Majesty, Glory & Honor [The Promises of God]

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[Music] it's good to be with you again our topic is majesty glory and honor here's the good news you and i as christ followers have been invited into the glory and the majesty of the eternal kingdom of the creator of heaven and earth wow drop the mic if i had one in my hand i would folks we're not just church attenders or religious people we don't just have a set of rules or a beverage list or some place we go on sunday morning we are children of the king there's no challenge in your life there is no expression of evil or disappointment that has touched you that can negate the reality of the goodness of god in the welcoming us into his kingdom lift up your head god is moving in the earth and we've been invited to be a part of that initiative grab your bible get a notepad most of all open your heart god has an invitation for us today our title for actually this session and our next one is similar they're intended to be companion pieces we're going to talk about majesty glory and honor and i really want to invite you to a heightened imagination of what it means to be a christ follower something far beyond a church member or a church a tender or a church participant or a religious person or a person with a heightened moral sense or perhaps an elevated ethical awareness all of those things are fine but they're not adequate representations of what it means to be in a relationship with the king of kings and the lord of lords the one who created the heavens and the earth and somehow i think we've managed to to diminish it to the point that it's easily sacrificed it can be set aside we've attached such little value to it we've treated it as if it's an eternal insurance policy and in the outside chance that there is a god and there might be an eternity we want to get our god business wrapped up but we don't want to spend too much time thinking about it and if that's been your approach to faith i just invite you to pause for with me for a few minutes and consider inviting god into your life in a different way verse of scripture revelation chapter 4 and verse 11. i don't even think it's in your notes i got the deluxe set it says you are worthy our lord and god to receive glory and honor and power for you created all things and by your will they were created and they have their being you are worthy to receive glory and honor and power the bible tells us that when jesus returns to the earth he will come in a splendor of his glory and the majesty of his kingdom and i promise you you'll be grateful that you were an early adopter now you may say now well you know worship's not my thing i'm not emotional you will be then and i'm not really trying to pry emotions out of you you can work that out with your personality and the spirit of the lord but don't avoid it i find we get emotional about the things we care about and the more we care about the lord the more we're willing to give expression to emotions in the way that god created us and he is worthy to receive glory and honor and power for he created all things this week is a watershed week for us as much as i wanted to file in here and do business as usual that just didn't seem right to me a year ago today they were emptying bridgestone arena and i had famously made the declaration the day before they're playing basketball in nashville we'll be having church on saturday i got a call from a friend who worked for the nashville police department and say we're emptying bridgestone and by the next morning we were closing the building they were turning away in nashville the sec basketball teams i never thought i would see that happen i rather arrogantly said the revenue from that's too great they won't turn that away the teams and the coaches and the media and the fans who traveled to nashville for the festivities were loading up and headed out of town within a few hours the streets of nashville and other cities across our nation were eerily quiet the message that we were being given from every possible messaging outlet was that millions of us could and probably would die they were sobering days if you've forgotten they said our health care system would collapse so our instructions were to go shelter in place two weeks we could flatten the curve and then return to some semblance of our normal activities well the year turned out to be very different in many respects wonderfully different millions of us didn't die and our health care system didn't collapse and we are still walking into each day under the strength and the blessing and the authority of almighty god and i'm very very grateful for that one of the great casualties it seems to me of the season of pandemic has been trust we've been consistently told over these last few months who to trust and you've heard the messaging trust the science trust the system trust the media don't heckle trust the politicians trust the celebrities and the professional athletes we've heard the messages and many of them have been delivered with sincerity and tremendous emotion they've certainly come frequently more unsettling to me than that because you can decide who you'll trust more unsettling to me is we've been told who we can't trust and there's been an equally if not greater effort with even more intensity it seems to me to demonstrate those persons and places and institutions we cannot trust we're told not to trust the police that they should wear cameras so we can keep an eye on them [Music] we're told not to trust our history that our past has to be rewritten and retold in light of current values the history can withstand review but if we review our history in light of all of our current perspectives it won't withstand that fact there are very few disciplines that could withstand that if we reviewed our our medical community and our scientific community of a hundred years ago based upon current practices today we would condemn all of them we were told not to trust our bibles that the moral perspectives are no longer relevant we've been told not to cling to