How I Made $96,358.20 From ONE Video (Free Case Study)

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I am only good at one thing content and for the last8 years I've been shooting content fulltime for the first 5 years I was shooting music videos documentaries and Major Brands but in 2021 I applied that knowledge to YouTube and in 2 and A2 years I gained over 434,000 subscribers 13.9 million long form views and generated over 5 million in business Revenue through my Channel today I'm going to give you all of my YouTube knowledge for free and I'm going to give you everything you need to make good content grow on YouTube and nurture your audience so you can turn your viewers into customers so I believe that content is the most competitive sport in the world but in this game we play for attention if we look at the average salary of say an NBA player we see that it's $6.3 million but it's rumored that Iman gzi made over $22 Million last year from his personal brand alone and it's not just him Dan Co made $4.2 million Ali abdall made 5.4 million and of course Alex Heros made over $85 million with his portfolio companies so top content creators make professional athlete money but to make good content consistently there are six skills you need to learn so in basketball the skills are play calling passing dribbling shooting rebounding and running and content the six skills are strategy ideation Packaging writing retention and of course performance on camera and professional content creators actually have full-blown teams for each one of these skills Mr Beast has a full-on strategy team a full ideation team a full packaging team a full writing team and a full-on retention team so I have three Revenue sources on my channel the first one is going to be our software development agency wgmi Labs the second one is our SAS revamped and the third one of course educational products at the wgmi Academy today since it's a software Workshop I'm going to talk about our software revamped and how we drove customers with Organic content through my channel more specifically how this one video made us $96,000 in annual recurring Revenue so if we look at this video this got us over $492 paid users at an LTV of $195 and if we break this down a little further we'll see that the video got 194,000 views so 400 views equals one user one user $195 so is 50 cents per view or if you're a marketer of $496 CPM and for context sponsors that try to sponsor my podcast are typically paying maybe $50 for every thousand views so there's no way you're going to be able to get this amount of value in any other way than organic content through a personal brand the first skill is strategy the type of video you make should align with the product you are selling or going to sell so we need to make videos that are designed to attract the type type of person that would naturally be interested in the product that you sell so to do that we need to look at the three categories of YouTube content first we have entertainment content this is Mr Beast these videos get tens of millions of views next we have informational videos which is what I like to make and these videos are just informing people on a topic and giving them the relevant information that they need then lastly we actually have the technical videos technical tutorials that teach you step by step how to use a tool or how to get an outcome now what's interesting about these videos is Mr Beast can get tens of millions of views but he can only sell a $1 chocolate bar so if he's lucky he gets about 2 cents per view where informational videos since they're slightly more educational they can get around a million views and you can charge a little bit more and make around a dollar per view if you make a good video then lastly technical videos if you're lucky you'll get a 100,000 views but since you're literally teaching people hard skills that can make them a lot of money you could charge thousands of dollars and make anyone from $3 to $5 per view so I like to think about this as it doesn't matter what content you make you can make the same amount of money right like a technical tutorial could get 10,000 views but if you have a$1 th000 product you can make a million bucks where Mr Beast since he's only selling a dollar chocolate bar to make a million dollars he has to get a million views so this is really important when thinking of the strategy of the videos you want to make for your business and so let me break this down in a different way so I like to think about it as audience density first we have Broad then we have narrow then we have Niche so for broad this is going to be entertainment anyone can watch this video it could be your grandma it could be your kid they're going to enjoy the video next is narrow informational videos these are people interested in a specific topic but not too nitty-gritty and then Niche highly technical tutorials how to edit a video in After Effects using this plugin very specific very step-by step showing you how to do it so if we think about this a different way broad content is optimized for growth Niche content is optimized for conversions and that's why I like to live in the narrow section because I can get growth and conversions so our software revamped is a newsletter writing tool basically you could take any video of mine on YouTube any content on the internet and you can turn it into a newsletter turn it into a tweet turn it into LinkedIn and our goal with this video is to launch revamped and to launch revamped we want to make an informational video designed for a narrow audience the target is to get 250,000 views of specifically newsletter writers okay so now that we have our strategy down now let's go through the ideation process which is our second skill no matter how good a video is if the idea isn't interesting no one's ever going to watch your video so there's four ways to come up with an idea first you could look at what has worked on other channels second you could just look up some trending topics see what people are interested in right