The Man That Can Make Anyone Go Viral

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so how much money do you make so this is our first year in business we started in February of 2023 and we're projected to make a little bit over a million it's first year in your first year correct okay insane so what do you do so we work with large creators personal Brands podcasts and we guarantee up to 150 million views in the first 90 days working with us and we do so in fully specialized in short form content okay who have you worked with because that's I think it's pretty cool who you've worked with yeah sure so we've worked with uh Manny kpin was a big part of my experience leading into media scaling uh Jason Capital Iman godi Ryan pan grego Gallagher kinobody Brandon Carter Matt Gray um and there's some other fun ones in the mix that I'm not going to name yet until we launch with them but we do have a waiting list through the end of the year with some really cool clients that are in the pipeline that is lit like the A-list of all of this like Niche and I see these people everywhere and now it's because I know you're the man behind it so well I I don't want to take too much credit like they already have a incredible Foundation before we even start working with them and uh we just you know throw fuel on the fire and like help them grow faster but like Mass short form content Distribution on like a variety of accounts all pointing back to this person's main like YouTube channel or whatever their main social media platform is uh so how that works is generally they've been creating long form content for a long period of time our client criteria on the done for you side to where we just take over everything and it's our agency model is they need to have at least 300,000 or more subscribers on YouTube and then 2 million plus in annual revenue with whatever companies are tied to their personal brand that shows us that they have proven acquisition systems and proven products or services so they're going to make a killing uh as far as a return goes from our service and if that's the case then uh we will dedicate an entire team of editors account managers copywriters team leader Etc and uh repurpose their long form content into a very high volume of short form Clips uh with very proven editing Styles and we post that out starting generally between two to 5,000 times per month per client on their behalf it's like custom content to them um and when you're doing that level of volume with great quality content and people who have already proven to go viral and have some level of brand recognition and just face recognition uh a lot of posts go viral and then we take all that exposure and all that new attention and drive it back to their primary socials to where they continue to do their thing and convert them into fans and customers and uh you know make more money as part of this process but also more impact and uh just overall get in front of more people with whatever their content style and messages posting 5,000 pieces of short form content a month is just impossible for me to get my head around so I need to like dive into how you actually facilitate this system so I know you guys basically I've talked about it on the podcast a few times this system of creating like it's horizontal scaling is how I think of it creating a lot of different accounts and then posting a variety of different content across different accounts but you guys are so like have the option to go very Hands-On very active like you'll even like help them list out hooks you'll give them content ideas you'll go through their old content and make new content out of that you're kind of doing everything a very highend luxury feel so break down like say let's just use me for an example because I do kind of fit this criteria in a way so if I were to sign up with you guys like what is the process and what would I get out of that uh so the process we will audit someone as step one whenever we start a conversation with the potential client and uh based on the audit we will come up with a custom guarantee up to 150 million views in the first 90 days and guarantee me 150 million views up to guarant W to say I move forward how do we get 150 million views like what would that be yeah so uh moving forward we work it's kind of a mix between clients we work with some want to be completely hands off and they're already creating long form content and a systematic way whether it's like a weekly podcast or they just do their own type of long form content uh we call it talking head style is when you're just talking straight into the camera and teaching or talking about whatever it is you talk about um and so if that's the case you want to be hands off then and you want us to really do this on autopilot we can just repurpose the content you're already creating um and then just Mass distribute it but we also work with another mix of clients who want to be more involved with the process and we're currently posting more than 12,000 times a month across client accounts we've posted uh more than 120,000 times easily across social media in general we've done 2.1 billion organic views so and we track literally so um we are able to pick up through that process on like what works well what does not and we've uh found different content Styles and editing Styles and hook Frameworks Etc that work across different Industries different niches different content types and so we can be very involved we have a lot of resources uh viral hook Frameworks um that we use and can really consult with our clients as well provide them with the hook Frameworks to use the content topics to talk about videos to react to reaction videos work really well um and so if they want to be more involved then we can also help you know be part of that process of the content ideation and creation okay so I want to unpack all of this very in detail so first off how many like so say I sign up how many accounts are you creating we usually create between 20 and 40 depending on what level of volume we start with so 20 accounts on one platform across platforms so we're on the top five short form platforms Facebook Instagram Tik Tok YouTube and Snapchat and then uh to use you as an example the accounts would be like let's say Brett malanowski Clips Brett melanowski rules uh best of Brett melanowski so on and so forth um and then that allows us to do the volume that we do uh and as far as post them volume goes it depends on different platforms and there's also not a lot of consistency in the sense that sometimes on a YouTube account we create we'll post six shorts a day and it performs optimally it grows really fast and then there's another account we're posting six times a day and it's not performing well so we'll drop that account to three posts per day and it starts to perform better um so we're always just like testing around and we start with somewhere between 20 to 40 accounts but from there we look at the data and then we could end up creating more accounts to spread the content out further depending on what posting volumes we're finding work the best um as we you know continue to roll and just iterate and improve okay so then for each account are you just posting different types of content on each account is it all just a mixed bag like are you blending them all together because you said reaction videos do well so is there one account that's like Brett malinowski reacts or is it just sprinkling in the same content across all these accounts but they're slightly edited differently yeah great question so we uh a a big need that we f as well is we find especially long form creators they generate a fraction of the reach they could be from their content because they're just not posting enough of it and enough variety from their long form right so we want to make sure that we tap into uh a lot of variety and test like a lot of the different clips that we think could perform well with their long form content and so we have systems in place internally to make sure that uh the team isn't just like reusing and reposting the same stuff over and over and over uh like the large majority of it is fresh and new content uh based on our systems to make sure it's not repetitive because if it does become too repetitive it actually can produce uh worse results over time versus keeping that fresh variation in there basically how do like are the accounts mixed or is it like like is it only reacting yeah so uh we usually just like mix in we we call it batches to where a username let's say Brett malanowski Clips uh we'll have that username across Facebook Tik Tok Instagram Snapchat and YouTube and then we'll have another batch of accounts of Brett melanowski reals and then another batch and another batch every batch has its own unique content and its own unique editing style so it's not like the same content being posted across five different accounts on the same platform like Instagram uh and it also looks like different people are managing all the different accounts so it's like branded in a way yeah correct huh okay and then we have experiments as well uh we always want to be testing like different types of content and new Styles and um sometimes things will hit and then that becomes a new like Incorporated part of our strategy so we do experiment a good bit uh but there's overall usually a theme to it and then if we're uh seeing that results could be better well we may switch it up here and there uh but for the most part it is like a branded theme per account and you guys call this social SEO right yes social SEO so the reason that we call it that is because when you're doing this level of volume uh for one Creator you that Creator is now omnipresent because we're across the top five platforms and then you have uh content for that Creator ranking across the top five platforms so now their name is everywhere the algorithms can tell like who is in the content itself and through just facial recognition also and if someone engages with one of the pieces of content no matter what account it is they can see oh they like Brett malanowski content so they're also going to start being served content from your main primary profile as well through and that's why we call it that social SEO aspect because it's helping to rank on social media like websites do through SEO on Google so it's not even like about tags or the description it's like they literally have like facial recognition if my face is in a video that's going to serve any content with my face to people who have responded to videos with my face in it yeah the algorithm's gotten pretty Advanced to where it's no longer just like you know looking at the description and the account handle and the hashtags used like it has facial recognition technology to where it can track that and serve like more content uh based on like who's in the content itself if someone engages with it and shows like positive behavior with that piece of content so the idea is you could have like 30 accounts you can post your content your face just being in it they know it's about you and as long as more people are being exposed and engaging with your face doesn't matter how many followers you have the algorithm will still show that content to that person if people are liking what you're saying yeah and don't get me wrong we still have everything branded around it like we uh we'll tag our clients in not all the content because we've gotten like flagged for spammy Behavior if we're posting let's say six times a day and tagging that same person six times a day in every post uh but we do tag the client and a lot of the content uh the the accounts are branded around the client we still do like pin comments and a variety of different things to funnel this exposure and Views like to their primary main socials uh but the algorithms can tell who is in the content itself through the new Advanced Technologies they have rolling out with it okay so you've said that react Style videos work really well yes explain what that means so reaction videos are you familiar with like Ben chapiro yes and Brett Cooper like Dy wire so they do this a lot and uh across the board across all of our clients um when we post reaction content it's just the most consistent viral content um it's pretty crazy and so what it is is just reacting to a different piece of content that you found on social media and you can really still tailor this to Brand yourself and add a lot of value whether it's entertainment value or educational value uh but you just react to a piece of a video and then you let that video play for let's say the first 15 30 45 seconds and then you just give your take on it whatever it is that you want to say based on watching that video you give your take and why this works so well is because you can also take it to next level and find content that's already gone viral