such outdated principles there have been many things we've been told not to trust you can make your own list by observation tragically there's some things we've learned to trust less just by observing i think we trust less today in the fbi in fisa courts in our confidence of the bill of rights providing protection the world health organization a neutral media the center for disease control i think we trust less and many so-called profits and on and on and on we need clarity on this folks there is an assault on trust today a year later many of our schools are still closed or at least greatly altered many of our small businesses are gone [Music] or they're teetering on the brink almost every aspect of our lives has changed how we shop how we gather with friends how we travel how we worship we didn't know that was coming a year ago this week our nation is bankrupt financially and morally now for most we just prefer not to notice let's just not talk about it and let's just move along but i would submit to you that this spring we need to do more than just celebrate easter we desperately need god to bring resurrection life to our nation to our churches to our nation to our churches to our families but most importantly to our own hearts this is personal don't be angry at someone else don't point a finger at someone else don't get heated up about another party that's not the party you endorse this is personal our hearts have to change if the hearts of god's people will change god will move heaven and earth on behalf of his people we have been idolatrous we have imagined that other things things that we have crafted and things that we have shaped could secure our futures and the futures of our children and we were wrong but god in his mercy is awakening us and helping us to see with more clarity it's a wonderful time he is worthy of glory and honor and power and we will see him in the splendor of his majesty we want to be prepared now i'm going to move quickly through your outline so you'll need to buckle up i'm not going to well i won't promise anything let's start with ephesians 1. i want to read ephesians 1 verses 3 to 10 and then i'll offer a couple of quick comments there are seven promises in this passage of what god has been pleased to do for us and as we read through it note the ways and the places where god is showing emotion how glad he is how pleased he is at being able to do good things for us that amazes me that god loves us in the midst of all of our ungodliness he knows everything about us the things you and i have hidden and we pray never sees a screen at church god knows and he still is pleased to show us mercy we've got to reflect that to the world around us ephesians 1 3 praise be to the god and father of our lord jesus christ who's blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in christ he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight in love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through jesus christ in accordance with his pleasure and will to the praise of his glorious grace which he has freely given us in the one he loves in him we have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of sins in accordance with the riches of god's grace that he lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding and he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure which he purposed in christ to be put into effect when the times will have reached their fulfillment to bring all things in heaven and earth together under one head even christ now god has opened a way for all of us to serve the king and it's really if you don't take anything else away from this little presentation please take this portion away for your reflection it says in verse 3 that he's blessed us in the heavenly realms the heavenly realms are eternal realms the blessings that we have there can't be diminished they can't be stolen he's blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in christ secondly in verse 4 it says he's chosen us to be holy and blameless god's creative he looked at you with me and said they could be holy we looked at one other one one another and thought probably not god looked at us and chose us to be holy and blameless in ourselves impossible cannot be achieved but he tells us about his provision in verse in verse 5 the third point he says in love he predestined us to be adopted as his children through jesus christ in accordance with his pleasure it pleased him to welcome us into the family in the midst of our rebellion and the hardness of our heart in verse six the fourth thing it says he's freely given us grace grace you'll recall is not merit based if it has anything to do with merit it's not grace it means it's unearned undeserved it's a reflection of god's character ignoring our own number five it's verse seven it says in him in christ we have redemption through his blood to be redeemed means to be bought back to be delivered from a circumstance that you're incapable of delivering yourself from that's the story of easter it's the point of redemption god has done something for us we cannot do for ourselves in him we have redemption through his blood that's a high price he didn't work an extra shift he had to offer himself as the sacrifice number six it says he's lavished upon us i like that word lavished he didn't just give us enough he didn't he didn't provide a sufficient amount when he got to the point that was sufficient to an adequate amount he said more oh more than that don't stop we have plenty more he lavished upon us grace and wisdom and understanding to be a christ follower to be a part of the kingdom of our god means god's wisdom and god's understanding comes to you jesus will not diminish your life we've got to stop apologizing church why would we stand before an ungodly world and apologize for our worldview it makes no sense it's a denial of what the scripture says about us well they may not agree okay we'll love them but we're not going to capitulate we don't have to surrender and then finally the seventh thing it says god has made known to us the mystery of his