I Did This In Less Than 1 Day & It Made Me $6,000

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so what's the easiest way to turn an idea into an asset so that i can retire early i'm so glad that you act [Music] up what's this your boy jt automations back in another video hey you guys before we get into the topic you already know what it is because you've seen the title of this video i want to take this opportunity to sincerely thank each and every one of my followers that have watched my content have shared my content have smashed the like button did all of those great things in order to support this brand we are over 197 000 plus strong as of this recording coming up rapidly on that 200k mark and to be a little country boy from the carolinas people like me we don't go on to build six and seven figure businesses we don't go on to have a hundred thousand plus people paying attention to us and adding value to that many lives and the millions of people that we reach because not everybody that watches my content hit subscribe um i'm just super grateful for it i want to take this opportunity to thank you for giving me your most valuable resource which is your time and i don't think that enough creators uh do that enough so i don't want to be in that category as well but you ain't clicked on this video to get a thank you so i'm gonna give you guys the sauce i'm gonna teach you guys not what i think not what i've heard but what i personally have done jt right the person that's no better than you to manifest an idea into an asset in one day really less than a day but in one day that has generated me six thousand dollars so i'm going to show you guys exactly what i've done so that you can do it for yourself and have similar results but i actually hope you have better results than me so without further ado let's get into it [Music] i'm going to teach you guys that a blueprint that i've learned and that i've been applying for myself it has been by creating low content also referred to by some as no content books all right so many of you guys know that i'm an author author jt.com is my website it's linked description below and i'm gonna show you guys how i create books rapidly that have no content or low content and how they generate me money as well now i do have books that have substance in them as well i have books teaching people how to start independent courier businesses i got another book that teaches feelings how to become successful entrepreneurs i have a book to inspire children to become successful entrepreneurs but i also have some no content in low content books i broke it down into five simple steps because those of you that follow me know that i'm a big advocate of if somebody really knows how to do something they should be able to compress it down and make it short sweet simplistic enough that anybody can do it so that's what i've done here so first things first step one if you want to do this is you have to understand that your ip has value that is by far the most important thing we can't do anything else until you establish that and i mean sincerely establish that within yourself not tell jt not tell your family members and friends that your ideas your intellectual property has value but you have to internally believe that and know that with all of your being all right if you don't do that then none of these other steps are going to work for you all right and you got to be all in on your belief if you don't believe that you could be successful guess what thoughts become things i tell people all the time your wealth is going to manifest itself in your mind long before it hits your pockets so step one is understanding that your ip your intellectual property your ideas that you manifest in the real world into tangible things has a value all right second thing develop an outline of the type of low content or no content books that you want to provide so some examples of that are journals notebooks planners calendars puzzle books coloring books workbooks hey that might sound overwhelming you don't have to do all of those right uh you can choose to do one of those and for those of you that watch to the end of the video i'm gonna give you guys a resource that i use and many other people that i'm making 10 times 20 times 100 times more than i am making in this space utilize to create these sorts of assets in less than a day but let me give you guys some visuals we all know or have seen basic notebook right uh you probably can pick them up for a dollar or less just depending on where you go to shop around and you might not look at this dollar notebook as an asset that can create you a full-time income of five figures six figures seven figures for some people but think about this right if you went to school which all of us have or at least i hope all of us have how many notebooks did you need per school year how many students were in your class how many students were in your school how many schools were in your district how many districts were in your state right so if we think about it that way yeah maybe selling one notebook to one person isn't going to retire us but once we scale it up and think about how many people actually need just a blank book with the cover in pages we can quickly realize this is an asset that every student needs even when you move on to college this is still a valuable resource even when you move on into life as an entrepreneur the most highly successful entrepreneurs of all time have and teach other people to write things down so this is going to be a resource that people need to be successful throughout history all right so developing a simple notebook front cover back cover blank pages on the inside for me to be able to document my ideas right that in and of itself this product in it of itself is a multi-million dollar product that you can create and you can put whatever you want on the front all right let's look at some more there's no rule to say that you only have to create one all right let me go with some more inspiration and then we're gonna get back into this sauce so this is the story of my life these last two books are these last two books are closely related all right so it just gives you a prompt to journal down different aspects of your life you can leave this to your kids right it says what non-academic lesson did you learn in your late teens and early 20s that has stuck with you so there's just a writing prop at the top of every page and then you allow the reader to fill it in all right randomly picking another page what role did books play in your childhood right so you can just create writing prompts and then give people space