that you react to and if a piece of content's already gone viral once the likelihood of it happening again is much higher versus just like finding this random video that's gotten two views you know so you can go out and you can react to content that's done a million plus views and that's now the hook in your video and it's going to put you in better chances of going viral again because that video is already proven to go viral so you're leveraging the proven virality of that by playing that video first you know it gets people's attention so people are going to sit and watch that video for the first time and then you just add your opinion on it basically at the end and you kind of just use that b in virality and now it applies to your content in a way yeah 100% you can do it in a mix uh like if you look at Brett Cooper she's really like shout out to Brett Cooper is uh her growth has been incredible on YouTube specifically I believe she started her Channel less than two years ago and she's already above 3.5 million subs and is growing between like 150 to 400,000 Subs a month all she does is reaction content but if you look at her content it's a mix of sometimes the start of the video the hook will be the video itself that she's reacting to a of the other time she'll start by explaining what's about to happen in the video uh and she's like more so based on news and current events so she'll talk about how this current event is happening and a lot of people are saying this and a lot of people are saying that and it's kind of divisive topics and then she'll play the video so there's a few ways that you can approach it but overall it does help and work well if the hook of your video is the viral piece of content that you're going to react to guys you can make a lot of money doing this right now Tik Tok just announced their new creativity beta program where they're paying people a dollar for every thousand views they get and if you don't know about Tik Tok Tik Tok it's really easy to get 100,000 even a million views on a video Even if you have no subscribers and so I had my partner kosher plug try this out and literally within the first month he had a few videos get over a million views and has made over $7,000 just by making simple Tik toks he takes a popular news story he puts a nice AI voice over it and boom he's making thousands of dollars so we created a free course on exactly how to do this he's running this in a free Discord community so if you want to learn how to get in on this action and learn from someone who's just mastered it this month go ahead and join our free Discord Community I'll leave that in the link below that just makes so much sense and I've seen her content like that goes viral all the time but it makes sense so are there any other formats that you've seen that have like done well other than like obviously there's just talking head where it's like share your expertise but any outside of that yeah I mean it depends on on what you do right like we work with podcasts to where you can just clip up the podcast and if it's a good clip with a good hook it's going to perform uh if you do Vlog style content you can still repurpose and make sure it's out of the Vlog just with the different like highlight sections of whatever the Vlog video was that's still going to perform well if you have like a keynote talk and you're speaking on stage you can take clips of that that's going to perform well reaction content performs well another one that we do a lot of is voice over so whether it's your voice or you can use like the AI voices that you hear and see everywhere on social media um or even like someone else's voice of a piece of viral video and then you just overlay your own b-roll on top of that voiceover so it's not necessarily like showing the person speaking behind the camera uh you hear that voiceover and then it shows a bunch of your own b-roll right and then you can still brand that to yourself also uh and yeah the the only content style that I don't see this working with and that we don't work with is really animation content just because um the way it's design design with animation content especially long form it just doesn't fit with like repurposing and being able to take Clips out I'm interested to know on which each platform so all five of the different platforms what is like the ner or the warming up proc not process but the time like say you start posting today what are you typically seeing before you're like actually the algorithm starting to hit for you before you're seeing real traction on each platform are they different yeah so um that's something that like Tik Tok has now become the fourth largest social media platform with more than a billion daily active users and a large part of that is because they made it to where anyone can go viral regardless of their following size right and so that flooded the platform with creators who were also all creating content and just driving more engagement and since then all the other platforms have followed suit with their algorithms to where you no longer need a big following to go viral you can go viral even like we have it happen all the time an account will have 200 followers and then it gets a video that does millions of views next thing you know that account builds a huge following and then it just snowballs from there that's why this process is also exponential like the longer you run it the bigger it gets and month one is going to be slower than month two month two is going to be slower than month three but after you continue to have this go like we've had jumps in total view counts uh from one month to the next like 5x like 7x so it can be extremely exponential but long story short all the algorithms now have the potential to go viral regardless of if that account has a following or not we have had accounts to where the second post it's brand new the second post gets million plus views if it's a good piece of content you know there's there's an aspect of it to where it's a lottery system as well like we can post really good content and it doesn't go anywhere um and then we will like remix that same piece of content and post it again on a different account on a different day and then it pops off and it goes viral so um there's a little bit of the lottery system aspect but there's also a lot of Frameworks that you can use and just uh predictable like systems in place to to be able to run this up um so long story short you never know uh it's like Case by case on which platform like has the most views come in from it as well sometimes it's Instagram sometimes it's Tik Tok some we've even had Facebook be our top platform on different months for different clients and it's pretty like it's pretty random like a client will also have their biggest view month on one month be Tik Tok and then the next month is YouTube you know it's uh it doesn't even necessarily stay consistent month by month either do you have like just an average I I know this gonna be so hard because it's also by the content creator no matter how good your editing is it doesn't change away from the story of the video like would you say that there's like a with your clients all having 300K subscribers or more having revenue and willing to do this at scale is there like it's a how how long does it take to get your first 10,000 followers on a platform if you had a guess um it can happen really fast it can there's other times to where it it's slow going what it's like I'm happy like 10,000 subscribers in like two weeks or followers on Tik Tok in two weeks in a month two months what are you like when would you be like that's good uh I mean if it happened in less than a month that's really good even two two months is still pretty solid like usually uh but we've also had accounts that have gone to over 100,000 in less than three months yeah so it just depends um so 100,000 in three months would be like great like that's like ideal outlier not com what what would you say the average three-month follower count for one of these new accounts is the average three-month follower count for a new account across platforms I mean it's I I'll give a range um and that would be 500 to 10,000 I would say 500 followers to 10,000 but the view count is probably in the hundred to thousands by then there there's always um cases to where like we're doing four to six batches uh per platform per client and so there's usually like some laggers and then there's some outliers that are like uh at the top and it's the 8020 rule you know to where like 20% of the contents can do or 20% of the accounts can do 80% of the views and the growth um and so there like there's circumstances again to where a lot of the time there's not always rhyme and reason but we'll have an account on let's just use YouTube for an example that is it's just not growing like we've been running it for over a month the content quality is great and it's just not getting views it's not getting subscribers and so and that when that happens a lot of the time we'll just scrap that account and make a new one and then not change anything and then that new one starts to grow way faster and this is why you're creating 25 different accounts because it's literally to some extent luck is like what algorithm like Niche you get put into and if it's not working it's not working so make a new one you get a restart yeah there's a portion of luck and then but there again going back to like there's a lot of proven Frameworks and things that you can do as well uh what we've also found like a big Edge on this process is when you're doing the level of posting volume that we do you'll find winning content that can go like crazy viral and then our team will remix that winner and then post it again across different accounts and across different platforms and more often than not it just like consistently goes viral and so now when you find those winning pieces of content you have an asset for your brand to where you know uh there's good chances that each time you post it it's going to go viral again it's going to expose you to new people and help grow your audience faster um so the more of those like winning clips that we find it just helps snowball this even faster as well because we will incorporate that like every uh couple weeks we'll like post it somewhere different on a different account on a different platform and have it pop off but when you say remix what does that mean remixes like we'll use the same exact raw clip and uh really just like add a different editing style to it like different fonts different overlays or like a different b-roll for the hook um so we'll just we'll remix it with the editing itself but the actual clip is the same clip is that what like those GTA videos are are those just like you ever see that yeah yeah yeah so that's another one we've done like a good bit of gameplay content and it can definitely like we've had a lot of videos go viral with gameplay and like the satisfying Clips to where you're doing just a bunch of random like that does work uh we call that split screen content to where we'll usually overlay like one of the satisfying Clips or a gameplay clip or whatever else on the bottom half and then have the piece of content on the top half for remixing is there like any like requirement because I know you can't like upload the ex like you can't just upload the exact same video twice because the algorithm will kind of pick up on that right and so like is there like any sort of like minimum requirement you have to do to like get past that or um really is if the edit's different like you can even just changed the font you oh really same music the font style and yeah for the most part uh as long as it's Unique versus the other piece of content in some way then that's enough but it does help as well like going back to the experiment side we are always experimenting and always testing out new things to continue to innovate and improve and iterate on this process like we don't want to follow we want to lead like we want to find and create the new trends you know um and so anytime that you're remixing a piece of content that's a great opportunity to experiment and like do something different with the edit like add a different hook a different b-roll overlay like something um and see if it works better than the previous one okay yeah you guys have a lot of like actually really good free resources and so I was like looking into those amazing you just want to tell people where those are yeah so uh we have our like viral content checklist um that we train with our team and teach everyone to follow uh as far as like The Proven Frameworks that we found um as well as like our proven viral hook Frameworks we have dozens if not 100 plus uh and on top of a training that goes with it if you want to go to go. mediascreen Frameworks and The Proven editing Styles the checklist