Blender 3D: Cloth-Pull Reveal Object!

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foreign hey guys welcome back to another tutorial today we're going to be covering a cloth pool product reveal now in this case we just have Suzanne the monkey as the product reveal but let me go ahead and show you guys what we're actually going to be doing today let me go ahead and switch over to solid View and play this back for you guys so as you can see we have a cloth sitting over an object and then what we're going to do is we're gonna go ahead and pull that cloth over the object to reveal it and it looks really nice it's actually pretty simple to set this up we'll go over all the details the lighting the materials everything like that um and we'll end up being able to put pretty much any object we want underneath of the cloth so let's go ahead and hop into it alrighty we're in a completely brand new blender document let's go ahead and get everything set up as you guys can see I just have a camera and a light I'm going to go ahead and just delete the light source I'm going to add in a plane I'm just going to scale it up like that and then I'm going to add in an object to be the thing that we're going to uncover with the cloth in this case we're going to use the monkey just for Simplicity purposes I'm going to go ahead and add a subdivision modifier to that monkey and I'm going to give it two levels and I'm gonna go ahead and shade that smooth I'm going to go to my side view and I think I'm just going to rotate this bring it up right above the floor plane here and that looks pretty much Perfect all right so what I'm going to do is show you guys how to set up the cloth and then we're going to get into like how to pull the cloth how to make it interact Etc so the very first thing you're going to want to do is add in a plane this is going to be our cloth if you guys want to you can rename this to cloth up here and then I'm going to rename everything else floor cloth camera and then Suzanne we can just call this um hidden object and I'm just doing this for organization purposes another thing I'm going to do is head up over here to this little drop down click on random so that we can easily see everything on our scene all right let's go ahead and hop into how to make this a cloth the very first thing you're going to need to do is decide how big do we want this cloth to be so I'm going to go ahead to my top down view I'm going to press on Z I'm going to first scale it up just a bit I'm going to head over to x-ray mode so I can see through this and I'm going to press s z to scale it on the uh sorry Sy to scale it on the y axis scale it up just a little bit more I feel like that is pretty much the perfect cloth size and I think I might bring it back a little bit on the y-axis so now that we have our cloth set up let's go ahead and tab into edit mode on this plane right click subdivide and then with our little drop down I'm just going to choose for now we'll do and subdivisions 12. we'll do 12. all right perfect cool so we're going to do 12 subdivisions on that save save your project as you go and then we're going to go ahead and add a cloth to the plane right here all right so add your cloth physics property right there now I actually saved the physics properties from my last testing so I'm going to go ahead and pull those up I actually have screenshots of the exact settings that I used here we go so here is the first one and here is the second one so we have to go over two things first the actual cloth settings themselves so I'm just going to go ahead and do this all right cloth settings we're going to want to go ahead and give ourselves quality steps of five speed multiplier you can keep that at one vertex Mass so like how much each little vertex weighs when blender calculates it we're going to go ahead and give that point eight uh you can keep the air viscosity at one and then for tension and compression we'll keep those at 15 shear and bending we'll do five and point five everything else can remain the same we're looking good there now let's go ahead and and check our shape settings now we'll go ahead and get into this in a second but under collisions which is on the right hand side here you're going to want to set self collisions to checked so you want to check that on you can keep those default settings and then everything else looks good to me we'll go ahead and get into this pin group in a second which is what we're going to use to actually pull the cloth so the next thing we're going to do is we're going to start testing this out so let's actually test our simulation but right now if we press play you'll see that our cloth just drops down that's because it has nothing to interact with so let's go ahead and give it something to interact with first of all let's go ahead and click on this floor plane let's apply a collision modifier and then we're going to go ahead and click on the monkey and we're going to also give this a collision modifier now if we Press Play I'm gonna go ahead and save this by the way if we press play we have some interactions as you can see our cloth is now interacting with both Suzanne the monkey and the floor plane which is fantastic but you can see it looks a little bit janky now there's a couple of reasons why it looks like this one it does not have a ton of subdivision so if we go ahead and tap into edit mode it has lot but it doesn't have enough where it's going to look like a realistic cloth so there's a few ways that we can combat this one we can just add subdivisions in edit mode or we can do what most people do which is add a