How to Get an Etsy Sale in UNDER 24 Hours⏰

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chances are if you clicked on this video you are looking to get a sale in the next 24 hours now there is no time to waste so we are hopping straight into this video and hopefully I will deliver on what is Promised from this video and a lot of you come back to this video tomorrow to tell me if you got a sale or Not by implementing these methods with that being said did you hear that was that wait no way no way that was a chaing from the future if you're watching this you may see tomorrow now while I can't promise that you're going to get a sale in the next 24 hours what I can promise during this video is to give you a lot of information and value that hopefully will get you multiple sales in the future if not in the next 24 hours however I'm curious to see how many of you get a sale in the next 24 hours so please do come back to this video and let us know in the comments what worked what didn't work again I'm not here to waste your time we're getting straight into this I'm making this video super short and sweet for that reason now whether this is your first sale or your 100 of sale when I began my Etsy shop I implemented the strategies and tactics I am sharing in this video today this is my quote unquote bulletproof formula to getting one sale in the next 24 hours that I have found that works time and time again without fault now what I'm going to be suggesting in this video are action take taking steps we are not talking about a theory or something that you need to manifest in your head these are all concrete action steps you do need to take this is stepping out of your comfort zone there are a lot of things that you need to allow in and allow yourself to do that are going to feel a little bit uncomfy but if they get you that sale that's what's important with that being said we need to talk about having a shop of if you don't have the shop if you don't have a catalog for people to purchase from you're not going to see the result which is hopefully that sale in the next 24 hours so if you don't have listings that are going to sell on repeat this method is just not going to work for you with that being said you can start with other videos on this channel I really invite you to watch those before you go back to this video you can watch this video in its entirety then come back to this another time once you have more listings on on your shop now for print on demand business generally speaking High volumes of listings is what's going to open the door to getting daily sales or even that first sale when we're talking about high volumes of listings in total that's usually about over 25 listings at the very minimum to have in a shop to see your first sale or see a sale again in that next 24 hours you can have just one listing though I don't want to discount or discredit having one listing but if you are new to the world of etsy and selling on a Online Marketplace generally speaking you will want to have some listings and some experience and know if your listings are going to sell or if they're not going to sell so in order to prep yourselves for getting a sale in the next 24 hours there are three things that need to happen first of all you need to adopt the Allin mindset if you're not Allin on these methods they truly are not going to work for you if you kind of have it you are not going to see results and that's why you need to be all in the second mindset shift is to accept that you may not actually get a sale in the next 24 hours and that's okay because you tried something that was different and that may create different results and that might not be in the next 24 hours it might actually happen in a week or 2 weeks I would not keep your thoughts so consumed by getting one sale that if it doesn't actually happen you feel defeated and like a failure I titled this video what I titled it because I knew it would grab the attention of those who are seeking that sale in the next 24 hours which is a realistic goal if again you implement the strategies in this video because you are going in a step in the right direction because you're implementing strategies that have helped myself my clients my students my subscribers my followers in the past few years on Etsy to get a sale whether that be tomorrow the next day or in the next week but with that being said oh my gosh that's like the most common thing I say in every single video is if you didn't skip ahead in this video comment below with that being said cuz I know I say that in every video now that you've accepted that it may not happen or it might happen I want to go into the third concept which is adopting a trial and error mindset this is crucial for any business you create because I came from a science background I was not taught formally how to go about marketing and from the beginning of my atsy business I looked at it like almost a science experiment if you will I was testing all these variables and trying different things and as I began teaching on YouTube and working with clients oneon-one I found a client that told me in our one-on-one meeting oh you know I love that you teach that this is a trial and error mindset and I never really thought about aty and print on demand like that until this client said this and I realized that is exactly what I want people to have as a takeaway when they start a business because business is trial and error you're going to try things that don't work you're going to try things that do work and then you're going to probably start doing that thing that does work again and again because it gives you sales which is the ultimate goal if it doesn't work it didn't work and I like to quote this person that I actually met on me and my husband's honeymoon recently which I've heard this saying so many times but it wasn't until we met this really nice couple they were talking to us and we were going to ask a question that we were scared to ask and the husband of the couple said you know the worst thing that they could say is no the worst thing that could happen for your business right now and in the next 24 hours is someone saying no to you and the thing that could happen is someone saying yes and purchasing from you so keep that in mind as we go forward in this video because it's going to come up again so now we're here at the point of the video that probably most of you skipped to and for those who didn't you guys are OG's thank you for watching this video all the way through if you just skip to this part that is completely okay no judgment but I still think that the first part of this video is really good to watch so I'd suggest going back a little bit because I'm going to reference something that I said a little bit ago besides that these are the two methods that I have implemented in my own businesses and I've had subscribers and followers and students and clients who have implemented these strategies have done in order to get a sale in the next 24 hours or even on their first day having an Etsy shop open surprisingly enough even when I implemented this