that our team follows when they are quea the content to make sure it's like living up to our standards and then walk through videos that go along with that so that's free too if you want to go grab that yeah shout out to you for being so open about this because like this is probably the most valuable strategy to implement for any brand or Ecom store have you guys worked with like an Ecom brand before we haven't done any Ecom um it's all been just around personal Brands uh as up to this point and for the foreseeable future that's where we're going to stay uh we've gotten to the point where on the done for you side we have a waiting list through the end of the year and we're getting more selective about who we are working with uh just because we have limited with uh we don't onboard more than two clients per month just because uh there's a team of 10 to 15 people behind each client so we don't want to scale too fast like the detriment of anyone's I couldn't even get on for like four months so thank you this was this was a trade-off I was like damn at least come on my podcast yeah no I appreciate you having me here but yeah unfortunately like I wish that we could just on board everyone right away and launch this but we have a waiting list and we are getting more selective about who we're working with on the done for you side so it's gotten to the point where we've had to just like we've had nothing to offer to people who want to work with us and we still know that we could bring value to the table we just don't have the bandwidth ourselves so we're starting to roll out uh and in process of building a licensing model to where we're going to license out all of our systems uh trainings that go along with it and make it just as plug andplay as possible to where it's like literally copy and paste plug this in follow this uh checklist and then you can build this yourself internally and it's going to be done with you instead of done for you to where you still get access to a team and support to help you like build this out um and that's going to be uh once that's ready to go that'll be how we can Branch out and start helping more people but as of now it's still going to be branded and uh geared towards like the personal brand space podcast creaters uh we're not we don't have um a goal to get into Ecom at least in the foreseeable future I'd say for the next year year and a half that's going to crush that is so it's like one of the most valuable strategies right now and you guys have mastered it firsthand and walked the walk and you can prove it the grego gallaer clips of him punching the dummy by the way the funny as [ __ ] yeah that's so talking about like finding winning content like it it's Bob if you guys want to go search grego Galler his uh also Kino body you'll find like he just he goes hard and punches Bob and it's like it's hilarious content but he goes so viral so consistently punching Bob and that's been like a big asset that's grown as following so it's going back to like finding those winners that you can just continue to replicate over and over and it's not he doesn't post the same like Bob video over and over but it's like the same concept he's just like punching and kicking Bob you know and it just it just works so funny dude I'm I'm consuming it sending it to all my friends he's just so into it so funny it's hilarious okay so you have so much data on all these creators so I'm GNA this is going to be a pretty hard answer to or pry pretty hard question to answer okay but what have you seen that these people have in common that makes their short form just work because I see Ryan's content everywhere I see Bob everywhere I see Iman everywhere I've SE cosman's huge everywhere what have you seen among them like what are like the commonalities that just make their content work yeah um it's Understanding Psychology and uh what captures attention to a large degree again it's like hooks hook the hook which is the first three seconds of a video is the most important part of the entire video you have to have a statement or be saying something pose a question whatever it is that's going to hook people in to wanting to watch the rest of the content like if you look at Mr and he listen to his podcast he talks about this all the time in all of his videos right up front he talks about what's going to happen in the video but it's crazy stuff that hooks you in it makes you want to watch the rest of the video because you want to be entertained you want to like see how it actually happens right so the hook is incredibly important and again if you go to go. Secrets uh we have like 100 viral hooks that you can use um so it's really understanding like the psychology behind this and capturing attention so if you know how how to use hooks correctly and you can provide Great Value in your content whether it's informational value or entertainment value that's incredibly important we've seen just data shows um overall higher production value uh helps content perform better so we just are no longer in the landscape at least today maybe the pendulum swings back but you're not probably not going to go viral if you're just like doing selfie videos on your iPhone versus having a setup like this having high production good equipment all that stuff helps um and then there is a degree as well of just putting in the Reps and uh it is a skill to be behind camera some people have an easier time starting with it than others but it is a skill set where the more you do it the more reps you put in the better you get and then you have to look at the data as well and pick up on patterns of what performs well and then why did it perform well and like ask yourself that don't just post stuff out randomly and like see what hits the wall what works what doesn't uh another great way that people can get started or even if they're not not getting started they've been doing this for a long time um to put themselves in better chances of going viral is by studying content that's already gone viral and you can go out like we have a huge database of uh like top performing content across a ton of different personal Brands um that we give our clients access to and that we use internally ourselves as well and you can look and find like short form content or long form content that's gotten 50 million views and then just look what was the hook in that video what was talked about in video and you can either react to that video or you can remix it yourself I would say say the exact same hook for the first three seconds like start it the exact same way saying the exact same thing and then you can make the rest of the video into your own words and like add your own spin on it based on who you are and your personality your experience uh another big part of it is just being genuine and authentic like you have to be yourself you know uh and the more that that shines the the more people can pick up on that um and again I think that comes back to just putting in the Reps and getting a little bit more comfortable behind camera um so a lot of it is like using uh proven Frameworks and like a great Foundation that can help you get started faster and then the other side is just putting in the rep reps like putting in the work that was the most succinct best articulated answer to that question I could have asked for good [ __ ] that was awesome thank you like everything you were saying I'm like that's exactly how I would think about it I would say the authenticity part at the very end that you said there I see too many 16-year-old kids mimicking Alex Heros or like say saying the exact same I'm like it works for him CU he sold a compan for $60 million you need to lean into a different angle you can make the same concept be like hey I'm trying to live this way I'm 16 I want to be like a top performing person so I'm going to try to implement this I'm going to share with you guys people need to really understand and be self-aware and then choose that angle because you can still use the same concept but how you frame it so amazing advice uh I also missed a really important Point as well and it's consistency so many people they'll post like once a week or every three days or whatever like post daily when it comes to short form content post daily long form content post at least once a week unless you're like a way more elaborate like Mr Beast type to where you have like these major uh just teams involved in like all these moving pieces with the video and it's like high production stuff that you'd see happen in Hollywood that's different you can get away with doing like once a month or every two weeks but if you are like 99% of the creators out there post once a week on long form if not twice a week if you're on short form post minimum once a day if not two three times a day and we've always seen that uh we've never seen like a drop in growth if we post more content as long as the quality doesn't Drop Like You Can't polish a turd right so if it's bad content it's not going to perform um but if you're able to scale up and post three times a day and you're posting quality content you're going to grow probably three times faster than if you're just posting once a day and if you're posting once a day you're definitely going to grow faster than if you're posting once a week you know so the volume and the consistency piece is incredibly important and again you have to look at it as like every single time that you post on any social media platform it's another at bat to go viral like every single post that you put out is another chance to hit another viral home run and so when you have that mentality and it's like every single post you're putting in 100% effort um to make it as good as you can make it and have high standards for it that's also incredibly important and uh you are you know ahead of 99% of people so I was going to ask ask you this is the question does short form uh thumbnails matter because you can choose the thumbnail the short form for sure yeah they do matter what's your science to the thumbnail so we actually have thumbnail templates that we use on our Instagram post um because it allows us to you know control what people are seeing for the thumbnail and we'll add a headline on there as well and the headline can uh like that copy if you're using proven Frameworks can drive more clicks and therefore more views and more followers and more growth versus if you're just like leaving it up to chanis and having a different like a random frame in the video um but also you know you can if you're not using like an actual thumbnail that you're uploading and you're just using a frame from the video just be strategic like don't have it be this bad angle to where it's like cutting the face off or or like showing the back of someone's head like um emotions always work great so if you uh can show someone like laughing or like mad or like have a high degree of some type of emotion in your thumbnail that helps because people are curious they're like why is this person so mad or like what was so funny or whatever so they want to click the video to like see what's causing that emotion right um so I would just say like just look at it and you know don't use a bad frame that has like text all over it and it's cut off and like the face is cut off and uh as long as you're doing that you can um make sure that it's like more favorable and creates curi curiosity is the biggest thing every single piece of this this uh the hook creates curiosity or interest to want to like watch the rest of the video right like a caption can create curiosity you can have people we use captions like wait until the end or I can't believe he said that or like step if there like three ways to do this is like number three is crazy and it's like at the end of the video you know so you create that Curiosity and that interest to make them want to watch through the whole video have a better retention rate um it's just the more that you can create curiosity and Intrigue the better it's going to perform retention is everything on short form for sure so before I go I want to go into the most important engagement metrics but for thumbnail so it's basically just a strong emotion you're trying to create curiosity and then you're having you literally put like a headline of text like is like two or three words or like a sentence yeah and that's only on Instagram that we use the thumbnail templates for the rest of the platforms we're just choosing like a frame in the video itself um you specifically throw like one frame that's like a designed thumbnail then choose that or is it just whatever's natural in the video um it's usually whatever is natural in the video if we're just going off of like one of the frames in the video itself one thing is uh this is like part of the checklist I mentioned earlier but we use a lot of celebrity content and uh like movie scenes