to share their own ideas lots of times people like me that come from low income environments we feel like hey we don't read a lot of books wow i'm so glad that you asked our association with books is like this we're forced to read books that we don't want to read in school and then we're tested on the information in those books that we're not interested in and then based on the grades that we make on those tests the school assigns us a level of intelligence so if you're a a student you're smart right if you're a b student you're still pretty smart if you're a c student you're kind of average right you start going below that then maybe you're not as smart right and that's how the grading scale works but you have to think about it if you force me to read a book that i have no interest in at all and then you test me based off of what i learned i'm going to score poorly that doesn't mean that i'm not an intelligent person but yet people from low-income environments are subjected to that way of thinking because nobody teaches us otherwise so once we get out of that required reading phase out of school nobody is making us read that's when for a lot of us our intelligence stops there's a saying that goes around in low-income environments i got mine you need to get yours meaning that they already got their high school diploma or their college degree so uh they're done learning you still trying to learn to get yours right highly successful people understand that reading and constantly being a lifelong learner are essential keys to establishing wealth building wealth creating generational wealth we never stop learning so for those of you out there that are in a low-income environment and you may look at the contents of these books and the lessons that i'm teaching on this video as a waste of time i just need you to think a little bit bigger how thin it is you guys look how thin this book is this book alone generates the owners millions of dollars i'm trying to see they got page numbers in it right this is a 51-page book filled with lines very thin paperback right that generates their owner millions of dollars each and every year you can make these sorts of books about any genre have you ever heard of tony robbins right uh one of his programs that i participated in is called unleash the power within it was a virtual summit you could do it from the comfort of your home uh once you pay in order to be a part of the summit he will mail you out one of his workbooks all right looks pretty similar to the other books right the sort of information is different because this is about manifesting your dreams and increasing your wealth and becoming a better person or just accomplishing whatever your personal goals are but it's very few words a lot of the pages are the exact same right like a notebook all right and that book for sure if you know tony robbins you already know that book creates multiple millions of dollars every single year those of you that have been following for any amount of time know that you can go to amazon.com you can type in jt hustle's book right because i even though i'm jt automations now my pen name as an author remains jt hustles um but i have created a book called the influencer accountability planner this is the book that has generated the funds that i showed you at the beginning of this video every page in this book is the exact same page let me break down to you why i can create a book that essentially has one page in it that's repeated over and over and over again how in the world does that manifest itself into thousands of dollars makes no sense right well do you understand the logic when we talked about the notebook let's apply it to this the influencer accountability planner is designed to teach people how to grow their influence online and i have a whole book writing course that i'll link down description below that gives you all my secrets of content books right but for this you can just google free qr code makers qr code will take them to an instructional training that comes with the book and it tells them right what to do on every page it's literally what the title says an accountability planner so every day you're going to make a post online and you're going to document the details of that post and how that post was received over time after filling out this book you're going to develop your own system of what time to post what to post how to engage with your audience and then people have you literally utilize this tool that again real basic paperback book right every page is essentially the same people have taken this book and built their brands on social media and are making thousands of dollars a month off of the information they learned in this one simple book that is why this is so super valuable all right i recommend that you create a low content and put that down or no content book and whatever niche you're in right if you're really good in cooking it can be a low content no content book related to teach people how do you go about developing your recipes so very little instructions they got to fill in the blank right or it could be like mine there's no instructions you give them a video tutorial and then they're fill it out right there's people that are highly successful in that space in the fitness space having workout journals right shout out to chris jack130 on instagram has taught almost a thousand people now how to become successful traders with stock options and one of my good friends right coming out with a trading journal to help traders make more money and keep a track of their information as well right so let's get back into this i know we stayed on those examples but i literally want you guys to start thinking about what is it that you can create even if you're not creative like that so you can't think of a planner or a workbook or anything like that a notebook three right identify market i personally don't believe in this philosophy that you hear a lot of people say on the internet i'm not saying that i'm better than them or they're better than me i'm just telling you what i personally believe i don't believe in this concept of if you build it they'll come alright i'm a serial entrepreneur i built a lot of businesses a few of them have failed oh based off of my personal experiences and the experiences of my colleagues that are income earners uh meaning they make 500 000 a year or more every single year right um i believe more so in the concept of let's identify somebody that has this need somebody that has this strong desire somebody that has the buying power along with the need or the strong desire and then let's work backwards and develop