now maybe look at what your audience is watching on the back end of your YouTube analytics or four do keyword research directly on YouTube so our ideal customer profile is newsletter writers and I've actually broken down newsletter writers into four stages on YouTube so the first stage of a newsletter writer is just how to start a newsletter business and these videos do really well 500,000 views on this video but the next stage is people actually looking how to write a newsletter and we can see that the drop off of people looking at the business opportunity and the people who actually decide to start writing is over 80% which is quite substantial now the next day are people who have wrote A Few newsletters they're taking the business seriously but now they're looking to grow and the drop off is again is another 50% and then lastly newsletter tools people who have grown their newsletter they're taking it very seriously this is their full-time business and now they're just looking how to optimize or how to get better another 75% 10,000 views on that video so if you look we can actually see that this is basically the same categories this is more entertainment and this is more technical so in an Ideal World if you run a newsletter YouTube channel you have the time where you can make this video on week one to attract a new audience this video on week two to get the people who are interested to learn more this video on week three to actually teach them how to grow and to see results and of course this video on week four to show them all the best ways to run a newsletter and that's the most optimal way to nurture someone from not having any idea what your video is about or what your business is about to actually turning them into a customer and teaching them every detail so if you wanted to make the most money possible on YouTube as an educational Creator this is what you would do week one week two week three week four now I'm not a newsletter Creator I had never made a video on newsletters and I wasn't going to make any other videos on newsletters after this so I had a little bit of a different approach to this so if we look at it a little differently we can see that the YouTube newsletter Market size as a whole is around 2 million people so 2 million people have searched the word newsletter on YouTube this month but if we kind of break it down for what the people were actually looking for 70% of them were not looking for newsletter they were looking for a business idea only 24% were actually specifically looking into newsletters starting at that point of how to write a newsletter 5% are actually working on a newsletter business and 1% are running a full-time newsletter business so this is really insightful because this tells you that out of 2 million people who looked up newsletter videos on YouTube only 500,000 of them were specific Al intentionally looking for the word newsletter so what video do we make with that information well to get maximum amount of views we're going to need to appeal to all four groups of people so we have the people looking for a business idea people looking into a newsletter working on a newsletter and the people running a full-time newsletter so to get maximum amount of views I need to appeal to all four categories of people in one video but for the people that are just looking for a business idea all I need to do is convince them that this is actually a way that you can make money and that running a newsletter is a legitimate business next for the people looking into newsletters I need to show them how to make money and how the whole business actually works then for people that are already working on a newsletter so they understand that I need to prove to them that I know what I'm talking about and show them the methods that have worked for me and then the actual full-time newsletter people I need to show them something new so they're interested and can actually get value out of this because they already understand these three topics and so to get maximum amount of views I need a do all of that in one single video and so there is one single video format that consistently outperforms and these are called new opportunity video formats so we see this all the time on YouTube the new business opportunity videos drastically outperform every other video format so you might have seen ipga by sander stage basically he teaches people how to sell a course or partner with creators and sell a course for them it's nothing new but he just wrapped it in this new packaging and gave it a big fancy name called IP GA maybe you were around for the AI automation agency Trend by Liam Atley again same thing AI development agencies have been around for years but he calls it and Frames it a new opportunity and he gave it his name AAA and of course the best to ever do it Iman godi with smma and as you can see the titles are the exact same best online business to start as a beginner they are trying to attract the biggest most broad audience possible by presenting their business model as a new opportunity and the reason we do this is because it allows you to create create your own Tam and so let's think about newsletters 2 million people searched up newsletter but already 1.5 million out of those 2 million decided that newsletters weren't for them because they didn't go on to watch the how to write a newsletter video and so when you're making new opportunity these videos are extremely broad because there's way more free agents there's tens of millions of people who are looking for a business to start then there are people who actually decided to start a newsletter business so if you present it as a new opportunity you hit a way a bigger Market all of us got this from Russell Brunson who is the Godfather of internet marketing and this book expert Secrets is a mustre for anyone getting into the YouTube space so he says in this book winners present a new opportunity where the losers tend to offer Improvement and he goes on to say that a new opportunity plays on people's desires for the change they