like famous like popular TV show scenes um and that helps views and content perform better versus so many people use stock footage as b-roll is what you're saying as Boll inside of the edits itself like so many people use stock footage as far as like let's say uh in the content style they're talking about how they're they're talking about the story and they're frustrated and then an editor will use like a stock footage of someone just like frustrated whatever versus if you use like a famous movie scene of um natal Portman or someone just like crying and frustrated like throwing something against the wall now we can actually have her be the thumbnail as well and we have a celebrity that everyone knows as the thumbnail of her video um that can really help like people don't even know what the video is about but they're scrolling through on their explor page like they see the celebrity and they're like oh what's she doing they click it and then watch the video from there it's all these little hacks that combine together to like make a video that works it's so that's such a good detail so engagement metrics is there a call to action that you're ever consistently pushing like is it like like subscribe share hit the link in our bio like I know there's like you have to be careful with saying some of that stuff too y yeah you do Tik Tok uh is the worst about like flagging like go click Link in BIO but all the platforms are now uh cracking on the down on that like to degree I would say but overall we found better results to optimize the whole secondary account Network that we create to uh optimize and push all the exposure and traffic back to the primary socials rather than using them as like adding links to bios and affiliate links because again the trust and the authority that's all with the primary counts uh so we see significantly less results of people clicking through like the links and bios and going to often pages and buying whatever um through secondary accounts versus if you just use that secondary account to drive follows Drive subscribers to the primary account and then that's where you convert and continue to do your thing that you're already doing to make money um we just found that works much better so uh our call to actions are just to go follow the account for whatever reason it is it depends on like The Branding um like Brandon Carter is uh someone that we've worked with with and he has like more of a polarizing brand like he can create polarizing content and uh we've used even like disqualifier called actions to where it's like don't follow Brandon if you get triggered easily you know like stuff like that or you can say like if it's a more positive brand you can say like follow um XYZ to like join the movement of impact or to do whatever is like in line with them um and then there is good crossover from the different platforms to YouTube specifically or even podcast because it's short form or long form and so uh a lot of the time like you want to scratch a new itch for someone with a call to action right and so if they're seeing like short form content on Tik Tok and then you're like yeah go to Snapchat and it's also just short form content there's not a huge reason for them to make that switch unless they're on Snapchat more versus a lot of people will go from uh like Instagram to YouTube because Instagram is where your short form is and they go to You YouTube to like see your long form stuff so there's like that value discrepancy is there and there's a good reason for them to make that crossover so almost all these people are probably the link is always to YouTube you'd say like that's the end goal for people yeah it's uh pretty even mix between YouTube and Instagram or the top two preferred platforms that everyone has do you think people sell more through YouTube or sell more through Instagram again it's a mix like that's that's why it's a mix of preferred platform because uh usually it's one of those two or the top Revenue drivers for clients we work with 100% okay and then you're never putting like link Inn bio in the captions or anything like um we do to a degree like uh clients will if they're doing like a promotion or a big push like we can help be a part of that process um for like that period of time let's say they're doing like a holiday sale or a new product just dropped or whatever and they want uh us to like help uh we can do that but we don't do that like longterm or ongoing um and for the most part like 90 95% we're just using the accounts to funnel back to the main socials so we do that through like tagging the client um in the captions tagging them in the videos uh we do pin comments as well um there's no rules behind how many comments you can leave on your own post so you can go in you can leave like four different comments like follow XYZ for XYZ and then you can say like what do you think about this and so on and so forth and usually if the account creators or the creators comments will show at the top of all the comments on the post um so we'll do that we also use like I don't want to call them watermarks uh in our videos but if we're taking a clip from a podcast and it's not in the entire video but it's in different segments and sections it'll show like um XYZ podcast episode 113 it'll show talking and then that sublimely lets people know it's like oh this is from this podcast if they really like that clip they'll go and like search it out to be able to check that out you put the name of the show or of the person on the screen very small like under the captions yeah that way it's like okay that makes I feel like people should everyone should do that that makes way more sense yeah it helps and then uh whether whether or not it's like a podcast episode or just the person itself like a lot of the time if our client is showing on screen we'll have their handle like show when they're speaking so people know it's like oh that's who this person is main handle yeah the main account hand that's how you drive it all back to the one account that's really smart it's Crystal Clear sense to me so next question how do you deliver content ideas to them once they're on board once the accounts are warmed up they're ready to go you have here's the reaction videos how do you deliver it to them is it just like a Google doc a notion sheet of just like links or how are you doing the reactions i' say yeah yeah so um as mentioned we have a ton of like viral hook Frameworks and a framework is when it's like it's custom but you're using appr proven framework so it's like if you're XYZ age do this thing right and so like if you're in your 20s do this to accomplish XYZ result like that type of stuff um so we can provide our clients with a lot of Frameworks that's all just in Google Docs and then uh we have it's called our content virality guide um we we'll include that it's already included in the uh two billion views Secrets uh resource that I I mentioned earlier um so it's content virality guide and it shows like all these different uh content topics and then all the subtopics within those topics and you can use it to literally like never run out of ideas for Content so I use an example like one of the cont uh topics is money and then under money you can have business you can have Finance you can have invest and under investing you can have crypto you can have Forex you can have real estate you can have bonds you can have etc etc relationships you can have family relationships you can have romantic relationships friendships business networking and then under each of those pillars like family relationships you can add like sibling relationships and uh what is it like and how do you keep in touch with the dynamic of like your grandparents and so on and so forth um so we have this huge like document listed together and you can combine virro hook Frameworks with all these different topic ideas and then just like piece it together and never run out of content um so so you're kind of just prompting them like this is the topic and then they come up with themselves you're not scripting anything for them those are those are resources that we uh like have already put together but also our team will go in usually it's our team leader and then our Clips coordinator will work together and put together a full dock as far as like content topic ideas with the hook Frameworks um for clients to include but we leave it open-ended to where we like include the the content topic idea it's like hey talk about this thing and you can use this hook framework but then we want them to put it into their own words and like make it their own you know they they've all like built the skill set of being behind camera and talking and uh being able to say good stuff like we want it to be their voice so we can't fully script it you know so we're going to give them the hook Frameworks and the topic ideas and then let them riff from there uh and then depending on uh the client if they want to film reaction content or not we'll also have our Clips coordinator and our team leader collaborate together to put together a full sheet with reaction videos so they can watch and react to and add that as part of the content sty and those videos that they're reacting to are pretty like usually pretty topical and new or are they like related to their Niche yeah we like that still plays a big role in in how you're branding yourself right so you want to be reacting to content that makes sense for the brand that you want to build um so if you're in like the business space you can react to like investing advice in finance content or any news like for you you're in the AI like Tech space so you can react to uh new content that's talking about like an AI software or different Tech that came out or whatever the case may be um so we do tailor that content based on the client's brand and like what makes sense to them you know you can't like uh react to just anything or just like what it make sense with the audience that you built it's it's very straightforward but you explained it well so why you guys I'm you're a premium agency you get 10 to 15 employees if I sign up with you guys so obviously it's not going to be like a few thousand bucks to work with you guys for a month so why do people work with you guys like what are they typically trying to get out of it have you seen it's just uh speed and proven success and then we back it up with big guarantees and if again you go back to that client criteria if you have 2 million plus in annual revenue with your personal brand whatever companies you're tied to it if you get 100 million views in 90 days like how are you not going to make more money from that you know it's it's just so much additional exposure um so it's kind of looked at as like an alternative form of advertising like in but it has way more of a Competitive Edge to it because it's hard to do and almost nobody has this setup to where anyone can go out and hire a media buyer and start running Facebook ads tomorrow not anyone can go out and build this whole network of secondary accounts and like make themselves omnipresent on social media and doing 100 million plus views in 90 days and uh that's also just the starting point like I mentioned earlier the longer you do this the more it builds and this is very possible you've got multiple clients to the point of doing 100 plus million views per month and uh even like beyond that and so the more you put into this the more you get out of it and uh if you were to look at CPM stands for cost per 10,000 views basically it's advertising metric and usually there's a lot of variables depending on uh the platform you're advertising on and the campaign and the audience type and all this different stuff but CPM costs when it comes to ads are typically somewhere between like on the low end $20 the high end $100 and um if you were to get let's say 100 million views in one month from running ads that would be millions of dollars like it doesn't matter like what kind of what uh platform you're advertising on and most people can't even do that because their ad campaigns just break like you can't just like scale it up turn up a dial like that um so it's almost like very few people have done it versus you can do that with our system and the secondary Network it goes back to having that Competitive Edge because not anyone can just go out and you know like running ads like you out you hire me a buyer you start running campaigns the next day you can't do that with this process like it requires a team to really build it out get it going uh as far as I know I I'm not aware of any other agencies that know how to do this or offer it like taking it to Market um that's why it's been like a blessing and an exciting space to be in because um the the market awareness is there as far as like wanting this and needing this and uh we talk to a good like almost everyone