Major Oversight Causes Damage To Repo Truck And Ends My Day Early

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[Music] so this next one is basically going to be nothing more than a door knock uh we went out last time on a repossession for this one and I was able to see through a side window on the garage that the vehicle was in the garage I knocked on the door first to make contact and nobody had answered by the time I was coming back down the side of her house she comes out she was checking her mailbox so she must have heard the door and then saw nobody was there and went out to check her mail I don't know but uh she went off like you wouldn't believe on me could not believe how dare I come to her rich neighborhood and come to repossess her you know how dare I how embarrassing can't believe you're here this is just so beyond me and she just went on and on and on and on and on it's one of those video clips that I have that I've never posted to the web because there was no repossession resulting from it and she went in the next day I believe and made a payment it's on a little Outback like that one right there so anyhow and the finance company called us and said hey we really appreciate you going out there making contact with her she made a payment go ahead and close it and Bill us you know so we got paid for our standing there for good Lord that is a freaking storm drain anyhow so uh the information we have now is that the reason the vehicle is in the garage is because it has transmission issues and that she does not actively drive it and so she just keeps the thing in her garage and keeps getting behind and keeps getting behind and keeps getting behind oh look at this the garage is even open this time interesting the garage is open and the vehicle is not in there so I am actually not going to make contact at this time because it looks like she may just be out and about running errands and I'm going to park in a strategic location and try to catch her coming home with that garage open but they have requested that we repossess the vehicle if at all possible and uh exactly what we're going to do but with that garage being open like it is that's usually an indication that they have just barely left in the last few minutes and are planning on being right back so I'm going to park right here on the corner where I can see her pull in and when she pulls in right about here back up just a little bit so the windows on the house can't see me so I can still see the garage and we're going to sit here for a few minutes and watch we might actually get some different results this time on this one my goal will be to as she pulls into the garage get backed up the driveway and get my arm down and front of the sensor so that when she tries to click the garage door closed it can't go down there's nothing illegal about that as long as the garage is up we can hook the vehicle if that PT Cruiser that's sitting in the garage was what I'm after I could uh take it as it sits same with those two vehicles sitting over there in that garage right there two vehicles in that garage and it's open both of them are front-wheel drive and both of them are nose out if one of those two is my repo and that'd be easy hooking right there of fact that girl that just walked by looked like she's walking right into that garage which probably explains why the garage is open she's probably out for a little stroll how funny is that see if the door goes down but typically up here in these types of neighborhoods we don't get a lot of repos and we get a lot of the type of people that have the entitlement type of attitude like this lady here that we're trying to repossess right now you just deal with it you just let them have their say let them say everything they're going to say let them have their attitude be as polite as possible she she I mean she bitched up one side down the end of the finance company about how dare I come out and and come after her vehicle she just couldn't believe it couldn't believe it this just has never happened to her before in her life yet she's you wouldn't believe how far behind she is but every time she comes in she makes a micro payment enough just enough to get the finance company a teaser is what we call it a teaser payment and then uh that's all she does and it just her account keeps slipping further and further and further behind because with these aprs if they're not even paying the interest on the loan and there's nothing going towards the principal balance it's like pissing into a force fire you're never going to see any results ever and so so they call us to come out and with the big plane and just dump a whole budge on it put put the fire out real fast if one big fail swoop sometimes it takes three or four passes this is our second pass on this lady so we're going to sit here for a few and watch since we do have an open garage which we've never had before on this one take advantage of it and in the meantime I'm going call the finance company and tell him what the situation is out here and make sure I've got his Blessing on what I plan on doing based on her attitude and how she is he may say no know don't you know cuz you that's going to absolutely antagonize her if I back up through her driveway and block her garage and I hook to her vehicle and lift the ass into the air thing that sucks is it's an all-wheel drive Subaru Outback so I'm going to have to throw dollies to which is extra time inside the garage and it just makes it a real ugly scenario and uh but they did say they want the vehicle picked up if at all possible so well and there's a possibility the garage just happens to be up because the is not even here at all she's actually finally gotten the time to get it down to a transmission shop and she's just leaving the garage open knowing that she's late some people will do that they'll Le their garage up to show us hey don't bother knocking on my door the car is not here so um that could also be the case that was actually the first thing that went through my mind when I drove by the first time so I'm going to hang out and wait and see what happens yeah this is not the kind of neighborhood we normally do our work in you can tell by just looking around up on the mountain here beautiful area east east bench of Provo or area these people do not like the Repo Man