want in their lives when we're looking at any opportunity we have to decide if it will make us appear smarter happier more stylish more wealthy more powerful or more attractive all these things will increase status and if a potential customer can say yes this will increase my status they will move towards it AKA New Opportunities make us click so let's go ahead and move on to packaging no matter how good a video is no matter how good your idea is if no one clicks on it you're not going to get any views so you need a strong title and thumbnail concept before you even shoot your videos so everyone has heard the term a picture is worth a th words to me a picture is worth worth $100,000 so I want to show you guys just how important this is so on March 19th of last year I posted this video I made $1 million building businesses of the future in the last 12 months I tested three different thumbnails and I got a 6.9% clickthrough rate this resulted in only 12.9 th000 views for this video in the first 5 days which is extremely low for my channel but on the fifth day I decided to change the title and thumbnail to businesses of the future this generation opportunity and on the fourth thumbnail the clickthrough rate went from 6.9% to 8.8% and that resulted in over 158,000 views in the next 5 days so as we see right here on the graph on the fifth day this is where I changed the title and thumbnail in the video absolutely exploded this is the exact same video the only difference was a title and thumbnail so a 2% increase in click-through rate was the difference between 15,000 views or 500,000 views that was a $100,000 thumbnail change so I hope that shows you just how important a good title in thumbnail is but what makes a thumbnail good a good thumbnail puts an idea in your head so let's do a test I'm going to show you one of my most recent thumbnails and I want you to just think what you think the video is about I'm going to give you three seconds you ready 3 2 one what is the video about okay Hypno izing yes the background yes okay Alex rosi so like business people anyone know what the green anyone know what the green arrows are what are the green arrows okay okay okay all right so let's go ahead and break this down people hypnotizing me with green arrows something along the lines that's the idea you had in your head well for a good thumbnail you need to follow the three element rule too many people make very messy beautiful thumbnails that have way too much going on so you must follow the three element rule but most importantly each element is designed to put one idea in your head so the three ideas that we had from this thumbnail we have Alex Heros that's an entrepreneur that's the idea I want in your head we have this background it's like hypnotizing and so I want to use the word brainwash that's the idea you should get in your head and this is the views icon on YouTube so views that's the idea entrepreneur brainwashing views so what is the title how these entrepreneurs brainwash you for views so the ideas in the thumbnail are reflected directly in the title so the thumbnail puts the idea in your head and then the words in the title confirm that idea and so they're like a reflection of themselves if you only saw the thumbnail you should be able to deduct this concept and then the title will confirm it for you and so it's a reflection of itself and so people you read books left to right in YouTube we look top to bottom so this is really key to making a thumbnail and a title that creates curiosity and gets people to click so that's great but how do we even come up with the concept for this title and thumbnail well I got this one through keyword research if we look at the word psychology that's what the video is about it's a psychology video on like script writing storytelling and hooks we see that over 8 and a half million people look up the word psychology on YouTube which is massive but then if you go look at the top videos on YouTube you see 300,000 views 1.5 million views and what this tells us is that yes a lot of people are searching for psychology but they're searching it in a ton of different topics right this one's the psychology of evil people this one's behavioral pattern so it's behavioral psychology there's other videos that are the psychology of marketing there's other videos on the psychology of sports athletes and so yes it's a big word but it's all spread out so I decided to make a keyword list of synonyms with psychology persuasion influence hook mind hack hypnotize or brainwash and once I set on brainwash this is what I saw brainwash only has 640,000 people looking up that word on YouTube but if you look at the top videos on YouTube you see that they have 5.6 million views 19 million views 17 million views 5.4 million views again so what does this tell you people aren't looking for the word brainwash but when they see it on their feed in a title it's an extremely strong word that they click on I call call them visual words and so if you make this keyword the key word in your title anytime people see brainwash on YouTube they tend to click based on how many views there were related to how there was barely anybody searching for the word does that make sense so that's a really powerful way to actually come up with a concept and now that's the main way I come up with video titles and thumbnails I look for a strong visual word like that I am looking for entrepreneurs who want to grow their business through YouTube I have grown from 0 to 450 ,000 subscribers in Just 2 and 1/2 years but what I learned in the process was the content that got me to 10,000 subscribers was completely different than the content that got me to 100,000 subscribers when I started out I was doing everything alone I would just pick up a camera hit record and post but to get to 500,000 subscribers I had to bring on a team of experts I hired a Content strategy specialist to help me come up with inless content ideas I hired a title and thumbnail expert to help maximize my click-through rate I even hired an experience