we talk to understands this at this point and they've seen it work like Andrew Tate really like popularized this right um so they've seen it work and they know it's something that they want to do but they don't know how to do it so they haven't even tried it or they have tried it and they weren't able to make it work because it's hard and you like need the right systems in place and you need to really know what you're doing to make it work um so we're fing like a huge need in the market and it can just become an incredible asset that gets you a major major amount of views if you compare it to like the Super Bowl gets at its peak 98 million views that's assuming that everyone's watching the Super Bowl every minute which is not the case and these Fortune companies are paying six to seven million for 30 second ad placements to be in front of probably let's just cut it in half and say 45 million people versus you can build out this asset to where you're doing 100 million plus views per month um and not paying anywhere close to that you know so the Leverage is just insane and the amount of eyewalls that you can get on your brand and your business the amount of impact you can create from that the audience you can build the fan base you can build there's uh so many benefits to it okay so really well said again I'm just going to keep saying that because just you're just nailing it but next would be how much does a million views on Tik Tok or Instagram equate to subscriber wise have you seen have you seen any metrics like that good question um so it is generally like we'll just call it a conversion rate of views to follower or views to subscriber um generally we see it in a range between 0 1% to 05% um which like a good metric to go off of is let's say you get a million views that can lead to like a th000 to 5,000 followers or subscribers uh and on that platform though so like if you got a million views on Tik Tok it'd be a thousand on Tik Tok or 5,000 on Tik Tok what you're saying yeah on that platform itself but also see this is um one of the downsides uh of our service is that it doesn't have direct attribution tracking or direct source tracking to where it's really hard to track everything because a lot of the time people will see your piece of content on one of these secondary accounts and then they don't follow that account but it prompts them to go and they'll search like your main account yeah because that's where the trust the authority is so they didn't follow your secondary account they followed the main account or maybe they see that and then they go on YouTube and they see a piece of content on YouTube and now you have recognition because they're like wait I just saw this guy on Tik Tok and I just saw this guy on Instagram seeing him on YouTube so now they're subscribing to you on YouTube but you can't track that you know so you don't know like the overall attribution and the behavior so tracking is like difficult with this and um there's not an exact number as far as like metrics that we can give but as far as like on a per platform basis on that account if a video gets let's say a million views we generally see that 01 to 05% conversion rate and we've seen like on outlier case studies as high as 3% of a conversion rate which would be um I think it's like 30,000 followers off a million views you know but that's that's not typical for us also though the secondary accounts they have a lower metric of views to follower ratio versus the primary counts because again like I don't follow any secondary accounts like you know people just don't do that if you like the content you see on secondary accounts you're going to go to their primary profil amen and that's why this works so well again uh because it just it like you see that hockey stick growth curve um as far as people's like main socials when the strategy is really running to its fullest I'm a huge fan of ean's content I'll just say it and his growing from 300K to 3 million in like a year was just a master class on how to lever social media to build a social media following and I think he got almost half a billion views with this system so basically his whole idea is make 30 pieces of content or 30 accounts basically on social media this is what you guys do for him and then he gives you he goes on podcasts he will record some dedicated content whatever it may be and then you guys just Mass distribute 5,000 pieces of content a month but the link in the bio of all those accounts is his YouTube channel correct correct so then all these people that are interested in his lifestyle his podcast interest his business advice whatever it is get interested they go to this bio then they go to his YouTube account and so he literally gained like three million subscribers because he was getting hundreds of millions of views on these short form videos yeah to his YouTube channel and then he obviously has an offer that he promotes on his YouTube channel and that converts into high Revenue right so that's why you guys are search for people who make over $2 million a year in revenue for your uh qualification basically correct y so is that is how you're you guys are a premium agency that charges a premium price where I see a lot of short form agencies just trying to like do it for the cheapest amount possible just trying to do it so ex could you just explain I might have just explained it all I'm sorry but explain you did good yeah explain that business model and like why people are doing this in the first place when they come to you yeah and I just want to put out a note that that uh we're not working with Ean currently he was really a flagship case study to where my partner Spencer Murphy shout out Spencer um he's really like the brains behind building this in the first place so he was hired by Iman to work with him internally in June or July of 2022 um and basically they came together Iman told Spencer I want to build the Andrew Tate strategy in house and so Spencer took over and really built that Division and built this whole system uh hired everyone like ran it like uh had full like leadership over it for the most part obviously collaboration with the rest of ean's team as well um and he did that for about eight months before got to the point to where we partnered together started Med scaling and wanted to take this to Market so he spent about two to three months uh helping to train with other people internally with iman's Team to take this system over and so they're still running it internally today but just wanted to throw that out there that we're not working with Ean currently he's really like our Flagship case study and a big part of how this was proven in the first place and allowed us to take it to Market um but answering what was your question again first off thank you for clarifying that makes sense that's how you learned it in in tandem with Ean which makes a lot of sense and then not to take like Ean is incredible as well like what he talks about in the content the systems like we don't want to take full credit on anything it's a big part of like an overall machine and an incredible Foundation that he built uh so a lot of the time like we'll work with big personal Brands uh and creators and we're just riding the wave that they've already SP years building you know and then we just add fuel to the fire but I love that's how you guaranteed or that's how you what you guys look for like you said that at the very beginning like we want to make sure there's proof that people are interested in this concept so you want people with a large following already that have a revenue that's proves that they're legit and people want their content and so iman's the definition of that he's so polarizing so interesting such a good performer and very strategic so but you guys are managing this massive infrastructure in this system to be able to make that possible which is very impressive in and of itself so I wanted dive into the systems so how big is your team like say per say I sign up how many people are actually working on my accounts editing managing posting reporting all of that and what how's that kind of break down yeah so uh as far as the company goes we are like right below I think we're at 49 people and have another 10 15 coming on board in the next uh month and a half and as far as like the team size per client to really run this at scale it's usually a team of 10 to 15 people so the breakdown on what that looks like is we'll have a team leader to really Captain the ship and take charge uh and lead the entire team then we have one to two social media managers who will create and manage the accounts and publish the content engage and like build a community we respond to all comments uh or most comments and uh engage with other accounts like accounts have a quote unquote Health score with the algorithm as well to where if you're just going on there you're posting real quick and then you're leaving uh that Health score on that account is not going to be very great and it's not and it's going to show in the results of it versus if you're using that account like a real person actually would and you're going You're engaging you're responding to your own comments you're making comments on other uh content you're watching through content you're liking you're watching stories that behavior is important because the algorithm sees that behavior and uh it helps like you always want to put yourself in the shoes of the social media platforms they make money from ads and so they want you on their PL form watching other content and watching ads to make more money so if you're just going in and out and not using it like a real person would the algorithms can pick up on that behavior as well so those are all things that we do uh and then going back to the team we will generally have five to eight editors depending on the volume that we're doing um and then we'll have a copywriter we have a data analyst and we have what we're calling our virality Engineers who they QA which means quality assure all the content uh we have like a triple a review process for every piece of content before it's published out to make sure it's like fits our standards and we have very high standards for what we post um and I think that's it I don't know if I'm missing one position but yeah those are all the moving pieces to do this at scale between like that 2 to 5,000 post per month range and then you have to obviously have an influx of content from the creator of course yeah so you they'll usually have a big database to already go off of and then we'll just create a simple system to where we get access to their content moving forward when they film new stuff okay that makes a lot of sense so it's about 5day editors then you have 12 oh I missed an important one uh Clips coordinator so it would take a lot of our editors time uh more than it already does for them to have to go through like this huge database of content and find all these clips so we have a Clips coordinator and we create an organized content database for everyone to where they'll go through and they'll Tim stamp anytime a new topic comes up or a question is asked that way and then he'll add like a headline or a caption for that timestamp so our editors can go into our content databases is and see all the time stamps and what's being Ted about on that one and it makes it way faster and more efficient for them to be able to pull out Clips otherwise they would probably not be able to produce nearly as many edits as they do okay so I upload all these podcasts for you then you have a clip curator go through it and just kind of make timestamps like interesting parts that the editor should go through so then one person's job is just to find surf like search through all of the noise just to find the good parts then you send that to the editors they go through and edit the narrative in line with that headline that that person basic basically put so they know the reference point and then the editors probably put that into like a Google drive to be seen by the what the uh virality engineer the virality engineer and then he makes sure everything's quality and that gets sent I'm assuming into an approved folder that the Distributors get access to yeah social media managers social media managers and how many social media managers are there per like how many accounts does one social media manager handle they can usually like one fulltime social media manager can handle up to five batches and what is a batch again a batch is a username across the five platforms that we talked about so again it would be like uh Brett Clips across Facebook Instagram Tik Tok YouTube and Snapchat that's one batch so it depends on how much volume that they are posting across each batch as well but a full-time social media manager should be able to handle up to four to five batches okay and then are you