Make $1000s per Month Online | Easy Side Hustle For Beginners | Full Tutorial | Book Bolt + Amazon

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in this video i'm going to show you one of the easiest side hustles or online business ideas i've found yet it's something literally anyone any age anywhere in the world can do and will allow you to have a brand new passive income source set up and running for yourself in less than an hour but before i tell you what it is for anyone who's new here i'm stacy and on my channel i share methods tips and ideas that you can use to start making money online so if you haven't already make sure you hit that subscribe button and turn on the notifications because you're not going to want to miss any of my upcoming videos showing you how to make money online okay so in the intro i told you that this might be one of the easiest side hustles i've found yet i'm gonna show you how you can make over two thousand dollars a month selling low content books on amazon kdp some examples of what low content books are are journals notebooks planners coloring books sketchbooks and these are just a few examples now if you're wondering what amazon kdp is it's a platform within the amazon marketplace that allows anyone to publish and sell books completely for free and i know what you're thinking writing a book sounds like a long complicated process and you would be right if we were actually writing a book by the end of this video i'm going to show you how you can create and sell books without writing anything at all all you have to do is create the cover and i'm even gonna show you a way to do that if you have zero design skills at all believe it or not these empty books have the possibility to generate passive income for you consistently every single month and it gets even better i'm gonna share an amazing tool with you that will allow you to complete this entire process in minutes i'm also going to show you a trick to find the exact amazon kdp products that are in high demand right now that are already getting hundreds of sales every single day that you can take and sell for yourself today let's get started as i already mentioned i found the absolute perfect tool to do this the tool we're gonna use today is called book bolt the reason why i picked book bolt is because it was created specifically to help people create and sell low content products on amazon kdp it's a full all-in-one tool that allows you to create journals notebooks planners and so many other types of books in minutes with just a few clicks and i'm not even exaggerating when i say you can do this within minutes this tool is so easy to use anyone even if you have zero graphic design experience at all can use this tool and create quality products to sell on amazon in literally minutes and on top of that book bolt also does amazon product research keyword research it shows you current amazon kdp best sellers and it even allows you to spy ethically of course on your competitors to see their best sellers so that you can use their strategy to sell your own books quickly it's essentially the go-to one-stop app that can allow anyone to create a digital or physical books to sell on amazon quickly and easily now before you go straight there to sign up i want to give you a heads up that i actually contacted book bolt myself before making this video to let them know that i wanted to share it with my subscribers just like you and they were super generous and created a special 20 off discount code just for you guys so don't go ahead and sign up without first checking the description below for the special discount code now once you create your book bolt account you're going to be brought to this screen that you see right here this is a list of all the book bolt tutorials that you can find right within the app so if you still have questions after watching this video you're going to find the answers to those right here in this section now the first thing you're going to want to do is to click on this cloud button right here this is what we're going to use to search for the best-selling products within our niche and find what's selling on amazon right now now remember we should not be picking products that we personally like when you're selling on amazon you should be looking for what people are actually buying and actually searching for right now and we're gonna let the data tell us what we should be selling and this tool is what can allow us to do that now when you click on the cloud icon you're going to see a few things you can sort by bestsellers top 100 and up you can pick a category right here on the right you can also change the bsr range and the price range for this example i'm going to pick journals and then leave everything as is and then click on search when the results load we're going to see a few different things appear on our screen now the first thing that you're going to want to do is click on this button right here that says results data when you do that you're going to see some information that pops up on the screen and the one thing that i want you to keep an eye on that is the most important thing on this page in my opinion is this average price now this is going to be the price that we're going to price our own books on when we go to amazon we're not going to go for the highest price 54 is pretty high for a low content book and we're definitely not gonna go for the lowest which is zero dollars so we're going to price our books right around the average price so keep note of this now once you've done that we're also going to scroll down to take a look to see what is currently selling right now and i'm seeing quite a few things here i see a journal i'm seeing this doesn't actually look like a low content book this might be something else i'm seeing a blank comic book sketchbook for kids um i'm also seeing a few more journals here that um are giving me some money some ideas and what i can see here is that uh this kind of floral pattern is sort of consistent with the journal so for this example we're gonna use this floral type of design to create a journal for ourselves now one other thing that i want to show you guys is the potential earnings for selling products like this now if you use the best-selling product on amazon right now that we can see right here on our screen book bolt actually gives us the data on their estimated monthly sales which is 669 sales for this one product and it also gives us the price that they're currently selling it for so if we do a quick calculation on that which is 6.99 times 669 sales per month on average that's 4676 dollars that they're making from this one