script writer to keep viewers watching and then I hired a professional copywriter to turn those views into dollar now I can lean on the experience of experts who flat out know what works and what doesn't it helps me make way more quality content much more quickly so if you want to surround yourself with YouTube professionals and work with me directly I have decided to offer ongoing content coaching for a small group of 30ish entrepreneurs we will give you Hands-On support with your strategy your ideas your titles thumbnails script writing wrting and more so if you want help making long form content that consistently gets 100,000 plus views and actually turn those views into customers click the link directly below this video and fill out an application so now that we found out keyword how did we come up with what to put on the thumbnail well for thumbnails you want to use inspiration and you want to steal like an artist sometimes so for me I use Mr BEAST's new YouTube data tool called and on the this tool they show you what are called outliers and so they give you an outlier score based on how well this video did compared to the average video on your channel so if you post a video and you usually get around 10,000 views on your channel then you post one that has 100,000 views it would be a 10x outlier because you got 10 times more views than your Channel's average and that is really insightful and so you can literally just go on this tool and search for all of the videos across YouTube that outperformed on each person's Channel and it gives you these little scores on the bottom right and so when we looked up the word brainwash in niches that were adjacent to us so not directly people talking about newsletters but people in the broader educational space we saw these thumbnails and titles are what outperformed everything else on their Channel and then obviously we saw this thumbnail by Sab subbi this video got 405,000 views where the average video on this channel only gets 35,000 so clearly there's something about this combination that made people click and so what did we decide to do we decided to take the concept of just the background the hypnotizing but instead of doing 100 million since his video is about making money our video is about the psychology the entrepreneurs use we just decided to put the entrepreneurs instead of the 100 million and then again instead of dollars since we're not talking about making money we just put the view icon because we were talking about getting views you want to make sure you're looking at what's working because it's proven and then making it your own adding on top of it making sure it fits your concept now that wasn't the first thumbnail we actually decided to use though I usually have three or four titles and thumbnails ready to go before I upload a video and the first title I went with was the invisible language creators use to get millions of views and our first clickthrough rate was 6.6% and so this isn't very good and I know that I need over 8% clickthrough rate for my video to hit the algorithm on a 10-minute video and as you can see right here in the first 6 hours of the video if I just left that thumbnail I was going to Flatline and I was only going to get 2 to 3,000 views in the first day which is very bad for my channel so we decided to test this new title and thumbnail instantly went to an 8.4% click-through rate and that instantly saved the video so I was going to get flatlined at 2,000 I ended up with over 12,000 views in the first day simply because I tested a new title and thumbnail so again you spend all this time making a great video all this time shooting all this time writing all this time editing but if you don't have a good title and thumbnail no one's ever going to see it so this is definitely what you want to have before you even think about making your videos so let's look at the thumbnail that that I used for the newsletter video so this is a good thumbnail because there's action it looks like there's something happening it looks like there's movement and there's an event that is happening within a still image not only that is we actually provide broad context so I'm on a computer this kind of symbolizes that it's an online business and then from there I'm showing a strong emotion so there's action something's happening and I'm shocked so whatever I'm doing on the computer is causing me to have that reaction and our eye is drawn to that and then lastly there's newsletter implied so if you look right here in the top I needed to make sure that people who were in the newsletter world you know those 70,000 40,000 10,000 people that they knew this video was for them and so I put the Beehive logo strategically up here because if you're in the newsletter world you would recognize that and you could get the idea that this video could be for you and so there's action there's broad context there's actual strong emotion and the newsletter section is implied now here's another thumbnail of mine that did absolutely horrible why cuz it's still there's nothing happening there's really no context is this an ideas video is this a tools video is this a tutorial you have no idea there's no emotion I'm just standing there with a smile and then these are Niche apps like no one would know what these apps are unless you're very very deep in the software world so again this video this uh thumbnail followed the same three element rule the computer is an online business my body is a oneperson business and then the speed lines imply that it's fast something is happening you can do it today and so again that's implied in the title of this video a oneperson business you can start today it's a reflection of itself so you can deduct you can look at the image it's like okay this guy is looking at a business it's just one person maybe it's in the newsletter world and then the title confirms that it's a oneperson business that you can start today with $0 now I want to point out this title so I think this title is one of my best because this title is key to getting