will because that was his good pleasure he wanted us to know his will for the earth for the descendants of adam that's amazing to me that the creator of heaven and earth would take time with a goofy kid that grew up in barnes in tennessee that i might know his will [Music] and what he did for me he'll do for you amen i'm telling you the greatest honor of our lives is bearing the name of jesus there's nothing that will ever come to you to match that are you a christ follower absolutely well i've seen yes you may have i've got a picture i'm sorry delete it maybe the lord will help you forget we're not perfect i'm not excusing sloppiness if you're living in sin quit it will destroy you every time fooling pastor is not the objective that's not very difficult hiding it from the people you worship with who cares they're not the judges the greatest honor is bearing the name of jesus we are god entrusts us with your physical birth when he knits you together in your mother's womb and breathes his spirit into you when you're born into time we are entrusted with a sacred gift a journey through time it does not define your existence your spirit is eternal that part of you is created in god's image and when your physical body when your earth suit wears out your spirit will step right into eternity but from an eternal perspective for a very brief season we get to make a journey through time and the question for all the ages is what will we do with that journey will we serve the lord will we serve ourselves we accept god we reject god god created us with the free will you can make that journey any way you want to you can be a pagan you can be godly you can be wicked you can be righteous you can do whatever you want to god's given you that freedom in fact rather surprisingly in scripture we get near the end of the book he says you know let the wicked be more wicked in fact it says literally if you want to be filthy be even more filthy but let those who want to be righteous be even more righteous and i want to take the minutes we have and and give you just a simple little outline for your journey through time maybe just pick the one or two ideas that you want to reflect on for the next few days you don't have to live with the whole thing pick the ones that the spirit of god makes real to you just some simple insights for the journey it begins with a birth and a bath in john chapter 3 jesus said i tell you the truth and he's talking to a religious leader of the jewish community an expert in the mosaic law good guy comes to jesus and jesus said i tell you the truth so you know what's coming next is like a bombshell if you didn't say i'm telling you the truth you wouldn't believe it i tell you the truth no one can see the kingdom of god unless he's born again in nicodemus's case it doesn't matter who your genetics are it doesn't matter which holidays you keep or what you put on your fork nicodemus if you're not born again you're going to miss it so the first piece of the journey is you've got to qualify for that new birth we use several labels for that the new birth conversion salvation they all describe the same thing your initiation into the kingdom of god how do you do that romans tells us that you do it by believing in your heart and confessing with your mouth that jesus is lord it's not about joining the right group it's not about meeting in the right place no single congregation has a lock on this nor any single denomination or any language race or tribe because the body of christ will be comprised from people all over the earth but we'll share that one thing in common that new birth and then it's followed by a bath by baptism baptism brings to completion what begins with that profession of faith if you've never been baptized we're putting the pools back up for easter amen you can go out online and register we couldn't think of anything better to do easter weekend than hold a few people underwater we won't we'll help you up i promise it's not about joining this church it has very little to do with this church that has everything to do with your spiritual life what would people say if the lord is pleased with me do i care and if i do i'm going to work through that so the journey begins with a birth and a bath and then we step into a lifetime of maturing in the lord growing up in the lord we've mistakenly thought that if i've i've met that threshold of the new birth or conversion or salvation i'm pretty much done and if i've been baptized i'm an overachiever but that's not really the biblical presentation at all we're tasked with growing up in the lord just as you grow and mature physically and emotionally and spiritually i hope you never stop growing as a person and i certainly pray you never stop growing spiritually first peter chapter 2 and verse 1 says therefore rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit hypocrisy envy and slander of every kind he's writing to believers he's writing to the church and he says rid yourselves of malice and deceit and hypocrisy and envy and slander of every kind in order to rid yourself of it they've got to be present don't tolerate that stuff like newborn babies craves pure spiritual milk so that by you may grow up in your salvation now that you have tasted that the lord is good we want to keep growing in our salvation this is where i think we have i don't know whether it's been in the presentation or the way we've heard it or the way we've understood it but i think we've been a bit stunted we've been a bit smug a bit self-righteous a bit too self-certain we've stopped growing folks one day we're going to stand before the lord i don't want to show up at the pearly gates and make my presentation with a pacifier wearing pampers i'd likely i would at least like to show up you know like with some work gloves or some calluses or something wouldn't you people said you know i just want to get there what do you mean i hope you're laying up treasure in heaven i hope i get hoarse when they're handing out rewards cheering for you i'm not looking for the lowest possible threshold and now i can just slide