guys using content schedule uploaders content schedule like there's something called hoot Suite where I can like schedule yeah uh no we don't use that why not um the algorithms don't like it because again that's another way that you can post on social media without actually using their platform and going on uh social media and so we've just seen that it doesn't produce as positive results versus if you're actually using the platform itself so we do um schedule Outpost and like put drafts but it's only with the native platform schedulers so you can schedule post on YouTube you can schedule post on Tik Tok and on Instagram and Facebook through the meta business Suite but we don't use like an all-in-one platform to do that and then just like post out and then our social media manager doesn't even go on there and actually use the platform so what are the requirements for your social media manager to like they have to engage they have to like what is their to prove that they're make it look like they're human to the algorithm yeah so we have accountability tracking for this but overall um a main one is responding to comments and that's pretty easy to spot if it's not happening so we want them to respond to almost all comments when a video goes crazy viral it can continue to get views for months and so it gets a ton of comments as well so they may not respond to every single comment on a viral video that's gotten like 5 million views uh but they respond to majority of comments and then they'll go and just like other content you want to actually like watch through content as well because that's real Behavior Uh WE Post stories on our accounts on Instagram uh use other features on the platforms as well like YouTube Community post and just new features as they roll out because uh each platform wants to like push that as part of the algorithm to get more people to use that feature and be aware of it um and yeah it's just watching other people's stories watching their content liking content like commenting on other people's posts and then responding to the comments on our post wow and that's all just because I'm assuming a lot of these social media platforms don't necessarily want people creating like 20 accounts for one person like one person creating 20 accounts like I can't create 20 accounts for myself right now and so you're doing this just to kind of mimic the natural human behavior so it doesn't get flagged Yeah by okay how do you make how do like I know that there's a problem with like IP tracking like if I wanted to create like if I literally wanted to create 20 accounts like they would catch on that my one phone has 20 accounts and it's all just my same content being uploaded and they would kind of flag that or like ban my IP or something I've heard that the problem so how do you guys I don't want to say circumvent but how do you guys work yeah there is a circumvention process for sure uh because that is a thing if you create too many accounts but um one social media manager will have up to five accounts Max per per platform and that can multiply out to 25 accounts across the all the platforms right um and so we have seen that we're able to get away with that okay um and there's a warm-up process with our accounts as well we'll usually create the account and then we will uh go in like add the profile picture add the bio do that stuff and then we'll draft three or four posts and let it sit for a few days to show that we have intentions to actually use that account and draft on it uh so we'll do that process about 3 days before actually going live and starting to post on accounts and then there is an aspect to not having like one person create too many accounts right so sometimes if we have a social media manager who's already created a bunch of accounts we can have another team leader or another team member create that account and then just give them access and have them log in from there uh there's also issues if you have it's not always an issue but it does like pose you to the risk of having issues with an account if you have too many devices and too many IP addresses all logged into one account especially they're all using the account as well so we prefer our social media managers to be the only ones for the most part who are logged in and actually using the accounts okay that makes a lot of sense so once they have so you're saying five batches are those different clients or is this all one team all one team in one so everything we just listed five to eight editors a clip curator uh quality assurance then a social media manager that is all dedicated like 10 people dedicated to one a client basically yeah and there's a few team members that can uh work between a few different client accounts so like copywriters data analysts can work between a few the clips coordinator can work between a few our team leader depending on like the team size and volume size can have two three clients uh but the editor specifically are usually dedicated some they can work between like up to two client accounts depending on how many edits they're doing per day um but for the most part uh there is a about half the team is fulltime dedicated to that client account and then the other half the team is working between multiple client that makes sense yeah so the data analysts are just in charge of like connecting the apis to the spreadsheet delivering the daily just tracking tracking and then the copywriters are just coming up with ideas for each individual client they can probably work with two or three at a time yeah they write all the captions for the post and pin comments as well oh so that's so so then the content scheduler so the quality assurance person agrees then it goes to the copywriter for captions and then the schedule manager just has everything format just needs to literally do the button clicking essentially yeah it it depends on like who gets to it first uh we don't have like a set sequence order we just want speed behind it so sometimes the by reality engineer who will quality assure the content will watch it before the copywriters is written a caption other times the copywriter will write a caption first so it depends on you know what order that happens in but for the most part both of them are going through watching the content and then the copywriter creates a caption for every post that way our social media manager can just go in and grab what's already there and then publish it out gosh I can't this is like such a valuable this is like the big leaks of how difficult this process is to actually do it at the scale you're doing so the systems and the organization that you guys have is incredible like thank you but it's so valuable right now like I can only imagine how much more money these people are making with getting hundreds of millions of views for essentially free on the platform like back in my day you had to run Facebook ads to like get that much of it's not free like it requires no matter what if you're doing this yourself or you're doing this through us like it requires a team to run it right but that's the cost is the team cost La cost but no direct like just ad spin to cold traffic it's like you have to put the money in creating it and distributing it but once it's out there it can just it's Evergreen in a way right but that's really interesting about the account warm-up I never really thought about that I think a lot of people overlooked that and that's just important because if you don't it's your account's never going to take off yeah and we're still not immune to it like we have issues to where an account would just randomly get shut down for they just don't give us a solid reason either and it sucks like sometimes we have great accounts that just get shut down out of nowhere and unfortunately we'll have to start a new one and rebuild from there but it's not an extremely common problem and we still do what we can to avoid that happening uh but that is part of the game sometimes you just got to roll with the punches and make a new account and continue to go from there and and just rescale you've earned this experience over time like this isn't your first day how you started your agency yeah so I think that's the number one thing I noticed when I was going through your funnel and booking My Demo to try to work with you guys was your landing page was on point the psychology tactics were on point the guarantee the testimonials how the process works it's not too long you're not boring me you're focused on the outcome you're also making it feel exclusive so like damn I don't even know if I can work with these guys like anyone should just go to Medias scaling docomo so can you walk me through I guess I kind of summarized it all but can you tell me your perspective of like where did you learn that yeah why that's important and your thought process behind your whole landing page yeah so to make it like as tactical and straightforward uh for people to be able to replicate the website and the layout um I learned that primarily from Donald Miller shout out Donald he's like incredible and he has a course called business Made Simple um I don't know exactly how much it costs now but it's really not much it's like $300 a year or something like that and uh I believe so business Made Simple is like a conglomerate of courses and I believe it's called marketing Made Simple is the one to where he breaks down like step by step how to build a website like how it should be how how should the flow be like what should the copy be on different points uh so I would say that's a great Point um and a great resource if you want to build a highly effective like high conversion website uh and then $100 million offers by Alex Heros incredible um and that has helped us really shape our offer the guarantee has been huge for us like we wanted to come in with a guarantee uh that no one else has even close to a level of and uh that is our 100 up to 150 million views in 90 days guarantee um and we tailor that with all of our marketing like if you go to Medias scaling decom that's the thing at that like that's the headline at the above the fold like that's the first thing you see on the website is we work with top personal Brands podcast and we guarantee up to 150 million views the first 90 days working with us um it captures attention you know it's like captivating and it's different like you said there's so many short form agencies out there all all these short form agencies are selling content we sell results and we guarantee it and back it up um and so $100 million offers is a great way to to Workshop this and just putting those things together um you know you can make magic uh we do a two call close process for the SES side um I've tested like multiple times one call versus two call close two call close always beats out one call close so what that looks like is the first call is a discovery 15 to 30 minutes the second call is a strategy where you actually close the deal it's 45 to 60 Minutes generally and on this discovery you're just asking questions like what prompted you to reach out and book the call with us like uh depending on what your offer is like with us we want to better understand okay what is your content strategy look like what kind of team do you have in place uh what's your goal with this um what are the challenges you're dealing with right now like why is this important you know like why is that goal important you want to find leverage points that you can use to uh really like understand what motivates them and and what they're dealing with and then uh on the strategy call you just want to put together and like come well researched and you can tailor it to the person that you're speaking with a lot based on what you learn in the discovery and we do an in-depth audit on everyone's socials to really understand like what they've got going on what their business looks like what their content strategy looks like and uh first just fully go into it with confidence that we can really help them like if I'm not 100% confident and convicted that we can really help someone and scale them I'm not going to sell them anything you know so that's a big piece of it too um yeah those are the immediate resources that come to place as far as building all of this out and then uh shout out Taylor Welch um he is a great coaching community and Mastermind uh in the agency space and um have learned a good bit from him as well there's a lot of proven vssl Frameworks out there like you can go on anyone's vsl clickfunnel is is the top at this because they kind of invented the game almost um but just look at you know any High converting stuff like go to go to any of their funnels look at their vssl look at their copy and then just take that framework and like tailor it to your own offer you know it's like it's all out there you just have to learn how to study it you know