maximum amount of views because it's broad but it still has really good messaging so to have good messaging in a title there's five points that you have the option to hit you could make them interested AKA make them curious you could promise an outcome you can identify who the video is for you can overcome a typical objection or you can show that this is an opportunity for people and in this video title I pretty much did all five so first we have a oneperson business this is that visual word that I'm talking about I could have made it a newsletter business you can start today but we already know that out of the 2 million people looking to start a newsletter business over 1.5 million of them have decided that they don't want to start a newsletter and so I don't want to cut out and limit myself to just those 500,000 people and so I looked up different keywords and I stumbled across the one person business keyword that was doing really well Dan Co kind of pioneered this and he was absolutely crushing at the time and so saying a onep person business is a much more broad audience than saying newsletter if I did newsletter it would cut out a huge amount of people next the word start this is subtle but very very important because one word can imply sentences worth of knowledge so since I use the word start that kind of implies that this is for beginners because obviously a person who's been in the game for a while isn't starting but when you see the word start you understand okay it's something new that I can do if I haven't done it before and then again we're going to use the word today since I use the word today it's going to imply that it's fast and it's something that you could do right now and so if you're sitting there drinking your morning coffee you're feeling good you don't like your 9 to5 you're like okay I'm ready to start my business I use the word start today that's really going to resonate with you then lastly the last piece of me messaging is with 0 this is called a risk reversal and it's an objection Handler so obviously the market for beginners people who don't have a lot of money to invest in their business is much larger than people who are technical experts and making a lot of money and so with $ again just broadens and broadens and broadens the amount of people who could be interested in this video so a typical template that I typically follow is what they'll accomplish who or how they'll accomplish it and then a common objection Handler so what they'll accomplish they'll start a business how or who today with one person with Z very simple template that anyone can follow but titles and thumbnails make us curious and that's why they work so that leads us to the fourth skill writing our goal is to turn strangers into customers so to do this you need to present information in a very specific order you need to treat your videos like a math equation of psychology principles storytelling and value and so Iman posted a video that got 4.4 million views and in the first minute and a half he hit multiple psychology principles so if we look at his hook in his first five sentences he's actually hitting four psychology principles first the very first line you're young you're ambitious and you want to make it big early in your life this is commitment he's assigning an identity and telling you exactly who this video is for next a few lines down he's saying people in their early 20s to become millionaires this is the outcome that they will achieve if they watch this video so it's the desired outcome then he tells you why you should listen to him I made my first million dollars at 18 years old and that is Authority once you assert your Authority it tells people that he is someone that they should spend their time listening to how are we going to achieve that desired outcome well he followed these seven principles and that's what he's going to reveal in this video so he basically told you who this video is for what you're going to achieve if you watch it why you should listen to him and how we're going to achieve it and he made that very clear line by line in the first 30 seconds so we need to share information in the right order and I always use storytelling Frameworks this is the best way to visualize the order in which you're supposed to share information you always want to make sure you're progressing and this storytelling Arc is a framework that you can follow so at the bottom we have a negative emotion at the top we have positive emotion so Cinderella is a great example of this because at the beginning of the movie she's in a very negative State her step family is mean to her and she has to clean she's very unhappy but then something slightly positive happens someone comes to the door and they invite her to a ball inside their town next she goes to the ball and she meets the Prince she is at an all-time high life has never been better but she has to be home by midnight she starts to panic and she has to leave so her emotional state starts to decline then her stepmother finds out she went against her orders and she locks her in her room she's lost all hope she thinks she'll never find the prince again and she's at an alltime low but then a little more positivity happens she hears the prince is looking around her town for the girl she met for the girl he met at the ball and then lastly finally Cinderella puts her foot in the slipper and they live happily forever after so when the average person tells stories they would take these seven different pieces of the story and just say them in random orders and so it doesn't flow very well so the average person would just be like oh Cinderella was with her stepmother and she was really mean to her but then she ended up meeting the prin town they got married but it was kind of weird how they met each other so she kind of got invited to the ball she was lucky to answer the door and then they met but her stepmother was not happy about that and then they locked her in a room but then she kind of like left her shoe there and eventually so it's a horrible