for hi actually she's not do you know about when you expect her back no I don't because I'm not sure exactly where she's at oh okay gotcha um you think it'll be okay to come back after like maybe 6 she might be might be here no oh your son's got a baseball game unless they cancel it oh because of the rain because of the rain which they may but we don't know right now she should she should be home I'm not sure I know it's terrible we've been going like this all day long no I hear yet I I left to go pick up the kids for school and she wound up having to take a neighbor that I transport back and forth I haven't heard back uh whether she got her home or not and I know she wanted to go to the gym okay but like I said the gold the Gold Gym right here on the okay she might be there okay um D you say right now her son's with his dad to get some new catchers here and then they're supposed to be back here and so I'm assuming and he's got his friend with him so I'm assuming that she's going to be going to the baseball game okay is that the one right over here off at the high school the no they are at the uh do you know where the Spence is and that yeah no on 800 no on Center Street oh yeah yeah yeah yeah on Center Street across from the Smith where that football that's the where they play baseball that's where they play baseball and M has to be there at 6 at six okay I'll I coming back maybe 8 you think they might be done by8 usually it's C depends his team is undated okay now they're supposed to start at 7 but if the other team that's before them the 5:00 game doesn't get out then it throws it puts them late and then everybody else goes later you know I think I might just try to come up by later tomorrow during the middle of the day maybe I catch it then um probably best bet I know she's going to be gone in the morning but I'm not sure what time she'll be back okay all right I'll try to catch her but I can thank thank you all right so she's driving the vehicle right now and she's either at the Gold's Gym that's right over here on eth North which I know where that's at and if she's not there then she's going to be at a baseball game right next to the police station at 6 so we now have two good locations outside the garage where we know our vehicle's going to be in public we're going to go check the gym right now got to love family all right the Gold's Gym is right on the other side of this light this is an account that we do not have a plate on so we're just looking for a gold or green Outback got a bin of course oh 17 first one I see that matches the description it was hard to tell when I looked through the window the first time the actual color because it was the garage was dark but I could make out the silhouette of the vehicle but I'm pretty sure it was darker of the two so you got Golden Green as your color I think it's probably that forest green is going to be the color of our vehicle from here I can see a blue one that does not have plates on it so as soon as this light turns green it's going to seem like a lifetime we're going s and watch that little walking guy seem like forever ever come on okay 11 10 9 8 7 6 yeah we'll get pull in here hopefully it's here get the snag here I'd rather do it here than at her son's baseball game plus there's the chance that uh she may not drive the vehicle to the baseball game they've got enough Vehicles knowing that her son is with the dad and they're out with another friend picking up new gear and stuff they're probably in that jeep that was parked in front of the uh house before so oh right there for screen oh God I hope that's it it's the only one in the parking lot that I could see so far it's in the perfect position to hook it with dollies it's pulled just far enough away from the curb and everything so right here all-wheel drive see if today is my golden day nope it's not it oh man I thought that was going to be it for sure I start thinking to myself it's just too perfect for that to be sitting there like that I wonder if the finance company could have sent over a wrong Vin they've done that before in the past so she's not here right now then she's out doing errand somewhere else and I can on the house and wait for that garage door to close looks like my best bet at this Point's going to be catching her at her son's game at 6 o00 and hope that she drives the vehicle to it it's all we got at this point all right so the garage door is down now and there are two boys out front playing in what looks like new catchers get gear a helmet and glove so most likely he was driving the uh Subaru and she's driving the jeep that was parked out in front before so there's a good possibility she's at that gym and he's now home and going to be taking those boys to the game at 6 it's 4:15 now so hopefully uh everything goes according to plan and he uh takes the Subaru because they have a number of vehicles at their disposal and I don't want to sit here on the address and spook them so since the garage is down and the boys are out front playing baseball it helps me pretty much figure out who's driving what that's one of the questions I had was who was driving which vehicle looks like the boys have gone inside now y so perfect timing come by here just in time to see those boys out front playing ball and according to what grandma said put the pieces of the puzzle together and uh what I'll do is just before 6:00 we'll uh come up here and sit on the house and if I see them actually leave in the vehicle then I'll let them go because I know where they're going to and once the Vehicle Parks we'll pop it in the parking lot there at the school where they having baseball so the part I left out of the last segment was between coming back and checking the address and finding the garage door closed I was driving up and down State Street looking for different sporting goods stores where someone might go to buy new catching miror catcher G gear and I saw a place called Park sport which I figured hey that you know I saw a silver carb in there that matched the description so I turned in there and they have this 3 or 4T High parking Ste pole that they put there because I guess they've had a number of trucks that have been pulling out of there and they have an overhanging eve and so to warn so that people don't keep hitting that overhanging Eve they put this this