low content product that they're selling on amazon kdp right now so that's just an example of the potential for this business model and no we may not have the best seller right away but you can create multiple products just like this in a matter of minutes and put them on amazon kdp to sell for yourself and you can start growing a business just like this and potentially see results like this within your own store so that is the potential of this side hustle or this online business that you can do for yourself now once you've picked a book that you want to create for yourself and again for this example we're going to go with a floral journal you want to go ahead and create the cover now another great thing about bookbult is that they have a super easy to use cover designer right within the app and it's super easy to use so don't worry if you have zero art or design skills at all now to get to the book bolt designer you're gonna click on the right side of the screen where your name is and wait for the drop down box to appear and then you're to select book bolt designer that will bring you right to the designer page now once you do that this box will appear that says choose a template now now you have two choices here cover or interior we're going with cover and then you're going to want to pick the trim size now after doing a little bit of research i found that six point six by nine is a pretty um popular size on amazon kdp so we're gonna pick the six by nine inch trim size the paper color i'm going to pick white and then the page count i'm going to make 50 pages you can pick whatever options you like in this section but for this example this is what i'm picking right now and then click submit and it takes a couple seconds for it to generate so just be patient with that okay now when the designer appears you're going to see a few things on your screen that i'm going to explain for you right now the first thing is our template in the middle of the screen and you can see around the cover you're going to see this orange and dotted line right around the edges and also through the center now what those are are the bleed lines or the margins so you don't want to put anything that you want anyone to see over it's over top or inside these orange lines you want to make sure everything is within the boundaries right here now the next things that i want to show you is the tool list on the left and the designer actually has quite a few things that you can do here you can add clipart you can add text you can add images you can see i've uploaded some of my own images here for this example they have their own shapes that you can add to your cover you can actually draw right within the app as well if you like to draw they have layers that are similar to if you're used to using photoshop they have layers that you can manipulate and they also have different effects that you can apply to the images that you put on your cover now for this example we're not going to be doing any drawing but i am going to show you how you can import some of your own images and also use some of the shapes within bookbull to create a really beautiful book cover now to do that the first thing we're going to do is click on images and now if you find some great royalty-free images of your own or maybe you have some images that you want to import yourself you can go to the folder and just drag the images right into this box and they will be uploaded into the designer now for this example i brought in this floral print right here and to add your image you're just going to click and drag to put it onto your cover now one thing i want to note is that the right side of the book is the front cover the left side of the book is the back cover so make sure you when you're designing your cover you design it that way you don't want to have your writing on the left side because then the the title of your book and the writing is going to be on the back so make sure you put the writing on the right hand side of this template now you can see i've dragged my image onto the cover of the book but it's not quite the right size so you can actually resize the image to the size of the notebook that you want and once you have it kind of sitting where you like we're going to do that again i'm going to drag the other image onto the right hand side and we're going to make sure that everything is covered even into the orange because these bleed lines will be what's folded over on the edges of your journal so you want to make sure everything is covered now i'm going to just drag this image as well so that it matches the size of the other one pretty closely and i think that looks pretty good so once you're satisfied with the way your images look i mean you can move them around however you like so that they fit perfectly on the cover the next thing i want to do is add a title to my book so people know what this is so they don't just they're not wondering when they see it what the heck they're looking at we want to actually show them exactly what it is that they're buying and what type of book we're showing them so now the next thing we're gonna do is add the title but if we were gonna write text right on top of this we probably couldn't see it so what i'm gonna do is add a simple shape from the book bolt designer the pre-populated shapes right on top so to do that i'm gonna look for something that i think would look good and i think this rectangle right here will work and now the great thing about book bolt shapes is that you can actually edit them to fit how you want and you can see i'm just dragging the edges here so that it fits perfectly on my cover the way that i want it to but now you can see this rectangle the black doesn't really go with the design that i picked here this floral design it does have some black but the black um rectangle here just kind of stands out it doesn't look right so i'm going to change the color and you can do that by clicking on the element that you want to change and then click on the color circle right here and now if you don't see the color that you actually want in this box you can click um right here and it will bring up the color picker now i think for this book i'm gonna just pick white because i think that will fit in really well with the design and then we'll pick some colorful text to add a little bit of you know personality to this cover so i think that this looks good once you're done you can either click on the element or the xbox right here to close the color picker and then you can center your design on your cover where you want it to be and you can move it anywhere you like like you can see i'm doing right