through i did that in school long enough first corinthians chapter 4 paul's writing to the church in corinth that he had helped shepherd into existence in verse 14. he said i'm not writing this to shame you but to warn you as my dear children he's not writing to the children's class he has the imagery that he helped them be birthed into the kingdom and he's going to watch or parent them into maturity in their faith i warn you as my dear children even though you have 10 000 guardians in christ you don't have many fathers for in christ jesus i became your father through the gospel far too often in our spiritual journey our growth has been interrupted and probably with even greater frequency we reach some point we just throw off the discipline declaring ourselves sufficient i don't any longer need to do any real business with god i don't need to give any thought to the word of god i why would i do that i've done my god business i did that baptism thing well there's an example in the book of galatians that i think is instructive helpful pick a word again it's a church that paul helped bring into existence and he writes them this letter because they need some correction and his language is pretty harsh in galatians 3 and verse 1 he says you foolish galatians who has bewitched you before your very eyes jesus christ was clearly portrayed as crucified he said some spirit other than the holy spirit is a work in the midst of the church what are you thinking he says he says you're foolish and he goes on in verse seven he said you were running a good race who cut in on you and kept you from obeying the truth you've lost all your momentum what happened to you to be completely candid i think what we've seen is an expression of god's mercy he looked at us a year ago he said what's happened to you and he's shaking us a bit and we're still trying to get our bearings and understand and find our footing but to be a christ follower was about a lifetime of maturing and growing up there has been no point of maturing in my life that at the time i experienced i thought boy this is fun every one of those maturing points came with grumpiness on my part there was a time when i lived at home and they cooked my food and did my laundry and gave me money that would not work today i'd be hungry and broke i might get away with a day or two but that's about as far as it would go they expected me to grow up a little bit and there's ways that the lord has cared for you and watched over you but he expects us to grow up number three there's a pattern presented in scripture and i borrowed a quote i don't have a better way to say it no reserves no retreat and no regret if you think being a christ follower is a passive response to life you have not paid attention if you think the great adventures of your life lie with your hobbies or your professional interests or those things you really haven't paid attention to the stories of scripture no reserves no retreat and no regret in luke chapter 18 peter's talking to jesus and we're allowed to listen in peter said we've left all we had to follow you and jesus said here's this wonderful phrase again i tell you the truth no one who's left home or wife or brothers or parents or children for the sake of the kingdom of god will fail to receive many times as much in this age and in the age to come eternal life there's something beyond time folks our journey through time is brief it'll be gone before you know it and jesus said there's nothing that you will yield sacrifice surrender in the service of my kingdom that won't be repaid to you god will be no man's debtor one of the ways to understand your journey and your maturity is to think back at the places and the things you've struggled with learning to surrender to the lord we all do that that's why we can identify those benchmarks and some of us get hung up on some of those places for years and we blame other people and the failures of other people or the inadequacies of the systems we've been exposed to all of those things may be true and legitimate but they don't excuse you and me from growing up in the lord that's peter as a young man in second peter chapter one we're very near the end of his life and he knows he's near the end of his life and he writes a letter to those people that he has been shepherding and guiding and befriended second peter chapter 1 and verse 13 they said i think it's right to refresh your memory as long as i live in the tent of this body i think the description is helpful he understands his body is a temporary dwelling he didn't stay in the stone cathedral of this body in the tent of this body because i know that i will soon put it aside it doesn't mean his camping trip is about over he means he understands that his life is coming to a conclusion i'll soon put it aside as our lord jesus christ has made clear to me and i'll make every effort to see that after my departure you'll always be able to remember these things we didn't follow cleverly invented stories when we told you about the power and the coming of our lord jesus christ but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty for he received honor and glory from god the father when the voice came to him from the majestic glory saying this is my son whom i love with him i'm well pleased we ourselves heard this voice that came from heaven when we were with him on the sacred mountain peter's writing a letter and he said i'm about done here i'm leaving so i'm making the effort to put it down in print for you peter's very clearly when you read the the the text is is it nearly as sophisticated in his thought or his his writing skills as paul he said i've made every effort to give you what i know of the lord and then he goes back to the mount of transfiguration where he and james and john were when jesus was transformed and begin to this and had a conversation with moses and elijah and a voice from heaven said this is my son i'm pleased with him and peter is an old man he's not recanting he's not saying you know i've had 40 years to think about that and maybe i had a little cardio issue we'd climb