a product or service for them four properly launch your book i have in my total network if i count up all of my subscribers from every platform right um well over 200 000 people and i reach millions of people per month to include those people that don't choose to follow now with that much reach you would assume that it's very easy for me to make a post and create a book and generate money how much money do you think i can just create a product and roll it out without doing a proper launch and generate because i have access and reach to those many people i'ma tell you the answer zero right zero not saying everybody in my space is like that but i'm just telling you real talk it's not enough for me to just generate a product put it out there hope eventually somebody finds it and oh that's jt we gonna buy it right so if your network is not as big as my network right as it continues to grow if you're not able to reach 250 000 to 3 million people per month having the audacity that you gonna just create something and it's gonna take off without a proper launch is not being realistic right now hey if you beyonce level travis scott level then cool but most of us not all right so have a proper launch for your book step five automating you can automate your business and just eat off of the residual cash flow that comes in that's what i do off of my low content slash no content books as well i promise those of you that watch to the end of this video i will show you how to make this sort of content for yourself in less than a day and i'm a man of my word so keep this stuff in mind develop your idea and let's get into how i literally made the influencer accountability planner you guys so you guys have seen how much money this has made me gave you guys plenty of examples to hopefully get the creative juices flowing for you now this is the sauce right here this is the tool that i and many of the creators use to be able to crank out these books rapid fire you can find the best-selling books and jump on hot trends before anyone else so they have a research function in there and a creator function most powerful keyword tool on the market access real amazon search volume data and find actionable keywords for your listings drag and drop cover and interior designer create unique books in minutes without prior design experience you guys i'll link the link down description below for you guys to uh check it out but you can make coloring books crossword books uh sudoku and kakuru somebody will correct me on how to pronounce that word but the fact of the matter is is this is how you make no content in low content books rapid fire let's log in so if you guys don't have an account you'll make an account pretty straightforward once you log in as you guys can see they got tutorials here i recommend that you start off watching these tutorials learning some game on product search learning all of these little snippets i tell you guys all the time there's no financial freedom without financial literacy so you can watch these videos one time and have game that'll last you a lifetime on how to create these assets over and over and over again and as they update and put more information out there again you can consume that information one time use that game for life when it comes to products you can come here and you can search for a whole lot of different products all right so for the sake of the example i'm gonna just type in planner and just see what pops up all right we got a hundred results it gives us the lowest price highest price average price everything we need to know and give us our keywords for it it actually shows us what the book cover looks like of other people so after you check out the tutorials you can go do some product research but let's say okay after you run through everything now you ready to create your own you hit the drop down option you go to create alright now it's up to you to decide if you want to do the book boat designer or the puzzle is all right for our purposes let's hit the designer all right we're going to start off with a cover trim size is here i use eight and a half by 11 usually uh and then it'll actually you know you pick your interior white paper interior is what i usually use but i want you guys to see there are other options colored paper interior cream paper interior just depends on what you want and what's your page count so let's say that i wanted to make a a 100 page book right it's a pretty bulky book again that's just for this example we don't let it think for a second and now we're ready all right so what we can do is click on anything over here text that we wanted we could select the text right images that we wanted so like i said this is where you could uh upload your images that you got from developing it yourself or hiring a graphic designer from fiverr just upload that image straight from the folder or it could have been your desktop so just for the sake of time let's say that that's how i wanted it to be all right now i've already created this planner as you guys have seen so i'm not going to save it so it's as simple as that upload the image drag it around boom i got it how i want it now when it comes to the text on the inside it's the same thing all right so after we save this we'll go right back through the same steps but instead of picking the cover we'll move on to the interior right and again you can utilize the features built into book boat it's super straightforward so if i can figure it out i'm sure all of you all will be able to figure it out if you guys want a more detailed breakdown of actually making one i will do that as well but um for the sake of time i just want to present it to you want you guys to try it out book boat is also offering my subscribers a discount as well so what i want you guys to do this is my challenge to each and every one of you think about what kind of low content or no content book can you produce within the next seven days right what is it who needs it who wants it who has a strong desire to have it what can they realistically afford to pay for it right and then let's develop that product push it out to those people and this is a way that you can create from your ip from your ideas a physical asset that will increase your wealth and create generational wealth for your loved ones until next time so my hustler stay hustling jc automations i'm going
Channel: JT Automations
Views: 168,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Vt3ACvVd5Lo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 14sec (1334 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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