here on my screen um so now once you have your box exactly where you want it you're going to want to add some text here we don't just want an empty box so to do that we're going to click on the text icon here on the left menu and now they have lots of fonts that you can choose from but if you don't see something here you can actually click on this button to load even more fonts i think these are all google fonts that you can pick from okay so once you've picked your font you're going to want to uh click on it here use the font that i just added and drag it in to your design and now we don't want it to say the name of the font we actually want it to say what the book is so you're going to double click and write what you want the book to be called and for this example we said we're going to make a journal so i'm just going to write journal on the front cover but again you can write whatever you like here you can add a little bit more of a description you can say it maybe it's a specific kind of journal that you want to sell maybe it's a dream journal or maybe it's just some other kind of journal that you think your audience or your niche might like so you can write whatever you like here but for this example i'm just going to write journals so you can see how this functions now once you've done writing the text you can resize this to fit within the rectangle perfectly so that it looks nice and then you can also change the color and to change the color you're going to double click on the text and then you're going to click on this paint bucket right here and then select the color again by clicking in the box here and i'm going to pick a color that is sort of like the orange color within the flowers i'm just going to drag the icon along here and just pick something and then once you've picked it you're going to click on the x and you're going to see the font is now the color that you selected and now you can see within just a few minutes we've created a really beautiful journal cover and it didn't take any skill at all and it actually took me longer than i think it will take you because i was talking you through it and i was showing you how to use these features but once you get into bookball you're gonna see that you can create covers like this in you know just a couple minutes you can create really beautiful designs just like this and now once your design is created what you're going to do is click on the download button now once we click on download you're going to see a preparing box pop up with a little spinning icon and you're going to want to wait until that is done because it's preparing your cover perfectly for the amazon kdp requirements and it's going to produce a pdf copy that we can upload directly into amazon kdp now once the download is ready you're going to see a box pop up and you're going to just click on download and now your pdf is going to appear on your screen just double check that it looks correct and then once it's once you're satisfied with what you see you're going to save it to your computer and now you may have a different pdf viewer than i have but for me i'm just going to click this button here but you save it whichever way works with the program that you're viewing the pdf on okay now once we've created our cover the next step is to create the interior pages and now don't worry i already told you there's nothing that we need to write and the great thing about book bolt is that they actually provide you with pre-created um interior pages that you can use within your books now to do that you're going to click up here on the top where it says interior and that is going to take you to this page right here where you can see a whole variety and list of interior pages that you can select to put inside your book now for this example we're doing a journal so i tend to think like one of these first three pages the blank the college ruled or the journal pages will work great for our book i'm gonna click on journal just because that's what we're actually creating but take a look and see what else there is once you get inside your own account because this will give you some ideas of other books that you can potentially create for your shop on amazon kdp as well but for this example we're just going to pick on the journal page here now but before we do that you need to make sure that you select the right size now if you remember we picked the six by nine size journal so you need to make sure that you pick the six by nine size interior pages as well and then once you do that you need to also put the number of pages that you want to create and now we said 50 so i'm going to type that number in the box right here and then we're going to select the journal page and then click on download and now again this will pre produce a pdf for us to download right onto our computer that's perfectly fit for amazon kdp books and see i only did that it would probably take less than a minute to actually do this if you were not talking through this like a tutorial like i am so that is the power of book bolt we literally created a book within just minutes that we can now upload right onto amazon kdp and it really took no skills at all you can see how anyone can literally do this within minutes with no experience or design skills at all especially with the great product research tools that book bolt also has available for you to use so go ahead and save the interior pages and then i'm going to take you on to the next step which is to actually upload this onto amazon kdp so we can start making money okay now once you've downloaded your cover and your interior pages of your book you're going to want to come over to amazon kdp now i'm not going to show you how to create your amazon kdp account because it's actually pretty straightforward but i will walk you through how to actually create your book so now if you see on my screen here you're gonna see the main page of amazon kindle direct publishing and that's actually what the kdp stands for in amazon kdp um so from the screen what you're going to do is click on this plus paperback button right here okay now once you do that it's going to take you through some simple steps to create and upload our book onto the amazon platform now first we need to pick our language for me it's english then we're going to write a book title for our book now if you're not sure what to create here i suggest using high search volume keywords within your title now the great thing about book bolt is they actually have a tool that will allow you to find high search volume keywords that you can use within your title and your description that's another one of the