subdivision surface modifier so you always want to make sure that's after the cloth modifier right here and I'm just going to give this a level of two right click shade Auto smooth and you can see it already looks fantastic now you'll notice if you zoom in there's a few edges that don't look great in order to fix those tap into edit mode subdivide it one more time now we're going to go back remember every time you make a change you have to rebake your simulation now look how smooth that looks now that's great we know that we're going to get a good cloth simulation now so let's go ahead and set up some pin groups so we can actually pull the cloth and animate that pulling action revealing the subject underneath all right so go ahead and tab into edit mode go to your corners of the cloth now pick the corners that you want to pull from in this case I want to pull from this side which which is The Far Side on the y-axis I'm going to go ahead and highlight this Edge vertex again you have to go to vertex select mode up here in the top left highlight that vertex Ctrl H and you're going to get this little option for hook click on hook to new object all right you're going to see this little empty pop up you're going to do the exact same to the other side control h hook to new object and now we have two objects on both sides that are hooked to those edges now there's another thing we need to do there's this little green icon right here click on that and then you see where it says vertex groups right here make sure that is pulled open like that you're going to want to actually highlight both vertices using shift so now I have them both selected and go ahead and click on this little plus sign here and then you can just name this my custom group okay you can name this whatever you want click on assign and now those two vertices are now assigned to this vertex group you can go ahead and Tab out of edit mode now and then we're going to go over to our cloth settings again and then if you scroll down if you remember before I mentioned this pin group go ahead and click on that and now you'll see our custom group that we just created go ahead and select that now we play this back we should have a pinning type of effect here now notice what's happening these two edges are now pinned so wherever we move this empty the cloth will follow so it's almost like you're grabbing each edge of the cloth and basically it's going to follow from there so now here's where it gets really interesting this is what I decided to do in my previous project I'm actually going to control both of these empties with another empty so let's go ahead and add in an empty I'm going to add in a single Arrow okay and now you're not going to see it at first because it's right in the middle but if you press G and then Z you can see that it pops up right here I'm going to go ahead and rotate it on the x-axis 90 degrees negative 90. I'm going to scale it up so we can really really see it now as you can see we have this Arrow right here I'm going to go ahead and move it back on the y-axis and then I'm I'm going to go ahead and parent both of our empties to the arrow go ahead and click on your first empty click on your second one and then shift-click the arrow control P to parent you're going to get your op your options here just click on object and now if we move our Arrow you can see that our empties move with it so the way I want to do this is I want to let the cloth drop down first and then I want to pull the cloth but before we get into all that this video is sponsored by skillshare for those of you who are passionate about 3D art and animation this opportunity is for you with skillshare you can easily discover courses that will challenge your creativity and enhance your skills I've personally enjoyed several classes on skillshare to help me with my 3D art and animation modeling and sculpting have never really 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drops over our subject and it looks really good but we want the cloth to be pulled right and we have our pin Group which is fantastic so one of the things I'm going to do first of all is I'm going to go to my side view and I think I'm going to highlight everything right the cloth the empties and our parent empty right here I'm just going to move it on the y-axis so that the cloth is a little bit more centered over our subject I think that looks great just go ahead and play this back make sure everything's looking good awesome now our cloth is much more centered over our subject and now we can actually go ahead and animate everything so when do I want to start animating well let's go ahead and just animate this parented empty right here so I think around frame 30 I'm going to go ahead and insert a keyframe pressing the I key on my keyboard insert a location keyframe then I'm going to head over to frame 40 and I'm just going to go ahead and drop this down until those empties are almost touching the floor insert another keyframe and then I'm going to move forward to how about let's say frame 130 and I'm going to move this Arrow very far back on the y-axis right about there should be good and we're going to go ahead and insert another keyframe now I'm going to go ahead and scale up my plane so it has enough room I'm also going to apply this scale and now if we play this back we should have some movement with our cloth let's go ahead and take a look and we will be baking this out so as you can see so as you can see it looks a little glitchy and I actually ran into this issue and I wanted to address it because you guys will probably run into the same issue