually hard to get i don't know why but i'll just stick with it okay so the main defining line is this one right here so what we're going to do is just merge it with this vertex right here so these two and then press m and then just go to at last so we will definitely need another vertex here so just move this and align it pretty well check the side view let's move it up a bit check okay it's perfect so let's go back to the top view now this guy we need to align it a little bit more or is it okay is it okay is it okay it looks okay to me so anyways we're going we need to align this guy on the side uh y-axis so let's just put it so here it looks like it's basically on the same level okay hold on it looks like it's on the same level as this this one is on the same level as this one so we're just gonna uh try try to use the other one to align it the way it's supposed to be so let's just go on with that so let's select from here to here and just start bringing it down g z and just try to align it to this guy at first it might not go well so let's just start here just follow my lead gz and just ease it down into this line okay like so gz just bring it down g z let's bring it down like so and just leave it right there so now we have our third defining line so basically from here we can start filling the faces and know where to place uh know which vertices to adjust and which vertices to leave the way they are so let's just start so we start from here which is the easiest part just take all the way through from here and press f so we'll have to do some vertex arrangement here like crossing this one over but let's just continue first just fill this in and fill this in pressing f and this one stop there if you can see some complications so let's start from the back again so click here and press f leave this ones out first don't worry we'll get back to it so let's just f f f sorry f and then just leave it like that okay so next thing we are going to do is to try as much as possible to make this place as neat as possible okay so obviously here we need a vertex to run through it so we can get this curve going yeah this curve that's right here so we need one vertex at least to you know bring that place down so let's just ctrl r add one here and go to the top front view and just press alt s and just bring that down a bit or you can just use g to move it because it doesn't really matter you can move it down a little bit not too much yeah and just join it with this one j and we are good to go this one i think it needs to come down a little bit or this one needs to come up hold on okay this one here needs to come up a little yeah that is okay so and next we want to use our knife tool by pressing k and taking from this vertex here and cross over to the other side and press press enter to fill that in so and also we need another edge loop here so let's move this one up a bit might have a little cluster up there so let's ctrl r here and add one here and press j and we have that covered so we're starting with low poly so we can just add the uh subdivision software modifier later in the video that won't be a problem so now we have here fixed we can now move down to this part let's move this down a bit you can move down here and start to arrange things so these two look like they belong together so just move this over here a little bit and move this one over okay take this press f and okay we see you can see we need one more here let's just fill this in first without worrying about that last vertex we might remove it soon so let's just do that so next we want to take here let's see examine examine i really don't remember how i practiced it so i'm just going with the flow okay probably this one joins here hmm that seems right let's move this let's try filling this in is that okay okay this will definitely change in the future in this video but we really need to merge these guys so we're going to take from here and then just extrude this as you can see there's a little a bit of a bulge on this guy here because of the way light hits it you can really see the bulge there and here too you can see it's bright bright and dark dark dark and bright so you just know that there's a curve there so anyways let's just extrude this part and bring it out onto the side let's just start from the top view let's extrude and pass these three first because we can just add it in between later on so it's good to start simple so we can just take this one and extrude here yeah here then extrude again to bring it in extrude again here and let's move these center ones out upwards a bit just arrange it g let's move it out so you can basically press f here if you want and just fill these faces in here too so now the next thing you want to do is get that uh bulge that we talked about so go press three go to the side view and we are going to use this um outer line this one here to determine how this one is going to look like because there's nothing going above it so everything should be within that shape so everything should be within the shape so let's just go with it so this one should be somewhere around here g and just move it down you know we're going to start from this one here and just ease it down and bring it to the same level as these guys are so just watch me i might not be able to explain it as well i should it should be explained so let's just move it like it should be just bring it here so these last ones okay this one is here okay so this one let's just bring it here you know we're going to hide these first so we can really see what we're doing hide these ones okay so this one is here you can just take this so you can really get that nice bulge with going on with it oops okay and i think this is pretty good it's pretty good so alt h and let's just fill in these these guys f deselect these ones and f f f and f so we're just going to adjust