bonuses to using the book bolt app so now to get to the keyword research tool we're going to go back to book bolt and you can see there's a button here on the left called keywords now you're going to click on on that button and then you're going to click on search now once you get to the next screen you're going to see a box where you can type in a keyword to search for it to prompt you to find the best keywords for that now i'm going to put in the word journal here because that's what we're creating and then you're going to click on enter and then just give it a second to populate the keywords okay now the great thing about the book bold keyword search tool is that it not only gives you amazon search results it gives you google search results as well you can see the amazon search volume you can see google search volume you can also see the cost per click and the competition so what we're going to look for is keywords in this list with a high competition which means there's a lot of people advertising for that keyword right now which means it's a very popular keyword and we're also going to look for a high amazon search volume go through and look through the list and try to find keywords that are going to apply to our our specific product that we're uploading you can see this also gives you ideas of what types of journals you could create next after the one that we just created so pick some keywords from this list and then you're gonna go back to the amazon kdp page and start populating your title and description so now on this page you're going to put your title in here so for now i'm just going to keep it very simple and just put journal and then a subtitle is optional you don't have to put that but again in your title make sure you use some keywords that we found from the keyword search in book bolt and then underneath that you're going to see series this is not a series so you're going to leave that blank same with edition number it's not a one of in a in an edition so you're gonna leave that blank as well now for the author you're gonna put in your name or your business name so i'm just gonna put um test in here because this is just i'm just using this as an example okay and then you're gonna continue on to contributors um we don't have any contributors for this book so we're going to leave that blank as well and then we get down to the description box now you're going to put in again some of the keywords that we found from our keyword research in book bolt um so make sure you do some quick research on what type of description you can use here you can also look at some of the competitors or the examples that we found from the cloud search and see what type of description that they have there and enter something similar into your description as well but for now i'm just gonna write the word description here so that we know that's what we're gonna we're gonna put in there but make sure you write a really great description in this box utilizing the keywords in the research that we use from book bolt now the next thing we're gonna pick is the publishing rights now this is not a copyrighted book so we're going to pick this book is public domain work now if you want to know more about exactly what those mean you can just hover over the text here and it will explain to you what that means now here is where we're going to put in our keywords so for this example i'm just going to take anything the top ones from this list you can copy and you're going to paste them into these boxes like this now these don't specifically apply to the journal that i created but just for this example i'm showing you how you would do this you're going to want to pick keywords that apply specifically to your book okay now i'm just going to paste the same one again and again just so we can move on to the next step and continue on to learn exactly how to do this the right way okay so once you put your keywords in you're going to continue down and we're going to click on category now you want to pick a category that is as close to um what you're trying to do as possible and the great thing another great thing about a book bolt is they actually have a tool that will allow you to pick the right category for your book now to get to that tool you're going to go back to your book bold account click on your name and you're going to see here the kdp category finder you're going to click on that and you're going to put in a keyword right here so for this again i'm putting in the word journal and you're going to click on enter now you're going to see it's going to give you some options for what you can categorize your book as for this one you can kind of see some of these things are not quite right but the top one right here i think will fit perfectly for our journal that we just created so we're going to go ahead and pick this and look for that back in amazon kdp when we're picking the category for our book okay so we're gonna go literary collections diaries and journals so we're gonna look for that in this list here and here it is here you're gonna click the check box and then click on save okay so now that we've selected our collection the next thing is is this large print and no this journal is not large print but that is another idea of something that you could potentially create so we're going to leave that unchecked and the last one is adult content it does this contain language situations or anything that is just applicable to anyone over 18 and we're going to click on no it's just a blank journal so once you've clicked that you're going to click save and continue and then it's going to save for you okay next we get into the print isbn and now do we have our own or do we want a free one we're going to click on assign a free kdp isbn and then you're going to continue on to the publication date we're going to pick today as the publication date and then the print options are what you're going to pick next now for this one i'm going to pick black and white interior with white paper because i don't have any color that is on the inside of this journal but if you create pages that have color you want to make sure you pick this premium color interior with white paper you're not going to pick black and white interior because then your beautiful color pages are not going to be colorful and they're going to be sent to your customers as black and white and they're not going to be happy if it doesn't match the images that we showed them in amazon so make sure you pick the appropriate color here and now the next thing we're going to do is pick the trim size and the default is 6x9 which we created our journal as but you can change