the issue is the order of the modifiers and it took me a second to realize why this wasn't working you need the hooks to be above if you look on the right hand side here I'm reorganizing these above the cloth so now if we save this and we go back and we play it back one more time and I'm going to hide the subdivision surface so that it runs faster now if we play this this simulation now you can see when our empties drop down they actually grab the sides of the plane and then when it pulls back you can see that we have an awesome cloth reveal and if we turn our subdivision modifier back on we play this part back here go ahead and zoom in for you guys you might get some weird glitching so just keep that in mind as you play back your animation you know you're gonna need to play it back from frame zero this is why you usually bake your cloth physics but as you can see this looks fantastic look at that you have a nice reveal right here now another thing that I did in the previous uh project that I worked on is actually clicked on the subject I went over to the Collision option here and for the thickness outer I changed it to .03 and the reason I did that is because sometimes you'll get clipping between the cloth and the object so it just helps to have that little bit of extra area just for any mistakes that might happen all right another thing we're going to do is we're going to click on our cloth go to our modifiers I'm going to collapse everything else and I'm going to add a solidify modifier to this and what that's going to do is just give our cloth just a little bit of thickness I think I'm going to go with a value of .005 I feel like that's pretty good and now let's go ahead and bake this so in order to bake this simulation with our plane selected this is our cloth go to your cloth settings and you're going to see something called cash right here go ahead and pop that open now we need to decide how long we want to bake this for in our case we're at frame 250 I think that's perfect go ahead and click on bake and when that's done we'll go ahead and view our simulation as you can see it is running through it right there on the bottom alrighty our bake is fully complete let's go ahead and check out our simulation I'm going to go ahead and press play that looks fantastic as you can see the cloth is fully covering our subject and if we keep pressing play here and we pull the cloth back look at that amazing cloth reveal and it looks so good now the craziest part about this is you can go even more realistic if you want to the more subdivisions that your plane has of course this also depends on your computer the more realistic it's going to look but this looks fantastic guys I'm super excited to go ahead and get into the materials and stuff like that all right let's go ahead and hop into lighting materials and camera setup so we will be rendering this out in Cycles so I'm going to go ahead and check to see if I'm in Cycles I am I have my GPU enabled let's go ahead and go over to rendered view now in rendered view you're not going to see anything because we don't have any lighting or anything on our scene so the very first thing I'm going to do is head over to my world settings and I'm going to enable an environment texture here I'm going to go through my hdri folder now in this case I found that this hdri right here which is the power plant Mill this is available on polyhaven I just thought this lighting looked really nice let's go ahead and snap to the camera now since this is for YouTube I'm going to go ahead and give this dimensions of 1920. by 1080 your Classic HD size that looks really good and I'm also going to position my camera really far away from the scene so we can get a really nice depth of field effect so I'm going to go ahead and give this a value of 15 negative 15. now it's really far away from our subject I'm going to go ahead and raise it up and I'm just going to try to Center our subject the best that I can this looks fantastic I'm very happy with this so far go ahead and click on the cloth and let's give the cloth a new material now first of all before we do that press a select everything right click shade Auto smooth just in case something wasn't shaded smooth here go ahead and click on your cloth let's add a new material I'm just going to give this a nice metallic material with maybe like 0.3 roughness just make it look like a soft kind of metallic cloth kind of like satin I'm gonna go ahead and check my modifiers let's go ahead and check the subdivision it's looking good again if you get these ripples right here you just need to subdivide and rebake in my case I might be able to get away with the modifier wire in my case I can if I if I bump this up to levels of three it looks pretty good so I think that's passable for now if you guys want to enhance that you can go ahead and just subdivide your plane even more now moving forward here on the timeline all right so now we can start to see our monkey so if we go to frame 94 I'm going to click on the monkey I'm just going to give that a nice metallic Shader as well with a low roughness and I'm going to go ahead and make this look like gold so I'm just going to give this kind of like a gold color here something as close as I can get to it as possible I think that looks fantastic now the floor there's a lot we can do with but before we get into that I'm going to go ahead and zoom my camera in with an 85 millimeter lens and I'm also going to give myself a steeper angle on this shot here 71 degrees see how let's see how uh hello we can go here I think that looks really nice there I might even do a 