cement column there and as I pulled in I didn't see it my truck's got too much of a lift and I drove right over the top of it bent it down at an angle it went up underneath my truck made a horrendous sound anyways the owner came out I gave my carard to look you know my I got insurance I you need me to pay for it I'll pay for it he says hey looks like your truck took the brunt of the damage you know we can get the pull put back in the ground no problem I drove check my steering back and forth back and forth it seemed okay I drove all the way over here to this address checked it and must have made two couple lefts couple rights turned around no big deal and uh but to pull out of the neighborhood and now I have no steering to the left I have plenty of steering to the right I can turn right I'm actually in someone's driveway I pulled out of the street there you can see the street corner and I turned right and as I went to turn straighten my wheel out it was locked and I'm guessing that the I I leaked fluid all the fluid out of my steering gearbox brand new $500 gearbox that I just had put in here back in January day after I got out of the hospital I had an accident smacked into a wall stripped the gearbox had a brand new $500 gearbox put in and it looks like I just stripped out another steering gearbox so I am sitting here waiting for a flat bed tow truck from a buddy of mine come pick me up take me over to a shop that get this the shop I'm having taken to is right across the street from Park sport where I ran over this curb so as soon as I've got my truck hauled over there I'll walk across the street and I'll show you what I ran over what sucks is I know exactly where that car is going to be at 6:00 it's 4:41 and I'm now out of a truck that's not going to be fixed by today not by 6 they close at 6 and it's Friday so uh my one shot at getting this car while it's out of the garage just it's life that's life happening right there so the truck truck runs just fine I have no steering whatso I can steer this way I can't steer this way my wheels are turned just a little bit like this I ran over a parking pole over at Park Sports before I left the parking lot I made sure I had steering and I seemed fine so I came over here it's a repo truck I don't if you can see the lift on the back there but I came over here and was checking an address and as I'm exiting this neighborhood I turned right to pull out of the neighborhood went to straighten out my truck did not straighten out and I ended up right where I'm sitting right there so I can put it in reverse if you want to snatch it from the front but we're going to block traffic CU I'll go straight out into this Lane if you want to pick it up from the ass I I have I have only turned to this way I've tried everything I can to get to go this way it will not turn only turns that way only turns to the right you can probably turn it and just back it in this Lane right here okay so back and and just leave the wheels turn to the right yeah okay all right I'll do that okay okay you want me to sit in it and hold the wheel this way [Music] [Music] you know our tasting is yeah okay see the p fent over oh yeah yep I creamed it looks like they've actually even stood it up a little bit since I hit it cuz it was like all the way over I'll jump out and go see where jar what was B J want us in you got a spot for me don't even don't even start look at it did you see it you can't see that thing like I saw what you're talking about I did I turned in there there's no way I could have seen that thing it's my gearbox it's my gear I know I just put a brand new one in there in January it's breaking oil and it'll only turn to the right but we got the wheels pretty darn straight so if he can get it in there pretty far I've only got I've only got light turning I know The Money Pit so let have change the license plate because ml n YP I Money Pit sh man so I tried pushing That Thing Up it wouldn't going there we go yeah you want to try doing one more straight now you think you can get it from there enough the angle roll right and plus it's going to roll that way anyways okay good clear I've got a matching beauty mark on this side you see the pole over there Park sport I heard about that's that was me I I didn't even see it pulled in there just like normal I mean I pulled in a sh i k and everything right over that pole and I'm pretty sure it's a gearbox what sucks is this this gearbox is brand new January D 500 bucks truck's down till Monday I've Got a Car sitting in a parking lot at 6:00 over here where they play baseball behind the police station that is always in a garage and I found out from Grandma it's going to be over there in the parking lot at 6:00 what what is the irony of that Jake I can try I'm going to start calling him right now from your phone see if I can get a hold of and get him down here and tell him the urgency of it see if he'll he's willing to come down with his truck but I turned in right here as sharp as I could turn they've got this stupid thing right here that you can tell has been hit a million times that's what I ran over right there I guess it's because of the that overhanging Eve right there they got trucks that have hit that so they put that in right there and I swear to God they call me and ask for my insurance information I'm going to tell them should come look I got a freaking bill for my truck as well tell me to drive make sure you're neutral how you feeling today one crazy look how many look how many people have hit that thing that is the stupidest place in the world to put a freaking You Know M and they told me they admitted a number of people have hit that thing there's no way I could have not seen that drove right up over it $500 in damage
Channel: RepoNut
Views: 215,532
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: repo, repossession, reponut, repoman, repomen, car, cars, vehicle, vehicles, taken, took, stole, stolen, ut, utah, provo, orem, salt lake city, skip, trace, skip trace, skip tracing, skip tracer, locate, locating, lost, missing, hard to find, technology, hi-tech, gps, tracking, repossessor, carsofutah, stealing
Id: 0x7Mbcqo9rI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 9sec (1689 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2013
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