order so it's like you can have these eight pieces of value these eight pieces of information that you want to provide and you need to make sure that you're strategically sharing them in an order that makes sense by following a simple storytelling framework big YouTubers like sunny V2 have mastered this sunny V2 makes these videos on like the downfall of creators so it'll start up here it's based like oh this person was amazing they were getting 10 million views per video everyone loved them but then they said something controversial then they made a bad decision then they apologized publicly and now they're only getting 3,000 views per video and their career is over it's just a simple s from top to bottom and so there's about eight of these different storytelling arcs that you can follow and it's something you really need to consider when you're making your content but I like to follow the D Harmon story wheel so this is something I follow for basically every video but I did this for the newsletter video and I want to break this down so first in the very first 10 seconds you need to define the U what the video is about Define the video topic then we need to go through the need why people need to listen to this the desired outcome go three steps to achieve it that's typically going to be your hook then we search we provide context next we find we teach step one step six we take this is where we have a call to action promote our product step seven return teach step two and three then finally we recap the change and we recap the beliefs that we changed in the video so how this applied to the newsletter video was you it's a one person business need we're going to make money from it go we're going to do that by start growing and monetizing that's what I'm going to talk about in this video that's the first two minutes then we searched I basically teach them how it works you send one email a week you write it out get thousands of subscribers and if you want to make money here's how to do it so the find is how we got paid we found the need so the need was we need to make money from it we find how to get paid sponsorships whatever it could be selling products then we take how to actually write a newsletter and since our tool is a newsletter writing tool we promoted our software showed them how to use it and how to write with our tool and then we return to teaching how to grow then lastly change basically now they believe at the end of this video that a newsletter is a good opportunity and all they need to do is start we change that belief in their mind so that is how you follow the Dan Haron story wheel for any video on YouTube so good writing keeps us watching and that leads us into skill number five which is retention there is one key metric that will decide if the algorithm pushes your video and that is average view duration it's simple the longer people watch your video the more people YouTube is going to show it to you because YouTube makes money by putting ads on your videos and so the longer people are on the platform the more money YouTube makes so when I make a video and that video does well YouTube is incentivized to push it to more people because they make more money so attention is scarce and every second is a gift anytime someone watches your video they are always skeptical and just waiting to click off so the number one thing you need to focus on is value per second if you are just constantly second after second opening their mind teaching them something showing them something new they will never click off so you need to speak with precision and always progress an easy way to make sure you're progressing is following the but therefore storytelling framework so it goes something like this I was going to go bowling but a pipe burst so it froze the alley therefore I had to go get ice cream but when I was on the way to get ice cream my friend called me and said I need to go to their party therefore I got on the highway and drove to the party but when I was on the highway there was a car crash therefore I couldn't make it to the party in time so I went home but when I got home my mom yelled at me therefore I left and went to a friend's house you can instantly tell a story with just those two words and you're constantly progressing so when you're reading through your script or watching your video back make sure it can always fit in a butt therefore often times you're fitting in information that's out of order so there's four parts that can lead to retention death and the first thing I see most all beginner YouTubers do is prefacing the first 30 seconds are the most important real estate of your video and a lot of beginners are going to start a video by going all right guys welcome to this video I'm super excited to talk about this video because it's going to be a really raw authentic video and I'm going to teach you what it's all about to make $10,000 per month as an entrepreneur that's 30 seconds where you didn't say anything just get into the video Start teaching them the things it's very very frustrating to watch and everybody makes this mistake so the next one is self-aggrandizing a lot of people might use big words so they sound smart or they might tell a story just because they think it'll make them look cool but it's not actually helping you learn something it's not actually giving you value or teaching you anything which is why people are watching your video so do not talk about yourself do not use big words cuz you think it's going to make you look smart you're never thinking about yourself you're only thinking about how every word you share is serving your audience next is explaining Nuance we live in this Andrew Tate day and age where people have the most outrageous takes and they like talk with complete confidence if you give nuance and say that maybe this is the best way but there's other things you can do too I don't really care they both work even though that might be true it's going to kill your ability to get views on social media and so a lot of people be like water is the