that mountain and the sun was hot and upon further reflection in fact he's doing just the opposite he's doubling down he said i don't want you to forget what i told you i was a witness to because i'm leaving and you're going to need to be a witness to it as well i hope you're building your own personal profile no reserves no retreat no regret number four on our journey through time never forget there's something better ahead the world we live in is broken we are broken and we're in transition hebrews 2 and verse 7 says it says of jesus you made him a little lower than the angels you crowned him with glory and honor and put everything under his feet in putting everything under him god left nothing that is not subject to him yet at present we do not see everything subject to him can i get an amen we don't see everything subject to the lordship of jesus do we but we will there's something better ahead of us we're on an assignment the bible says in the new testament there were strangers here aliens pilgrims you don't want to get overly invested i like to travel and i've had the privilege of being in a lot of different places in the world but no places like middle tennessee the best part of every trip is coming home sweet tea and sausage gravy is a blessing if you haven't left you don't know how much of a blessing it is don't take it for granted now those are some simple things for your journey through time we've been given some personal information from the designer the design engineer that imagined you before you drew a breath has made some suggestions it would help to pay attention he talks to you about your old self and your new self your old self that that carnal earthly part of you that prior to the new birth was the only source of input you had but as a christ follower we have a new self we have a new voice we have a new sheriff in town but we still have to deal with that old part of ourself those ungodly desires i can tell you how to identify it very quickly it's the part of you that says i want i feel and i think totally uninformed by scripture or a god perspective it just voices its opinion well i feel people say to me you know you can't tell me my feelings aren't true no i wouldn't attempt to do that i can just tell you that every feeling isn't helpful well i know what i think good but i would encourage you to submit your thoughts to the authority of god well i know what i want wonderful but again i would encourage you to subject your wants to the lordship of jesus that's what being a christ follower is old self a new self ephesians chapter 4 and verse 19. it's describing our lives apart from god having lost all sensitivity they've given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity with a continual lust for more you however did not come to know christ that way surely you've heard of him and were taught in him in accordance with the truth that is in jesus you were taught with regard to your former way of life to put off your old self which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires to be made new in the attitude of your minds and to put on the new self created to be like god in true righteousness and holiness to put off the old self and to put on the new self that's the stuff of growing up in the lord not sitting in church if sitting in church would make us better christ followers he would have told us and please don't stop coming then he told us there's challenges we're going to encounter that it's not going to be an easy journey amen but i'm surprised every time it's difficult every time there's something difficult i whine i mean i may not whine to you but i wine god john 16 33 jesus said i've told you these things so to me in me you may have peace in this world you'll have trouble but take heart i've overcome the world and every time i have trouble i think god why did that happen now i don't always hear him say it to me but i can hear him saying to somebody i told him if you were going to go to israel with me i would tell you that once we left newark it's an 11-hour flight and if you came and woke me up from asleep 30 minutes out and asked me how long it was going to be i would lay hands on you [Laughter] it's an 11-hour flight leave me alone jesus loves you and there's going to be challenges on our journey through time why i don't when we when we get to the end we can ask right now just no it's 11 hours i don't like to travel you're on the plane you are traveling i don't like trouble you're under the sun and 30 tells us there's going to be temptations first corinthians 10 if you think you're standing firm be careful i think you got it all figured out you've covered all your bases and you've grown up be careful that you don't fall no temptation to seize you except what's common to man temptation's normal it's a common life experience and god is faithful he'll not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear i read once for mother teresa said she sometimes wished god didn't have so much confidence in her but when you're tempted he'll also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it you know what the the fundamental temptation is it's not immorality or greed or anger the fundamental temptation is to reject god and godliness and it's a certainty to every one of us our adversary will attempt to get you to reject god's purposes for your life he did it to jesus to get a shortcut to compromise he doesn't ask you to abandon god he wants you to compromise the biblical fancy word for it is syncretism you don't reject god you just incorporate some other things into it you don't throw your bible away you just quit treating it as authoritative temptations and then the designer told us that we have an adversary and he told us a good bit about the nature of his kingdom first peter 5 and verse 8 says be self-controlled and alert your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour hide in the cave and never come out no he said resist him stand firm in your faith because you know that your brothers throughout the world undergo the same kind of sufferings you're not unique i always