look beneath it 100% I will say as someone who has also taken all those courses and read those when I'm getting pre-qualified I'm like just so mad about it cuz I know what you guys are doing you're I'm like giving you ammo to use against me basically so just feedback but it's it's also it's it's a value like people pay therapists H1 $200 an hour just to listen to them and uh therapists will ask them good questions but on the Discovery call like if you have good quality questions you're asking people questions that they haven't been asked probably for a long time or they just haven't thought about or even if they were asked that question 6 months ago it's a good Refresher it gets you thinking like oh yeah maybe like I do need to buckle this up and do this so uh through the discovery calls alone like you can provide a lot of value to uh to people just from like having them think of their own answers and like ask themselves questions that they haven't asked themselves in a while um and that helps with their uh their depiction of of your brand as well it's a really good perspective but I was just like as I was reading I'm like this guy nailed it to the tea perfect offer perfect layout like this is like textbook he definitely did you learn most of us through courses I assume or like communities yeah most valuable thing dude it's crazy now you got yeah it's it's like sucks that there's such a negative connotation that's been built behind like selling courses and e-learning and programs like I would be nowhere near where I am today if that wasn't the case like I'm fully uh I've probably invested multiple six figures at this point into courses programs masterminds like online communities and that's everything that's allowed me to learn like my whole network has been built behind that process now it's extremely valuable like why would you I dropped out of college I went there for one year was in classes learning about 1800's poetry I was like what the [ __ ] am I learning like this is not going to benefit me you know so um why would you go learn from professors who aren't actually doing it versus going out and learning directly from people who have and uh it just it sucks that there is a lot of snake oil in the space and there's a lot of people who make money selling courses and not make they don't make money selling what they're teaching in the course um so just like look past that like actually look at what has the person done that's selling this course like have they made money doing what they're talking about and doing what they're teaching if so learn from that person you know it's like the best investment is in yourself if you're investing $1,000 $20,000 $50,000 um and you get just one piece of information like it's easy to make that back from just applying it and executing on it know so well said I could not agree more you got me through cold Outreach cold email Outreach yep so how did you find me and how did you get my email because that email isn't anywhere public that you got to me from yeah uh honestly I don't know I don't do that um we have an SC and then a VA who helps like find the emails and there's a variety of tools out there is a great one we use that um yeah so that can help just like put together lead list and find uh the contacts of people who work for a variety of companies um and then there's another one called clear that can help and then we we just we have a VA who really we just like find names send him the list of names and then he'll find all the emails and send it back to us you can find vas to do this three four dollar an hour on um usually it's you just Search keywords like list building data scraping email generation things like that there's a lot of people who have this skill set um so just delegate it out so yeah we have uh and then we also have another VA who they spend like a good portion of their time for Cote outre systems just going out and finding people who are like good potential candidates for what we do and then our SDR sales development rep who handles like all the email Outreach we'll go through and qualify the leads like uh we've built a lot of training um around like who is a good fit and who's not a good fit and he's been able to learn through that process so he'll go through he'll qualify all the leads that the VA puts together and then exclude or include based on it whether or not he thinks that they're fit if they are fit he'll also put together what he thinks is uh a guarantee that we can an offer so 100 million views in 90 days and that's our subject line um and it gets it works well like it gets opens we've had cuz we're reaching out to people who have big followings you know and they get like constant stream of emails every day a ton of saturation and we've had so many people tell us they're like man I never respond to emails but this is interesting like let's talk I want to learn more about what you do it's because we have a huge guarantee as our subject client it's like guaranteed 100 million views and that's it just opens I never open cold emails and I get short form agencies hit me up a day I'm sure I got yours replied within 20 minutes and was on a call within the first hour so like what you guys are doing rocks I will say it's just so streamlined and I just respect the [ __ ] out of it sorry so this is a good time to go into software I want to every software tool that you guys use every app you guys use from whether how you communicate with each other how you schedule stuff think through the actual client side so like delivering posting everything and then after that we'll cover backend how you guys run your company but as far as delivering client results what is every software tool that you guys are using to make that happen um all right it's a lot so let me think through this like slack is a big one for just company communication and client communication um most people that we work with also use slack so we'll set up it's called slack connect share Channels with uh our team and their team to communicate and then uh this where we share a lot of resources Zoom obviously for calls um as far as internal systems like a huge bulk of it is just built on Google Sheets and we have our uh our top data analyst like he is next level when it comes to like building out sheets like he does stuff that I didn't I had no idea was possible as far as like how in depth that he can build them out uh and and what like the automations and how they all tie together it's it's pretty insane um so a lot of our systems a lot of our IP are built through sheets uh notion is also an incredible tool love notion um I've used like multiple different project management tools like clickup and Assa notion is my favorite that I've used because of the organization behind it it makes it so like navigatable and then all the features uh as part of it like that using the notion docs is amazing and um Thomas Frank is a Creator who all he does is create content around notion uh we have our director of operations going through his program right now to just further build out like systems within the company and overall dashboards and getting everyone involved in there um so it's really just like you just need to always look at building better and better systems and we look at any process that's repeated more than one time like let's build SLP around it let's build a system and then let's make it easy to refer back to that way it's actually used right because um that was a big problem that notion solved for us like we were building slps but they were in Google Docs and like you build it out and then you forget about it or you wouldn't know like where to go or how to access it whatever notion makes it super easy to like navigate to and refer back to um so you start to build s sop stands for standard operating procedure and it's basically just like a step-by-step checklist to follow a process that you do repeatedly within the company um and then we'll also include templates for different messages or like onboarding Etc um other softwares we use for editing uh like quality assurance and reviewing content it's way better than just like having Ed go in Dropbox or Google drive because you can like draw on the video you can like add comments to different timestamps and it just makes it super easy to leave feedback and improve edits um all of our editors use like we want editors who use the editing softwares that require skill like we we had some editors on our team using cap cut and we' like find that out and quickly cut them you know it's like use Adobe Premiere um so yeah our editors use those softwares and then they have a variety of different like AI softwares they use with their edits as well I'm not super in the loop on that that's just um they're always like testing yeah the there's AI software that's getting good for like generative Ai and making like Clips uh that you can include in your video for b-roll and uh just images that you can include in your videos but they're not good yet when it comes to like taking over the entire role of an editor as far as like Opus clip is not it's it's it's far off um it's improving and it could be there in like two to four years we'll see but it is not there yet and so there's not an AI software where you can just like upload a long form video and then it'll just like clip out and make these incredible short form edits if they could figure out how to look at a YouTube video and you know there like waves on the video now they show that the most replayed if they could figure out how to sync it to that that that might be something but right now it's picking random stuff right yeah okay so notion is that like what your database when you say database is that going to be a notion database or databas is Google Sheets Okay Google Sheets content database yeah okay so Google Sheets notion for video revisions yep you explained that well Premiere to edit is there anything for like content scheduling or is that just a notion as well uh content scheduling we have we just call them our schedulers it's built in cheats as far as like organizing um everything for the dates that content is going to be posted uh the frame links to go in and review hasn't been reviewed yes or no if no like go check out the edits um and then with the sheets we can even build automations to where it's like if you mark a certain cell as no it can like notify the editor in slack that it was just reviewed um and then we also have like our captions added in there uh when a piece of content has been posted on each platform um so all that's done in sheets like the huge majority of uh the assets and like just running the company it's done through Google Sheets insane like and then so that's pretty much it for client side just like edit the videos organize and sheets notion for communication slack for communication Sops and notion yeah I would say so simple enough okay and then for backend for your company is there anything like are you guys using Google Drive for your storage of files yeah yeah Google Drive is for every like we have we use docs here and there we've honestly used notion more for Doc now Google workspace yeah uhuh yeah so use Google workspace like everyone has company emails um that's where we upload all of our content like we use frame but it gets incredibly expensive if you're like using that to store all of your content as well so our editors will use it and then like delete content that's already been published out but we still leave that content in Google Drive so we have it and it's not also not deleted we can refer back to it um so Google Drive for storage for sheets for uh docs is a mix of like Google Drive and nocean docs um we use jot form uh uh we use for going over on the website side our website's built with um simple to use and makes it clean and then I have a lot of experience I've built hundreds of funnels at this point so use clickfunnels for funnels that are getting rolled out uh jot form is my favorite application software um for having applications on the website and on the funnels um there's a lot of like customization you can do and it's just easy to use um we active campaign for email software and our drip campaigns uh zapier to integrate tie tools together think AIC um so we're starting to build for this is where the licensing program is going to be built out and it's also um for just internal training as well we're building like full training uh programs for every position in the company to where before you start with us like you go through this full training program it's going to give you everything that you you need to know again it like goes back to making it as plug-and-play as possible and as copy Pace as possible like we want you to be able to go through this program before you even start with us and know 90% of what you need to know uh to be able to operate in that position and then the rest we