some vertices now g and then add two sorry two vertices here you can just merge this by pressing j let's move these ones hope this hope i'm not really moving too fast for anyone there that's watching so we have this now can you just press smooth by right clicking and shade smooth so i think we're ready to add the sub div modifier so we can know who needs adjustments and who needs correction so and adding some supporting edge loops so we can continue with our work so subdivision surface modifier here we go and just move it to two and let's see how this place looks like okay let's see if we can add one more uh edge loop on this side okay very cool so deselect this one move this one back and let's just add one more edge loop try to arrange it as much as you can as well as you can okay first of all let's add an edge loop here uh deselect this this one and okay deselect these four and press x and dissolve edges sorry dissolve edges down here so let's join it to this one by pressing j let's see let's see before we continue let's just select everything we just added go to the side view and add a curve to it so just move it up a bit so it can just correspond and not look weird there okay so let's continue with the arrangements we can add one here and just leave it there yep by pressing j and that is perfect so we can make this one suit into place by moving it a little bit on the x axis and raising it up a bit i think it's okay i think i think it's all right so let's move this one down a bit cheesy move it down okay okay i think we're good so for these ones here we can take from here to let's say from here to here and move it up a bit so g z just bring these guys up not too much so we can have a really nice uh bulge there hold on let me turn on this mat cap and choose the router brutal red one so we can see what's going on here okay i think we're good i think we are good okay those vertices those edge loops we have here is really causing some problems on the side okay so hopefully there's a way we can correct them and remove some okay i don't see how we can remove some we can just adjust this one but if we need to adjust this one we have to compromise this one that we did here for the detail [Music] i really want you guys to see my problem sides of making this so you can know how i overcome some of them because it's not always smooth sailing when you're making something so the only thing is that it might make the video longer than it should be this is already 37 minutes oh wow 37 minutes and we are almost done we just need to get some creases going here so from here we just take your knife to okay and just click here and cut through here we need one more guy here let's go through here and select here everything here just press f so you can have a face there so you can just smooth in the crease we have on this side so now just align the vertices better and i think we don't have a problem there i don't think we do just arrange it perfectly as it should be so now time for the cheats that we have going on in this bonus i always do this every time so let's just press ctrl r and then press e to align it to the left so it to the right first and then just bring it close not too close let's do that again so press g twice and you press e and then f just move this close not too close just somewhere around here we'll be fine so on this part we don't want it to cross over and bend like this because it will give the curve a path to turn around so we don't want that so let's go back into edit mode and use your knife tool to select from this vertex here and cross over to the other side and press press enter so these two from here to here we can just press g twice slide them to the end so now they're in the same spot with the other vertices so all you want to do is press a and then press m then merge by distance then now remove those vertices that were double there so now we fix the curve that was there before so now onto this side the sharp nest the sharpness actually reaches the end which i don't really want although that is basically how it is here you know we can actually just choose to leave this but here but i don't like the how close these vertices are here so the cheat i was talking about you just take here and then press x dissolve edges we leave it like that like we're done basically although there's a curve there to the crease but i don't really mind that and it's cool so so let me check this one if it's supposed to be bent like that i think so i think we're cool with that so well this is basically it we have our bonnet we have our curve here we have our crease on this side we have our bulge on this side we have space for the uh vent that's on top of the car so how we're going to do that although we're not doing it now we're just going to take here we don't really need that stuff insert it and adjust it a little bit and just kind of delete it anyways x delete faces so that's how we're going to do it we're going to do some other arrangements after that so but just leave the bonnet clean like this so we can have a neat car until we get to the serious parts so well uh i hope you learned something in this first episode it wasn't really hard just this bonus we're going to do all the sharp edges later later in the tutorial but this is everything for today's video so well thank you for watching don't forget to hit that like button and subscribe to my channel so we can get up to 1000 subscribers and please watch the video to the end so i can at least get paid for this one day anyways thanks for watching and i'll catch you guys in the next one peace
Channel: Gryd CG
Views: 111,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zhzRdTciAIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 49sec (2449 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 15 2022
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