this by clicking select a different size if you pick a bigger or smaller book that you want to create and then next we're going to pick our bleed settings we're going to leave it as no bleed and then the final option is to pick the um the finish for our book we're going to leave it as matte you can pick glossy if you want the difference is glossy is shiny matte is not so i'm going to leave it as the default for this example now here we get into the part where we're going to upload our information to amazon kdp now the manuscript is what is the inside of the book so when you click on this button you want to make sure you pick the interior pages that you created not the cover so upload the pages find them on your computer and then upload them into the manuscript box once you've done that the next part is to is to select and upload the book cover that we created from book bolt as well now you can launch a cover creator right here in amazon kdp but um we already did that using book bolt so now you can just upload click this box right here upload a cover you already have print ready pdf and the great thing again about book bolt is it creates a print ready pdf for us already when we click the the button to download our cover from book bolt so you're going to click on this upload your cover file then you're going to select your image your pdf that we downloaded of our cover from book bolt and then you're going to click ok and then if you need to check this box you can just check right here i'm going to leave it unchecked because we don't have a barcode and we're going to want amazon to create the barcode for us and now once you do that you're going to want to click this launch previewer and make sure that you preview your entire book before you click save and continue because you don't want to click on continue without reviewing your book you want to make sure all of the pages look right your cover is in the right place it looks right it's not upside down or on the wrong spot or maybe you put the text on the left instead of the right like i told you earlier in the video so make sure what before you click save and continue you actually review your book okay now once you've approved your journal you're going to see a printing cost appear on the right-hand side of this page before you save and continue now make sure you take note of this cost because we're gonna need to um take that into consideration on the next page so once you've approved um the the book you can see your cover is uploaded here and you've clicked approved on the last page we're gonna click save and continue which will bring us to the next page okay now this brings us into the paperback rights and pricing section now we're gonna start picking where we want our book to be sold and the pricing so now we want it to be you can pick whatever you like here but i'm gonna pick all territories worldwide and then we're gonna pick the pricing so now the list price it kind of gives us a minimum in a maximum now if we remember what the price range was for our um books when we did our research it was just over nine dollars so i'm gonna do 9.99 for our book and then you're going to see what we earn over here so we're going to earn three dollars and 84 cents for every single book that we sell this is the royalty this is what we're going to earn so now you can see you can change the price here if you want to charge more for your journal you're going to see that the amount that you earn per each sale is going to increase but keep in mind you want to keep your price around the average price that we did that we saw when we did our research in book bowl so again i'm going to leave this at 9.99 now i know some of you might be thinking 3.84 cents is not a lot to earn for the sale of a book but you have to remember this is completely passive income all you have to do is set this up once and this is just for one single book you can literally create hundreds of these books within minutes using book bold and that's the power of this tool and that's why i'm showing you how to use this because no three dollars and 84 cents is not a lot for one single sale but we're not going to just sell one book we're going to create as many low content books as we can and put them up for sale on amazon kdp so that we can maximize this amount to the highest potential and again this will be 100 passive income for us once we set it up once it will sell over and over again on amazon for us earning us income behind the scenes while we spend our time doing other things or creating other businesses or doing what we want so now keep note of this and now the next thing that we're going to do is just review here the terms and conditions and then kind of read this make sure you understand what you're getting into when you sign up for amazon kdp and then once you're happy with all this you're going to go ahead and click on publish your paperback book now once you click on publish your book is going to go through a review process and you can see right here that it can take up to 72 hours for your book to be approved but don't worry it's going to be in review and once the review process is complete your book will be ready to buy for purchasers on amazon now that brings us to the end of this video today i showed you how you can create a brand new passive income source for yourself quickly and easily without any experience at all using amazon kdp and book bolt and this income source has the potential to earn you 2 000 or more every single month passively while you do what you want now if you want to give this a try make sure you don't forget to look down in the description for my special 20 off discount code that you can use in bookbowl to get your discount for life today and if you like this video and you think you're going to give it a try make sure you give this video a like and let me know down in the comments what you like best and as always make sure you subscribe and turn on the notifications because you're not going to want to miss any of my upcoming videos showing you new ways to make money online thanks for watching see you on the next video you
Channel: Make Money with Stacy La
Views: 934,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: make money online, how to make money online, sell ebooks online, sell books online, side hustle, amazon kdp, book bolt, how to sell books on amazon, work from home jobs, paid online, how to start an online business, online business for beginners
Id: aYvTawk_TIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 12sec (1812 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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