best for you it's really healthy but you know some water has fluoride in it so but a little fluoride isn't that bad if you have some it's okay and just that rambling people click off because now they don't know what to believe and they don't know what you stand for and then last thing is just repeating yourself if you made the point before your audience is smart you don't need to make the point again I see a lot of people just reiterating the same point over and over and over and it just kills their retention so let me actually show you why retention matters so much this is something that is on every social media platform whether it's shorts whether it's long form they give you these retention curves and this is basically showing out of everyone who clicked on the video where are they leaving and so at the very start 100% of people are on the video then at the end only around 20% are still there and we can see specifically where they're leaving so if you play this video this red bar is going to go across the screen and you'll see like big drop off points and you can see in the video what you talked about that made them drop off and so for this video the average view duration was 3 minutes and 14 seconds and an average percentage viewed of 31.3% a 10-minute video has over 4 minutes of view duration will get pushed by the algorithm so let me show you just how big of a deal this is but first this is what a perfect retention curve looks like it has a small drop off at the beginning which is normal but then it completely flatlines the higher and the flatter the better the retention curve but as we can see on this video there was at around the one minute Mark there's a big drop off and as we see at what stage is I put this like one minute long black and white acting scene in this video and that caused a huge drop off I basically had like two versions of myself and I was trying to convince myself to start a newsletter like acting and that drop off probably resulted and about a 15% of people so 15% of people left the video at this point with a video with 194,000 views that's 30,000 people 30,000 people stopped watching this video simply because of this scene and so if I didn't put this scene in there and just cut that out their retention would have been way higher and this video probably would have gotten 500,000 views and so that was a critical mistake that I made that I need to learn from and not do in the future and that is why retention curves are so important to pay attention to because they're telling you why your audience stopped watching they're telling you what they're interested in and what they're not interested in and this is the learning the iteration process to actually getting good and going pro as a content creator so as we can look at other retention curves we can kind of categorize them and we can see what mistakes they're making without even watching the video so this is the time waster this is that prefacing example so he made a title in thumbnail say I'm going to teach you how to make $10,000 but the first five minutes he's just telling you all about how he's going to teach you something and then he finally gets into the value that he promised and teaches them everybody loved that part and they stayed but then what happened he started doing Nuance he teaches you this is the best business to start but then he's like well but if you like marketing you should start a marketing business if you like software you should do software but newsletters are cool I like them personally but you can do anything everyone dropped off because there's no true conviction and now they no longer believe you and then at the very end he repeated the exact same thing he just said so even more people tanked off so this guy made every retention mistake besides one now this person did something amazing they had an amazing video strong idea strong hook great writing but at the very very end the last 20 seconds he rambled he probably started talking about himself and he probably started saying something like this all right that's it for today's video I hope you guys got value out of this I'm really looking forward to make more videos like this and if you would like that maybe leave a comment and it' really help me out but other than that you guys are awesome I love you have a great day if you tell people the video is over they're going to leave and so when he says the video that's it for this video but there's still 30 seconds left it kills your retention into the YouTube algorithm you had horrible average view duration so if you just cut that off off and just ended the video he would probably get Triple the amount of views so it's really important to start noticing these type of things so another cool thing that YouTube allows you to do on all videos and it's not just your channel is actually see the most replayed parts of any video on YouTube so if you over hover over like the scroll at the bottom of the play bar you can start seeing these waves and the bigger the wave the more people went back and watched it again so at the beginning of this video people were just hearing the story The prefacing of what the videos about but then once I actually started teaching like how to write a newsletter how to grow a newsletter and how to monetize people were like watching it having like oh wow that was interesting let me watch that again and rewinding and so if you go to a competitor's video you can see that there's going to be like two like spikes for like a two-minute section that everybody was watching over again that is probably a good idea to make an entire video on that topic on your channel so this is a really good way to get ideas so increasing retention Keeps Us engaged but but what also Keeps Us engaged is your performance on camera at the end of the day content creators are performers and no one wants to learn from a monotone brick wall enthusiasm voice inflection facial expression hand gestures and tonality all play a major role in the viewing experience good performance makes people feel you should be