strategy into my second shop that I created on Etsy I was surprised by how quickly I got a first sale then I started almost daily sales within the first 2 weeks of having the shop open and these are uncomfortable steps but just know if you do do these you may see results if you implement one of the two methods you're probably going to see a one out of two success rate if you implement both methods you're most likely going to see a very high success rate in getting a sale in the next 24 hours the first part of this method is asking for for a sale there are three ways to ask for a sale you do not have to do all three you could choose one out of the three the first method is asking 5 to 10 friends co-workers family to purchase from your shop a lot of you may be sitting here right now like Heather duh that's how you get a first sale in the first 24 hours but what really happens and what's really great about asking anyone is they may ask you hey I don't see anything on your shop that I really like but can can you create this and that this product could turn into a product that ends up selling on repeat and it could potentially also become a bestseller later on down the line because it's a product you never thought of creating now if you're still sticking with me at this point and you're like okay I have to ask a friend or family I am mortified I am terrified to show anyone that I'm working on a business or Etsy Shop you don't have to ask anyone this is where I go into the second way to ask for sale which is going to social media now again I know for a lot of people it's terrifying it's anxiety inducing to even think of social media and posting on your Facebook but this might be a really great step in the right direction that you can take by sharing on your Facebook sharing on your Instagram your new business and just asking people to purchase from it there is a third way that goes alongside this which is joining communities on Facebook on Discord in niches that you are designing your products for in posting and offering a discount to those groups given I want to give a caution here to ask the admins of each Facebook group of each Discord if you can post your small business in those before you do this but this is a really valid way of posting and letting people know and asking for a sale without actually asking anyone that you know now I implemented this method in 2021 and the results were shocking if I had known that all I had to do was ask a admin in the Facebook groups I would have done this way earlier because the results were incredible and again going back to that couple I met on our honeymoon and the husband who told me the worst they could say is no wish I met that person a while back because it took me a little bit of time to realize that all I had to do was ask admins and a lot of admins were more happy to say yes especially when you're creating products in a under served Niche there's not many products for a lot of niches that people really want to buy and if you have that product an admin is more likely to say yes because they want to share that in their group as well the day that I posted in one Facebook group I ended up getting over 10 sales that day by posting in that Facebook group and had I been afraid of the answer no then I would have never hit 250k in revenue on Etsy which was a 100K gross take-home profit guys if you are sitting here terrified and petrified of the answer no I want you to get excited about having a yes and one suggestion I have and pro tip if you made it to this part of the video is also to offer the admins a group discount for posting in that group which even looks better for the admins and even complimenting the admins in that post and then that's even more Goodwill in your favor to post in the future as well I know it is the scariest method but again this is the way that you can start to see results is getting out of your comfort zone and doing something different that you haven't done before now the second method is marketing now this is going to seem very simple to a lot of you and a no-brainer to others but for me I began with absolutely no marketing background as we established earlier in this video and when I discovered this method it honestly was a game Cher for my shop I went from having maybe one sale a day to tripling my daily sales this method is running flash sales as simple as it might seem I began running a flash sale just about every other day in my business and I would set my sales for 24 hours I would offer a 10 to 15 to 20% off discount and from turning on that flash sale within 24 hours of that sale starting and ending I usually would have one sale a few sales when I started scaling my business I'd have 10 to 20 sales even when I was implementing the Facebook posts I would post in Facebook groups I usually would see 10 sales on an average day if I didn't have a sale running and then I would see 20 to 30 sales if I used posting in Facebook groups and then also running a flash sale at the same time now the second part of this method that you can also do is using Etsy ads applying Etsy ads in the marketing method of this by you running the flash sale event and then also turning on ads this can boost your visibility on atsy get you more traffic more clicks and more eyeballs on those listings however much you're willing to spend on the next day on Etsy you could at least try this to boost your visibility and again you're also boosting your visibility by sharing with maybe friends family co-workers on Facebook you're sharing on social media there are just so many ways that this just Ultra boosts your listings on Etsy and you can see a sale in the next 24 hours so if you made it to the end of this video all in all these are the methods the two methods that pushed my own shop out of its comfort zone it pushed me out of my comfort zone as a new entrepreneur and having new Etsy shop that I didn't know would succeed or fail on Etsy especially in the beginning stages where I didn't really want to tell anyone I had an Etsy shop and I'm really happy when I finally broke through out of my comfort zone I heard so many people say it which was hey you know if you just share it on social media if you share your new shop if you tell people about it more than likely going to get some sales coming through by just telling people that you know and that is terrifying for me as a new Etsy shop owner and I also want to clarify in this video no you do not need to tell anyone that you know you do not need to ask people that you know besides that that is it for this video don't forget to subscribe comment down below like the video to share this to more people and check out my suggested video here on on a atsy niche gold mine I found and I also give a full tutorial on how to create in that niche as well see you guys in the next video
Channel: heatherstudio
Views: 26,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: printify, printful, pod, etsy pod, etsy, passive income, kittl, everbee
Id: FsuvM5ENNiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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