$45/Hour Retail Arbitrage! Dollar Tree Has No Clue How Much I Sell Their $1 Books For! (100% LEGAL)

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hey guys what is up it's super windy out so I can't film this outside but we are right by the dollar tree right there and I have a very fun challenge we're gonna go in and try this out it is the how much money can I buy books for and then sell them somewhere else and make money challenge basically I'm buying dollar books and selling them for more money and we're gonna see how much I can make doing this and throughout the process I'm going to teach you about Amazon FBA why there are no shipping fees why I get such a good deal on these why cancelling from more all that stuff why am I doing this who's paying me to do this pay ability is pay ability is a service that hooks up with Amazon I use them and and what they do basically is Amazon pays you every two weeks right kind of sucks pay ability pays you every single day so if I sell something worth 20 bucks yesterday I get that money the next day I don't get all of it they charge a fee they charge 2% so I get 19 dollars and 60 cents right that's the 2% now here's the catch right can I use that $19 and God change to make more money over the next 13 days make more than the 40 since I paid for it if so if that's you if the answer is yes then duh pay ability is good for you if not if you have a million dollars in the bank don't use this it's for people who trying to grow their businesses who need money after they sell things it's a crazy concept right anyways guys thanks to pay ability check them out now into the Dollar Tree to show you how we're gonna make money let's go into the Dollar Tree I'm gonna get my cart and we're gonna go straight back to the books we're not gonna scan other things we're only focusing on books because books are a reliable thing you can source at almost any Dollar Tree back here at my Dollar Tree the one closest to my home there are there's about I don't know 15 feet of books and an endcap of books these are mostly going to be remainders or bought out from bookstores or publishers remainders are books that publishers couldn't sell and sometimes as you're gonna see later in the video they're gonna have a little black dot on the bottom or a line across it don't sell those as new those books are not new we're only gonna be finding books that have no shelf where no marks on them they've books that look pristine that black that right there that's a remainder mark you don't want those those are not new you can't sell them as new we're looking for books again in very good condition no wrinkles on the edges nothing bent books that you could go into a bookstore and say wow that looks like it's brand-new now this has been on someone's shelf for six months books that are brand-new now all these dollar store books these Dollar Tree books are gonna have a sticker over the UPC code that's kind of a hassle so what you're gonna have to do is either look up the ISBN right there in your phone or look up the title I use an app called profit bandit PR o IFT ba n di t profit fandom you can also use the Amazon seller app that is free profit bandit costs like 8 bucks a month I like it because of the interface you're gonna see some screenshots of it too and maybe you like it as well walking out of the Dollar Tree we got 35 books 35 books for a dollar so $35 we're gonna go back to the warehouse now go through it all and see exactly how much money we're gonna make but before we do guys checkout pay ability here's the website if you sign up using my link you get two hundred and fifty bucks for free all you gotta do is sign up and it's so easy to sign up you click this link right here in the top right corner your name last name email and business name what's your business name well what do you sell under do you sell under your own personal name do you have a user name on Amazon or Etsy that's your business name they're not asking for your official LLC and corporation forms whatever they want to know who are you what's going on and as you apply they will handle all of the wrinkles hey back in the warehouse now with all the books I have boy let me see if I can do this so you can see it yeah all of these right here they're in front of me sorry it's so messy if you can't handle the mess I don't know try it being an adult um phone right here little iPhone I'm gonna show you exactly the process you do now okay you grab your book this one will do this right here I bought three copies of this casino confidential you this one didn't it has you see the barcode I told you that it's got the sticker on it it says fiction a TSD fiction eighty SD right there so what we're gonna have to do is two things one we can go in and scan the ISBN which is right there are knots can look it up manually or we can just type in casino confidential by anonymous so we get our phone we go pull up profit bandit look it up type in casino confidential it finds it and boom it tells you what it's selling for and you're gonna say what about shipping bud okay what about shipping here is the beauty of amazon FBA all these books I have you know here's a few Oh all these books I have I'm not gonna store them you see all your warehouse is so messy you don't sell anything yeah it is messy but all the things I have for sale are not in here there's a few things back in that section that are Macari why is it so messy because i just like buying stuff i guess but everything that i sell on amazon is store at amazon so they pay the shipping fee they pay all the stuff and what i pay is an FBA fee so when you see these profit analysis you know charts or whatever or didn't want to call it the screenshot of when I bought the book and showed you how much it's worth the FBA fees that's everything I'm paying I pay a monthly storage fee to soba for six months it's like fifty cents a square foot around there I mean it's negligible so how many books take up a square foot like twelve books so we're paying like for this book right here to sell this book it's gonna take it's gonna cost like six cents a month to store it and everything here with the exception of casino confidential and I think a season for fireflies it is below two million sales rank what is sales rank though the sales rank is the sales rank of one is the fastest selling item a sales rank of two million is the two millionth fastest selling item and you're saying that's never gonna sell two million such a big number think about how many people shop on Amazon the same reason we can do this buy it the dollar store and sell on Amazon is because Amazon has so many more eyes than your average local dollar store I mean I'm the scale of like a a million times more it's insane not only is there Amazon people from Canada buy an amazon.com from Mexico people from Europe buy just because there's so many things for sale I've sold books even though there's amazon.ca I sell things to people in Canada all the time you can too if you do this you look it up you send it into Amazon how do you do that you go to your computer like I have right there you scan it in you print off the label put it back here over the barcode put in the Box UPS it to them you pay about if you live close to a facility like I do you pay about 25 cents a pound for books so 50 pounds it's like 1250 it's very very cheap and then you know the six seconds a month to ship it or whatever or to store it I mean that's how Amazon FBA works it's extremely simple it's a market economy folks I hope you enjoyed this video I hope it was helpful and explained how FBA works there will surely be questions put them in the comment remember subscribe to my channel I do this all the time I help you make money using the Internet in this case Amazon FBA my intention was to show you how to buy books where to buy them and then explain the basic idea the gist of how Amazon FBA works did I do that if so give me a thumbs up the whole shebang and I'll see you guys later Hey in addition to pay ability these great people also help make the video John John Johnny Christina murk me Michael OTO Rebecca Steve Thomas Travis Vicente Sean Sheridan Andrew Austin Brian Chris Christopher cristal Daniel David David Edith Edie Evans Savannah Shayne and Jennifer thank you so much [Music] [Music]
Channel: Walter Blake Knoblock
Views: 1,356,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dollar tree books, sell books online, selling books on amazon, selling on amazon, dollar tree book haul, walter blake knoblock, wbk, shopping, retail arbitrage dollar tree, dollar store, dollar tree sourcing, retail arbitrage amazon, make money online, how to make money online, dollar tree retail arbitrage, make money, amazon fba, selling books, things to sell to make money, selling books on ebay, how to earn money online, work from home, retail arbitrage, dollar tree
Id: EbjgXpU2YG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2019
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