able to actually have an emotional reaction from your viewer and when you're watching the video you should get excited it should give you energy you should be smiling physically when you're watching a video and so this is a recent com comment that I got and it's exactly this look at his face the excitement the joy I can feel you Brett I know this one is one of the biggest opportunities ever thank you for the free value I'm grateful that is how you need to make someone feel so the only way to get someone this excited is through camera presence and how you're performing on camera so if we look at camera presence there are four skills you need to learn body movement facial expression tonality and hand gestures so first body movement if you've ever seen a behind the scenes of voice actors for animated movies when they're in the booth doing the voicing you can see they're moving their whole body because if I talk like this and I'm moving my body it's naturally causing my voice to change and that's called voice inflection no one wants to learn from someone just standing like this if I just started talking like this my voice is going to get really flat and you lose interest but if I'm moving around my voice has enthusiasm and it's way more engaging the next thing is facial expressions facial expressions are how humans communicate and that's how emotion is felt even the most subtle micro Expressions completely change the way you interpret information so if you're reading off a teleprompter it's extremely hard to do facial expressions like this because you're so focused on reading so I want to kind of point this out this is something that's really really interesting is that this is Bella porch and this Tik Tok is the most viewed Tik Tok of all time and all it is is a 20 second video of her listening to music doing like overly dramaticized facial expression she's going like and and so if you look at this photo for like 5 Seconds you're going to catch yourself only looking at the left side look at the right side and you just find yourself somewhat for some reason some way you're just more attracted to the extreme facial expressions and so when I'm performing on camera I am overdoing it it feels very unnatural but it's needed for subconscious communication and that is a slight Edge you can have when you're performing on camera so another big part is tonality like I said reading on telomers not only hurt your facial expression but your tonality is shot cuz you're just reading off of a page and so I when I make videos like this I memorize each line one at a time and then perform it so I memorize the line perform it to the camera memorize the line perform it to the camera and this is key so you can actually focus on these things like body movement tonality and facial expressions but when you're doing that it's very important that you pay attention to the way that you end each sentence if your tone is high pitched at the end of a sentence it's a question if it's low pitched at the end of a sentence it's certainty so let me kind of demonstrate how silly this can sound if you don't focus on this so this first line here is I show you all of these examples so you know it's not luck that sounds very strange and it sounds like a question it's supposed to be I show you all of these examples so you know it's not luck and that conviction is felt when people are talking and since you're doing each line you need to really pay attention to that know how you ended your last sentence and know how to start the next one one so another thing is emphasizing keywords so in this next line it goes I have been making content for 8 years and since 8 years is a long time it needs to be felt in the amount of emphasis you put in that word now this next line is leading into hand gestures in college I shot music videos and documentaries I am physically separating the two words and this drastically helps our brain automatically understand what I'm talking about so this leads us into hand gestures you want to match the words with your body language if I say look at the time I can't wait to see you did you hear that this is going to be big these hand gestures make it way easier on your eyes and on your mind to grasp what I'm talking about because it's a second form of communication that you're picking up subconsciously so it's easier on the brain subconscious communication and feels way more natural and so when you're doing each line line by line I will do four or five takes to make sure I get all four of these things right I need to make sure I emphasize the right words I need to make sure I'm using the right tone I need to make sure I'm moving so my voice sounds interesting and I need to make sure I'm nailing the hand motions to match what I'm saying and so if I do that then you're going to feel good camera presence and you're going to be a good performer on camera so it comes with practice a 10-minute video that I script out is typically going to be around 60 Minutes of recording time so it takes around an hour to record a 10-minute video line by line so good performance gives us energy now it doesn't matter what field you're in you don't need subscribers to get 100,000 views anymore you just need the skills to make good content so if you want to make professional athlete money Master these six skills
Channel: Brett Malinowski
Views: 13,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: content creation, content creator, education content, entrepreneur, grow your youtube channel, how to get more views, how to get subscribers on youtube, how to go viral, how to grow a youtube channel, how to grow an audience, how to grow on youtube, how to make a youtube video, how to monetize an audience, how to start a personal brand, how to start a youtube channel, infleuncers, make money online, personal brand, ugc, youtube advice, youtube growth strategy
Id: zqHsgubelz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 42sec (2622 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2024
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