100 millimeter lens fantastic maybe an 80 degree shot again depending on how big your floor plane is you might be able to get away with an even steeper shot that looks really good wow this looks really good okay cool and then go ahead and click on your camera and let's go ahead and enable depth of field I am going to go to material preview because this is why I like to enhance the depth of field and then I'm going to give myself a depth of field of 0.5 and then I'm going to go ahead and adjust the focal distance until the monkey is fully in Focus here I'm going to zoom in so I can really see if the if the monkey is in Focus again you guys can choose any subject you want about 21 meters seems to do it now if we go ahead and go back to rendered View you'll see we have a really strong depth of field here now one of the things I did for the previous animation is I actually made my own tiled floor now you don't have to do this but I'm going to show you how to do it because I think it looks really nice and professional I'm going to go ahead and add in a cube here I'm just going to raise it up just for modeling purposes I'm just going to scale it down on the z-axis a little bit like that just a little bit more I think that looks perfect go ahead and apply the scale there add in a bevel modifier that looks good and I'm just going to decrease the amount a little bit I think that looks fantastic and then go ahead and add an array modifier duplicate the array modifier choose the y-axis so you're just going to want to choose one for the first on the x-axis and we're just going to create an arrayed tile floor this way in our case I think I'm going to choose 100 for each count and as you can see we have this really nice tiled floor go to your top down View Center that on your scene there and then I'm going to go ahead and just lower this go to my side view I'm going to lower this below everything and I'm going to lower it in a way where it's actually covering the other floor but it still looks like it's under our subjects I think that looks fantastic go ahead and snap back to your camera view and let's go to rendered view here and let's just see what this looks like it looks fantastic now we can give this a really nice material in my case I think black looks really good so let's go ahead and make this black and then let's just go ahead and lower that roughness a little bit looks really really nice and you guys can again make this whatever you want this is just what I personally think looks good now on your camera also go ahead and bump up this value right here which is your pass part out that's basically the surrounding area around your camera just so we can really get an idea of what this is going to look like again I think I'm going to even make this floor a little bit darker I just think that looks really really good all right cool now the next thing we're going to do is as you can see it doesn't really look like Suzanne is quite touching the floor so I'm actually going to raise the floor up just a little bit you're gonna have to fine tune this to make it work let's go ahead and add some lighting in here now hdri is already providing lighting for our scene but I also want to go one step further and add in some area lights here so I'm going to go ahead and add in a light source I'm going to add in an area light bring it above Suzanne here I'm going to give it a value of 500 for now and then I'm going to give this a shape of rectangle and then I'm going to go to solid View zoom in on our light here and I'm going to stretch it on the y-axis make it really really long in fact I'm going to make it longer than the whole plane itself now I'm going to raise it up go to rendered View I'm just going to see what this looks like let's try a value of a thousand cool s x 2 scaled on the x-axis bring it up and then bring it back on the X now look at what this is doing to our monkey we're getting these really sharp lines here and I really think that looks nice you can see that depending on where we put it it's going to look one way or the other I'm also going to go back to solid View and I'm actually going to duplicate this light source on the X a couple of times so we kind of have this array of light sources here perfect now as you can see we have four Total light sources right here I'm gonna highlight them all go back to my camera view go to rendered view I'm just going to see what they're making our scene look like you can see the difference if we lower them or raise them up and if we push them farther or or down the other way of the x-axis sorry guys all right so I think that looks pretty good again you guys don't have to do this I just think it adds a little bit of an extra touch and then any frame you go back to it's going to have some really strong lighting another thing you can do to kind of enhance this is go over to your color management and then you can just kind of bump this up to maybe high contrast that looks pretty good again this is pretty much your cloth reveal effect I think this looks fantastic there's a couple more things I want to go over let's go ahead and go to a frame where there's a lot of motion I think around frame 91. so one thing to keep in mind your keyframes you guys can adjust those to whatever you want depending on um the speed at which the cloth moves uh it's going to give you a completely different effect there's a lot of different things that are going to affect the way this actually comes out but regardless I'm going to go ahead and enable motion blur over here because I want this to look semi-realistic when we actually render this out now in