can just uh have training calls with you to answer any questions that come up and button up the process further so right now for it's called LMS learning management software we're using think AIC to add our programs think a think AIC it's think if it's like uh like all these different like oh it's like a course thing almost basically but for training your internal team training the internal team but also um like if you go and you opt in to the viral hook Frameworks and our uh viral viral content checklist I mentioned earlier and the trainings that we provide with that um our free offer that's also in think AIC and then our licensing program is going to be in thinkific so it's a mix of external and internal D amazing like that's like that's building a business it's like that process that people aren't thinking about training onboarding training and onboarding is incredibly important um like a lot of people pass it over put all their focus on the front end on just marketing just sales Outreach like you want to have all these same types of systems built internally as well uh you want to have great funnels great marketing great copy for Recruitment and hiring great talent and then great payment incentives in place uh like dial training if you're going to hire a players you need an a player onboarding process you know it can't just be like halfhazard and you're just like oh yeah we'll book a call here and like do this and give them no guidance so uh we want to have just bulletproof onboarding and Training Systems in place and that's going to reduce turn attract better talent and uh just Kickstart things faster and overall produce much better results for the company which you know makes everyone more money and just uh has things like run much better dude you're airtight I love it so what about onboarding like say I got signed up with you guys I got past your weight list and like it I was starting today like what would be the deliverables you give me what would I have to do for you guys yeah so we have an onboarding form that we'll send over it takes like 10 minutes maybe and it's just answering uh just getting us like basic info uh the different team members and their contact information of who's going to be involved as well as um access to any of the accounts if we're going to be managing any of their primary socials um things along those lines and then from the asset standpoint we just need as many as much uh content as they can deliver to us um it's ideal to have raw footage without a lot of like edits and overlays on top of it because it gives our editors a lot more creativity uh to be able to improve those clips further um and then we'll set up an easy system as far as like getting access to the new content once it's filmed and then we do a camera we call it a camera roll dump with every client to where we have them create a shared album everyone has iPhones so they'll go in their iPhone photos app and create a shared album with us and then they just add like any and all content that they want to add and why this is great is because like if I were to look at your camera role right now and just look through it I would feel like I start to like really get to know you I'm like oh I see like Brett posting pictures on vacation and with his friends and with his family and like behind the scenes stuff like that showcases in your content as well if you're using it to where the viewers now feel like they get to know you on a more personal side and so we use that uh and incorporate like the cam dump and different footage uh for a b-roll and like different pictures to have like clipped into edits as well to add like more of a personal side for our client's content as well um so long way to answer but it's pretty simple like you fill out onboarding form you get us access to your content we create an easy system for uploading new content as you film it you do the camera roll dump and the rest we take over and handle and uh just get it all going we have about a four-week onboarding process generally um the reason being is because going back to the team size to 10 to 15 people will usually pull um a good portion of that team into internally from the company but we also will usually hire like three to five new people as well so we go through the hiring and training process and then we on the back end are building out all the assets and systems and then we wanted the the team to have a lead on all their edits before we go live for a large variety of reasons uh just to make sure that we're hitting our targets they have time to uh revise content based on any notes that our virality engineer leaves and we're making sure that we're hitting targets um as far as the volume that we want to hit and um so there's usually a week lead up time also like building the accounts like doing that warm-up process drafting some posts making sure everything's smoothed out and finalized um so yeah but it's really like we do as much as possible to make it as hands off as possible for the clients on getting started what is the hardest thing about running your business like what are some of your biggest pain points doing this uh the biggest pain point is just really the team size like we started in February this year we're already at basic like 4950 people and it's not easy to run a company that size and for us to like on the done for you side for us to double uh the amount of Revenue we're bringing in and double our profit we also have to for a large majority like double our team right and so it's not easy to go from 50 to 100 people in the course of two months right and you can't scale too fast or else everything's going to break and as uh the more of a team you build out the more layers of management you need to be able to run that team because it's impossible for like myself and my partner Spencer to run and and manage 50 people right so we need layers of management um and so it's just not scaling too fast on the done for you side that's also again going back to us rolling out uh the licensing model is uh it's more scalable force and allows us to work with more people and create more impact you know by um allowing more people to be able to know how to run this strategy and build it themselves and like do this internally um so that's going to help a lot uh for us to be able to scale faster and work with more people so the done for you that's the biggest challenge is just the amount of labor involved in um scaling that like over and over for every client coming on board and allocating a team of 10 to 15 people per client that makes a lot of sense yeah I guess the last question I'll ask you because we're pretty much around two hours now is what is one belief you had when you started this that has been proven to not be true like did you have some sort of like philosophy or thesis and now you're like that's completely wrong wouldn't say it was a belief but just something that I continuously do and need to remind myself of I would say it's it's never going to be as easy as you expect it to be you know I'm like always an optimist and um getting started with this like I wanted to be 3x where we are right now but so many challenges so many Roadblocks come up that are unexpected and it is never easy no matter what you do if you're doing anything great whether it's um in business or any other aspect of life like challenges are going to come up business is problems it's always problem solving and um you're NE you're never able to like foresee everything that's going to happen so you have to be amiable and uh just fluid with your approach and adapt with the times and pivot quickly um but just understanding it's never going to be easy and it's like every challenge the bigger the goal um the more challenges are going to come up you just have to like persevere through that such a good answer and I'm we're the same age so I think I've come to this conclusion myself as well recently like putting that emphasis on quality of what you're outputting and taking more time before launching it because it's always like an exciting like you want to like just get it out as fast as possible then you think you're going to be rich so did you how many businesses have you started before this business too many to count same like doz like the Drop Shipping shiny object smma everything that's how you get your start you know like I was I was first exposed to I kind of feel like in in high school um I was more so just like hopping between like different clicks and groups and like never feel like I fully fit into like one thing that really motivated or inspired me until I was exposed to business and then there's like this one guy his name was Ry started posting on Twitter about self-development and just reading books and investing in yourself and concepts of business and mindset and I had like never heard of about any of the stuff and uh that was when I was 18 and then I started buying books and reading books for the first time and started buying courses and programs and at that time it was like ranking websites on uh on Google for SEO and then like renting them out to local businesses and Drop Shipping and like I was just buying these courses and thinking I was going to you know make tens of thousands of dollars per month like that and then just like failed failed failed constantly did that process um but you just never give up and continue to process like continue to invest in yourself and grow and learn and uh eventually you get there and I'm nowhere near where I want to be yet um and I don't think I'll ever get to that point because there's always more to do and and and more to grow into but um you do you know finally see results and finally start to see success and you have to soak it in and and be grateful for the process and then just continue to set your sights higher and do more I think when you're young you just don't realize how many skills you actually need and how like right intentional you need to be like your like your landing page and your vsl and your framing all of these things you probably learned like piece by piece in your business when you started when you're 19 and then you learned like the email drip campaigns when you're 20 then you learned the followup and then you learned the framing all of that through all these different businesses and then you finally find the right opportunity the right time have all those skills stacked and then it finally works but it takes like three to five years to really get the whole picture I feel like 100% that's a great Point like if you are very young right now and you're buying a program that's like teaching you a skill set that can make you more money and this is your first program you're buying you're probably not going to make more money cuz that's just like one skill out of many that's really required to be able to build this and the people who you do see in that program who are like killing it and uh you know producing incredible results like they've earned their stripes like there's no like overnight success with this like you have to earn your stripes it takes time again it goes back like it takes reps like you don't build uh you don't get a six-pack overnight or huge chest overnight in the gym like you have to put in a lot of reps same thing with business and it takes even longer amen well brother you deserve it ladies and gentlemen Logan foresight Medias scaling dcom my man hey thanks for having me on I want to do uh a call out real quick as well if you are an editor and you want to work with us and work with some of the top personal Brands creators on social media uh you can apply to work with us by going to go. Medias scaling dcom editor and then again for those who want to uh learn from us we have our free resources on creating bio videos checklists like trainings that go with this I promise you it's going to increase your your content quality if you go through this and it's very short very actual and it's free uh you can go to go. mediascreen for you side or you're interested in our licensing model you can apply on our website at Medias scaling dcom boom do it he's the real deal let's redo the DAP daap yeah d
Channel: Brett Malinowski
Views: 190,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shorts, short form content agency, viral short form, how to go viral, viral hooks, media scaling logan forsyth, iman gadzhi short form strategy, how to make money on youtube, make money on tiktok, tiktok creativity program, short form editor, instagram reels, personal brand growth strategy, personal brand, the tate model, mass content distribution, how to grow on social media, he beat the social media algorithms, manny koshbin marketing, short form agency, tiktok strategy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 17sec (5537 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2023
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