think my pain is unique i mean your problems are little problems i have real problems but i think we all tend to feel that way in john 10 jesus said a little differently same message he said that the thief comes only to steal to kill and destroy that there's someone coming to steal from you what god intends you to have to destroy what god intends your future to be and if he could he would totally annihilate you that's the nature of this journey but here's the good news and i'm going to close with this one the designer tells us that he has provided personal spiritual help concierge service john 16 and verse 5 jesus is speaking and he's talking to his best friends and he said now i'm going to him who sent me and none of you asks me where are you going but because i've said these things to you sorrow has filled your heart jesus has said i'm leaving and where i'm going you can't come and they're very agitated they said that's not the arrangement we signed on to follow you we've climbed the mountains with you we've crossed the lake with you we've come down the mount of olives with you we've we signed up for this trip where you're going we're going and jesus said where i'm going now you can't come and they are you can imagine they're beside themselves they're not just having a bad day they don't have words complete over emotional over over emotionally overwhelmed in fact jesus said i've got a lot more i need to say to you but you can't bear it right now that's one of the most significant passages in my bible to me the sensitivity of jesus to the circumstances of his best friends as they're trying to process what life is presenting to them it's tremendous evidence that god won't ask you to bear more than you're capable of doesn't mean you always like what you're being asked to bear doesn't mean it's fair or just or right it means the creator and designer of all things is the one who will ultimately balance the scale don't give up but listen to what jesus said because i've said these things to you sorrow has filled your heart but i tell you the truth there's that phrase again it's to your advantage that i go away for if i don't go away the helper will not come to you but if i go i'll send him to you who's he talking about the holy spirit he said you know if i'm here i'm limited there's there's a dozen of you that i've recruited and we've stayed pretty close but but i'm leaving but it's really going to be better for you because if i leave i'll send you a helper and he'll never leave you or forsake you any one of you those of you in murfreesboro and those of you in dc and those of you from other places he will never leave you or forsake you jesus said it's an upgrade they didn't believe him and if you look at our attitude towards the holy spirit i'm not sure we've believed him either but i believe jesus tells the truth folks one day we will see the lord in his majesty and his glory and be able to lift our voices to give honor to him in the interim the highest privilege of our lives is serving him in our brief journey through time it's disorienting it's not easy it's confusing we're walking through a season unlike any i've ever been through but god is awakening us many of us are in a better place with the lord than we were a year ago this week we're listening more carefully we've prayed more we're cleaning up our lives we're asking god questions some of us are not but it's not too late come on well i don't like it duly noted my vacation got cancelled okay i grieve what my children lost i understand it's where we are and the awkward truth is we would have rather had our way then god interrupt us but he is sovereign we're going to work on this topic some more in our next session you can join us online if you can't get here but i want to close with a prayer that's in your notes we can stand together we can pray this together i'm convinced a big part of this season is to teach us to pray and it it's one of the most it's something that the church i think in general has taken a pass on and one of the ways we learn to pray is we borrow prayers it's not something new jesus disciples came and said teach us to pray and jesus said we'll pray this prayer right our father who art in heaven you've heard that one there are other prayers sprinkled through the new testament and we borrow them quite frequently the book of psalms is a collection of prayers amen so you learn to pray by taking if we pray a prayer together and it resonates with you take it with you take a picture of it say it every day morning noon and night until there's a new prayer that resonates with you and then you pick that one up and you'll find after a period of time you'll begin to find your voice to pray we have to learn to pray let's read this one together heavenly father you have called me out of darkness and established me in the kingdom of your son thank you i yield my life to you without reservation teach me to order my days that i may be pleasing in your sight deliver me from temptation establish me in your strength and provision that i may declare the praises of the one who has saved me in jesus name amen hallelujah god bless you [Music] hey this is pastor allen thank you for watching this video if you enjoyed it like it and most importantly share it with your friends if you want to be notified when there's new content we post new material if you'll just subscribe to my channel and hit the bell you'll get the notification most of all i pray god blesses you as you continue on your spiritual journey and open your heart to the lord god bless [Music] you
Channel: Allen Jackson Ministries
Views: 5,509
Rating: 4.9512196 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Allen Jackson, allen jackson ministries, world outreach church, alan jackson, sermons, preachers, how to be saved, Finding Jesus, pastor allen jackson sermons, Majesty, Glory & Honor, The Promises of God, Holiness, Honor, Glory
Id: Gg2JXbfzYpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 59sec (2639 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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