terms of light paths go to your light path settings I'm just going to set all these to three should be fine that looks pretty good to me you can also enable fast GI approximation if you want now one thing to keep in mind and I've whenever there's plenty of times before look right here under the monkey when I enable fast GI approximation look at all the detail you lose when you enable that setting it's a great setting for saving render time but you're sacrificing quality and I don't you guys can't tell me that you're not because look at the difference look right here when I un unenable that look at the difference it's a very clear difference so in this case I'm going to keep it checked off because I think it actually ruins the render all right cool this is looking fantastic uh for our sample count let's go ahead and do 50 and denoising we'll just do Optics that should be fine and let's go ahead and render out a frame and see how it looks go ahead to render image all right let's go ahead and see how this comes out very curious and it's actually pretty quick wow okay that was about six seconds for that render now in this case we're going to need more samples because if you look even with denoising enabled are more metallic areas are actually getting a lot of noise so I think I'm going to raise my sample count up to 150. that should do it let's go ahead and check that out again a lot of this and a lot of blender in honesty is is experimenting like you have to experiment with the different settings there is no one size fits all for rendering in our case um this might do it that's pretty close 300 is probably a safe bet we can try for that another thing I actually wanted to experiment with real quick before we end this it's darker to see how our lighting changes yeah so this is exactly why I expressed the my opinion that lighting is so important and a lot of people will argue against that but guys lighting is so incredibly important it just completely changes your render for for good or For Worse I mean in this case this actually isn't terrible right here I actually don't mind this but for example if we change this to an outdoor scene let's just see how it affects the lighting completely different this actually looks pretty cool but again if this is not what you're going for you have to try new things so don't be afraid to just try out different lighting scenarios that doesn't look terrible either again it really depends on what you guys are looking for in my case I'm kind of looking for a darker environment this one wasn't too bad and of course if we go back to the original this was the original it also doesn't look terrible you can also very well just not use an hdri and instead use a hue and saturation value if you do that this is what that would look like but again now you're losing all that detail on the gold so this is why I stress so much about using environment textures or proper lighting because it really is going to drastically affect your render more than you even realize so let's go ahead and try this one that doesn't look terrible we could probably go with that and I'll probably render this out I'll probably change this up a little bit before I do the completed render and the thumbnail but guys that's pretty much it we go back to solid View and we play this back you can see our cloth drops down I'm also going to turn my subdivision off so you guys can see this cloth drops down and then it's pulled over so now when you're playing this back one last thing I wanted to mention when you're playing this back it's going to play back quite slowly if you have your subdivision enabled for the viewport but if you don't you can see right here if you look in the top left I'm getting about 24 frames a second now depending on when you compile your frames what frame rate you choose this is about how it will actually play back so this is actually like playing back almost in real time especially since we baked our simulation this looks really good so that's that's how it's actually going to look now you can you can look at this in rendered view but it's going to look pretty crappy because you don't have your subdivision enabled this looks really good especially like right here where everything is fully covered and then the cloth reveals it I think it just looks fantastic and you guys can fine tune this to however you like I really hope you guys enjoyed this tutorial I hope you found it useful and I hope you're able to use any object you want again you just have to have the Collision modifier enabled sorry Collision physics has to be enabled on the object that the cloth is falling over and I highly suggest that you copy my exact settings from my cloth because if you don't you might not achieve the same result there's literally so many little settings in there that you can adjust to get the proper result um in my case I just thought this looked fantastic so this is what I'm going with and you can tell as I go frame by frame how detailed it is once you add that subdivision modifier all right guys that wraps up the tutorial thank you so much for watching I hope you found this useful if you have any comments questions or concerns you can drop them down below consider subscribing if you want to see more content like this and thank you skillshare for sponsoring this video I will see you guys in the next tutorial
Channel: KennyPhases
Views: 20,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NBHxP8ojk9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 27sec (1587 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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